
Chapter 1478: Great Sage

"Two Yahwehs?" Alpha stared into Xu Yangyi's eyes, as if wildfire was burning: "Which two?"

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly, and sure enough... he was still exactly the same as before, with such a shameful behavior. Elegant one second, crazy the next, and this, this is the helper he told the three sect masters. The final trump card.

From the beginning, he has been planning this army of madmen. As long as there is enough bait, they are simply bloodthirsty greedy wolves. However, when he actually sat at the negotiating table and once again tasted the madness of the so-called true knower, he finally felt a layer of hesitation in his heart.

In a world of great strife... this is an ice bridge that is like walking on thin ice. If it is heavier or lighter, it will break this layer of floating ice. What he wants is to be foolproof and orderly, but it just so happens that these Mamluks with true knowledge are the biggest variable!

They are a double-edged sword that can hurt others and themselves, and the sword is not held firmly, like the Void Pyramid.

If something were pulled out from Emperor Wa's Bridge of Heaven and Earth...such as a woodpecker and a gourd...

The advice of the Nanhua Butterfly Mother resounded in my ears again: Don’t touch them, otherwise, Emperor Wa will not let you go.

The blazing heat in my heart just now suddenly became much colder and calmer. He did not speak directly, but slowly said: "One is one of the most ancient Yahweh, Greedy Mammon. You should have heard of it. After all, it is a god that has existed since the mythical era and has experienced countless eras. "

Alpha's eyes flickered slightly but he did not speak.

It is very dangerous to deal with this kind of old monster who has lived for who knows how many years, and the other party must be tight-lipped. The True Seeer is fanatical, but not stupid. He does not want to provoke this legendary monster. Even Farakon is absolutely prohibited from provoking these so-called "oldest" immortals.

"Where's the other one?" he asked evasively.

Xu Yangyi gently flicked the lid of the teacup: "Emperor Wa."

Alpha frowned in a rare way.

He had never heard of the name.

"Don't tell me this is the battlefield between the two Yahwehs. Our qualifications are simply not enough to enter this kind of battlefield. Their servants of God are enough to kill us thousands of times."

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "No, due to some special reasons, the two true bodies of Yahweh cannot appear. Even only the soul can appear, and the highest one is too virtual."

"Then, can I think that this 'special reason' is the price you pay for asking us to send troops?" Alpha narrowed his eyes slightly and said slowly.

Xu Yangyi did not answer.

Even though it was peaceful here, and even though Alpha wasn't stalking him, he could sense a stormy and ready impulse from this seemingly calm questioning.

No one spoke, and the huge room was completely silent. Alpha stared at him for a long time and then said: "It seems that something happened suddenly and your decision was very sudden. Can you tell me? My friend, I hope to hear your appeal."

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes, stroked the tea cup, and jingled softly: "My friend? I don't remember having such a friend."

In the face of absolute true knowledge, they are more ferocious than corrupt wolves.

They have no humanity in their hearts.

Even if it's wearing a human skin.

Alpha didn't protest and remained silent. The atmosphere in the room calmed down. He walked up slowly, and with a move from the void, an elf appeared holding a teapot, and the cyan liquid poured into Xu Yangyi's teacup. Following the lingering silence, he slowly said: "What are you still hesitating about?"

He had a hunch that what the other party said this time would definitely be enough to seduce the Sanctuary of True Knowledge. He gently held Xu Yangyi's hand: "Since you have come to us - our group of notorious lunatics, I believe you don't have much time to think about it. Being indecisive is not suitable for you."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyes slightly, feeling as if he was suddenly blessed.

Yes...if you don't use them, facing the three masters of talismans, it is very likely that he will be targeted. The fattest passengers must disembark first. This is common sense.

If it doesn't change, it's stagnant water.

Only by changing can we survive!

When this sudden thought came to his mind, he was surprised for a moment. This realization came so suddenly and so logically. He grinded his teeth gently, cursed secretly, put down the tea cup, stared at Alpha, and said solemnly: "Have you ever heard of eternal fine gold?"

"Oh..." Alpha let out a moan of pleasure in his throat: "Eternal fine gold, a forbidden object of the gods... so wonderful... This name is simply the most pleasant note played by a harp carved from dragon teeth. It has been too long since I last heard it. I heard people outside the Sanctuary of True Knowledge talking about this name... go on."

Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "Mamen... is looking for the second half of the Hongmeng Contract Book, and he already has some answers. And this second half... records the refining method of eternal fine gold..."

Before he finished speaking, Alpha's star map bloomed with beautiful brilliance, just like when he first heard him talking about the Hongmeng Contract Book, he screamed, his hair fluttered, and he flew into the air like an elf.

"The God of true knowledge is above..."

"Meeting you is the best decision in my life!!"

"Listen...listen! What beautiful news! The Book of Hongmeng Contract, Eternal Fine Gold! This is simply the most difficult mystery in the universe!!"

