
Chapter 1481: Penglai Fairy Island

"It's you." He spoke again, his voice calmed down. However, Xu Yangyi's nerves were getting tighter and tighter.

This place... gave him a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Who is the senior?" He asked with a bow, trying to calm himself.

The spiritualized Taixu did not answer, but looked at him deeply. After a long time, he sneered: "Don't you know me?"

"Never seen you." Xu Yangyi answered honestly.

This Taixu laughed strangely and said coldly: "But... I have seen you."

Xu Yangyi did not answer. His intuition told him that this Taixu did not like him.

When did you see him?

"Can't remember?" The streams of light from all directions came in an instant, surrounding Xu Yangyi in a circle. He looked over calmly, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Three Venerable Saints... Two Yin Venerables and one Yang Saint, the others are all at the top of the Nascent Soul!

Where is this?

He frowned deeply. Penglai Fairy Island... This term is very familiar. There are many legends on Earth, but the Seven Realms have never heard of this name.

This should be the military force guarding the forbidden area. What kind of force can have such a strong strength?

"Then... I will let you remember it carefully." Taixu snorted coldly in the air. In the radiant light, dark clouds covered the sun, completely covering this huge face. A cold voice came from the clouds: "Tianjian Villa, the young master Ben Lei, broke into the forbidden Penglai Fairy Island and was imprisoned in the Dragon Tower for ten years. Come on, take him down!"

"Senior." Before the voice fell, a Yin Zun who was shaking a folding fan stepped out from the monks who surrounded him like stars and smiled: "Why not let the younger generation test the sword for this matter?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he glanced at his folding fan. He didn't say anything. Taixu in the air glanced at the Yinzun: "It turned out to be Xiaoqi... Are you sure?"

"Of course." Xiaoqi smiled and spread out his folding fan: "The qualification battle for the Great Struggle World is now in full swing. It is rumored that there is a cultivator who, with a mere ascended body, overwhelmed the thirteen Taixu disciples and took the virtual crystal from the army as if it were a piece of cake. Although the ten of us Taoists cannot participate in the Great Struggle World, we are also very curious."

"Hehe..." A chuckle came from the air: "It's hard to live up to the reputation, go."

Then, as if talking to himself: "Here, in this Penglai Fairy Island, no one dares to touch our people."

"Yes." Xiaoqi smiled slightly, turned into a beam of light and flew a hundred meters in front of Xu Yangyi. He shook his folding fan and raised his beautiful chin high: "Are you Benlei?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes were obscure. Just as he was about to speak, suddenly, his eyebrows frowned slightly.


There was a strange aura on this person. When he smelled this aura, his demon body actually began to stir.

He took two steps back calmly, but there was a hissing sound. The young Yin Zun shrugged and turned his head away with a sneer: "Is it that serious?"

"I am just walking in front of you. Even if you are from the lower realm, you don't have to be afraid."

He looked at Xu Yangyi as if he was looking for something: "It's just that I thought this generation had a great saint seed, but I didn't expect..."

He sighed, and his words were not finished.

Xu Yangyi smiled.

As he smiled, the spiritual power of Taixu in the void instantly enveloped him. He ignored it and smiled: "Do you want to try?"

"Bold!" "You are disrespectful to Qi Daozi! Do you know where this is?!" "Idiot... Do you really think you dare to make trouble here with your status as a Yang Sheng! For thousands of years, no one has dared to speak rudely in Penglai Fairy Island!"

The young monk shook his head: "Of course..."

"I want to!!"

Before he finished speaking, the folding fan suddenly unfolded, and a flying shadow of a white crane spirit beast was almost within reach, and a tsunami was surging. As the folding fan was gently shaken, the river and the sea rushed over like a condensed light.

Wow! The spiritual energy exploded without any sign, but at this moment, this sea tide suddenly burst into a soaring spiritual light!

I don’t know what it hit, the phantoms of the spirit beasts that had just flown out all collapsed, rippling hundreds of meters, blowing the valley under the moon. The young man’s pupils shrank, and before he could react, he saw that the phantoms of the spirit beasts in front of him were like being swallowed into the stomach of a demon, and disappeared at the same time!

Dead silence.

The sound of falling can be heard from all directions. The beasts were galloping in the last second, and the silence was silent in the next second. One after another, eyes gathered on Xu Yangyi with shock, because he was stretching out a fist.

Sha... The fist stretched out gently, and a piece of paper-folded beast inside floated down, like a leaf in the wind.

"Children should not play adult games." He said lightly: "It's very dangerous."

No one spoke.

Only the night wind was rustling. Even the sky in the sky was silent. A few seconds later, the other two saints exchanged glances at the same time, and saw shock in each other's eyes.

Can't see...

No feeling at all!

When I felt it, all my magical powers had become one, it was just...just like being hit by light!

The infinite truth plus the shining talisman, these magical powers were not enough in his eyes.

And Xiao Qi was completely sluggish, with his mouth slightly open, looking at the man strolling in front of him, took a breath, turned around and flew towards the crowd without saying a word.

