
Chapter 1482: Dragon Tiger Pill

He knew that the other party was imprisoned by the Great Sage, and the identity of the Great Sage was extremely doubtful, but he never expected that because of the goblin technology of the True Seeer, he would actually come here!

There was a surge of gratitude in my heart. No wonder people here have noses on the top of their heads. No wonder they said something like how dare they do something here. No wonder this Taixu is hostile to him. No wonder he said he had seen himself.

It should be one of the fifteen Taixu in Towering City, who has seen the scene where he made the Eternal Sage bow his head. In order to get himself out of the situation, Zhong Liquan actually chose to expose himself!

This is the silent telepathy of monks on earth.

There are only four bloodlines in the seven boundless realms.

Clang... Zhong Liquan seemed to be sluggish, not hearing anyone's words, just sweeping the fallen leaves that could not be swept away bit by bit. And Xu Yangyi's eyes narrowed, and he saw... Zhong Liquan's ankle was actually covered with a silver chain, which spread all the way to the big tree!

His... so-called imprisonment was actually tied to a tree for thousands of years!

There was silence, and everyone had shock on their faces. After a long time, Taixu in the air breathed a sigh of relief: "Since fellow Taoist is Taixu, why bother... That's all. This is the opinion of the Great Sage, and we are powerless. Fellow Taoist Take care of yourself."

He pondered for a few seconds and said: "Since fellow Taoist has taken action, he... will be handed over to you. I have nothing to do with this matter anymore. Let's go!"

After saying that, he disappeared into the air without any hesitation. Everyone else took a deep look at Xu Yangyi, as if they wanted to imprint his figure in their hearts. No one said another word, and they all retreated.

Even if he is sweeping the floor, it is still too weak.

If the other party takes action, it is equivalent to protecting this person. They have no reason to dare to provoke. Even Qidaozi was silent.

It was quiet here again, and Xu Yangyi turned into a stream of light and flew away. That ordinary figure gradually became clearer. The Eight Immortals... actually wiped out the so-called Great Sage in the Seven Realms! He had mixed feelings in his heart and couldn't help but say: "Senior..."

But at this moment, Zhong Liquan seemed to be sweeping the floor casually, and a strong wind happened to blow out of nowhere, causing leaves and flowers to fall all over the sky.

There were countless leaves and flowers accumulated under this ancient tree, and they were blown up by the strong wind, which happened to cover the direction Xu Yangyi was coming from.

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly and gently swept away the petals in front of him, but just as he was putting them away, his eyes suddenly froze.

He suppressed his surprise, quietly unfolded a petal in his hand, and suddenly discovered...

There are words on the flowers!

The word "say".

His eyes moved slightly, and the radiant talisman quietly unfolded. The infinite truth saw through the reality, but in an instant, he discovered that there were a total of eight petals with words on it.

Keeping his body moving forward, Soul Hunter transformed into a golden snake, covered his body with the devouring talisman, and took all the petals into his hands. Then, he looked at it very vaguely.

Those are eight words that make up a short sentence.

"Do not talk."

"He's looking here."

His heart gradually calmed down, Xu Yangyi tried his best to keep his expression unchanged, flew to Zhong Liquan and half-knelt on the ground, as if seeing him for the first time: "Thank you, senior, for saving my life."

Zhong Liquan didn't answer, he didn't need to answer. Because Xu Yangyi had already seen it clearly, on the ground he swept, a small word "one minute" was clearly drawn in the dust.

Xu Yangyi did not stand up, and one minute passed quickly. He suddenly felt... something left.

It's hard to explain, just like the moon in the sky is a monitoring eye, this moment finally disappeared completely.

"Five minutes." Zhong Liquan turned around at the same time and spoke for the first time, very hastily: "Get out of here right now!"

"This is called Penglai Immortal Island. I have no chance to test whether it is Penglai on Earth, but this is the forbidden land of the Immortal Sage. Everyone here is a little weird, don't you feel it?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he immediately remembered the fluctuation of the demonic body when facing Qidaozi. He nodded solemnly and immediately asked, "What's going on here?" He didn't have much time.

"I don't know. After coming back from Santian City, the Great Sage fell into a strange state. He would be away from surveillance for five minutes every half day. I think he was injured in Santian City."

"No!" Xu Yangyi stood up suddenly, his eyes blazing: "Tokyo City...he never made a move at all!"

"Even if Taichu entered the Suzaku Tower, he would turn a deaf ear!"

Zhong Liquan's eyes flashed, but now was not the time to talk about this at all. He immediately said: "Occasionally, I will be sent by him to do something. No one here knows my identity. Don't try to save me. If you want to... Then go to Duppo! Or..."

He took a deep breath: "Go find the Great Sage Guanghan!"

"But it must be after five kings and two queens, otherwise, you will not be qualified to step into the Guanghan Holy Palace!"

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth. In just five minutes, which was not the time to reminisce about old times, he took out the Nanhua Butterfly Mother's token and input his spiritual power. Suddenly, dense text appeared on it.

What kind of cultivation level is Zhongliquan? After watching it for less than thirty seconds, he exclaimed: "Qingxu Taihao Dan?!"

"Do you know?" Xu Yangyi asked immediately.

"Of course..." Zhong Liquan glanced at Xu Yangyi in shock: "This pill... also has a common name, you must have heard of it."

"Dragon Tiger Great Pill!"

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, but now both of them were thinking at their fastest speed. He recalled it immediately with a photographic memory in his mind. After a few seconds, he took a breath: "You mean... this is..."

"Zhang Daoling's Dragon-Tiger Pill! The immortal pill of Taoism!" Zhongli Quan was a little anxious. He closed his eyes for a second and then opened them immediately: "There are two minutes and twelve seconds left! To make a long story short, this pill recipe has been lost since Zhang Tianshi ascended. But I am very sure that it is the Dragon-Tiger Pill!"

