
Chapter 1479: Negotiating with a Madman (Part 1)

"Alfa notified me immediately after receiving your notification. It just so happens that I'm not too far away." Miravo didn't have any airs, but seemed very sincere: "Believe me, we just want to help you. Now that it has happened, you Dislike cannot change any problem, solution is the solution, and we will try our best to compensate you for your unhappiness.”

"I am a member of the Elder Council of the Sanctuary of True Knowledge, and I can decide on their behalf the Council of Elders' judgment on this matter."


Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi's tea cup paused on the table and looked directly into his eyes: "I want you to swear in the name of Farakon."

"In my territory, if anyone dares to touch those who dare not touch, don't blame me for sending his soul back."

"Or, you can try to keep me, if you can catch the light."

"Fake, too, false!"

When these words came out, both Alpha and Miravo narrowed their eyes. The three of them were tit for tat, and no one spoke. After a long time, Miravo asked Alpha hoarsely: "Can he escape from my hands?"

"Don't doubt his strength." Alpha said solemnly: "In a sense, he is also a preparer of the True Knowledge. I have seen with my own eyes how he came out of a desperate situation like the Void Pyramid. He said it was okay, and I still I hope the teacher won’t doubt it.”

"I don't want to provoke a terrible enemy to Liangqin Library."

"That's it..." Miravo turned his head thoughtfully: "I cannot agree to this, but I can guarantee that no matter what happens, you will be safe. Regarding this, I can use my true knowledge to In the name of God."

Xu Yangyi looked at him coldly: "In front of the two Yahwehs?"

"We can do it even in front of the most ancient Lord Mammon." Miravo smiled sullenly: "Don't underestimate the Sanctuary of True Knowledge. If Yahweh is suppressed to the realm of Taixu, we have countless ways to escape. "

"For example, do you know how you fell into the magic of 'Faradon's Heart'?" His face like a withered orange peel came up to him, and he picked up Xu Yangyi's empty teacup with a smile and turned it over. There is a complicated pattern at the bottom. If you look closely, you will see that there are countless talismans hidden in this pattern!

"I changed some of the runes so that they can act on heat. When the heat reaches the maximum, this rune will enter the body along the hand holding the cup. What's even better is that it will not cause spiritual consciousness. Every bit of alertness.”

Xu Yangyi licked his lips and leaned forward with murderous intent: "Are you showing off?"

He remembered the scene when Alpha poured tea himself. At that time... was he preparing to activate his magical power? Because you saw your hesitation?

"No... I don't want to be your enemy. I trust Alpha's judgment." Miravo leaned on the chair to avoid the edge: "I just said... realm is only a part of strength. The true knower explores The direction is completely different from that of ordinary monks. We know too many methods that even Yahweh cannot discover."

"Before true knowledge, there is no god."

Alpha said calmly: "If you fear the gods and think you are omnipotent, you will never be able to find the right solution."

Xu Yangyi lowered his eyes and sneered: "Then where is your Lord Farakon?"

"We worship it, respect it, and fear it, but we are not afraid of it. Perhaps it can be said that we are in awe of the person who points out the path to true knowledge, not because it is Yahweh." Milavo said lightly.

"Come on, let's put aside our prejudices and work together. Although I can't agree to that condition of yours, but... I can agree to you on behalf of the Senate. We can agree to other, more conditions." He stood up, trembling. He stretched out his withered hand loftily: "I can't wait to hear your story... Hongmeng Contract Book, Eternal Fine Gold, this is simply the most perfect experience in my life!"

Xu Yangyi looked at him for a full ten seconds, but the other person didn't take his hand back. He finally smiled, gently held the other person's hand, and said meaningfully: "We will work together as one."

The sword flew out of his hand from the start. No one knows who it will stab.

It's a price. In exchange for the full help of the true knower.

Both sides are a dangerous equal sign, maybe it will be better, maybe it will be worse.

No one can know that since the situation has developed to this point, it is better to follow the trend and use their vast knowledge to obtain the greatest benefits.

He shook his hand hard and touched it slightly.

"Swear before the God of True Knowledge." He sat down with his legs crossed and said slowly: "I say, you do it."

In a very disrespectful tone, Alpha and Miravo both stood up. The two of them solemnly took out a silver scroll with an omniscient and omnipotent triangular eye on it.

"Faradon's seal, unless it is a great scholar or above, is not qualified to enter the sight of the gods." Miravo stroked the scroll deeply and said hoarsely: "Once recorded, our contract will exist under the eyes of the gods." His rules are bound. If violated, the chains of rules will penetrate you and me instantly."

He glanced at Xu Yangyi: "Believe me, you can't die again. It's the same for everyone. Even if Lord Farrakon is Yahweh for who knows how many generations, he is still Yahweh."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly: "Sure enough, the preparations are complete...Have you guessed this scene a long time ago? It doesn't matter, since it has developed to this point, it is also your strength to take away a chess piece in my hand. Since it has passed, why not Look to the future. Come, listen, you write."

