
Chapter 1480: Negotiating with a Madman (Part 2)

Xu Yangyi retracted his gaze and continued to speak slowly.

Speaking of the battle of Cantian City and the strange marks on the backs of the five kings and two queens, the eyes of the two true knowers had already erupted with fiery flames.

When it came to the identity of the Queen of Wa, they had already taken a breath and stood up. Miravo's old body was trembling slightly - that was excitement, the excitement that had not been there for thousands of years.

Following his unhurried voice, the voices of the two people went from rapid to suffocating. They interrupted and asked questions with trembling voices from time to time. After a full hour, they sat in their seats like satisfied gluttons.

"Heh..." Miravo pressed his chest: "This place has not been beating so violently for countless years."

"Eternal adamantium, Mammon... Queen of Wa... This is simply a fascinating triangle puzzle."

Alpha covered his face with both hands and made a sound similar to the sobbing of a beast.

Their emotions have begun to become abnormal.

"Give me the result." Xu Yangyi ignored the two schizophrenics and said slowly, "I'm in a hurry."

"Of course I agree, I agree without a doubt!" Miravo said hoarsely, "I have a feeling that this will be a big step for the Sanctuary of True Knowledge!"

"Troops." Xu Yangyi said concisely.

Miravo pondered for a moment: "30,000."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "Is this all your respect for True Knowledge?"

"If the so-called 'oldest' demon is not here." Miravo seemed not to understand the sarcasm and smiled: "For this secret, the Sanctuary of True Knowledge may be paralyzed for thousands of years to deal with the wrath of the most ancient Yawei. So, we can only find a balance point."

Xu Yangyi looked straight into his eyes: "So, what's the answer I want?"

Miravo licked his lips like a snake, his dry hands gently placed on the table, and smiled peacefully: "Didn't I give it to you just now?"

Xu Yangyi supported his body with his right elbow, leaned his upper body forward, without any Without disguising the murderous intent in his eyes: "Don't pretend, I don't understand."

"My friend's soul is in Mammon's hands, and his condition is to get the second half of the Hongmeng Contract Book. However, I don't have any conditions to exchange with Queen Wa."

"Otherwise, why do you think I have to take you in?"

Milavo narrowed his eyes, as if he was a dragon retreating into the cave: "Unfortunately, 'help you solve the problem' and 'alliance,' are two prices."

"Really." Xu Yangyi leaned back in his chair and sneered: "You seem to have forgotten one thing, 'send me away within ten minutes of the end of the matter.' This one has been witnessed by the gods."

Milavo stopped laughing.

Alpha's eyes suddenly raised, and he glanced at Xu Yangyi in surprise.

"If I die before this, the contract will not be established. You." Xu Yangyi smiled lightly, pointed at Miravo, whose face was obscure, and then pointed at Alpha and himself: "Him."


"All must die."


Death-like silence.

After five minutes, a gentle applause sounded. Miravo laughed instead of getting angry, clapping and saying, "Beautiful... Is this a counterattack against my use of the 'Heart of Farakon'? I have to say, very smart."

"I said why it took ten minutes, and I felt strange at the time. Unfortunately, the spark of true knowledge blinded my eyes."

He looked at Xu Yangyi dimly and said, "This answer cannot be perfect. You have built this bridge between the two Yahwehs. When the gods fight, the fish in the pond will suffer. There will definitely be Yahweh who is dissatisfied, and you."

He put his skinny fingers on the back of Xu Yangyi's hand: "You may become the target of anger... Oh, no, it is certain."

"That is Mammon, the source of all evil, moody, and the oldest creature. You also understand Yahweh's strength, so you have to leave within ten minutes."

"Think about what to do." Xu Yangyi laughed.

He can't see the light on this dead end. However, in front of this group of creatures known as the smartest in the universe, maybe he can really find the dawn!

This is the real reason why he did not attack the two men, but went with the flow!

What really made him decide was the Heart of Farakon.

This magical power is unnoticed by the gods and ghosts. How many similar moves does this temple of knowledge have? Even if they can't do it, now, because of this contract, they will ask others, ask the director, the deputy director, and even... ask the god of true knowledge Farakon!

If you can't do it, then throw it to others. If these two people don't want to die with him, then they must fully mobilize all the think tanks of the Sanctuary of True Knowledge.

A negotiation, under the calm, has long been turbulent. It started from the moment of the conversation.

"Teacher." Alpha looked at Miravo: "I said that he is a true knower, and he is the most unique true knower."

Miravo raised his aging eyebrows: "Smart, cherishing life, and by chance, he has come into contact with too many secrets. Unfortunately, his character will not stand on our side."

Silence again, this time for half an hour, Miravo slowly said: "There is a simplest way."

Xu Yangyi sneered: "If you mean to use my "promise" to be the puppet of the immortal Queen Wa in exchange for the Book of Hongmeng Contract, then shut up."

"Except for this, I can't think of any other way for the time being." Miravo frowned: "Humans are very cunning, it's true. I just gave you a chance to explain in good faith, but you bit me to the brink of death."

