
Chapter 1483: Dragon King Palace

After three hours of teleportation, when Xu Yangyi stepped out of the magic circle, even his head felt a little dizzy.

Continuous teleportation is really a bit hurtful... He rubbed his temples and spread his consciousness. In front of him was a vast palace, which looked very old. Countless talismans were suspended in the air, condensed into shining runes, and green vines climbed up around. This place was actually built on a cliff.

There were already three people in front of him, but they all looked at him blankly, as if they didn't react. Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows and said, "How far is it from the Youhai Dragon King Palace?"

This sentence seemed to wake these people up. The three Jindan monks immediately half-knelt on the ground, and shouted in fear and trepidation: "Reply to the adults! There is still a teleportation magic circle away!"

Xu Yangyi scanned the surroundings, and dozens of spiritual jades were suspended. He quickly found the location of the Youhai Dragon King Palace and disappeared with a piece of light. The three Jindan stood up with lingering fear.

"Sir Benlei?" A Jindan wiped the cold sweat from his head and said, "It's so scary... When I first came out, I thought it was some big devil who came here, so murderous."

"I thought I was seeing things... It was really him!" Another Jindan took a breath and wiped the sweat off his face: "Have you seen the jade left by the sect for the Great Conflict World Qualification Battle? It's incredible..."

"How could you not have seen it!" "The sect leader said that if you meet him, don't provoke him." "Aren't you in Xu Kunlun? How did you come to Mandala?"

Xu Yangyi naturally didn't know about their fear. Just after more than ten minutes of light and shadow, he suddenly became clear when he released his consciousness.

Countless corals and huge sea creatures swam overhead, and colorful lights refracted through the sea water, pulling out colorful light and shadow. One after another, huge deep-sea floating boats passed through. Under this colorful projection, an extremely huge underwater city has appeared before his eyes.

Majestic, magnificent, and extremely distinctive. There is not a single brick or tile, but it is all made of shells and tortoise shells. In the far distance, a huge and boundless light curtain, like a mermaid veil, encompasses this huge city. Although he is in the water, he can't feel the quality of the water.

"Woo..." A slight horn sounded, and he turned his head slightly. Behind him, a group of rare sea creatures on land were led by the monks to stand up, forming a thousand-meter-long snake, carrying huge boxes, and stepping firmly towards the city gate made of shells. Looking far away, countless eaves and pavilions rose steeply from the huge seabed, and there was no end in sight.

Around, countless young Qi refining and foundation building people were crowded around, and they went to this underwater city under the leadership of their teachers with excitement. There was a constant flow of people and traffic, and creatures similar to sharks and manta rays condensed into colorful ribbons, forming a nebula river guarding Atlantis.

There were too many people, so not many people noticed him. He grabbed a gauze hat from the void and put it on. He quietly sent out a divine consciousness, leaned on a car pulled by an unknown sea beast, and meditated quietly.

Ten minutes later, he pressed the hat slightly. His figure flashed and disappeared suddenly. When he reappeared, he was already standing in a magnificent palace.

It was very quiet here. Countless small and cute fish swam around gently like butterflies, reflecting in the colorful seven colors of the sea water, which was magnificent. This palace was about a kilometer in size, but there was no one. There were only huge dragon-shaped pillars covered with corals and shells, standing alone like guards.

In front of him was a tall staircase with layers of gauze fluttering. It was divided into three layers, each ten meters long. Finely carved incense burners and candlesticks burned on it, and the scarlet carpet with dragons and phoenixes competing for glory led directly to the secluded realm like a curtain of waterfalls. As the water ripples, the dreamy veil slowly flutters, and occasionally you can catch a glimpse of a graceful figure on the top of the peak.

"Meet the fairy." Xu Yangyi half-knelt on the ground and bowed.

Sha... There was no answer, but it seemed as if there was a breeze from the bottom of the sea, and the hazy veil was lifted up. The sound of a piece of clothing swishing was quiet and peaceful, a light cloud foot gently stepped on the soft carpet, and the golden bell on the ankle rang with a crisp jingle, rippling a pool of spring water.

At the moment when the other party came down, the whole palace swayed slightly, as if the sleeping mother dragon opened her eyes from a half-awake state and scanned her territory. All the playful fish hid, and the majestic and unparalleled spiritual power swept the whole palace like a tide, and countless foam pearls rose slowly.

"You know..." Fairy Lingbo's voice was a little dejected and hoarse: "I don't want to see you."

"Every time I see you... I think of him."

Her voice was choked with a hint of sob, Xu Yangyi sighed silently: "Junior tried his best."

There was no answer, but a veil suddenly rose, and a slender figure was already standing under the stairs, with pearls and jade, and a round fan swaying gently, and a graceful and luxurious aura came to her face. Black hair floated in the water like crow wings, and her beautiful face showed no joy or sadness: "What are you doing here?"

"Don't tell me that you asked the Youhai Dragon King Palace to help you ascend the throne. I didn't let Daozi go to compete with you for the virtual crystal, which is already a favor to you."

Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "Junior... I want to ask you to do a small favor."

Fairy Lingbo stretched out her white hand, and a small fish slowly swam in her hand. She raised her eyelids: "Help? Not interested."

Her figure slowly walked towards the stairs, and the room was silent. Just as she walked up the first staircase, a faint voice rang out slowly: "What if... I help you kill Liu Mianfeng?"

brush! Fairy Lingbo turned around suddenly and looked deeply at Xu Yangyi. After a long time, he opened his red lips and said, "It seems that the help you want me to help is very, very troublesome."

Xu Yangyi nodded, said nothing, and just looked directly at Fairy Lingbo. He must obtain the Qingxu Taihao Pill, and the only one who can serve as a bridge is the Five Kings and Two Queens.'s not just bridges.

What does he have to rely on to let a great sage, the Alchemy Sage, personally take action to refine the Dragon and Tiger Pill for him?


Yes, but it's not enough.

This elixir can only be refined by the Great Sage Guanghan in the entire Seven Realms. Yes, the elixir is indeed precious, but Zhong Liquan is right. The other party... is the Great Sage.

Depending on where you stand, your definition of "precious" is different, your vision is different, and your mentality is also different.

For Taixu, Zunsheng, and even any Grade A forces, this is a priceless treasure, but what about the Great Sage who dominates all?

Is there such a fatal attraction?

If you borrow a flower to offer to Buddha, can this flower make this giant Buddha completely bloom?

He didn't dare to gamble. You can’t gamble either.

As Zhong Liquan said, there is probably only one chance to meet the great sage. How can such an existence have the time to give people the opportunity to meet the Holy Spirit two or three times?

If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach a thousand miles. One time is enough to determine life or death.

He wants ten percent!

Fairy Lingbo did not answer, as if she was thinking. After another two minutes, she said in a deep voice: "Actually, I felt your consciousness and guessed that you would make this choice."

"I'm curious." She turned around and said calmly: "What made you change your mind?"

"In the Chain of Seven Realms, you are unwilling to do something to Liu Mianfeng no matter what."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "This junior wants to see the Great Sage Guanghan."

As soon as he finished speaking, the palace became silent again.

Even Fairy Lingbo looked at this relatively young monk in astonishment at this moment. After a few seconds, she softly let out a "ha" and said with emotion: "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers."

"Even we only have ten opportunities to meet the Holy Spirit in our lifetime. Each time is extremely precious. You are really digging into my heart."

She waved her fan lightly and said, "Every time we meet the Holy Saint, we can make a moderate request to the Great Sage, and most of them will be met. This is not just a face-to-face meeting, but ten wishes."

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth: "Is Liu Mianfeng's life worth this price?"

"Of course!!" Before she finished speaking, Fairy Lingbo's spiritual energy surged, and the entire palace began to tremble. Her beautiful face was filled with cold murderous intent, and her suppressed emotions completely exploded. She said word by word: "Deceive the master and destroy the ancestor. Treason! I want him to never be reincarnated!"

"I have been waiting for you to come to me." Her chest rose and fell violently, and she waved her hand gently: "Come with me, I have been waiting for this day for too long."

"Don't say it once, even ten times, I will still see the head of this evildoer!"

As the last word fell, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed and he had reached the top of the stairs.

There is a shell Arhat bed here, which is extremely exquisite. It is surrounded by red corals several meters high on both sides. Dozens of luminous pearls illuminate the place like daylight. There is a chair not far from the bed. Fairy Lingbo smiled and said: "Every day, I dream about you coming. This chair has been placed for more than half a year. If you want me to help, yes, you can only use this condition! Only on this condition, I Will take action!"

When the two guests and hosts were seated, Fairy Lingbo gently grasped the teacup with her hands, her knuckles turned white, and said hoarsely: "Come... let me tell you, why I said... you know!"

"My field is very special. It won't lie to me. The person who created the Immortal Destroyer Seed comes from the same place as you! There is no difference in your souls at all!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed suddenly, and he drank tea to cover up the light in his eyes.

the same place……

Earth monk? !

"Senior, why did you say this?" A picture flashed through his mind. When he met Lord Kong Kong that day, he said he didn't know, and Fairy Lingbo immediately said categorically that she knew.

Fairy Lingbo did not speak immediately, but waved her sleeves lightly. Suddenly, a curtain of water bloomed in the sky, forming a rippled mirror. In the mirror, Xu Yangyi's body turned out to be a huge plant, a vast black demonic energy, and the trinity of human beings!

It actually revealed three of his souls!

"The true mirror realm. This is my realm. Even among the seven realms, it is unique. The Nether Sea Dragon Vein is a single transmission, without a semicolon." She waved her hand again, and the mirror turned and shone on her, In the mirror, she saw gills growing out of her neck and green scales appearing on her skin.

Demon cultivator?

Xu Yangyi looked at Fairy Lingbo in shock, she was actually a demon cultivator?

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