
Chapter 1485: Guanghan Great Sage

"Woodpecker?" Xu Yangyi stood up in shock at Youhai Dragon King Palace.

Woodpecker...woodpecker again!

This is simply like a symbol in the age of great strife, everywhere!

"This flowing water is getting muddier and muddier..." He closed his eyes and was not agitated.

If it doesn't change, it's stagnant water. Only by changing can we survive.

A hazy thread has appeared, and it is very likely that this thread is also the one deliberately hidden by the Nanhua Butterfly Mother. Unfortunately, it is too obscure. It has been hidden in the Seven Realms for who knows how many years. It cannot be retrieved in an instant.

"This kind of change... is not enough." After a long time, he sighed.

More is needed…

"Do you know it?" Fairy Lingbo asked immediately.

Xu Yangyi frowned and shook his head. Fairy Lingbo looked at him deeply for a long time before retracting her gaze and continued: "This bird-like demon cultivator is very strange, and its Taixu realm is unstable. However... no matter how we do it, we can't hurt it... You I don’t understand what this sentence means.”

She raised her head and looked at the top of the palace quietly, and said hoarsely: "When we reach Taixu, we come into contact with the rules. Rules are the source of all power. They are the laws of the formation of the world. Spiritual power is also a part of it. We can't hurt him, we can only represent one thing."

"It... was written by Heaven with 'Do not harm.'"

"Just like the saints in this world, heaven gives them eternal life."

There was silence in the palace again. You can hear a pin drop. Those beautiful fish that were hiding quietly poked their heads out again. After a few seconds, they felt nothing and began to swim happily around the temple.

Needless to say what happened next, this was a completely unequal battle. The most ancient demon, the saint of heaven, faced the two servants of Emperor Wa, and was completely crushed in a one-sided manner. Xu Yangyi could already guess that Lord Kong was defeated in shock, and then was planted with the Immortal-Destroying Seed by the Woodpecker. Fairy Lingbo took him and fled to the Everlasting Mountain to extend his life.

He didn't ask any more questions. This was the scar in the other person's heart, and there was no need to forcefully open it.

After a long time, he sighed softly: "Don't worry, in this time of great war, I will try my best and look for opportunities to kill Liu Mianfeng."

Fairy Lingbo's voice seemed to be squeezed out of her bones: "I hope you will do what you say."

"He has been shrinking in the Void Mahayana Sect now. I...can't go to war with this sect, you should understand. But we can't break through the restriction alone. The era of great war is about to begin, and their Void Devouring Conversion Mountain Protection Formation has already Completely open. I can't go into the world of great conflict. Once he becomes the Five Kings and Two Queens...with the God of Time...I may not be able to kill him."

Dead silence again. In the deathly silence, the two of them understood each other, and the contract was completed. This was a silence left for both sides to ponder whether they had anything to add.

Ten minutes later, Xu Yangyi didn't speak again. Fairy Lingbo stood up and said some things that didn't need to be said so clearly. Her expression had returned to calmness and she said calmly: "Are you ready?"

The words were very short, but Xu Yangyi understood it and stood up and bowed: "Thank you, Fairy."

Fairy Lingbo said calmly: "It's just mutual benefit. Kill Liu Mianfeng so that I don't waste this precious opportunity to meet the saint."

She took another look at Xu Yangyi, and suddenly a bleak smile appeared: "In the past 100,000 years, only two people have had the opportunity to meet the saint. And you are the third one."

As soon as he finished speaking, a vast aura bloomed with dazzling brilliance, swallowing up the two of them in an instant.

It was just that his eyes were a little dizzy. When he opened his eyes again, Xu Yangyi had a new judgment on the strength of the Five Kings and Two Queens.

Very strong... still beyond my expectations.

Forming a formation with bare hands, there was almost no time to recite the secret formula, and the void was torn apart instantly. Is this... the great power given by Emperor Wa?

It's really... so powerful that it's pathetic...

He does not care about being strong at the cost of freedom and cutting off the road.

Pressing his mind, he let go of his consciousness and looked around. He was no longer at the bottom of the sea, but on top of a lonely mountain.

The sun and moon cannot be seen above, and the underworld cannot be heard below. The tower is lost in the fog, the moon is lost in the river, and the peach garden is nowhere to be found.

In the vast sea of ​​fog, a majestic feeling of vastness arises leisurely, which makes people feel at ease. And right in front of them, there was a huge altar with a radius of 100 meters and nine floors in total. The sculptures of Pixiu and Yaizi were hidden among them. The statues of Danhe and Baize were full of confusion, and they were lifelike in the thick sea of ​​mist that floated like smoke.

"Follow me, don't speak." Fairy Lingbo ignored her inner wish and walked firmly, with Xu Yangyi following closely behind. Just listen to her calmly say: "Every monk has a different personality, and the Great Sage Guanghan... especially likes rules. He will not be disrespectful to anyone."

Xu Yangyi knew clearly in his heart that he was a great sage but was suppressed by the immortal great sage. The frustration of having nowhere to vent would naturally be reflected in his own majesty.

With rules, there is a circle. Only with Fang Yuan can we understand majesty.

They walked step by step to the center of the nine-story altar, dozens of meters above the ground. There was a huge relief sculpture of Chang'e flying to the moon. Fairy Lingbo took a deep breath and slowly knelt down in the center. The same goes for Xu Yangyi.

