
Chapter 1477: Director Liangqin

"Sanctuary of True Knowledge?" It was stunned for half a second, and then without hesitation, a torrent of starlight burst out.

Rumble... The whole universe is trembling and wailing because of its violence. Thousands of starlights are thrown out from the dark universe, running around, turning into raging tides and swallowing everything.

Violent shattering sounds resounded through the starry sky, and after a full ten seconds, the light that was comparable to the explosion of an asteroid dimmed. A huge shadow rushed madly into the remains of Starlight, sniffing desperately.

There was no human figure, just the shattered sky.

"Damn it..." After a few minutes, it raised its head and said fiercely: "It was able to escape from my hands... I will remember this shame..."

"With the adult's contract here, we still have plenty of time to meet... Jie Jie..."


Liangqin Library.

Under the Sanctuary of True Knowledge, the area controlled by the omniscient Alpha, the great scholar, is behind a hidden nebula. In fact, the group of true knowers itself is also very secretive, but not secretive. Too many of them hold real power in the plane co-prosperity circle, and too many creatures can guess their identities, although they have never admitted it, this important?

Everyone knows that the all-knowing Alpha worships Yahweh, the God of True Knowledge, who is one of the few in the Farakon universe that does still exist, and is quite young and energetic. But no one would question him face to face.

This is a group of fanatical madmen, but when they are quiet, they are the best scholars. There are countless planes in the universe that have been enlightened by the Sanctuary of True Knowledge. This is also the reason why they dare not be too secretive.

Among the nebulae, a majestic palace built entirely of Grade A natural materials and void marble is hidden deep inside.

It was huge, although nowhere near as large as Tiragandes, which was still a million miles in size. Countless planetary belts surround it, decorated with shining splendor. Ancient starry trees spread their branches and leaves on the towering pavilions. Following the seemingly endless steps, an eye representing omniscience and omnipotence is carved above the main hall.

Countless floating ships flew in from outside the nebula, and then docked at the entrance and exit on the huge wall. The entrance to Liangqin Library is bustling with traffic every day, and countless people come here with doubts and curiosity. Liangqin Library can be called the temple of knowledge within tens of millions of light years in this star field.

At this moment, a ray of light fell from the sky and hit the library door with a bang. The force was so strong that even the Eye of True Knowledge on the top trembled.

"Who? Where did this low-level creature come from? How dare you insult Liangqin Library? It's a human being... tsk tsk, so ugly. Where is the knowledge protector? Hurry! Catch this person!"

The door of the quiet library suddenly burst into excitement. Several streams of light flew out from behind the listed stone pillars, looking at the creatures lying on the ground with interest.

"It's a human being." One of the guardians said doubtfully: "Strange... there is no human civilization around here, where did this come from?"

Xu Yangyi rubbed his temples irritably, it was so noisy... so noisy that he wanted to burn this place to the ground!

The dizziness that had just been transmitted was still surrounding him. He gritted his teeth and stood up. The pain in his mind was so severe that it was over-exploitation of the brain without rigorous training. Noisy sounds coming from all directions made him wave his hands irritably, and the holy aura poured out instantly.

In an instant, the surroundings became quiet.

After a cleaning technique, all the blood from his orifices was wiped away. Ten minutes later, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked around.

The majestic ancient Greek-style nebula stands, and endless plane flying boat ants are attached to it. Surrounded by a circle of unknown creatures, there are insect-men with white beards and white hair. The old dragon is in a hurry and wears single-frame glasses. There are angels wrapped in white robes that are both male and female, and there are night elves who are legendary for being born for darkness.

None of this is important. What is important is that there are three layers of impenetrable guards around him, composed of various races, and they are obviously extremely vigilant. He even aimed a circle of spear-like magic weapons at him.

There was fear hidden in his eyes, and he was a little lost in thought. He felt it carefully before smiling.

The Supreme Nascent Soul is still insignificant, and there are countless foundation building and golden elixirs... Is this the headquarters of Alpha?

"You...who are you!" One of the leading guardians said in horror: "There is no record of did you come to Liangqin Library?"

Xu Yangyi didn't answer, and glanced slightly. The place was already surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. He smiled slightly: "I am Alpha's friend."

"Bold! How dare you call the curator by his first name! Nonsense! How could Lord Alpha have human friends? I have never heard him mention it! Sir, you are invading the domain of a god, you'd better answer seriously!"

"He is indeed my friend. The incident happened suddenly, so I teleported him here specially." At this moment, a majestic voice came from the palace of stars, it was the familiar Alpha. Immediately afterwards, the crowd separated automatically, and a white light flew out from the main hall, forming a glorious staircase: "Let him come in, and don't stop him."

His voice was very gentle, completely different from Xu Yangyi's impression of Alpha, who was mean, shameless, cunning and neurotic. However, as soon as the surrounding creatures heard this voice, they all knelt on the ground, with a kind of sincere enthusiasm on their faces, and they all shouted: "Greetings to the great and true Lord Alpha!!"

As for Xu Yangyi?

