
Chapter 1491: Emperor Star Ziwei (I)

Xu Yangyi leaned forward and said hoarsely: "Not only do I have something to say."

Swish! Swish! As soon as the voice fell, more than a dozen spiritual powers burst out completely, covering the surroundings completely, and even flies could not fly in.

The only sound left in this pavilion was the thumping of the heart, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Xu Yangyi's mouth. He said solemnly: "The Great Sage Guanghan said... if possible, she would give me the fate of the Purple Star Emperor when the three stars were watching the moon."

Boom! ! The moment the last word fell, the surrounding spiritual energy suddenly fluctuated, and with several swish sounds, everyone stood up in shock, only Chu Zhaonan stared at him.

Everyone's first thought was: This is impossible! But when they turned around and thought about it carefully, everyone's face was extremely wonderful.

The Great Sage of Immortality... since returning from Cantian City, there has been no trace of him. The imperial edict was cut off, and the Immortal Mountain was closed, but... even the star-gazing and fate-determination could not be done?

So... now the Seven Realms are the one-man show of the Great Sage of Guanghan! Even if she did something, no one can tell unless they are the Great Sage!

What is this?

This is the general trend!

The person that the three sects are going to push is undoubtedly the best in terms of personal strength! However, the era of great contention is not just about fighting alone. Even if the three sects unite, they are far inferior to the foundation accumulated by the five kings and two queens for thousands of years.

They need this illusion.

Taking advantage of Ben Lei's high reputation, who dares to doubt the way of heaven? Doubt the Great Sage?

This opportunity that has not come once in thousands of years, the Great Sage Guanghan will completely turn the world around with this move!

"When!" Jiang Lao spoke first, his voice hoarse because of excessive excitement. All the saints around him had red eyes.

Xu Yangyi tapped the table lightly, his eyes swept over everyone like a sword: "Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow night at midnight, the Great Sage will determine the fate!"

No one spoke, only a rapid breath. A few seconds later, Wanzhong Saint Lord woke up as if from a dream, waved his long sleeves, and a talisman flew into the air, and the sound spread thousands of miles.

"From now on, all troops of Lonely Sword Peak are on alert! No one is allowed to enter or leave! Violators will be killed on the spot! No matter who it is!"

"From now on, the observatory is under full martial law! No one is allowed to spy without the order of this Saint Lord! Violators will be killed without mercy!"

"Yes!!" The sound of a tsunami from all directions broke through the clouds and fog, and the tsunami responded. Suddenly, a golden light flashed, and countless runes fell from the Milky Way on the top of the mountain, covering the entire mountain in an instant.

"This matter is serious. It's not that I don't believe you, but I can only be a little wronged." Wanzhong Saint Lord bowed and arched his hands to everyone: "Everyone, I believe you have heard of the name of Lonely Sword Peak, please."

Still silent, but everyone stood up silently. Rapid breathing resounded through the pavilion. This is the first time in 100,000 years that the Great Sage has made an exception to intervene. Once it is leaked, I am afraid that the first Guanghan Saint Palace will send troops to Kunlun.

As Wanzhong Saint Lord turned into a stream of light and rose into the sky, more than a dozen streams of light followed closely. This mountain is so high that you can pick the stars with your hands. The higher you go, the darker the sky becomes. Thunder can be seen faintly. Even the Saint flew for several minutes. When he rushed to the sky and broke through the black clouds, a sculpture in the clouds stood in front of him.

Thunder snakes roamed, lightning dragons rushed, and green light poured for hundreds of miles. In the center of the sea of ​​thunder, there was a Gobi cliff. It was hundreds of meters in size. Two tall statues stood facing each other from north to south, each of which was fifty meters high.

On the left was a bald old man, leaning on a green vine dragon head crutch, carrying a purple gold red gourd on his back, and wearing a black robe. On the right was a fairy holding a jade rabbit, with a calm expression and flying clothes.

