
Chapter 1474: Speed ​​of Light (Part 2)

"What a pity." After a few seconds, he sighed and looked at the Radiance of Origin with regret: "It is still unable to reach the speed of light, and it is even far from it."

"It should be a realm problem. Light... This is not just a speed, it is even related to space and time. When the speed of light reaches its extreme, it becomes time. And the real superluminal speed can soar in time. I just didn't slow down, but disappeared."

"Superluminal speed, light speed, subluminal speed, subluminal speed, I am afraid I can only reach the lowest subluminal speed now. With my spiritual power, I can maintain it for sixteen or seventeen seconds. The 'CD' is twenty minutes like other talismans, but... it is also countless times faster than the speed of sound." He took a deep breath: "Even if Taixu, don't think about catching me!"

Taixu can't reach the speed of light.

Not only can he not catch it, but he will even... punch him hard a few times, although he can't even break the opponent's spiritual light shield.

However, from ancient times to the present, which saint can do it?

Suppressing the ups and downs of his heart, he looked at his fists, and there was already a glimmer of enlightenment in his heart: "The weakest is not me, but Taichu. I doubt that he can't last more than three hours in the hands of the four talisman owners. If he meets me..."

He clenched his fists hard, making a crackling sound, and was extremely confident in his heart: "At most half an hour, I can make it lie down!"

"And... the effect of the original light is far more than that." He looked deeply at the golden talisman: "Su Xingyao said that the talisman has only one effect, which is to take a certain path to the extreme. However, the usage is ever-changing. It has a lot to do with the holder. But..."

He smiled slightly, raised his hand slowly, and as he mobilized his spiritual consciousness, the swallowing talisman suddenly burst out thousands of black rays, forming a chaos of purple and black, and the black light in the sky actually covered the divine wheel on his head.

However, now is not the time to consider these.

It is better to hone it with a real sword and gun with an equal opponent than to say a thousand words.

Only in a desperate situation can you force out your potential.

"Now, the more important thing is to completely merge the three talismans." He touched the storage ring, and a fist-sized, dazzling gem suddenly flashed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Eternal gold that can merge everything, Su Xingyao's memory fragments.

What is fighting?

The bombardment of magical powers, the cloud-covering of magic weapons?

Not so. Too many means will distract your attention. The magical powers need to be chanted, the magic weapons need to be controlled, and too many distractions will be too tiring. It is too easy for the opponent to catch the flaws. How can there be such time in a real life-and-death fight? Being able to use one to two or three killing moves is already quite good.

This is also the reason why most high-level cultivators do not have too many magical powers, only two or three life-defining magic weapons. When they reached their position, they already understood one thing very well. The battle relies on the skills and life-defining magic weapons, not the gorgeous magical powers. The real life-defying moves are often only one hit. No matter how dazzling the fireworks are, they are still fireworks, and they cannot become nuclear bombs.

The same goes for the talismans. To calculate the cooling time of the two talismans and infer their usage, this is already Xu Yangyi's limit. In a life-and-death battle, where is the time to "select generals" one by one?

Although the original light is strong, if he is distracted many times, it will be inferior.

Unless... all the talismans can be unified.

Activate at the same time and cool down at the same time.

"Only I can do it." Taking a deep breath, he flicked his finger, and the eternal gold turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the huge black and purple vortex. At this moment, the golden light and purple-black light, which had originally kept to themselves, suddenly fluctuated.

"Close!!" As he closed his hands, there was a loud bang, and the purple-black light rushed into the sky, completely engulfing the golden vortex, and this time, the gold and purple-black light actually merged visibly with the naked eye!

Swish... The white light bloomed from the eternal gold all over the sky. Pure white, the ultimate white, can be rendered by all colors, and not by any color. In this magnificent white light, gold, purple-black, and white slowly rotated like a palette.

This palette was so huge that Xu Yangyi seemed to be sitting in front of a black hole. He slowly closed his eyes.

Time moved slowly again, and everything around him returned to silence.

Ten days, twenty days, thirty days.

One month, two months, half a year.

There is no time in the holy realm. After a whole year and a half in the holy realm and thirty-six days in real time, a slight wave suddenly came from the void, as if a white hand plucked the strings of a harp, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Right in front of him, four distinct colors had formed a harmonious light blue. Around this light blue vortex, flying talismans, either gold, black, or purple, were like jumping elves, forming another larger vortex, wrapping the blue vortex in it.

At the moment he opened his eyes, all the talisman elves suddenly gathered towards the center, and a golden light like the rising universe covered his eyes.

"So beautiful..." Red Line popped its head out on his shoulder, staring blankly at everything in front of it.

Xu Yangyi patted its head, and waited for more than ten minutes before the light slowly disappeared, and in the center of the light, a green talisman was already slowly rotating.