Xu Yangyi said "huh" lightly, too lazy to talk nonsense.

He lowered his head and thought for a while: "This matter is very difficult. I need to summon my colleagues to think about it carefully. In addition, I really don't like this approach. Alpha, see you off."

Miravo's figure disappeared quietly. This was the first time that he was angry, even if Xu Yangyi had not done anything before. If he hadn't been absolutely sure of capturing Xu Yangyi, he might have taken action by now.

"The teacher is angry." Alpha glanced at the void and sighed: "Let's go, Mr. Yi. If things turn around, the teacher will contact you."

He pinched out several talismans from the void, and soon, a ripple of teleportation array surged under Xu Yangyi's feet, causing his clothes to flutter. Just as he was leaving, he asked calmly: "How sure are you?"

"Not sure." Alpha sighed: "The only good news is that we are not afraid of death, but it's just that there are too many troubles without a body. Being unable to travel in the void is equivalent to cutting off the path to knowledge."

"In addition, this kind of situation is not unprecedented in history. Maybe you can find a suitable solution by searching. It's best to leave your information. The same solution has two effects on different people."

"If the Sanctuary of True Knowledge chooses to take action, it must be absolutely foolproof. In millions of years, we have never failed."

Xu Yangyi nodded, and in the flash of light, he had entered a time corridor that traveled between planes.

The moment he entered, a ray of light flew in. He stretched out his hand to grab it and saw that it was a palm-sized token, different from the one Alpha gave him before. This token is a hollow eye, engraved with extremely complicated runes, which makes people dizzy when they see it.

"To contact us and enter information, you can use it." Alpha's voice rang in his ears: "The transmission speed is one week, and it can be used three times. It is very precious."

Putting it into the storage ring, Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and began a long journey through the planes.

One month, two months, three months... One day three months later, this dark passage with only starlight finally trembled, and a little brilliance bloomed in front of it. It grew bigger and brighter, and after a few seconds, the brilliance illuminated the entire passage and engulfed his figure.

There was finally a solid feeling under my feet, and then, boom! With a loud bang, the aura of the Great Perfection of the Saint exploded, which was the caution that had been integrated into the bones and blood. When the dizziness in front of his eyes disappeared, what came into his eyes was a blurry scene of the Immortal Family.

White cranes flew together, spiritual beasts filled the ground, and strange flowers sprouted their pistils. The bright moon shines among the pines, and the spiritual spring stone flows upward.

The ground is green and flowers are blooming, giving people a feeling of eternal spring. Surrounded by mountains, there is a basin. He looked over, and then took a deep breath.

In the center of the basin, a huge tree with a height of 100 meters and a crown that overturned the entire basin was standing here.

It is definitely not an ordinary tree. Every leaf is crystal clear and green. I don’t know how long it has been growing. The seemingly ugly ravines on its body have actually become talismans. The whole tree is swaying in the night, giving people a sense of mysterious immortality.

"Such a rich spiritual energy." He felt it for a while, and a wry smile appeared on his face: "It's actually not much weaker than the Choming Relics."

Over the years, every corner of the Seven Realms has been explored. A place with such strong spiritual energy has long been a forbidden area for a certain powerful force.

He probably landed in a forbidden area that was at least a Class A force.

"The landing point has not been selected... Is this goblin technology?" He shook his head helplessly, took out several black paper cranes, wrote the message that he had returned, and released them into the air.

Because from very far away, he had already felt that someone was aware of the fluctuations of spiritual energy here. The Holy Spirit's energy leaked out when he came out, which was enough to arouse the monk's vigilance.

Don't be too troubled in troubled times. If the other party doesn't listen to his explanation, then... the only option is to let the sect negotiate.

Swish, pull, by one, paper cranes flap their wings and fly into the air. Just when he was about to sink into the void, a young voice snorted coldly: "What kind of thief dares to break into Penglai Island!"

Before he finished speaking, a magic weapon like a spider web suddenly appeared in the void, with brilliant aura, and all the paper cranes were unprepared and enveloped in it. Immediately afterwards, a ray of light came from the sky like lightning, accompanied by an angry voice: "Trespassing into forbidden areas, kneel down and listen to the announcement!"

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, his brilliance was extremely fast, but he could see that the person was definitely no match for him. But when the brilliance flew in front of him, he flicked it lightly. The brilliance buzzed and trembled, and it turned out to be a folding fan, which flew back in the young voice's exclamation.

"Tianjian Villa, Ben Lei, just returned from the outside world. The destination is not clear. Please forgive me for entering here by mistake."

"Thunder?!" As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of rays of light rose from the sky. As soon as they rose, a confused voice immediately sounded in the sky. was dawn.

Two big red hands composed of auras, braving huge flames, dyed the entire night fiery red, stretched out from the center of the sky, penetrated the thick clouds, and swallowed up the brilliance of the moon. With a gentle push, a three-color cloud cave of fiery red, bright, and pitch black was formed.

In the cloud cave, there is a huge head that is also made of spiritual energy. It is an old man. The spiritual energy on his body is not concealed. He is in the realm of Taixu!

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