It was obviously a dead sculpture, but the expression, posture, and momentum were all vivid on the paper. Just a glance, it was as if you saw a majestic plane. It was like two gods flying in the starry sky.

In the center of them was a huge relief of a star map. The twenty-eight constellations of Tiangang and Disha were all included. It is extremely holy under the starlight.



Swish… The cold wind blows across the snowy mountain. This is the largest snowy mountain in Xiaoxiang under the moon, and it is also the busiest snowy mountain. Because… This mountain is an ice snake. I don’t know what kind of great supernatural power carved it out with infinite power, stretching across thousands of miles.

Countless spiritual lights projected from the gaps in the lifelike scales, making this giant snake seem to come alive. Countless floating flying boats surrounded it, and the monks who came in and out of it were like thousands of streams returning to the origin. Every moment, countless spiritual powers were swallowed and spit out here.

Five kings and two queens, the Snake Mother’s Palace, the Ten Thousand Snakes Palace.

At the location of the snake’s head, in an ice palace, the top of the head had been hollowed out, and seven figures were sitting cross-legged in it.

An old man with gorgeous hemp skin, who was not good-looking, was dressed in extremely luxurious clothes. He held two crystal clear walnuts in his hands, which had the sound of wind and thunder, and gently collided with the old fingertips.

Jin Wujia, the leader of Tongshenmen. Yuexia Xiaoxiang is a top chamber of commerce even in the seven realms. In the great struggle of the Snake Mother's ascension to the throne, it made the right investment and stood out. The chamber of commerce has branches all over the world, and its influence is everywhere.

On the other side, a man wearing a bamboo hat, a black dress, and his hands are covered with age spots. He held a short dagger, but there was no trembling at all. His fingers brushed and silver light shone.

A wholesale man, ten feet tall. The head of the Ding-level sect of the entire casual cultivator in the west of Yuexia Xiaoxiang, the Saint of Nanrong, ranked twenty-seventh on the Venerable Saint List.

An old woman, with a kind look and covered in pearls and jade, is the mother of the Xuan Dynasty, the only dynasty in Yuexia Xiaoxiang. In the East, it can be said that one word can be the law of the world.

Everyone here has an important identity, but their eyes are all looking at the center, a young man with a face as cold as ice and snow.

Venerable Hanxue.

No one spoke, and time passed slowly. After a long time, Venerable Hanxue opened his eyes and said lightly: "What time is it?"

"Zi time." The old man in the bamboo hat said hoarsely: "Daoyou invited us to come here, are you sitting here for nothing?"

Venerable Hanxue did not speak, but slowly stood up and looked at the sky: "I know, everyone is waiting."

"If the Emperor Star does not come out, no one can put down the heavy stone in their hearts. Therefore, today this Venerable specially invites you to come here on the order of Lady Snake Mother, just to let you put down this heart."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone's eyes lit up.

"The Emperor Star will answer the order, today?"

Boom boom boom... As if answering his question, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, waking up all the sleeping things. In the Ten Thousand Snakes Hall, countless sleeping monsters woke up from their dreams and roared non-stop.

At some point, countless black clouds had covered the starry sky, and the stars were dim and obscure.

"Not today." Venerable Hanxue lowered his head and looked at everyone: "But... after one stick of incense."

Swish! Everyone stood up, and the seven sacred powers of the Venerable Saints broke through the sky. Their bodies trembled slightly, and their eyes had already revealed the long-hidden, well-concealed greed.

Everyone here is the leader of a force that rose in the last great strife. Compared with the higher-level aristocratic families that have not changed for thousands of years, they are still a step behind, but... who wants to be a nouveau riche?

Who doesn't want to enjoy long-lasting blessings and wealth forever?

A new round of gambles is coming soon.

After the last round, they know more clearly what it means to buy and leave, let alone life and death.

"Then... let me and the others stay with you tonight."

