
Main text Chapter 149: Jindan takes action (Part 3)

Xu Yangyi didn't know how to answer. ⊙Top,

He wanted the green leaf the size of his little fingernail, but he would definitely offend Ju Ling Zhenren. Zhenren Yue... looked both good and evil.

And agreeing to Ju Ling Zhenren meant putting someone beside him? That was impossible.

"Hehe..." Just as he was thinking about how to reply, a dry laugh suddenly sounded: "You two really acted a good show, have you asked us?"

The dry voice sounded again: "Daoyou Ju Ling, what do you mean by putting someone beside the alchemist? In front of so many juniors, do you still have shame?"

Zhenren Ju Ling didn't care at all, laughed loudly, his face was as thick as a city wall.

"But... this pill, I plan to comprehend it myself." The dry voice restrained the dry laugh and said carefully: "It just so happens that I also have a magic weapon in my hand, and I plan to estimate the price."

"Swish..." As a golden light flashed, the small piece of golden light quickly became a large piece! In less than three seconds, it immediately turned into a room full of golden light! Even the golden giant hand of Master Yue pressed down!

Then, a vast pressure like the sea made all the foundation-building monks below sit down with a plop, looking at the golden kingdom in the sky in fear.

"This is..." They didn't speak, but several surprised voices were heard from more than a dozen attics.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi's heart beat suddenly, because this feeling... is too familiar!

Emperor's weapon!

This is an emperor's weapon!

However, compared with his, it lacks a kind of vitality, but is dead.

"Swish..." The sky was full of golden light flashing, and seven large characters made of spiritual energy were looming in it. I don't know how long it took, and the golden light finally showed its true face-three ancient and extremely simple books with heavy majesty!

"The Buddha said..." The voice of Anxiang Patriarch sounded, even she was surprised at this moment: "The Sutra of Forty-two Chapters?"

"It's genuine." The dry voice laughed: "The handwritten copy of the Great Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, the Buddha said the Sutra of Forty-two Chapters, everyone, how about this thing?"

No one answered.

The foundation-building cultivators below had no idea what an imperial weapon was, but just looking at the terrifying pressure in the sky, which was comparable to that of a golden elixir, they could feel that this thing... was probably an extraordinary magic weapon!

"Daoyou." The voice of Tianzai Zhenren sounded for the third time, and for the first time it became solemn: "Do you know... how sinful it is to hide this thing privately?"

"Hehehe...Daoyou Tianzai, your reputation is well-known... But even if you are a half-step Yuanying, I want to leave, I'm afraid you can't stop me even if you add up." The dry voice smiled sinisterly: "I'm afraid you also recognize a little bit of the skills I just used, don't use the cultivation court to suppress me."

Unexpectedly, Tianzai didn't speak.

"Who, who is this person?" Below, I don't know how many people were surprised: "Even the highest combat power of the human race dares to speak like this?"

"As for this thing." The dry voice sneered twice: "It was personally given to me by the Saint Ancestor. I never expected that by chance, it would turn into what it is now."

"Keeping it is of no use to me. But for a cultivator in the Qi training period... hehe, at least it can ensure that he survives for an hour under the hands of the Jindan Zhenren!"

The whole room was in an uproar!

Every major realm is a qualitative leap! Foundation building is a crushing blow to Qi training, and those below the Jindan are all ants! Zhu Hongxue's half-step Jindan slaughtering thousands of cultivators that day is the best proof!

However... there is something that can ensure that a Qi training cultivator survives for an hour under the hands of the Jindan Patriarch? Or at least?

"Not only that..." The dry voice continued: "This thing can kill a foundation-building person as easily as killing a chicken or a dog. There are ten chances in total. Each time, it can cover a radius of 100 miles! Only kill the spiritual consciousness!"

Dead silence, as silent as death.

No one expected that the third Jindan ancestor would use this kind of magic weapon!

No matter how good the thing is...can it be compared to your own life?

"What on earth is this?" A foundation-building cultivator stared blankly at the three books shining with golden light in the sky: "How could there be such a heaven-defying thing in the world?"

After being silent for an unknown period of time, Tianzai Zhenren finally sighed: "This Zhenren, I think I know who you are..."

"Oh? Haha?" The dry voice laughed even more happily: "In this world, I'm afraid no one knows except myself..."

"Liang Jiugong."

The dry voice stopped laughing abruptly, and when it spoke again, it was shocked for the first time: "You..."

"How should I know?" Tianzai Zhenren smiled slightly: "Liang Jiugong, the chief eunuch of Emperor Shengzu of the Qing Dynasty... It is recorded in the Yongxian Records that 'Liang Jiugong, the chief eunuch of the previous dynasty, hanged himself in Jingshan.' I didn't expect... you actually faked your death and escaped... and are still alive now... You can leave your name in history books. Should I call you Liang Jiugong... or the familiar 'Li Dequan' in the TV series "The Mortal"? "

The dry voice finally stopped talking this time. After an unknown amount of time, he gritted his teeth and said, "Who on earth is Daoyou?"

"Hehe..." Tianzai's voice floated by like wind and clouds: "Just an acquaintance..."

An acquaintance?

All the cultivators at the scene were shocked.

The identity of a Jindan cultivator is their biggest secret. This anonymous Jindan ancestor is actually an old monster who has lived through several eras! The personal eunuch of the past! And Tianzai Zhenren... actually called the other party an acquaintance?