Sorry, they are completely uninterested in a species that looks so ugly. It actually has such strange organs as eyes and mouth?

Xu Yangyi curled his lips secretly, walked up the white stairs, and suddenly disappeared in a flash.

"You are in a very embarrassed state." A different and harsh voice sounded in my ears: "You were actually chased here by a first-generation Yahweh?"

"Your lair is not that good either." Xu Yangyi retorted: "The strength is so low that I can't stand it."

Light and shadow flow in front of my eyes, restoring my vision. It was a room almost exactly like Sketios, with soft carpets, soft chairs, everything was soft. Except for the old monster in front of him who was as hard as stone.

The two of them had lived and died together, and Xu Yangyi was not polite. He sat on the chair, crossed his legs, and without any sense of being a guest, he picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

Alpha glanced over with disgust: "I really think you should put away your aggressive personality and come to my seat to study hard for hundreds of years."

He was wearing a cosmos... that's the cosmos, as if it were a robe, but the stars on it were still flowing, like a living thing. Coupled with his extremely handsome, indistinguishable elf face, he had a very magical temperament.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. To be honest, if I hadn't been at the end of my rope, I wouldn't have come to find you." Xu Yangyi put down the teacup and put his hand on Erlang's knee, his mind still buzzing. He closed his eyes and calmed down: "How many troops can you dispatch?"

Alpha turned around slightly and said in shock: "You don't know? My soldiers are all crazy."

"I know."

"No, you don't know." Alpha sat down opposite him and said calmly: "What I mean is that the thinking of a madman cannot be reasoned by normal people."

He raised a finger: "Fight only for true knowledge, this is our creed."

"The Senate will not send troops without an absolutely appropriate 'price.' Moreover, it is to enter other mature civilized planes, which is not in line with our teachings."

Xu Yangyi opened his eyes. The pressure brought by the Sun Demonic Wolf finally disappeared from his body, and he calmly said: "Continue. I don't think we need to talk about friendship. It is more suitable for you and me to talk about the terms directly."

Alpha smiled complicatedly: "Yes... I am a fox, you are a wolf, and we are all beasts."

"My soldiers are not loyal to me, but to Farrakon, the God of True Knowledge. I can command them, but whether they work hard or not is another answer. Without 'truth' as ​​a driving force, too many people escape from the battle. Even if I let "He follows you to the backcountry where you are, and they might just turn around and leave."

Alpha gently picked up a cup of tea: "I have five thousand True Knowledgeers under my command. Don't worry... they are the 'Convicts', the most elite corps in the entire True Knowledge Sanctuary. One against ten is not a problem. In order for them to dispatch, first take the Show your sincerity, and then I will report it to the Senate. Depending on the quality of your information, the reviewers may even lend you more than 10,000 convicts."

He put down the tea cup without taking a sip, his eyes flashed like fire, and he licked his lips: "You asked me to negotiate terms, and I did. So, Yi, do you have any terms that can make me, or even the Senate, interested? ?”

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "What if we talk about friendship?"

Alpha smiled very happily: "Actually, unfortunately, we don't have this thing."

"Giving you the token is an investment in your future. Isn't it? The rewards will come soon. I believe you are a smart person, and there is no absolute certainty. If you don't take the most difficult step, you don't want to get into trouble. We're crazy."

He leaned back on the chair with determination and smiled like a fox: "Come on, tell me what kind of difficulties you encountered and what exciting information you brought to me."

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at him, patted his leg and put it down. He stopped his smile and looked directly at the other person, and said solemnly: "Soon, I will be face to face with several other holders of the divine head."

Alpha's body came closer, his eyes like stars: "I'm not interested in the godhead. To be honest, there are many broken godheads in the Sanctuary of True Knowledge. Without eternal fine gold, brokenness can only be broken."

"Even Lord Pharacon is unwilling to mention the cursed name of Eternal Gold."

The two people's eyes crossed each other, and the flames were flying in the chat and laughter. Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "Each of them holds at least a hundred thousand soldiers in their hands. And... they are probably no weaker than your condemned ones."

"Three of them are top disciples of Taixu. Note that they are the top ones in my opinion. You should know what level I am."

Alpha stopped laughing.

Xu Yangyi didn't give him a chance to escape: "The other one is Taichu, who is known as the 'perfect life form'. Maybe you haven't heard of this name..."

"Damn it! How come I haven't heard of it!" Alpha gritted his teeth, finally looked away, and said with hatred: "Chimera, gene aggregate, reaper of life, perfect has too many names. There are so many that it’s disgusting!”

He glanced at Xu Yangyi faintly: "Your opponent this time... is very unusual."

Xu Yangyi licked his lips: "Of course, it's even difficult. In the melee of hundreds of thousands of monks, I can no longer turn the tide of the battle by myself. What's even more difficult is that my trump card cannot be used, and there is a Prime Demon God watching covetously next to me."

"So..." He picked up the tea cup and took a sip, covering his eyes like cold stars: "You... want to go with me to meet the two Yahwehs?"

brush! Alpha stood up suddenly.

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