
Chapter 1486: Biography

"Junior... I just hope that senior can take a look at it!" Xu Yangyi was also sweating at this moment. Yes, he was unwilling, how could he be willing!

He didn't expect this result, no, or he didn't expect to be rejected without saying anything!

Maybe the Dragon and Tiger Pill is not that important to the Great Sage, but... it is definitely a super-grade pill! Not even a look?

Even if he has a smooth journey in the Great Sage, if he can't condense the virtual crystal, it will eventually be a mirage. Qingxu Taihao Pill is too important to him!

Only when the Tao becomes Taixu can he reverse the world in the hands of Yaori Demon Wolf, Woodpecker, and Wahuang!

This is the foundation.

The Great Sage Guanghan did not speak, but gently stroked the token, saying without joy or sadness: "Do you know that people are not equal?"

No one answered, she said softly: "Your preciousness is not the same as my preciousness. Your vision is not the same as mine."

"In other words, if your things can't give me any surprises..."

The Jade Rabbit smiled with big teeth: "Then... you stay. It just so happens that I still need a gardener to trim the branches of the laurel."

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth fiercely: "Please take a look, Great Sage!"

The Jade Rabbit glanced at the Fairy Lingbo, and arched towards the Great Sage Guanghan's arms: "Please ask Lingbo to come over, you are so scheming... Well, for the sake of the five kings and two queens, I will give you this opportunity."

No one spoke again, the Great Sage Guanghan gently held the token, closed his eyes and pondered, and after a few seconds, his eyes slightly opened and he gently exclaimed.

She looked at Xu Yangyi unexpectedly and nodded: "Interesting."

The corner of her mouth actually curled up a smile: "Do you want me to do it?"

"Yes." Xu Yangyi's pounding heart finally calmed down, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Without answering, a few minutes later, Great Sage Guanghan took the token: "I haven't seen such a wonderful thing for many years. This person... may be better than me in alchemy. It's not a bad idea to learn from this pill and learn by analogy."

Fairy Lingbo's eyes flashed. This kid... showed the Great Sage the recipe?

Great Sage Guanghan, that is the recognized alchemy saint of the seven realms, and his alchemy skills are superior to those of a million light years around, but he is called a wonderful work by the other party?

"You agree?" she asked carefully.

"Of course." Great Sage Guanghan walked away with Jade Rabbit in his arms: "Little guy, you are lucky. But you'd better remember the rules next time."

"I can make an exception to my rules once, but there won't be a next time."

"If you report it to a higher level, you will be killed without mercy."

After the last word fell, her figure disappeared into the void. At the same time, Fairy Lingbo also disappeared silently, probably sent away by the other party. Only the swaying breeze and Xu Yangyi's lonely figure were left here.

He let out a long sigh, patted his sore knees, and stood up from the ground. His vest was already wet.

What a great pressure...

Silently, it seemed like air was everywhere, so strong that it was suffocating.

Just then, a ray of light flashed in the sky, and a female cultivator in white shirt broke through the air, in the early stage of the Nascent Soul. She carried a golden palace lantern and bowed deeply to Xu Yangyi: "My lord, please follow me."

Xu Yangyi also knew that Great Sage Guanghan must have understood the recipe of the elixir now, so it was useless to urge him, and he didn't dare to urge him. Following the maid flying all the way, they soon arrived at a mountain range.

The spiritual energy was very rich, with osmanthus trees all over the ground, and the fragrance of flowers filled the air. There were many caves on the surrounding caves, all of which were open.

"You can choose one. The Great Sage said that he would summon you in a month at most."

Xu Yangyi nodded, sent the maid away casually, and slowly looked at the cave. It was very simple, but not shabby. There were ink paintings hanging around, a table, a row of bookcases, an incense burner, and a cushion, which was all the cave had.

He swept his eyes over it inch by inch, and was about to start meditating when he suddenly stopped.

He frowned slightly, and his eyes retreated and fell on the bookcase.

It was a very ordinary bookcase, but it was full of jade slips.

He stroked it thoughtfully, and the red line flew out quietly. He looked at the jade slips, then looked at Xu Yangyi, and asked in a low voice: " read books too?"

What do you mean?

Being despised by Chu Zhaonan is fine, but why do you, a kid who doesn't even know ABCD, come to question me! Can you solve equations? Do you understand calculus?

Countless negative emotions exploded in his heart, and he glared at Hong Xian fiercely, twitching his lips: "...what does a child know."

Hong Xian flapped his wings: "But Dad never reads books."

Take a deep breath and calm down.

Five seconds later, Xu Yangyi grabbed Hong Xian and stuffed it back into his dantian. The violent suppression did not give the other party a chance to explain. Only then did he pick up a jade slip with a clear mind. He opened it thoughtfully.

All the cultivators who can enter Guanghan Saint Palace to practice are amazing talents. If they go out, they will not leave their belongings. What can be recorded in the place of practice and meditation must be the understanding of the mind method and the experience of the heart. Even if he dies here, Guanghan Saint Palace will not allow these experiences to rot in the cave.

Then... why does his cave have it?

As soon as he opened it and took a look, his eyes lit up and he put it away suddenly. Hong Xian asked timidly in her consciousness: "Dad, don't you understand?"

Take a deep breath and calm down.

Xu Yangyi answered seriously: "Hong Xian, don't have contact with your elder brother Chu in the future. He is... not a good person. Besides, your father's Chinese performance has always been something to be proud of."

Only Chinese.

