
Chapter 1473: Speed ​​of Light (I)

Brush... Before the two of them could speak, their eyes were filled with brilliance. When they opened their eyes again, they were already in front of the golden cicada.

"Yangtao, you have crossed the line." Chu Zhaonan frowned and said with disapproval: "Nanhua Butterfly Mother is still a true super-high-level monk no matter how much she asks of us. She is at the forefront of the entire plane's civilization and has already begun to contact us. The world between heaven and man. You asked her what she wanted to hide."

"I know!" Xu Yangyi stood up a little irritably and cautiously communicated with his consciousness: "Then you know, Zhao Ziqi's soul is in the hands of Mamen!!"

Chu Zhaonan was stunned: "Mamen?"

"That's the Mammon you were thinking of!" Xu Yangyi pressed his temples firmly and gritted his teeth: "The Lord of Greed, one of the first demons Yahweh! Compared with him, I am nothing like an ant! I agreed to the demon's promise The condition is that if it can get the second half of the Hongmeng Contract from Nuwa, it is willing to release Zi Qi’s soul.”

Chu Zhaonan was completely stunned. He had heard that Zhao Ziqi's soul was imprisoned by a supreme being before, but there was no intuitive comparison. How could he not know how terrifying Yahweh is now?

That is the end of the entire practice, the pinnacle of biological evolution, and the supreme god whose words can bring about the law of all realms.

"Mammon..." He murmured this name that shocked the world several times, and took a deep breath: "Does it... really exist?"

Xu Yangyi nodded with a livid face: "Not only does it exist, but it has been looking for that damn book in the Seven Realms!"

Chu Zhaonan gritted his teeth: "We..."

"Do we have a chance?" Xu Yangyi bit his lip and said bitterly: "Yes, maybe!"

"Do you remember the picture of the Ten Thousand Layers Master? After the twelve trials, there is a woodpecker and a gourd. That is most likely the end of the bridge between heaven and earth, where the soul of Emperor Wa is! What should I use to get the Hongmeng Contract Book? Do you need to think about it?”

There is no "cost."

Emperor Wa treasured the second half of the Hongmeng Contract Book, and he used his power of words to get Emperor Wa to take it out?


When he saw Emperor Wa's body from the towering city, he was completely sober. This is not the beautified human mother, but a Supreme Yahweh, one of the strongest second generation Yahweh. Since her practice, even though she loved the world and the world back then, she has now become boring because of loneliness, and has become indifferent because of boredom.

Hearts are as hard as iron.

He didn't have any "price" to get Emperor Wa to nod, but Mammon didn't ask about the process at all, it only wanted the result!

Squeezed between the two Yahwehs, one is the Mother Goddess of this world, and the other is the original and most ancient demon god... The age of great struggle is not only the cornerstone of Xu Yangyi's becoming a Yahweh, but also the silent smoke of war. bridge. They simply couldn't ignore Zhao Ziqi - even though this was the wisest thing to do.

The heavy pressure he had been holding in his heart finally burst out. He sat down on a stone, gritted his teeth hard, and sighed after a long time: "I must know all the information about Emperor Wa, even a little bit, it will be useful to me." Very helpful!”

In the subtle, there is often greatness hidden, the plane in the sand, the world in the water, he has experienced too much in his practice.

"So, you asked even though you knew it might offend Nanhua Butterfly Mother? Because no one in the Seven Realms knows the existence of Emperor Wa better than she does?" After a long silence, Chu Zhaonan asked in his consciousness.

Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly: "Do you still remember what I said the last time we left the Choking Holy Land? Are there any other people from Emperor Wa staying in the Seven Realms? I want to know this even more! If we can restore the woodpecker and the gourd, or the world between heaven and earth The truth about the bridge may still have a chance."

"What opportunity?" Chu Zhaonan asked immediately.

"I'm not sure." Xu Yangyi looked at the brilliant sunshine above his head and said hoarsely: "It is precisely because of uncertainty that I have to pursue it. If you don't pursue it, you won't even have a chance."

Chu Zhaonan took a deep look at Xu Yangyi, his consciousness suddenly fluctuated, and he suddenly thought of an impossible possibility.

"You..." he gasped: "You want to steal the Hongmeng Contract Book under the eyes of the gods? So you want the detailed topographic map of the Bridge of Heaven and Earth?"

Before Xu Yangyi could answer, he gasped and said, "You... that's Emperor Wa... the human mother, the First Mother Goddess! Even the soul can probably crush us thousands of times!"

Xu Yangyi raised his head and looked at the sky. For some reason, he only felt confused and said hoarsely: "Yes...then, where is Mammon?"

Chu Zhaonan gritted his teeth and did not speak.

Mammon can also crush them thousands of times.

An almost unsolvable situation.

No one spoke. After a few minutes, Xu Yangyi sighed: "That's it, this is the bottom line of Butterfly Mother. There is no result in asking, and there is nothing I can do for the time being. I have no qualifications to ask Emperor Wa to hand over the eternal fine gold refinement." How to make it... just take it one step at a time, maybe... there will be a turn for the better. "

Chu Zhaonan also calmed down and said in a deep voice: "Yes... the most important thing now is to improve our strength. As long as you don't fail, even if it doesn't work this time, there will be another time."

