
Chapter 1475: Awkwardness and ambiguity

One day, two days, on the third day, Chu Zhaonan's body seemed to explode, and the original appearance turned into pieces of "molting" and shook open. A burly body stood up in the golden light.

"Fuck?" Xu Yangyi spit out the grass stem in his mouth, looked at this strong man who was two meters thirty-four, and couldn't help cursing: "What kind of skills are you practicing? And it takes hormones?"

Chu Zhaonan's skin color was yellow at this moment, but it was not a sick yellow, but a sacred golden color. Silver talismans were looming under his skin, and his originally handsome and rough eyebrows were blocked by these lights, looking...

More like a King Kong?

"Want to learn?" Chu Zhaonan felt his body and smiled: "I can teach you."

Before he finished speaking, he punched out!

Boom! This punch was accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder, and no shadow could be seen at all. Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, and the next second, the wind stopped and the thunder was quiet, and his hand was already stuck on the other's neck.

"What the hell is this?" Chu Zhaonan broke free from his hand in astonishment, looking at him as if he had seen a ghost. He swore that he had not even blinked just now! But under his gaze, the other party disappeared out of thin air!

It was a real disappearance, not an escape technique or an illusion.

"Have you ever experienced the feeling of being kicked by light?" Xu Yangyi smiled and hit the other party's butt with his knee, saying childishly. Chu Zhaonan was so angry that his mouth was crooked: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Kizaru... You can remember the lines of One Piece... What the hell are you qualified to say that Bulbasaur is childish!!"

The direction of the discussion seemed to be a bit off... Red Line stared blankly for a few seconds, jumped on Chu Zhaonan's head and covered his eyes with its wings, and said to Xu Yangyi: "Dad, hit him hard!"

"Don't make trouble." Chu Zhaonan pulled off the red line, suddenly remembered something, and looked at Xu Yangyi deeply: "Have you reached the Great Perfection?"

It was a joke for a moment, Xu Yangyi also restrained his smile and nodded: "Just a day ago. In addition, I'm leaving soon and going to another plane. You'd better stay here to experience the control of power in the promotion of a small realm."

"You are leaving?" Chu Zhaonan asked: "Where to?"

Xu Yangyi said solemnly: "Call for reinforcements."

"This reinforcement is unreliable, but the strength is indeed strong. I must go there in person. They are in other planes."

Chu Zhaonan thought about it, nodded, and closed his eyes again. She waved her hand at Xu Yangyi patiently, signaling him to get out immediately.

Xu Yangyi almost laughed out of anger, kicked the other party hard, and without hesitation, took a deep breath and called the name of Nanhua Butterfly Mother.

It was just that his consciousness had just been sent out, and soon, his eyes blurred, and a few minutes later, he had already sat on the chair of Noah's Ark.

As if the action had not changed for thousands of years, Nanhua Butterfly Mother held the teacup and glanced at him slightly: "Are you leaving?"

"Yes." Xu Yangyi bowed his hands: "Before leaving, I have another question to ask you."

Nanhua Butterfly Mother looked at the sky dimly: "Do you remember my reminder to you?"

"It has nothing to do with this." Xu Yangyi immediately replied: "Junior wants to ask, there seems to be something wrong with my body. I want to ask you to take a look."

Nanhua Butterfly Mother was slightly stunned, and then... there was a hint of ambiguity in her eyes.

This damn ambiguity!

"I thought you were a reserved person. I didn't expect you to be so open." She raised her eyes slightly, looked charming, and showed all kinds of charm at a glance, as if she had suddenly changed into a different person. She gently extended her fingers, and put them on Xu Yangyi's jaw with the fragrance of flowers: "Can't you bear it anymore?"

What is this?

Xu Yangyi was even more stunned. He stayed there for ten seconds, and then he wanted to leave the seductive finger with cold sweat on his forehead, but he couldn't avoid it at all. The finger seemed to stick to his jaw, and then... slowly moved up and gently touched his warm lips. Then... it actually gently drilled in!

If Xu Yangyi hadn't clenched his teeth, he would probably have been "blowjob/exploded" by this witch...

It's simply unspeakable! Even more unbearable!

He stood up suddenly, and Nanhua Butterfly Mother smiled slightly, and she was actually in a state of a little girl who made people's desires and fire rise. The round fan was gently shaken, and the sound was like a gossamer, scraping in people's ears: "Go to the cabin."

Hurry and charming, Xu Yangyi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and bowed again: "Junior wants to let the senior see what's wrong with my body..."

"How can you see it with clothes on?" Nanhua Butterfly Mother came up like a water snake, her plump chest pressed tightly against his strong chest muscles, and took a deep breath: "It's really tempting... Ripe fruit..."

Then, she... actually bit Xu Yangyi's chest through his clothes!


The flames almost instantly jumped up, and Nanhua Butterfly Mother's hand slid down dishonestly, and her red lips gently bit his earlobe: "Your body is more honest than people."


What a monster!

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and retreated. He retreated, but he didn't retreat from that soul-stirring lick.

Goosebumps all over my body!

"Come." Nanhua Butterfly Mother's voice was very gentle: "This is heavenly joy, do you want me to go find your friend?"

"Please go find him..." Xu Yangyi betrayed without any psychological pressure.

"I don't like it." Nanhua Butterfly Mother chuckled, the fragrance blew on her face, and she plunged into the man's body again. Her hand touched the hard part like a water snake, and Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and trembled and said: "Junior...I want to want to ask...haha...there is a problem with my immortal body!!"