"First, no matter what, Starsinger Miravo, Great Scholar Alpha, and the Liangqin Library they represent must use all their strength to ensure my safety."

brush! In a silver light, the scroll opened silently, with nothing on it. The triangular eye bloomed with purple light, as if it glanced around, and finally landed on the eyebrows of Miravo and Alpha. With a gentle sweep, a drop of blood flew out and wrote quickly on the scroll.

"Second, the actions of the Sanctuary of True Knowledge have nothing to do with me. They cannot represent me at any time, in any action, or in any language."

"Third, I only have a cooperative relationship with the Sanctuary of True Knowledge. They have no right to ask for answers in any form. I have the freedom to tell them or not."

"Fourth, during this operation in the Sanctuary of True Knowledge, no one is allowed to have any negative thoughts towards me. The same goes for me. Any violator...please request to be killed immediately."

Upon hearing these four items, both Alpha and Miravo moved their lips slightly, their eyes were extremely deep, but they said nothing.

True knowledge comes first, freedom comes last, and survival comes last.

This is their creed.

For the sake of true knowledge, they will do anything. You can also agree to all conditions.

Xu Yangyi pondered for a few seconds, and finally said: "Fifth... Once this matter is over, whether it is successful or causes huge disasters due to the madness of the Sanctuary of True Knowledge, I will not participate."

"Sixth, the Sanctuary of True Knowledge, as the price for this top secret, must do its best to help me seize the throne and get my soul back. There must be no excuses."

"Seventh... within ten minutes of the end of the matter, I need... them to send me back to the plane of no return." Even if this is not possible, portals to other galaxies must be opened to ensure that they are not within the scope of the devil's influence. "

For nearly half an hour, Xu Yangyi almost eliminated any possibility of the Sanctuary of True Knowledge pulling him into trouble. Miravo was noncommittal. When his voice fell, he opened his dim eyes and smiled hoarsely: "Mr. Ferrers... seems to have misunderstood us in such detail... He doesn't intend to associate with us in the future. Yet?"

"I hope this is the last time." Xu Yangyi bit his fingertips and wrote his name on the scroll. He raised his thick eyebrows and looked at the two of them coldly: "Have you decided?"

Miravo and Alpha did not answer immediately. They read it carefully several times and pondered for more than ten minutes. Miravo twirled his beard thoughtfully: "Article 7, you will leave within ten minutes? You don't trust us so much?" ?”

"I don't trust your destructive power." Xu Yangyi said in a cold voice: "Nothing can be changed. If you want to know, then sign your name and stamp it with the seal of the Sanctuary of True Knowledge."


Before he finished speaking, a vast spiritual energy exploded, and the surrounding void buzzed with murderous intent.

"Then don't blame me for not remembering the old relationship."

A smile appeared on Miravo's dry face and he signed his name without hesitation. No matter how unfair this contract was, he was still happy with it. The same goes for Alpha.

Buzz... At the same time, there was a slight buzz in the void, and there was something magnificent. At this moment, his eyes were looking here. Immediately afterwards, the scroll burst out with a silver light again, and rolled up automatically in this light. Finally, the silver eyes on the cover bloomed with blood and turned into black. Suddenly disappeared into the air.

"Are you satisfied?" Alpha breathed a sigh of relief, the suppressed madness in his eyes finally revealed, and said hoarsely: "Now...immediately! Tell us the truth! I can't wait any longer!"

Miravo didn't speak, but with a wave of his hand, all the hidden talismans in all directions lit up, making the place completely sealed. At the same time, his breathing was extremely rapid.

The suppressed madness has finally come to an end, and they can't wait to send troops to the Seven Realms immediately!

"This matter will start when I return to the Seventh Realm..." Xu Yangyi organized his speech for several minutes and began to talk.

The name of the Nanhua Butterfly Mother and the past of not returning to the immortal world are hidden. The focus is on the requirements of Mamen and the identity of Emperor Wa. Just as he was speaking, the entire Liangqin Library suddenly became restless.

Rumble... A mountain-like sea of ​​consciousness seemed to come from the depths of the universe and enter here without any warning. However, he couldn't break through. This spiritual consciousness seemed to have a spirit, lingering for a long time and unwilling to leave.

The three of them all looked to the top of their heads. Miravo closed his eyes and experienced it for several seconds, then smiled and said, "Sure enough... the Emperor Wa in your mouth is extremely weak."

"Is this Emperor Wa?" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, feeling the storm-like consciousness. The other party stayed outside the library, but seemed to have some scruples and did not go further. And a layer of silvery light has enveloped the library at some point.

"Of course." Alpha nodded with scorching eyes: "Yahweh's consciousness is extremely majestic, and the Seven Realms are not too far away from us. When you mention things that are closely related to her, she will naturally feel it. That is a god, my friend. , a true god, whose thoughts reach all the heavens and all realms. If she doesn’t want to have a head-on battle with Lord Farrakorn, she will not enter the area protected by it.”

"Only when we talk about these things here are you and I safe."

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