
Chapter 1470: Celebrities

"Huh?" Chu Zhaonan looked at him curiously: "You evolved?"

Hehe... It seems that we need to discuss life today. Come on, I have an immature idea...

Chu Zhaonan ignored him, his fingertips slowly moved the numbers, hesitantly: "But... This arrangement is different from all the programs I have seen."

"It records the great way of a Yahweh. Do you want to learn?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, Chu Zhaonan shook his head without thinking.

"I have my own way. If I refer to other people's ideas, then I am not me. Even if he is Yahweh." He glanced at Xu Yangyi lightly: "Don't tell me you want to learn?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and shook his head: "I don't have the idea of ​​learning, I just want to know what is written. Can you see it?"

"I can't see it, but... Give me a computer, I should be able to analyze what it is saying."

Xu Yangyi's eyes tended to widen again.

It's really wronged for you to come to the Seventh Realm, all-rounder, do you dare to be more awesome?

Chu Zhaonan said calmly: "This is common sense."

Come on... stretch your head over here, I have a good treasure here...

"... If you mention the word common sense again in the future, I will be angry... Okay, let's go. I guess your sect leader is waiting anxiously." Xu Yangyi sighed and turned around, extremely melancholy.

The two turned into streams of light and flew to the Vajra Road. The Vajra Road is related to Buddhism, and the buildings along the way have a strong Buddhist atmosphere. Unlike ordinary Buddhist sects, this place has a bit more murderous intent in the solemn atmosphere. It follows the righteous school of angry Vajra, with flying necklaces, glazed golden tiles, seven treasures of Buddhism and practice instruments. But it is not the long robe bald head of ordinary Buddhist sects, but it has a different flavor.

"Very generous." Xu Yangyi glanced at it, the sky was high and the clouds were light between the green mountains and cypresses, and the murderous intent was hidden. It is completely different from the sharp style of Tianjian Villa.

"Tianjian Villa is not in a good geographical location. It is the intersection of the three sects of Saxue Sect, Wanling Guiyi Sect, and Daxia Dynasty. It is necessary to show off. And the Vajra Dao is the strongest sect in the surrounding millions of miles. It needs to be grand and majestic. It is naturally different when hundreds of sects come to pay tribute." Chu Zhaonan answered casually: "We are here."

Before he finished speaking, the green wall of the ten thousand feet mountain in front of him opened up, forming a huge basin, surrounded by five peaks, fairy clouds, fairy beasts and cranes flying in the middle, spiritual springs and strange flowers swaying, thousands of monks flying in the sky, and a huge building complex in the center is in the shape of three rings arching the moon, surrounding a square with hazy treasure light.

Countless talismans were engraved on the top of the mountain, and countless pavilions and towers were swallowing clouds and puffing out mist. The figures of the two were not concealed at all, and they turned into escaping light and rushed to the hall. The monks along the way immediately made way, like Moses dividing the water. When the two figures disappeared, a cultivator behind them gasped and said, "Is this... Lord Ben Lei?"

"I thought I was seeing things." Another cultivator also stared blankly at the front: "It turns out that our young master and Lord Ben Lei are really like brothers... I thought it was a strategic consideration of the sect..."

"Of course it's true! Let me tell you, if it weren't for the help of our young master, how could Lord Ben Lei fight against ten thousand people in the battle of Cangtian City!" "But didn't you hear from the sect?" "Are you stupid? Now this matter has become so big, thirteen Taixu disciples are out at the same time, it has never happened in history Yes, are we going to die if we jump out now?" "Heh... I couldn't believe it when I heard it, one man guarding the pass... How could he do that?"

Xu Yangyi's ears moved slightly, and he smiled and said: "I was unconscious for two days? How did you know all about this?"

"Two and a half days." Chu Zhaonan raised his eyebrows: "'How did you know all about it? 'Hehe... You almost got everyone out of the game. Taixu's direct disciple and those Taoist saints wanted to eat their flesh and sleep on their skin. There were tens of thousands of cultivators, so many witnesses, it was impossible to cover it up. "

As the escape light flew past, everyone was paying attention, and Moses Fenshui retreated silently. The two of them were used to breaking through the clouds and mist and piercing the sky. Chu Zhaonan glanced around and said lightly: "Now your name is known to everyone. Everyone knows that a ruthless person has appeared in this great struggle. This is still in the Vajra Dao. If you go to other sects, it is estimated that their sect leaders will be scared to death."

When the last word fell, the two of them had already landed at the entrance of the hall. This hall is at least a hundred meters high and several thousand meters in size, with three peaks in a row. There were not many monks at the door, but when they saw the faces of the two people clearly, their eyes stared at them in unison, and with a suppressed exclamation, their eyes like flames immediately nailed on Xu Yangyi.

"Benlei..." "Alive!" "Oh my's really him!"

A faint voice sounded, Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows and laughed softly: "Is it so exaggerated?"

"It's so exaggerated." Chu Zhaonan stepped in: "Maybe there are open-minded female cultivators who let you sign with spiritual energy on her chest. The kind that will never wear out."

As they joked, the two of them walked through the corridors and came to a courtyard that was not very large, but it was also two or three hundred square meters. In the center was a clear pond with a canopy of an ancient Bodhi tree several tens of meters high. In the green grass, there was a cultivator with white hair, immortal style, and long sleeves. Across from him, a big man with a fiery red body, a bald head and a long robe, and his eyes were like lightning, holding two black and white pieces and playing chess on the table.

