
Chapter 1492: Emperor Star Ziwei (Part 2)

Boom boom boom... At this moment, the seven realms were thundering, the clouds were dense, and the stars were swallowed up without light. No one felt it at first, but ten minutes later, all the sects felt something was wrong.

In a tall mountain in the Santu River, a door opened, and a stream of light suddenly rushed into the sky. Between the mountains, there was a continuous whistling sound, and four rays of light rose into the sky at the same time.

Swish la la la la... In the starry clouds, the pearls floated in the turbid water, and the sudden strong wind blew their wildly dancing hair. Everyone looked at the sky solemnly.

The light in the sky had completely disappeared, and the light of the bright moon seemed to be countless times brighter, and it turned into a veil that gushed out from the dark clouds. It was as if a magnificent picture was drawn on the ground. An indescribable vast aura vaguely revealed the heavens and the worlds. As time got closer and closer to midnight, all the sects in the seven realms, the ground began to hum!

God descended invisible.

The old man in the lead had a sharp gaze, and he scanned the area several times, counted with his fingers, and a few seconds later he suddenly took a breath and exclaimed: "This is..."

"No notice at all?" Not far away, a middle-aged man stopped calculating at the same time, and looked up with a drastic change of expression: "Three stars watching the moon... This is the Great Sage watching the stars!"

It was too sudden...

I was not mentally prepared at all, but I had read countless records in history books, and everyone knew what this moonlight plowing through the clouds and the disappearance of the stars meant.

The Great Sage came in person, and the Purple Star appeared!

"Quick!" After being stunned for a few seconds, the four of them turned back and suddenly shouted to the bottom: "Notify all the cultivators in the sect immediately! Come out immediately!! All the sects gather at the observatory! No one is allowed to fall behind!"

Xu Kunlun, the Great Xia Dynasty, Xiahou Mansion, the nine-layered gate opened with a bang, and the brilliance of the mountains and peaks rushed out like a tide of clouds and mist. With an extremely powerful pressure, a golden light rushed to the sky. In an instant, all the people in Xiahou Mansion knelt on the ground, not daring to sweat.

A phantom figure in the golden light looked deeply at the sky. At the same time, the moonlight suddenly became bright, and the sky was full of obscure waves. Through the darkness, it outlined the extremely magnificent Seven Realms Aurora!

At this moment, countless places in the Seven Realms, thousands of sects, whether they were saints, Yuanying, Jindan; or the heirloom families that have not changed for thousands of years, Class A sects, unknown living, and gravel-like forces, all raised their heads at the same moment and looked at the sky.

It is close yet also the end of the world. The Milky Way is far away, the stars are misty, and the Aurora Fu is here.

"This is..." In the Flowing Fire River, an elder of a Class C sect raised his head and stared blankly at the aurora in the sky. The expression on his face changed from shock to ecstasy. Then, he tried desperately to turn back and shout something to the sect, but he couldn't shout anything. After a few seconds, his body softened and he fell to the ground in sweat.

In a Buddhist temple, with a cry of "Amitabha", a group of monks knelt silently. They dared not raise their heads.

Santu River, Xu Kunlun, Mandala, Xiao Leiyin... All the monks saw this scene, and in an instant, the entire Seven Realms were boiling!

"Let all the elders gather at the observatory immediately!! Three stars are responding to orders... This is the three stars responding to orders! One year, a whole year! It's finally here! If the three stars don't come out, how dare we, the small sects and temples, follow suit? Open the jade slips for recording photos! Close the observatory immediately! No one except the elders can enter!"

At first, the seven realms were just a slight ripple, but in less than ten minutes, the entire seven realms and hundreds of thousands of sects all woke up from their slumber. Even though they were separated by the stars, they could still see that the seven planes were becoming more and more glittering with the naked eye, and countless points of light were increasing, as if from dusk to night, with lights all over the sky.

In Xiahou Mansion, the illusory figure slowly retracted his gaze, and everyone in all directions had already looked up at the sky like clay sculptures and wooden carvings. He said lightly: "Manager Wang."

The voice was very low, but it was like a silent thunder, rolling through the hearts of everyone in Xiahou Mansion.

"I'm here... I'm here!" A cultivator in the early stage of the Nascent Soul flew out and tumbled, prostrating himself: "Master Xiahou, please give me your orders."

"Is the observatory open?"

"No... I'll go right away!" Manager Wang woke up as if from a dream, turned around and shouted: "Xiahou has an order! All cultivators in the lower four realms, prepare to receive the star-gazing projection! All elders, gather at the observatory immediately! What are you still standing there for? Quick! Quick!!"

A few minutes later, a beam of white light shot up from the Xiahou Mansion, transforming into a star map of nothingness. At the same time, a beam of white light also shot up from the Great Xia Palace. Two beams of light from the Wanling Guiyi Sect in the northwest of the Great Xia Dynasty and the Xuesa Kingdom in the southeast cleared the clouds. The next second, as if in response, thousands of white light pillars on the Kunlun Ruins cut through the darkness and turned into a dazzling star-shaped diamond.

The entire Seven Realms woke up.

The lights of thousands of houses were lit up in the night wind, and the sky was full of moonlight.

Outside the Milky Way, the Void Dog King looked at the seven shining continents with burning greed, and his voice was trembling with excitement: "Look... look here! Soon, we will be able to settle in! Protected by the Heavenly Dao, it is the first time in the 100,000 years since the beginning of the world! Hehehehe!!"

After the stormy waves of light passed, there was a dead silence.