Xu Yangyi braced himself and smiled: "Then, what are you waiting for?"

The two of them looked at each other and smiled. After practicing so far, they knew that a frown would have no effect on the progress of the matter. Only by trying your best can you survive in death.

A catfish can turn over, but a carp may not be able to turn into a dragon, let alone two big living people?

No one spoke again. The two of them chose the two most sensitive places to meditate near the Sancheng Flower, and began to breathe in the spiritual energy.

It must be said that the power of this treasure that the Butterfly Mother has nurtured for countless years is too strong. As their skills are running, the surrounding spiritual energy almost rushes over in layers, and soon, a terrifying spiritual cloud vortex is formed. As they breathe in and out, the spiritual energy is like thousands of white dragons, rushing into every pore of their bodies.

With a clear mind, as time goes by, Xu Yangyi has calmed down. His spiritual consciousness looks inward, running along the meridians all the way, and comes to the Yuanshen.

Just above the swallowing talisman, a golden talisman is hanging high at this moment. A huge divine wheel vortex is formed behind his Yuanshen. Countless golden talismans in the sea of ​​consciousness spread out from the void, and the precious light condensed into a golden sun as the talismans rise and fall. Majestic.

He sat quietly in front of his Yuanshen, closed his eyes and entered into meditation. The spiritual consciousness climbed up to the golden sun bit by bit, and analyzed it bit by bit.

This world fell into silence, the days passed one by one, there was no time in the Yeming Ruins, and soon, a whole month passed, and he opened his eyes again.

"So that's it..." He looked at the talisman with burning eyes and took a deep breath: "The speed of light..."

"The original light, it can push everything to the speed of light!"

"Whether it is..." His eyes moved, and he activated the light talisman, and he couldn't see the hand raised at all, no... his hand seemed to be just a blur, and the retina couldn't capture it at all, let alone a sonic boom. And in the far distance, the clouds in the sea of ​​consciousness exploded like a nuclear bomb!

"Zi..." After the light talisman, there was a sound of gasping. Xu Yangyi swept his consciousness, smiled slightly, and didn't care. The next moment, he seemed to have become a thousand-handed Guanyin.

Countless hands opened behind him, and the sea of ​​consciousness in all directions exploded, the clouds and smoke boiled, and then slowly moved closer.

No one can see the move, no one can see the trajectory of the movement! After he made his move, the thousand hands behind him slowly dissipated five minutes later.

That was not the real growth of the thousand hands.

Rather, it reached a speed beyond the divine consciousness and far beyond the naked eye, leaving a residual image in the void!

"Red line." His eyes moved slightly, and he shouted softly. After the shining talisman, the red line poked its head out and flew out, flapping its wings happily: "Awesome! Dad is awesome! I couldn't see it at all just now!"

Xu Yangyi was not too excited to try his hand, because he had no actual combat equipment. He shook his head and said, "Can you simulate the speed of light? Use illusion."

"You can try." The red line turned into a stream of light and flew into the air. The next second, countless lights shot down. At the same time, Xu Yangyi's body moved.

Can't see... can't see at all! Almost parallel to the light! The light is driving him away!

Kuafu chasing the sun!

An indescribable scene, a man in front, the light behind him condensed into a sea, forming a light curtain covering the sky and the sun, as his speed increased, it actually... slowed down.

The light curtain seemed to slow down, and he seemed to be full. The naked eye could finally catch his shadow, but... this figure was always a little illusory, as if walking in the river of time.

Five seconds... ten seconds... Hong Xian opened his mouth behind him. It was so slow, but it was a flash. It took a full fifteen seconds for Xu Yangyi's figure to stop. Time seemed to return to normal at this moment and suddenly accelerated. The endless light curtain behind him instantly swallowed his figure and illuminated the nine heavens and ten earths.

And at this moment... he was standing there!

Hong Xian's mouth opened into an O shape, and Xu Yangyi coughed dryly: "There should be applause here."

"Pah pah pah!" Hong Xian flapped his wings desperately, and his whole body turned red because of excitement. He shouted excitedly: "Awesome! Awesome! Dad is awesome! What happened just now? I clearly felt that Dad was there, but it seemed that I could never touch him! He didn't even blink, and he returned to the same place?"

Xu Yangyi also licked his lips excitedly. Just now... he actually circumnavigated the entire sea of ​​consciousness three times!

It was hard to describe his feeling. Everything seemed to slow down, from the initial speed, to the slowdown, and finally to almost stillness. He was the only traveler in this still picture.

That was not stillness.

But nothing could catch up with his speed!

How terrible would it be for a Yang Sheng to have such speed?

No matter how strong the Yin Zun was, he could capture him easily! And in the era of great contention...

Decapitation tactics!

"No." He shook his head vigorously, forcing himself to calm down: "I can't do it..."

"The Godhead is too magical. A source of light can make me achieve this unprecedented level. How terrible is the opponent's talisman?"

His eyes became solemn. The unbreakable Godhead, the killing Godhead, the fearless Godhead... I'm afraid none of them would be weaker than the source of light.

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