Not an opponent...

As long as you try it lightly, you will immediately feel the huge difference, which is simply irreparable, it is the difference between heaven and earth, the difference between clouds and mud!

"How can there be such a monster!" He didn't dare to relax his consciousness at all, and looked behind with cold sweat on his back. Fortunately, the other party did not chase.

Without a word, Xu Yangyi took a step forward, looked around, and slowly said: "Everyone, it was my fault to enter this place by mistake, please forgive me. I will keep my mouth shut about what happened today and won't say a word."

"If you attack again..." He stroked his sleeves calmly, his voice turned cold: "Don't blame me, the Saint, for being ruthless."

Everyone looked at him as if they had seen a ghost. After three seconds, the leader Yang Sheng put on a pitying smile as if he saw a ghost: "You... dared to attack here, and you attacked Qi Daozi..."

"Ignorant and fearless, you should be punished for this sentence!"

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly: "Very good."

"Then, I don't need to give you face."

As soon as the voice fell, the terrifying demonic energy surrounded the surroundings, rising from the air and the ground, surrounding Xu Yangyi like a tsunami. His eyes quickly turned blood red due to the infection of the demonic energy. With a loud bang, the demonic energy covered the sky, deeper than the night, wider than the clouds, and instantly formed a black light column that reached the sky.

"You are so bold!" The demonic energy was surging, and Taixu shouted in the air: "If I don't execute you on the spot today, do you really think that your 270 million spirits can turn the world upside down!!"

"Kneel down and surrender to the old man!!"

Ka La La La... Thunder roared in the black cloud, and a giant thunder hand slapped in the air. At the same time, infinite demonic energy all leaned towards the center, and a force that was no weaker than the other side cut through the clouds and mist, and the shock wave rose up in layers. At the same time, the infinite truth in Xu Yangyi's eyes was immediately activated, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Four defects...

You Taixu, you are not so good... No wonder you can only be a guard dog.

"Break!!" With his angry shout, a light-speed fist that could not be seen at all rushed straight into the sky.

See, the light arrives. The next second, the two magical powers collided with each other, and the sudden outbreak of terrifying shock waves swept across the valley, blowing all the cultivators out a thousand meters!

Boom! !

A green storm rose up from the sky. At the intersection of the two people's magical powers, a majestic green lotus blossomed. The petals stretched hundreds of meters, like a flower god spreading its wings, encompassing all the spiritual energy around.

Xu Yangyi's expression became serious, and Taixu in the air seemed to be stunned. The two people looked at the towering tree in the center at the same time.

This is not their spiritual energy...

Just now, another Taixu made a move. He stopped the two people at the critical moment. And... his strength is only stronger than the Taixu above!

"Where is this place?" He fully expanded his spiritual sense and carefully searched for this person: "There are actually two Taixu, any one of them is enough to be called a Class A force. And here there are two at the same time!"

The green light trembled, and it was swayed for more than ten seconds before it finally dimmed and turned into a green leaf floating down.

It was just a leaf.

An ordinary leaf.

Picking leaves and flying flowers can hurt people. The person who came has reached the peak of Taixu and made light of heavy things.

Rustle... The spiritual light ended, and a rustling sound came from the quiet scene. Xu Yangyi and Taixu in the air were stunned for a moment, and their eyes looked at the same place at the same time. The cultivator's spiritual awareness was so clear that everyone else also looked over.

Just under the huge tree, a silent figure appeared at some point.

He was so inconspicuous that he blended into the background, as if he had always been here, and as if he suddenly appeared in the void.

He had a full beard, baggy white pants, a blue short coat, and two red braids on his head. He held a handful of banana leaves in his hand, his expression was calm, as if he had looked down on the world, and he was gently sweeping the fallen leaves. The voice was like an elegant melody, quiet and peaceful.

"You... Are you Taixu?!" The dead silence was finally broken by the shocking voice of Qi Daozi. He looked at the voice in disbelief, opened his mouth, shook his head gently and stepped back several steps: "How is it possible! This... this... this cleaning servant, actually... actually is..."

"Daozu..." Yang Sheng opened his eyes wide and stared at the figure, exclaiming: "You have been sweeping the floor for thousands of years and have never moved a step. You... you are actually Master Taixu?!"

"How is it possible!" "How can a Taixu sweep the floor here?" "What did he, what mistake did he make?"

The Taixu in the air was also stunned. After a few seconds, he looked at the short figure in disbelief and trembled: "Daoyou... you... are actually Taixu?"

Xu Yangyi was also stunned.

At this moment, he finally knew where this place was.

No wonder... no wonder there is such a power here. The rarely seen Yang Sheng and the high and mighty Taixu are willing to guard this Penglai Fairy Island. Because...

This is a legend.

An existence at the top of the seven realms!

This... is the forbidden land of the Immortal Holy Mountain!

The person who was cleaning... was actually Zhongli Quan!

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