Another pale cultivator, emaciated, exuding a gloomy aura, sat aside with his eyes closed like a stone sculpture.

The rustling wind caresses the leaves, and occasionally a slight sound of falling can be heard. The chirping of cicadas makes the forest even quieter, and the singing of birds makes the mountains more secluded.

One Yin Zun, two Yang Sheng. All of them are in the late stage.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, these three people... I have seen them all.

"But the young master and fellow Daoist Benlei?" The pale Yin Zun raised his eyes slightly, his eyes were like lightning, his voice was like thunder in the thick clouds, and his expression was calm.

"The head of the Ku Gu Temple, Master Tian Gu, the robbers saw him when he ascended to heaven." Chu Zhaonan was not in a position to speak at this moment. After saying this, he stepped aside.

Wanzhong Shengjun and the red-skinned man did not speak, as if they were already fascinated by the game and had never heard of it. Xu Yangyi sighed silently and took a step forward: "That's right."

"Okay." Master Tian Gu nodded slightly, and the next second, he flicked his sleeves, the table in front of him did not move, and the black and white pieces suddenly disappeared, and with a bang, they turned into meteors flying in the sky with a little ghost fire.

Wanzhong Shengjun's men paused, but did not move. He knew why the other party did this. Don't underestimate the B-level sects. Any B-level or higher sects have the hope of impacting the A-level forces. What's missing is just an opportunity. The Five Yin Venerables of the Kugu Temple are definitely not weak. But the larger the sect, the better the requirements for selecting true disciples and young sect masters.

It's better to have nothing than to have something unqualified... It's hard to wait for Zhao Ziqi to inherit the mantle, which can be said to be a thousand years of waiting. But this happened. If it were him, Ben Lei would definitely be furious when he died while helping others. Not to mention venting his anger, even a sect war might break out.

The other party's outburst in this way was already a great face for him and the Vajra Dao.

Swish... The chess pieces were like raindrops, but they bloomed with golden light when they fell in front of Xu Yangyi and disappeared into the ripples. It would be fine if Master Tiangu didn't explode. Once he did, he would bleed in his heart and be furious when he thought of Zhao Ziqi. With a sneer, his figure was like a ghost, rushing straight to Xu Yangyi.

"Give me back my disciple's life!"

A strong wind suddenly blew, ghosts cried and wolves howled, and the courtyard suddenly changed into a cold wind.

Xu Yangyi sighed and said in a deep voice: "Zi Qi is not dead."

Swish! The cold wind blew back, and Wanzhong Shengjun and the big man looked shocked. Tiangu Shangren's pupils suddenly widened, and the ghost claw that had grabbed Xu Yangyi's chest instantly turned into black mist and dissipated. He grabbed Xu Yangyi's wrist, and his voice was trembling: "He is not dead?!"

In the corner, Chu Zhaonan also raised his head with a flickering look and listened attentively.

"No." Xu Yangyi shook his head affirmatively: "But his soul is in the hands of an extremely terrifying existence."

"Great Sage?" Tiangu Shangren was pale. Xu Yangyi shook his head and said solemnly: "Far beyond the Great Sage."

"I'll say this, and you will forget it as soon as you turn your head. Remember, don't try to track down where his soul is. I have a way. Otherwise... the sect will be destroyed in a blink of an eye."

His voice was too solemn, and the eyes of the three venerable saints were completely solemn, but there was a hint of disbelief.

Surpassing the Great Sage?

"Flying... Immortal?" Wanzhong Shengjun took a breath and trembled.

"It's more terrifying than that." Xu Yangyi reminded again: "Don't get involved in this matter. This monster... is definitely not something that one plane can contend with. I will find a way and will definitely save Zi Qi."

"I will also try my best." Chu Zhaonan said in a deep voice. The big man moved his lips, but finally said nothing.

Tiangu Shangren stared at Xu Yangyi, and his intuition told him that the other party was not lying. The other party's master was present, and his strength was far superior to his own. There was no need for him to lie to him, and the three of them had a very good relationship for hundreds of years. But... he didn't want to believe it rationally.

Stronger than the Great Sage... more terrifying than the Flying Immortal? This... is there really such a cultivator?

Zi Qi's soul was in the hands of such a monster, is there really... any hope of getting it back?

"Remember your words. I'll wait and see. Come to me at any time if you need anything." After several minutes, he snorted and sat down.

He didn't dare to take risks with the sect.

"Don't worry, this Saint Lord is also obliged." Wanzhong Saint Lord bowed deeply and tried to smooth things over. He sent a look to the big man, and the big man smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Benlei, this world of great struggle is very dazzling."

"It's just luck."

"Don't be humble, luck is also a part of strength. Being able to be a ten thousand enemy, even the two Great Sages can't do it." Wanzhong Saint Lord twisted his beard and looked at the man in front of him with satisfaction. He felt comforted in his heart.

What kind of luck is it to have such a Taoist? Back then, I actually suspected that the other party was a pawn of the Immortal Mountain. I was really blind!

Not to mention that it only happens once in ten thousand years, looking back at the history of the Seven Realms for ten thousand years, it can be said that there is no such thing before!

Suppressing the relief in his eyes, he took a deep breath: "This is the leader of the Vajra Dao Sect, Master Yixin. We... have a question for you."

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