
Chapter 1471: The overall situation

Begging for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month!


He said it lightly, but his clenched hands had betrayed him. Hearing this, even the silent Tiangu Master raised his head, with a fiery light flashing in his eyes. Master Yixin and Chu Zhaonan stared at his mouth. It seemed that every word that followed was more powerful than ten thousand pounds.

Feng stopped breathing, and it was terribly quiet.

Wanzhong Shengjun swallowed his saliva, and said word by word, very solemnly: "For the world of great contention...what do you think?"

Swish...swishing...the eyes were as sharp as swords, and the quiet courtyard was full of killing.

To kill? To retreat? To give in?

Xu Yangyi did not hesitate, bowed deeply, bowed sincerely, and his voice was full of killing intent: "Fellow Taoists."

The eyes passed through each eye, and everyone's eyes twitched. Breathing became rapid. Although the result was almost doomed, he was still uneasy without hearing the other party speak and confirming it in person.

His decision... will completely change the future of the three sects!

Either they will fly high in the sky, or they will be forever annihilated in the long river of history.

Xu Yangyi's heart was filled with blood, and he spoke carefully: "Help me ascend the throne!!"

"Okay!!" "I've been waiting for you to say this!"

In an instant, the eyes of the three sect masters swelled. Three long-suppressed spiritual energies rushed straight into the sky, venting wantonly.

Drinking ice for ten years can hardly cool the blood.

Who has not been proud of the spring breeze and galloping on the horse's hooves to see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day? It's just that everyone has their own responsibilities and their own fetters. Now, the position of the five kings and two queens has completely ignited the suppressed ice lake.

"I am willing to use the sword under my waist to kill Lou Lan." Master Yixin looked up to the sky and roared, suddenly raised his hands, and countless talismans flew out from his sleeves and turned into pieces of white clouds, hiding all the surroundings, even if Taixu's consciousness entered, it would be discovered.

This cloud layer was so magnificent that it instantly covered the entire Vajra Road, and it became more and more majestic. After a few minutes, all the main peaks were swallowed up by the fairy clouds. Then, above the sky, pieces of blue talismans flashed instantly.

Mountain Protection Array!

"What's going on?" A Yuanying who was practicing hard suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the sky in astonishment, and turned into a light to fly out. Only then did he realize that many cultivators had gathered in the sky.

"What's wrong?" "I don't know... The mountain protection array suddenly opened. What happened?" "This is the domain of the sect master, the Wuxiang God Array?" "What needs to open the mountain protection array? The Vajra Demon Subduing Array has not been opened for thousands of years!"

At this moment, a golden Yuanshen rose from the clouds, towering like a mountain, and scanned the scene like a god. All the monks paused, half-knelt in the air, and a deafening voice rose from the sky: "Greetings to the Sect Master!!"

"Stand up." Master Yixin said in a solemn voice, calmly but decisively: "Starting today, the Vajra Road will be completely closed. Where are the Dharma Protector Peak and the Demon Subduing Peak?"

"Yes!" Suddenly, two golden lights flew into the air, and under the gaze of thousands of monks, they bowed deeply: "Please give orders, Sect Master."

"Recall all monks immediately, and all tasks will be suspended. Starting immediately, the whole sect will enter a state of preparation for war."


A thousand waves were stirred up at once, and even if the Venerable Holy Spirit was overwhelming, all the monks couldn't help but exclaimed, and their faces changed drastically.

"The whole sect is preparing for war?" "With whom? Someone is provoking our sect? Which sect started a sect war?" "The last sect war was 10,000 years ago... Who coveted my position in the Vajra Dao?" "What a courage!"

"Silence." Master Yixin issued orders one by one in an orderly manner, and it was obviously not a spur-of-the-moment decision: "Shenbao Peak, Xiushui Peak, open the sect warehouse, and supply all the refining equipment and refining hall from now on."


"Tianyi Peak, Gufan Peak, start immediately, preach once every half a month, and strive to improve the realm of each cultivator as soon as possible. This matter cannot be slack."


As the orders were issued, everyone's eyes were slightly red.

Something big happened... Although they didn't know what it was, such a big thing was an opportunity for them!

Crisis always goes hand in hand with opportunity. The distribution of elixirs and magical powers has doubled. Opening a forum to preach, recasting magic weapons... Even if the crisis is imminent, everyone's eyes are red, especially the cultivators in the lower four realms.

It took a full ten minutes for Master Yixin to finish the general arrangement, and then he said lightly: "Our sect will fight for the Great Struggle World with Kugu Temple and Tianjian Villa, and follow the young master of Tianjian Villa, Ben Lei, as the leader, and proceed immediately."

If it was surprising just now, it was shocking at this moment. Master Yixin didn't care how much this news would bring to the sect. After the order was over, the Yuanshen had disappeared between heaven and earth. Only a group of dumbfounded monks were left.

A few seconds later, a rapid breath sounded in the silence, and soon turned into a shocking shout.

"The Great Struggle World? We want to participate in the Great Struggle World!" "Ministers of the Dragon... There are people in this Great Struggle World who can compete with Master Ben Lei!" "Daozu... Did I hear it wrong?!"

The discussion was so loud that it could be heard clearly even in this courtyard. Xu Yangyi did not veto it. This was a desperate move, and everyone was united. The other party did not want to give him a chance to regret it. And he never thought of regretting it.