Red Line cried happily, and immediately flew up, hugging the talisman and rubbing it happily. It can be seen that it likes it very much.

Xu Yangyi smiled and waved his hand, and a spirit and a butterfly wrapped together turned into a stream of light and flew into his hand. He gently twisted Red Line's wings and pinched it down, looking at the talisman in his palm with interest.

I can't tell what it feels like, and I can't describe the shape. It's like... holding a universe in my hand.

Experience the formation and destruction of black holes, creation and rebirth. Experience the birth and death of the desires of thousands of creatures in it, and experience the majestic mystery of the sun shining and God's presence in the universe.

For a moment, he seemed to feel a lot, but when he thought about it carefully, there was no trace.

At this moment, two huge spiritual wings covered his eyes. Take it away, cover it again, take it away again. After several times, Xu Yangyi laughed and said: "What? Do you like it?"

"I like it!" Hongxian said crisply: "I feel that this thing is very useful to me. I'm afraid... after being with it for decades, I can transform in advance!"

"Can you still transform?" Xu Yangyi was stunned. The terrifying body of the Nanhua Butterfly Mother came to mind.

"Of course!" Hongxian was dissatisfied and flapped her father's shoulders with her wings. How did she say that?

Xu Yangyi said nothing and looked thoughtful. Hongxian suddenly said that he could transform, which proved his previous inference about the Brilliant Talisman, which was also an extremely terrifying inference.

The ultimate of light is time and space!

The growth cycle of Hongxian is very long. He was just raised as a child, but now he is the engine of the killing field. He didn't think much about whether it could advance to the level of a butterfly mother, or he had no delusions.

It is possible that the Brilliant Talisman contains a hint of the characteristics of time and space, which accelerates its growth.

"Okay." Xu Yangyi smiled and popped out a bottle of elixir: "Dad will also work hard. After I reach Taixu and come into contact with the rules, I may be able to mobilize this thing more. Your advancement should be faster."

"Go and play first, don't disturb dad."

The red thread flew away with a cheer. Xu Yangyi smiled, then closed his eyes and calmed down completely.

Two years...

After seven thousand two hundred years of Choking Saint Realm, he didn't believe that he still couldn't perfect this sage!

The retreat officially begins. Absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy bit by bit, completely filling one's Dantian, and then extracting the essence drop by drop, this is an extremely boring and long process. In the way of spiritual practice, only those with great perseverance and perseverance can achieve great success.

A day in the mountains means a thousand years in the world. Fifty years and one hundred years have passed since the Choming Holy Realm. The two of them were like clay sculptures, neither of them speaking.

The surrounding spiritual grass has climbed up to them, even wrapped them, forming two "vegetative people." A little bit of wild flowers are blooming beside the vegetative people, and huge insects are surrounding them. From fear at first, to temptation later, to Now I am having so much fun with them that my true colors are almost invisible.

Another fifty years, sixty years, seventy years... One hundred and seventy-eight years after entering the Choking Holy Realm, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes first. Then he immediately looked at Chu Zhaonan. A butterfly that landed on the tip of his nose flew away in fright.

Boom... A muffled sound like a bell resounded through the other party's body. Xu Yangyi stood up and waved his hands with natural power. Pieces of forbidden waves spread out like a tidal wave. Suddenly, the insects, birds and beasts around him who had lived in peace for nearly two hundred years were frightened. Phew, that overwhelming feeling immediately made them run like crazy, trampling the flowers and grass that had finally grown into a piece of mud.

Kakaka... Xu Yangyi turned his neck with difficulty, like a machine, his whole body shook slightly, and all the vines split. Every bone is like a machine that has been dormant for a long time and has been reoiled and come to life again. As soon as he woke up, two huge wings covered his face.

"Dad! You finally woke up!" Hongxian said happily. Xu Yangyi smiled and pulled the other person off: "How are you playing..."

Before he finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Not quite the same...

The red-lined wings... actually start from butterfly wings... feathering?

Literally feathering, layers of feather patterns slowly grow out, but unfortunately, they have not yet become real feathers.

"What are you doing?"

Hongxian shook his head, flew to Xu Yangyi's shoulder and landed on it: "I don't know, it seems... this place is particularly good to me."

Xu Yangyi looked at Jin Chanzi's molt with clarity. If he guessed correctly, it should be the influence of this thing. After all, this is also the place where his mother, the Nanhua butterfly mother, found her way.


What the hell is his mother!

Boom! At this moment, another bell rang, and this sound caused cracks to appear in Chu Zhaonan's body, and strands of golden light burst out from inside. Xu Yangyi stopped thinking about it and concentrated on protecting Chu Zhaonan.

The opponent has begun to knock on the barriers of Yang Sheng in the middle stage.

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