"The real immortal pill guarded by the four elephants in the legend! After so many years of alchemy, only Zhang Tianshi, who is a heavenly man, has refined this supreme pill recipe that can make people condense virtual crystals in countless planes! I... I didn't expect that he would reappear one day!"

"You..." Xu Yangyi bit his lip. He wanted to ask Zhongli Quan to refine the pill. This pill is too significant. In the era of great contention, virtual crystals must be condensed when receiving the avenue initiation at the bridge of heaven and earth. It is the cornerstone of condensing virtual crystals!

Only when the virtual crystals are solid can it be considered to be on the path of Yawei. Taixu... is the peak in the eyes of countless people, but it is also a brand new beginning.

Only with more strength can there be more life on the ice bridge between Mammon and Wahuang. He must ensure that he can advance to Taixu! Even if he has not yet figured out how to avoid Wahuang's Heavenly Dao Initiation.

But now, Zhongli Quan is definitely unable to refine it. Others simply don't trust it, and they can't refine it!

Zhongli Quan can ascend to the Seven Realms, and his mind and wisdom are all top choices. He immediately understood Xu Yangyi's dilemma. Almost without thinking, he said in a deep voice: "I can't, but... someone can!"


Zhongli Quan's eyes were like fire: "Don't forget, there is a pill saint in the Seven Realms!"

Xu Yangyi looked up suddenly: "Fairy Guanghan?"

"That's right! This pill... The pill formula is shocking, even if I am only 30% sure, but she... can definitely do it!"

"And..." He finally smiled: "Have you ever seen Guanghan Great Sage issue an imperial edict?"

Xu Yangyi lowered his head and recalled.


After coming to the Seven Realms for so long, he has never seen Guanghan Great Sage issue an imperial edict! Every time, it is the Immortal Great Sage who does it for you!

"It's very simple, because... her strength is not as good as the Immortal Great Sage!" Zhongli Quan seemed to remember something, and his body trembled slightly: "The Immortal Great Sage... is a monster, a real monster. It... is the source of the nightmare of the seven realms, you must not provoke him. But! If you want to take his position, the only one who can help you is the Great Sage Guanghan! Isn't the world of great contention a plan for the future?"

"Even if she is not as good as him, she is also a real Dubu!"

"Think about it, as a great sage, how can she bear to be submissive? You will have to deal with her sooner or later, why not..."

The two said in unison: "Borrow flowers to offer to Buddha!"

"Not only that, you don't have any Qualified to see Guanghan Great Sage! You... need the recommendation of the sect, or the direct recommendation of the five kings and two queens! They can directly reach the Great Sage! Although Qingxu Taihao Pill is a rare pill of the ages, it is hard to say how attractive it is to the Great Sage, so you must be fully prepared! "

Zhongli Quan breathed a sigh of relief: "You have been practicing for too short a time. Strength does not represent experience. I know the mentality of these giants too well. They will never give people a second chance!"

At this moment, the moonlight seemed to be brighter, and something that could not be explained, as if mixed in the evening breeze, invisible and intangible, but omnipresent, appeared hazily like a veil.

Zhongli Quan was stunned for a moment, his face suddenly returned to dullness, and he picked up the banana and gently cleaned it. He said softly from his lips and teeth: "Let's go... let's go immediately, one hundred miles south, teleportation array."

Xu Yangyi opened his mouth slightly, but he could not say anything even though the two were right in front of him.

He bowed his head and bowed deeply: "Thank you, senior."

Then, he turned into a stream of light and went straight to one hundred miles south.

The bright moon startled the magpie on the branch, and the breeze made the cicada sing in the middle of the night. Flying all the way, he felt that there was some omnipresent terror, as if the moon had become a bloodshot eye, staring at him.

His face was calm, but his back was covered with goose skin. The feeling of terror that followed him like a shadow was like a ghost caressing his back.

Soon, he arrived at the location. Sure enough, there was a small teleportation array there, and countless spiritual jades were floating next to it, which were all the important coordinates of the seven realms.

He put his hand on the Xu Kunlun Great Xia Dynasty and was about to start it, but he stopped.

After pondering for a few seconds, he did not start the spiritual jade of Xu Kunlun, but started another one.


Standing on the teleportation array, the light and shadow in front of him were intertwined, and the deep gloomy feeling finally disappeared completely. He took a deep look behind him and closed his eyes to think.

"Qingxu Taihao Dan is actually the Dragon and Tiger Dan..." In the quiet space channel, he muttered to himself: "The legendary divine elixir that can make one step into heaven is perfect for me."

"It must be difficult to condense the virtual crystal, and it is in the era of great strife. Taixu... can improve my combat effectiveness by a large realm. And Yaori Demon Wolf... is also Taixu!"

He opened his eyes, full of murderous intent.

Only Taixu can possibly take back Zhao Ziqi's soul from Yaori Demon Wolf!

Only Taixu can survive in the bridge of the two Yaweis with a greater chance and hold on until the moment when the true knower sends him away.

Thousands of threads, countless "possibilities" converge together, and Qingxu Taihao Dan is the beginning of this "possibility".

Mandala, the five kings and two queens, where Fairy Lingbo is.

Fairy Lingbo made him a promise. Although she didn't save the people of Venerable Kongxu in the end, she saved his heart. Worst case scenario…

“I have to meet Liu Mianfeng anyway. Why not…” He licked his lips: “Promise her to kill you, what’s the harm?”

"You are snatching food from the tiger's mouth in front of this Saint Lord. Do you really think I am still the Wuxia Amon who had to rely on the protection of the master to survive?"

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