"This thing is indeed yours, and this Zhenren has no more concerns." Tianzai's voice disappeared, and Liang Zhenren's voice never appeared again.

The three treasures, emitting thousands of auspicious lights, lay across the sky, dazzling and dizzying.

However, this is not over.

Then, in the attic of Anxiang ancestor, a colorful stone that looks like jade but not jade, about the size of a fist, was carried out by a maid in a low-key tray.

Lingbo Weibu, Pingxu Yufeng, the maids of Jindan ancestor are all foundation-building predecessors!

The stone just looks good, but when the female cultivator's voice sounded, countless foundation-building cultivators took a breath of cold air.

"The Sky-Repairing Stone."

"Fifty years ago, An Xiang Patriarch explored one of the eight forbidden areas, the Death Valley of Kunlun Mountain, and obtained it one kilometer away from the center of the valley."

"In this battle, all 742 female cultivators of Ling Huaxue Sect, a sect under An Xiang Patriarch, were killed. The head of the sect, Master Piao Xue, and Master Ji Yin died one kilometer and one hundred meters from the center of the Death Valley. 717 Qi training disciples died three hundred meters from the valley entrance, and 28 foundation-building female cultivators died near the center of the Death Valley. An Xiang Patriarch escaped unscathed, and this item is also one of the few gains of this secret realm journey."

"However, for decades, An Xiang Patriarch has not solved the mystery of this stone. But it is certain that it is an S-level magic weapon embryo."

The female cultivator bowed slightly and floated back to the attic. Only the ground was filled with amazement behind her.

The eight forbidden areas, the eight unsolved mysteries of Chinese cultivation! Hidden with countless opportunities!

Someone once came back alive from the Yongle Blue Cave. After 30 years of seclusion, a catastrophe descended over the Magic City!

This person's real name is Zhang Yongyao, but now no one mentions this name, and no one even remembers it.

Because his current name is Fuyun Zhenren.

Someone once found a mental method that directly reached the Nascent Soul in the depths of Shennongjia. A month later, his entire family died, and the forces he belonged to were bloody. The branches were littered with corpses, and it is still an unsolved case.

Before today, no one knew that Anxiang Patriarch had actually entered the Death Valley and escaped unscathed! However, decades ago, the famous female sect Linghuaxue Sect fell apart within a week, which was known to everyone.

However, their amazement was not over.

"The technique that leads directly to the golden elixir, the Emperor's Palace Heavenly Talisman, is the innate technique of this real person."

"A palace, which was practiced by this real person in his spare time... It has the basic functions of the four golden elixir palaces: teleportation, rushing, protection, and attack. Although it is not as powerful as the golden elixir palace, it is worse than any cultivator. As long as there are enough spirit stones, it can be driven, and it can ensure that the user is safe for life within the great perfection of the foundation building."

"Dear Taoist friends, do you know that there is a pill called the Wanling Medicine? What does it mean? That is, any medicine can be made with this medicine instead. "A palm-sized jade bottle was suspended in the sky. The bottle cap was opened, and a heady aroma of medicine filled the whole place: "The panacea is made of the blood of the four-legged beast. Looking at the vast China, only this real person has one. Three taels of blood, let the alchemist and this real person meet. "

"The seven-beaded blue cloud grass can directly break through the foundation-building cultivation and build the foundation on the spot. If there is a corresponding pill formula, the effect will be even better. "

In an instant, the sky was shining with precious light! Thousands of auspicious auras!

Everyone was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the treasures in the sky that they had never seen or even heard of, and their hearts were burning with excitement!

Any one of them, if put outside, would be enough to cause a fight among first-class families! However, now, it is used by the Jindan ancestors in an auction!

Only then did they realize how ridiculous the high price they had just shouted was.

"Yangtuo, Yangtuo!" Mao Baer walked to his side without knowing when, and gently patted his calf with his dog paw: "Come on, come on and choose... I can't control myself anymore!"

Ten kinds of treasures, lying in the air, make people's hearts intoxicated!

Xu Yangyi's eyes were also intoxicated for a moment, but he clenched his fists and forced himself to calm down.

Seeing Xu Yangyi shaking his head, Mao Baer immediately became anxious: "What are you waiting for! Just pick one! Our Xingtian Legion will be prosperous! I recommend that palace! It is simply customized for the legion!"

"No..." Xu Yangyi suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice: "Have you ever thought that the more valuable the treasure, the heavier the conditions behind it."

Mao Baer was stunned for a moment, and before he could speak, Xu Yangyi continued: "The Jindan ancestors are unlikely to be satisfied with just one pill, they want the entire alchemy! They want this revived industry."

He looked deeply at an attic: "Master Juling, that can only be regarded as a drop in the ocean... I still have to be on guard against someone..."

Mao Baer followed his gaze and looked over, and his hair almost stood up!

"Old Ancestor Fu Fu Fu Yun?! Is he going to kill you?!"

Xu Yangyi retracted his gaze, looked at Mao Ba Er and sneered: "If I hadn't been in seclusion for the past two years, I would not exist now. Do you believe it?"

As if sensing his gaze, a very light smile rang faintly in Xu Yangyi's ears, and then a gentle voice appeared at the scene: "Since everyone is so lively, why don't I come and add a little bit of luck?"\u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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