Swish, brush, brush! Rays of light bloomed from his pores, transforming into an extremely excited light man. Xu Yangyi frowned. He could hardly imagine how this group of true knowers would behave when they came to the Bridge of Heaven and Earth.

Madness or destruction, but never deeds.

At this moment, the surrounding void suddenly fluctuated slightly, as if a basin of cold water was poured on his head, and his eyes suddenly froze.


He stood up suddenly, his expression serious for a few seconds. Then he looked at Alpha with a cold murderous intent and punched out without hesitation.

With his consciousness fully opened and without mobilizing the talisman, this punch sent off sonic booms and hit Alpha's chest.

"Hahahaha!" Alpha laughed loudly, and his body turned into black smoke and dispersed. Xu Yangyi stood in the center of the black mist, with murderous intent radiating out like a demon on the move, his black hair flying wildly along with his clothes, and the void around him was being destroyed and reborn.

"Alpha..." His voice was extremely cold: "How dare you attack me?"

"Very keen." Just as he finished speaking, an old voice sounded: "Unfortunately, I have not experienced the baptism of true knowledge, and my understanding of the methods of true knowledge is still too superficial."

This is not the voice of an Alpha.

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and realized that something was wrong. He said too much. These things must not be thrown to these lunatics. The second half of the Hongmeng Contract Book is enough for them to take the bait. Saying too much...will only make these lunatics completely crazy!

And he actually said it himself!

I was still hesitating a few seconds ago, but I voluntarily said it a few seconds later. The change in thinking was very fitting. It wasn't until a few seconds passed that he realized something was wrong.

"There is no fluctuation in spiritual energy. Is this a formation that has been arranged long ago?" Xu Yangyi glanced around, and the black mist transformed by Alpha did not leave, but lingered around him: "How early? Before I came? Or just now Within a few minutes? It’s really rare to reveal the truth.”

The old voice sounded faintly again: "Actually, this formation is called 'Farrakon's Heart,' where the heart is, he thought, I answered. Even Taixu can't avoid it. If I hadn't heard about the 'Mythic Transcendent' In your name, I will not come here personally to arrange the formation and listen to your every word. Do you know how busy I am?"

A piece of brilliance lit up, very soft and not sharp at all, just like the best hidden lunatic who always has a layer of normal human skin.

In the light, two figures appeared. One was an old man with a hunchback. I don't know if he was human. He was also wearing a cosmic robe and was leaning on a crutch that was taller than him. There was a huge hump on his back, almost as big as his body. His limbs were skinny, and his face was covered with wrinkles from the years. If it weren't for his eyes that were like sparks of fire, it would be impossible to tell that he was still alive.

The other one was Alpha. As soon as he appeared, he bowed deeply and said, "Greetings to the respected great sage Miravo of the Stars. Teacher, long time no see. Fortunately, you came here this time."

Miravo's withered orange peel-like face seemed to be smiling, and he looked at Xu Yangyi kindly. Xu Yangyi did not relax at all, and the talisman was activated at any time.

The other party's eyes seemed to have hooks, and he could see him clearly from the outside to the inside. As he looked, chicken skin emerged layer by layer.

This is too vain...

No... He frowned. The spiritual energy in the early stage of Taixu could not be so insubstantial, but it did feel like Taixu. This feeling...

His eyes suddenly lit up, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. No more words.

"Don't be nervous. I swear in the name of Lord Farakon that I will not hurt you." Miravo waved his hand: "Sit down."

Xu Yangyi suppressed the feeling of boredom in his heart and sat down. Sure enough... This kind of person is naturally incompatible with his aura, and there is no possibility of being friends.

He detested this uncontrolled and ignorant fanaticism. I hate having no choice but to trust even more.

This sword belongs to no one, they only belong to themselves. It's not surprising to stab anyone to death.

"I have informed the Senate." Miravo said hoarsely as soon as he sat down: "They take it very seriously."

A strange light shot out from his pupils: "Wait a moment, Miravo, the Singer of the Stars" will come to Liangqin Library. Oh...this is me. I think you won't mind if I come a little early. "

He bowed gracefully: "Allow me to thank you. As long as your secrets continue. You will always be our best friend."

"Believe it or not..." Xu Yangyi held the tea cup without any fear: "I want to leave, but you can't keep me."

"You are not Taixu who advanced through normal means, I can feel it."

Miravo narrowed his eyes: "Then why don't you leave?"

"It's useless." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "I believe you can trace my plane and apply it like a dog-skin plaster. Since you can't get rid of it, you might as well find a way to hold this sword."

"Oh?" Miravo said with a smile, "I didn't even know we had such a method."

Xu Yangyi looked at the other party coldly, and the other party looked at him. After a few seconds, he sighed and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, the token flew out of Xu Yangyi's storage ring, and a row of data was clearly listed next to it.

X:437829, Y:123672.

The coordinates of the Seven Realms!

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