Her expression was nothing but solemn. Three kneelings and nine knockings are indispensable. Then, Zhongzhong took out a stick of incense.

This incense stick turned out to be made of white jade, with talismans the size of a fly's head engraved on it, blooming with little bits of silver light. Fairy Lingbo bit the tip of her tongue and spurted out a mouthful of blood. With a squeak, the small incense erupted into flames several meters high.

There was only a slight sound of burning flames in the sky. Just when one third of the incense was burned, Xu Yangyi's whole body trembled slightly and his muscles were completely tense.


There was obviously no movement around him, but a thrilling feeling of hearing silent thunder rushed over his nerves.

The next second, with a loud bang, the clouds in the entire sky boiled instantly. A bit of black, like ink entering clear water, spread rapidly from the sky, getting faster and bigger, getting bigger and bigger. After a few minutes, the last ray of sunlight disappeared. The sky is filled with stars, day turns to night.

A bright moon hung in the sky, casting thousands of silver rays. The sea of ​​fog calmed down and the stars dimmed. All he could see was a figure that was clearly close in front of him but could not be seen clearly appearing in the moon.

Carrying the flying immortals to travel, holding the bright moon to its end.

"Don't move!" Fairy Lingbo's voice also sounded nervous: "The Great Sage will be here soon! Don't panic when you see anything!"

boom! ! Before he finished speaking, an indescribable spiritual pressure instantly filled the world. A giant silver hand, made entirely of moonlight, slowly reached down from the silver plate-like moon wheel. Wherever the hand passed, the sky was filled with green lotus, and it was gently scooped towards the altar.

There was a flash of light, everything seemed to be erased, and the two figures were no longer there.

This time, the space transformation is faster than that of Fairy Lingbo, and the pictures are almost seamlessly connected. If it weren't for the slightest bit of dizziness before my eyes, I wouldn't be able to believe that I had already undergone a plane change. Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and looked at the beautiful scenery around him in surprise.

This is a sea of ​​moons.

The grass is green and the flowers are in bloom. Wandering under the soft moonlight, the most eye-catching thing is a huge osmanthus tree.

It is about a hundred meters high, with yellow and orange osmanthus hanging down its branches and a faint fragrance. Just under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, a woman with a side profile holding a white rabbit was gently stroking the other person's white hair and said lightly: "This is your seventh time to meet the Holy Spirit."

"What's the matter?"

A tree, a rabbit, and a person are obviously real, but looking at the moon in the flowers and water in the mist, an irresistible majesty fills the entire sky in the haze.

This is the first time Xu Yangyi has seen the peak of the Seven Realms.

The Great Sage Fu Lao had never shown up before. When he saw the Great Sage Guanghan, he immediately understood the gap between Dubu and Taixu.

"Dad...this sister is so seems that everything is made up of rules, and it is no a living thing." Hongxian said timidly. But before he finished speaking, the woman's voice came softly: "The physical body is just an appearance. On top of Taixu, you touch the rules and condense the rules alone. When you reach the point of being a saint, you have begun to separate from the physical body."

"Please forgive me!" Xu Yangyi immediately knelt on the ground and said with cupped hands. Unexpectedly, the fluctuations in his consciousness were clearly known to the other party.

"Ben Lei." The woman didn't take it seriously and said slowly: "I've heard of your name, it's good."

Xu Yangyi bowed deeply, but Fairy Lingbo beside him looked at him deeply with her mouth slightly open.

He may not know, but she knows very well that the Great Sage is good, and she has never said that since he became a saint!

"Say it." Great Sage Guanghan was like the bright moon in the sky, with a sense of alienation in the silence, and his voice remained unchanged.

Fairy Lingbo winked at Xu Yangyi. Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and said respectfully: "Junior... I have something to ask of the Great Sage."

"You don't have the qualifications." The Great Sage Guanghan seemed to have never said yes just now, gently stroking the jade rabbit, his voice was calm but could not refuse.

"Great Sage." Fairy Lingbo said immediately: "This junior is willing to give it to him with his own qualifications..."

"When did the qualifications to meet the Saint become your plaything?" This time, before Great Sage Guanghan could speak, the Jade Rabbit in his arms suddenly pricked up its ears, waiting for its blood-red eyes to look at the two of them, and uttered human words: "Leave. Here! If you want to use your qualifications as a face saint... Ling Bo, all your qualifications will be canceled for five hundred years! You are not welcome in the Guanghan Holy Palace!"

"It means what I mean." The Great Saint Guanghan's robes fluttered, and his figure gradually dimmed like Chang'e in the Moon Palace: "Let's go, we are not allowed to step into the Guanghan Holy Palace for five hundred years."

"Violators will be imprisoned."

Fairy Lingbo pursed her lips slightly, sighed helplessly, and shook her head at Xu Yangyi in a subtle way. However, at this moment, a stream of light flashed in the void and went straight towards the Great Sage Guanghan.

"What are you doing?!" Fairy Lingbo was so frightened that she screamed and reached out to grab him. But, it's too late.

The space did not fluctuate at all, but the distance seemed to be erased. The token flew directly into the jade hand of the Great Sage Guanghan. Her voice was still calm: "Are you unwilling?"

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