"You seem to have made a mistake." Venerable Hanxue said calmly, his voice suddenly rose, and the terrifying spiritual energy immediately blew away everyone from all directions. Amid the exclamations, his voice was like a knife, and he said word by word: "Let you come, just to make you feel at ease!"

"Ziwei Emperor Star will definitely belong to me!"

"Even if it doesn't return, I will definitely change my fate against the will of heaven!"

"Tonight, I want your answer!"

"Don't think you can walk out perfunctorily!"

Swish! As his last word fell, four saints appeared in the ice palace like ghosts, and behind them, rows of ice armor guards were impenetrable. Tens of thousands of magic weapons were aimed at the seven people.

"Either agree." Venerable Hanxue waved his hand and turned around, saying coldly: "Or die."

"You have been deaf and dumb for a whole year... You have exhausted the patience of this Saint."

Boom... Thunder rushed, the river of flowing fire, the Void Mahayana Sect, Liu Mianfeng tapped the folding fan in his right hand lightly, tapping the palm of his hand slowly and steadily.

There was no one around him, as if he was standing at a very high place, looking far into the distance, the brilliant night view of the entire Void Mahayana Sect fell into his eyes.

The gentleman is like jade, wearing a long white fur coat, a jade belt and a purple gold crown, a mud gold folding fan, a dark pattern flying cloud robe, and a wild wind blowing his black hair like a dragon. He sighed faintly: "Once the hero draws his sword, it will be another ten years of disaster for the people... What a pity, what a pity."

"Hehe... Haven't you been waiting for a day for a long time?" A voice like a bird sounded beside him: "Even his own master is willing to take action, and he who kneels to the devil dares to call himself a hero?"

Liu Mianfeng smiled but his eyes were not deep, and his white hands gently stroked the fence: "Only the winner dares to call himself a hero. Could it be that... this person has a small chance of winning?"

He unfolded the folding fan and waved it casually. Under the folding fan, a dense piece of iron armor spread over thousands of miles, more than a million!

Countless flying boats were suspended in the air, war drums were beating, thousands of horses were silent, and countless precious lights shone in the sky, as continuous as brocade, as bright as a river.

The wild wind rolled up the flags and rolled through his heart like a flame. The scene of golden swords and iron horses, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, is all in his control.

In the Void Mahayana Gate, in the Flowing Fire River, he is the master of all living beings who can turn clouds and rain with a flip of his hand.

"Of course... this master needs a proof." When he was on the top of the mountain, he gently lifted his long hair: "For example... the ironclad evidence of the world of great contention?"

"The Purple Star Emperor will definitely respond to me."

Wherever he looked, he could see all the mountains.

Rumble... As if in response, the thunder in the sky rolled more violently. The moon was bright and the stars were sparse, the magpies flew south, and the dark clouds gradually swallowed the starlight, as if to foreshadow the entire Seven Realms, something... was about to come!

Beyond the Milky Way, in a vast starry sky, the Void Dog King looked into the distance with infinite greed, which became the only diamond in the void sky, dazzling. Seven planes not far apart attracted each other, forming a gorgeous pearl chain.

"Sure enough..." It licked its tongue excitedly: "With the Five Kings and Two Queens' Void Crystal in hand, the Seven Realms actually allowed you to enter!"

"General A Luosu, are you... ready?"

As it turned its head, a continuous Taichu was reflected in its pupils. The dark mass overturned the universe, more than a hundred thousand!

What's more terrifying is that their spiritual power is completely unified, and their actions are as easy as using an arm. In this situation, not a single Taichu roared.

This is a complete loss of emotions, even instincts are wiped out, leaving only the most elite killing machine that obeys its mission!

A tall and thin figure in a black cloak spoke hoarsely: "Of course."

"Very good." The Void Dog King laughed loudly: "I have injected you with the top genes, your strength... is definitely comparable to Ben Lei that day!"

"With the addition of Lord Tenggerbal's Royal Guards... we are the final winners!"

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