Hong Xian nodded, not realizing the deep meaning of the confusion of generations.

Xu Yangyi finally suppressed the veins on his forehead, calmed down and started reading again. However, his hands were shaking slightly.

This is not a skill, nor is it a matter of concern.

But a biography.

The Biography of the Immortal Monkey King!

"The Ageless Great Sage, place of birth: unknown. Bone age: six thousand seven hundred years. Field: unknown, majoring in skills: unknown. Born in Gujia Village, Santu River, with five spiritual roots and mixed spiritual roots. No mutation."

"At the age of twelve, he entered the Piaomiao Sect of Santu Heding and other sects and became a miscellaneous disciple. His qualifications were extremely poor and his understanding was not high. After seventy years, he reached the Great Perfection of Qi Training..."

Xu Yangyi's eyes darkened, seventy years... At this moment, Fu Lao Daosheng is already eighty-two years old. At this age, he has reached the Great Perfection of Qi Refining, and there is no possibility of impacting the Foundation Establishment. His qualifications are definitely in the lowest range, and also within the range of most ordinary monks.

He continued to read.

"Thinking of his decades of loyalty to the sect, when he was eighty-four years old, he entered the secret realm of the Hundred Sects. However, he soared into the sky and established a foundation in the secret realm. However, his personality was very different. From then on, he could not escape from seclusion and could not interact with the sect. He made friends with the outside world, and without any financial resources, he actually understood the golden elixir path with his supreme talent and entered the golden elixir one hundred years later."

Xu Yangyi frowned more and more. "Two hundred and twenty years later, Nascent Soul, four hundred years later, Zun Saint. A thousand years later, he actually stepped into the Five Kings and Two Queens. The entire Piaomiao Sect was shocked. Santu River was shocked. However, just when he was promoted. , a rare tide of astral beasts broke out, and the invasion location, Santu River, coincided with the Piaomiao Sect. During this battle, all fourteen sects in Santu Hebei were wiped out, including the Piaomiao Sect. "

"All the records of the Fu Lao Great Saint were burned into a torch. From then on, he wandered in the seven realms without a fixed place. A thousand years later, the road to fight for immortality was opened, and he actually contacted hundreds of sects to attack the position of the Great Saint, and became the only one in the world."

"After Dubu, the Great Sage of Agelessness took action five times and lived in seclusion. There are a hundred people in the Holy Mountain of Agelessness together with the people in charge. No five kings or two queens have ever been able to look up to the sky. They have never set foot outside the Seven Realms."

Wow... His hand gently squeezed the jade slip, his eyes deepening.

There are too many doubts...

Although he had long known that there was a problem with the identity of the Immortal Monarch, it was only after he actually read the biography that he realized that the problem was extraordinary.

The first is time.

Every time...every time, I advance on the edge of my lifespan. Is it too coincidental?

The qualifications of a monk are a big hurdle. It is so difficult to advance through foundation building and golden elixir. This is not the end of the earth's Dharma era, but an environment where the spiritual energy of the seven realms is flourishing. With this kind of talent... I should be thankful that Yuanying is lucky enough to be able to break through the barriers of the Lower Fourth Realm and the Middle Third Realm?

Of course, if there is a big opportunity, it should be inferred from this that the other party must have an adventure. However... no matter what kind of adventure, it is impossible to completely retreat.

He doesn't need a wealthy and dharma couple to practice the Four Treasures at all. Even if he wants to join various major forces to seek opportunities, the other party seems to have greater opportunities than him?

Well, since it was such a great opportunity, Xu Yangyi came into contact with Yawei under such an inferior opportunity and tried to find a breakthrough. The other party was so lucky that he could be called the son of the plane, and he actually accepted Emperor Wa's Dao initiation? Become the only one in the seven realms? "Never stepped outside the Seven Realms?"

Neither his mentality nor his deeds are consistent with a great saint.

"But..." He gently put the jade slip back to its original place and muttered: "Appearing in Guanghan Holy Palace, this is the biggest unsuitability."

He flipped through the next book, and sure enough, it was about the Immortal Monkey King again. But this time it is not a biography, but a point-by-point inference of the opponent's true strength from the opponent's previous battles and even the actions taken after Doppo.

"This is the handwriting of the Great Sage Guanghan..." He put down the second jade slip, his eyes already thoughtful: "Only Dubu can infer Dubu."

He took a deep look at the bookcase and understood completely. The Great Sage Guanghan must have seen his realm. Now he is only one step away from Taixu, but at the same time, he also feels the deep gap in the world.

He can already feel that this world is like an egg, the yolk is the seven realms, and the spiritual energy is the egg white. At his level, he can already touch the egg shell behind the egg white.

Wall of rules.

However, these rules are messy and disorderly, which can indeed be understood, but it is always like seeing flowers in the mist. This is the way of heaven set by Emperor Wa. In other words, his practice during this month, no, the following time, will be of no use to him.

So how do you spend this month?

Reading, the jade slips here...are placed for him. When people are bored, they will definitely find something to kill time. If you are smart enough, you can read a message from these jade slips.

I, the Great Sage Guanghan, have never given up on the investigation of the Great Sage Fu Lao.

If you don't want to be submissive to others, which side will you choose to stand on?

This is a silent stand, that is, for a great saint like him, it is very likely that the super monk who won the Five Kings and Two Queens this time has this qualification. If it had been any other monks, these jade slips might not have appeared at all.

This is a temptation for him and an invisible draw.

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