With the last few words, he pushed Nanhua Butterfly away suddenly and flew hundreds of meters away in an instant. His face was as red as blood, his chest heaved violently, and his breathing could be heard hundreds of meters away.

The shape on the pants was indescribable, and it was covered up awkwardly. Nanhua Butterfly Mother ignored it, licked her black hair, frowned and said: "I am not ugly either, so why am I afraid of snakes and scorpions?"

Xu Yangyi thought for a long time.

Saying that your heart belongs to someone?

The butterfly mother won't care.

That you can't be hard on her?

The body is very honest...

After thinking for a long time, he said awkwardly: "Senior...are you so willing to cuckold Senior Xiaoqing?"

Nanhua Butterfly Mother’s face became stiff.

I never expected that this would be the reason for rejection.

If there is, sometimes it is teasing, and sometimes it would be too disturbing to say it.

No one spoke. After a few seconds, Nanhua Butterfly Mother sat leisurely on the chair and said calmly: "I'll let you go this time."

Before Xu Yangyi could put her mind at ease, she said unhurriedly: "Your friend is also in good shape, so he will definitely have a pleasant time."

Da Chu... take care... I think you also like it very much... I seem to clearly understand why you broke the two-meter limit...

This idea is very immature...

The atmosphere was very strange. Nanhua Butterfly Mother took a leisurely sip of tea and then said nonchalantly: "Your immortal body is no longer an ethereal immortal body."

She straightened her face and said solemnly: "It's called...Wugou Immortal Body."

"Pure and untainted, untainted by all laws. Untainted by cause and effect, untainted by earthly fate."

She turned around and picked up the tea cup: "All monks can only hit you with their own spiritual energy. Once this spiritual energy resonates with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and forms magical powers, it will have no effect on the Wugou Immortal Body. Facing Yin Zun, you are now It's almost like a nightmare. Only Taixu can crush you to death with its own huge spiritual power."

"However, it also has disadvantages. It should be regarded as a passive immortal body. If the opponent does not move, your immortal body will not be used."

After the awkward and ambiguous atmosphere passed, Xu Yangyi cleared his throat: "Senior, can I take the initiative?"

Taking the initiative is to grasp the situation of the battle, and being passive is to defend and counterattack. However, the best defense is offense.

"It's possible, but you can't do it." Nanhua Butterfly Mother thought deeply: "Historically, the Wugou Immortal Body did not exist among the top ten immortal bodies. Only Taixu could appear. It is an acquired immortal body, and the conditions for it are very special. Harsh. You must first have the immortal body, and then the immortal body will be destroyed, and then the beauty and prosperity will be lost. "

"The saint's control over the body is not yet so sophisticated. Only Taixu can do that. And you are not an ordinary Taixu. You are also a coincidence. What's more important is..."

She looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "My spiritual consciousness is not enough."

"In other words, the brain is not developed enough."

"The so-called cultivation of immortality is just a process of discovering the potential of life. It finally reaches the peak, which is Yawei. The Immortal Body of Wustain... To control it and make it achieve 'activeness,' you need to mobilize the talismans of the whole body. This is not so fast that it is unimaginable. Thinking, spiritual consciousness, simply can’t do it.”

"The Immaculate Immortal Body is superior to all immortal bodies, and has the same origin as the Pure Immortal Body. From ancient times to the present, no monk can control it. Not one. Maybe you think Taixu can, but after Taixu, After being exposed to the rules, the body's talismans grow at an explosive rate, which is even more impossible."

"I can barely do it now, but it's just barely. Maybe Yahwei can reach perfection, but... the immortal body won't have much effect on Doppo, not to mention the superior Yahwei."

Xu Yangyi cupped his hands and said, "Junior understands. Then..."

He carefully looked at the face of the wild bee and butterfly, and said cautiously: "This junior will take the first step?"

Nanhua Butterfly Mother didn't even look at him: "Do you want to stay with me?"

If you say it's impossible, if you say you don't want it, who knows if the other party will get angry.

Xu Yangyi wisely did not speak and his body quietly disappeared. At this moment, Nanhua Butterfly Mother said leisurely: "Wait a minute."

Before Xu Yangyi could react, a token flew into his hand. She took a sip of tea and waved: "Let's go. If you have a life-threatening moment, crush it and I can take action for you. Qingxu Taihao Dan’s recipe is also included.”

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, put away the token, and disappeared into the void.

The place became quiet again. A few minutes later, there was a crash, and a huge dragon turtle poked its head out from under the boat. It asked angrily: "Master... you... really want to take action?"

"Why not?" Nanhua Butterfly Mother said calmly with silky eyes, "He cannot die. The future of this palace depends on him. Of course I will do everything I can to protect him."


Butterfly Mother said categorically: "That being, if that boy succeeds, I will be an existence of the same level as him. If he fails, can he still chase him to the holy realm? Isn't he afraid of being strangled by the law?"

"Why don't you just tell him?"

Butterfly Mother smiled slightly: "The so-called human feelings are too straightforward, who can feel it?"

"In this world, marrying a wild man is not as good as marrying a wild man, and marrying a wild man is not as good as asking for it. You are still too young..."

outside world.

The stars twinkle. The starry sky is like a wash.

The moment Xu Yangyi appeared, a sharp-edged consciousness, full of murderous intent, nailed him in an instant!

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