"Is it the same at the Dry Bone Temple?" He bowed towards Master Tiangu.

"Don't worry." Speaking of business, Master Tiangu also suppressed the surging thoughts in his heart, and said in a cold voice: "On the same day you came back, the whole sect of Dry Bone Temple was ready for war! It will never be worse than Vajra Dao!"

He suppressed the rising and falling of his chest and looked directly at Xu Yangyi: "The eighty thousand monks in the Withered Bones Temple are just waiting for an order to point their swords at the world of great struggle!"

"Tianjian Villa has recalled all the monks since we got the results of the World of War qualifying tournament, just waiting for your word!" The Ten Thousand Levels Saint Lord also spoke hoarsely, with fighting intent burning in his eyes.

"Okay." Xu Yangyi nodded, took a deep breath, and sat down beside the desk without being polite: "Everyone, you will have no regrets."

No one spoke.

They had already prepared for the worst. If they could take away four virtual crystals from a monster like Xu Yangyi, the opponent would definitely be terrifyingly powerful. But...are you afraid?


Princes, generals and prime ministers would rather have the seed!

Fame and fame are endless, but numbers and crises will come together!

"Then, we are really just passengers on the same boat." Wan Zhong Shengjun took a deep look at the two of them: "In that case, I don't want to hide anything. In the past, I participated in the great struggle, and I have always I left something behind.”

"Has the sect master ever participated in the Great Controversy?" Xu Yangyi was stunned.

The Ten Thousand Levels Saint Lord nodded, and then there was a trace of disappointment on his face: "I thought that if I became a Yang Sage, I would be able to cultivate to reach the heavens. Only in the age of great strife did I realize that it was just a drop in the ocean."

He looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "You know... once you fail in the fight, it will be impossible for our three sects to maintain. No queen will let go of the sect that competes with her for the throne after she ascends the throne. Cutting off the grass without eradicating the roots will bring spring breeze. It can be said that any time of great conflict is a major reshuffle of forces. "

Chu Zhaonan nodded slightly. This is reasonable. The winner takes all. If you can't become the winner, you will be wiped out.

He remembered clearly that before deciding on this matter, Elder Shufeng argued with the sect leader and deputy sect leader for more than a month, asking him to pay close attention to Xu Yangyi in Shentian City. Don't look at the fact that Yun Danfengqing banned the entire sect today. No one knows that after the clouds are clear and the wind is light, there will already be thunder and wind, lightning and thunder.

Even... it started when he knew that Xu Yangyi had 250 million souls.

"Even if a family has been fighting for thousands of years, once it participates in such a war, failure will remain dormant for tens of thousands of years. Even if Taixu personally passes away, once this Taixu passes away, the next step will be endless revenge from the new queen. Countless sects If you hesitate because of this, you will be content with being a little rich and don't want to make progress." The Wanzhong Sage reached out and waved his hand, and a golden scroll appeared in the void with his hand.

"Use all the strength of the sect to fight and destroy everything. If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent."

"There are no regrets when you make a move, there is no way out for us!"

Swipe, pull, pull... The scroll is like a sea, with a huge map on it.

"I won't hide anything I know." There was a trace of nostalgia and unwillingness in his eyes: "This is the true appearance of the World of Great Conflict. It is divided into twelve areas. Each area is more than one hundred thousand miles away. Only this The strongest person in a region can advance to the next round. This is just the preliminary round, and anyone who can advance to the next round will be the top force in the seven realms.

Xu Yangyi only glanced at it and immediately took a breath.

"This is..." He stroked the scroll in astonishment, pulling out golden ripples with his slender fingers, and said in disbelief: "How"

He knows it!

This picture...he has actually seen it before!

Twelve areas are dotted in the void, but each area has a strange pattern.

He didn't know the rest, but... there was an ant on it.

Cyan ants!

It was the one from which the Void Spirit Immortal Body in his body broke out of its shell!

Moreover, at the end of the twelve areas, there is not chaos, nor a bridge between heaven and earth, but... a gourd.

This gourd is very big, probably similar to any other area. On top of the gourd lies a woodpecker of equal size.

This... is the picture that appeared on Lord Kong's back when he died!

The place where the queen became enlightened and the place where Emperor Wa was canonized!

The Wan Zhong Shengjun gently stroked the twelve patterns, with infinite melancholy in his eyes, and said hoarsely: "The twelve catalogs represent the twelve final puzzles. Several major forces have gathered in each area, and only the final Only the winner is qualified to touch the puzzle.”

He said word by word to Xu Yangyi: "I admit that you are very strong. You can ride on a horse like a thousand. Even thousands of Nascent Souls may not be able to stop you. But... what about tens of thousands? What about one hundred thousand?"

As if remembering something, he closed his eyes with some pain: "Don't doubt the power background of the world that dares to participate in the great war. You can't imagine how tragic it would be for hundreds of thousands of monks from several famous sects in the seven realms to fight in a single space. Any monk is useless in front of this power. And..."

He slowly opened his eyes and took a deep breath: "The World of Great Controversy is a very unique place. It rejects all foreign objects. It is impossible for Taixu to enter. I have heard that you defeated the Song family in Towering City. , is impossible for your kind of power to enter the world of great war."

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