The dead silence of the seven worlds.

All the cultivators, every cultivator, stared at the sky and knelt down devoutly. Everyone carefully watched the only time in his life that the Great Sage made a move, fearing that he would miss even a little bit.

In the silence, the moonlight faded away the veil, and all the stars in the sky and earth shone together in the dark night!

One hundred and eight heavenly and earthly evil stars are shining brightly. A bright moon rises above the sea on the observatory of each sect. A huge moon with a radius of hundreds of miles rises from the boundary of dark clouds and darkness. A slender figure is like the goddess Chang'e in the sky, graceful and flying.

Only shadows can be seen, the streamers turn into long rainbows, and the silk turns into petals, dancing in the moon, fascinating.

As she dances, it seems to attract the stars in the sky. The originally dim stars in all directions become brighter and brighter. Then, with a few swish sounds, five streams of light stand out from the stars and rush straight to the moon. Like the five elements, they slowly linger around the moon.

Tianjian Villa, everyone on the top of the mountain has their eyes lit up. Five people, five major forces, it's time to unveil the plaque!

Who can follow the destiny and who will fall into the dust will be revealed soon!

Not just them...

Xiahou Mansion, in the light and shadow, Xiahou has his hands behind his back, his eyes unblinking. In the Great Xia Dynasty, countless monks knelt below the magnificent building. Shen Chenyang climbed to the top, looked at the sky with deep eyes, and said lightly: "Do you... have hope?"

Seven realms and seven gates, five kings and two queens, all opened their eyes and held their breath.

The entire seven realms fell into an atmosphere called silence, leaving only the seven realms with the same heartbeat and breathing at the same moment, hot and uneasy.

In the Void Mahayana Gate, under the high platform, thousands of people bowed their heads, and the monsters did not dare to make a sound, trembling. Even Liu Mianfeng held the fan tightly, looking at the moment that determined the long river of history with a fiery look.

In the Ten Thousand Snakes Hall, Venerable Hanxue was like a stone sculpture, and only his chest that was desperately rising and falling betrayed his mood at the moment.

Swish... Hundreds of thousands of observatories reflected the same picture, and the shadow of the Great Sage Guanghan stopped, and the huge moon wheel accompanied by the aurora reflected a complex and fast handprint on the ground.

Three stars responded to the order, the Great Sage observed the stars!

Swish... all the stars in the sky, the Heavenly Gang and Earthly Evils, the twelve constellations, and the twenty-eight constellations all vibrated together, and the light was like a lamp that cut through the void, chaotic like a silver butterfly. After a few seconds, they all shone on one of the marks. At the same time, a purple star in the sky burst into glory, covering all the starlight and pointing directly at the mark.

Ziwei Star Descends!

It appeared... At the observatory of Tianjian Villa, Xu Yangyi's lips were a little dry, and he couldn't help but take a step forward. Everyone around him even suppressed their breathing to the minimum.

Liu Mianfeng, Venerable Hanxue, Master Diku, and even Taichu outside the Milky Way, at this moment, everyone was paying attention.

Guanghan Great Sage waved his hand lightly, and the mark flew to her side. She gently grasped it, and thousands of points of light exploded. The next second, a small silver-white sword phoenix wing flew into the sky, with a sky-high flame, slashing through the void, and echoing with the Eastern Ziwei Star from a distance.

The name of the Heavenly Sword!

"It's him!!" In the Great Xia Dynasty, Shen Chenyang's eyes tightened and he couldn't help shouting.

Ziwei Emperor Star, Tianjian Villa, Saint Benlei!

Destiny is the destination!

"How could it be him!!" In Santu River, the leader of a sect looked at the sky in astonishment, dumbfounded, and couldn't believe his eyes.

Why... why is it like this?

They are friends with the Ten Thousand Snakes Palace, but... this time destiny abandoned them?

"It's Benlei... It's Tianjian Villa!?" Xiao Leiyin, the patriarch of a family, took a few steps back, pressed his chest tightly, and only these words were impossible in his mind.

The three sects joined forces, it sounds very strong? But stronger than the five kings and two queens? This is not a battle that can be reversed by one person! This is a war! Just like Cantian City, it determines the reshuffle of the seven realms and the cornerstone of how one realm will develop in the next few thousand years!

Where does he get the chance of winning?

Where does he get the confidence? !

"Tianjian's actually Tianjian Villa! Oh my's really them...this, this is incredible! Daozu...Ziweixing is destined to be Benlei...this, does this mean that he is most likely to become the second queen of the Five Kings? Heavenly Dao approves? It's's really like this..."

At this moment, a magnificent voice interrupted everyone's imagination.

"Ziweixing is determined. Heavenly Dao approves."

"Tianjian Villa, Young Sect Master Benlei is destined to be Ziwei."

Everyone in Tianjian Villa looked at each other, their blood boiling, whistling and hitting the shore.

Xu Yangyi clenched his fists fiercely, this time...the big trend is on my side!

Kunpeng rises with the wind one day, soaring up to 90,000 miles!

Good winds rely on their power and send me to the blue sky!

"How could it be him..."The Void Mahayana Gate was dead silent. Everyone looked up at the sky unwillingly. On the high platform, Liu Mianfeng bit his lips tightly, and his palms were scratched by his nails and bleeding.

Unwilling...extremely unwilling!

I hold the Void Mahayana Sect in my hands, and I finally killed the old ghost who never dies, but it turned out not to be me!

The way of heaven is unfair!

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