
Main text Chapter 150: Jindan takes action (Part 4)

Fuyun Patriarch!

Xu Yangyi looked at the attic with a hint of coldness. He absolutely did not believe that Fuyun really wanted to buy this pill. ⊙Top,

"Ding..." With the sound of a bell, a small golden bell appeared in the air, simple and elegant, with countless mysterious talismans engraved on it. With each bell sound, a circle of golden ripples visible to the naked eye spread in the air.

"Donghuang Bell Fake." Fuyun Patriarch said calmly: "B-level magic weapon."

Not many people were amazed. After the bombardment of ten magic weapons before, they were almost numb. Even if the magic weapon appeared, they were just stunned.

"In addition..." Fuyun's voice smiled leisurely: "This magic weapon is obviously not expensive now, but I have another suggestion..."

"I am also the chairman of Fuyun Group... Hehe, I don't know much about these mundane positions. Now, I am willing to use 5%... um, shares? To build the alchemy business with that alchemist."

This is a big deal!

If only the spirit stones are counted, it turns out that Fuyun's current price is the highest!

"Daoyou..." Dicai's voice paused: "You are really willing to give."

"Where can I get it?" Fuyun smiled slightly. He knew very well that no matter what price he offered, the other party would never agree to it.

Everyone has a share of today's elixir, but he can't have a share.

"It's time, it's luck." In the attic, a pair of old eyes slowly opened: "Young man... you really have a good luck... As long as this real person sees that it is indeed the way of alchemy, that's enough..."

"What secrets does the living emperor's weapon hide? This real person is really looking forward to it more and more..."

There was silence at the scene, and no one spoke.

Not only the foundation-building cultivators, but also the golden elixir cultivators did not speak.

They were all waiting, waiting for Baishe's final valuation!

In the attic, Master Yue took a deep breath.

It was expected that the competition for the way of alchemy would be fierce, was so fierce!

Except for Master Gusong, none of the other real people's actions were lower than A level. His young leaf, until now, is actually not noticeable at all!

It's just that...I have always been a lone ranger, and I really don't have as rich a family background as other real people!

"Don't give up..." He pursed his lips lightly: "My strength lies in my ability to make friends with overseas allies. The way of alchemy... This is the real gift for meeting! It is also the cornerstone of our cooperation!"

Gritting his teeth, the golden giant hand trembled slightly in mid-air. He endured the heartache and forced a smile: "In this case, I... may have to increase the stakes."

With a flick of his finger, a green leaf the size of three fingers shook. At this moment, the cold laughter of Ju Ling Zhenren suddenly resounded throughout the venue: "This pill, I must get it! Increase the stakes! One swallowing worm egg!"

There was an uproar at the scene!

Yue Zhenren suddenly looked up at Ju Ling Zhenren's attic, and a hint of murderous intent had already appeared in his eyes.

He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths before calming down the cold and hot murderous intent in his heart. He flicked his fingers indifferently, and a green leaf flew down.

Although he is also a human Zhenren, he is not on the same side as other Zhenren. If he fights with the other party now, it is easy to be excluded.

He didn't even speak, but just took a step back with practical actions, telling the other party to stop.

However, it is obvious that he is not a regular human circle, and he is not clear about the character of Ju Ling Zhenren.

"Hehe... Zhenren Yue has increased the stakes." Ju Ling Zhenren's laughter made him frown slightly: "But... one piece, this is not enough!"

"Which Zhenren present is not S-level? This piece just reached S-level. Is Zhenren Yue so stingy? He only intends to pay such a small price for Dan Dao?"

"Also an unnamed Taoist friend, Daoist Liang took out the S+ Buddhist Sutra of Forty-two Chapters, and Zhenren Yue's piece..." He smiled and stopped the voice with unsatisfied intention.

Even clay Buddhas have three points of anger, let alone the high and mighty Jindan Zhenren?

"Really?" Zhenren Yue took a deep look at the attic, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and flicked his fingers, and suddenly, three palm-sized leaves flew down in an instant!

Mature leaves!

"I will add three more!"

"Come on!" The resentment of Juling Zhenren for hundreds of years finally found a place to vent. He laughed fiercely at the sky, and then the temperature in the whole venue suddenly rose!

"Boom!" Endless flames exploded in the sky, and finally formed a vortex of fire with a radius of dozens of meters! Then, a fiery red beast egg like a stone suddenly emerged in the suspended sea of ​​fire.

"Spirit pet, ranked 20th, Red Sun Golden Eye Roar!"

There was silence for a few seconds below, and after this sentence came out, it boiled!

"It turned out to be Red Sun Golden Eye Roar!" "Twentieth! Twentieth! My God!" "Unbelievable... Unbelievable! It turned out to be the twentieth spiritual pet!"

"This thing was born with the foundation-building cultivation! The highest... can reach the late stage of the golden elixir! Daoist friend?" Juling Zhenren didn't care about the commotion at the scene at all, and asked with a sneer.

Three leaves and a beast egg flew in front of the light curtain as if they had spirituality. In an instant, the words on the light curtain were almost jumping wildly!

"Ding!" After a few seconds, the text freezes, and everyone can see the color clearly!

Red! Red like gold!


It's already infinitely close to the SS level!

Equally matched!

The eyes of the two ancestors had collided with each other across an unknown distance and an unknown amount of restrictions!

"Fellow Daoist Giant Spirit." In the air, Master Tianzai's voice sounded faintly: "Enough is enough."

"Haha... If it were someone else, I wouldn't be able to give up this elixir... But, he can't do it!" The giant spirit's voice still laughed dryly at first, but then suddenly became louder: "One of my true disciples, He died at the hands of that old bat! Why should I swallow this?"

"Life and death are destiny, wealth is in heaven." Master Yue's voice became even colder: "You dare to go to Chichen Itza before you reach Jindan. You are looking for death. You can't blame others."

"Hahaha..." Master Juling laughed loudly: "Unfortunately, I just like to blame others! Don't talk about the truth with me, I am the truth!"

The sound was like thunder, resounding throughout the audience!

Suddenly, countless foundation-building monks covered their ears, suppressed the feeling of vomiting in their hearts, and half-bowed in their positions.

Xu Yangyi felt even more uncomfortable. Master Ju Ling's grudges that had been accumulated for more than a hundred years completely exploded at this moment, Master Jin Dan's uncompromising character! There was even a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

He gently wiped the corners of his mouth with his hand, licked the blood on his thumb, and sneered.

Let's fight... He only took out two Chen Dan, what he wants is these ancestors fight!

Monks, how can we not fight!

Only by fighting can he maximize his interests!

"Very good..." Master Yue smiled coldly: "I will much wealth you have, fellow Taoist."

"Brush!" The giant golden hand flicked slightly, and a leaf that was already a little yellow suddenly floated down.

"Haha..." The giant spirit remained calm, but this time the sky turned into a sea!

An irregular egg floats and sinks in it. However, even if it is not born, the bloody and murderous aura inside it makes all the foundation-building monks change their looks!

"This is... a seven-eyed insect! This is a seven-eyed insect egg!" I didn't know the clan leader, so he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Ranked nineteenth... one of the overlords of the deep sea... with extremely high defense power. And it has its own space within the body!”

"You!" A light flashed in Yue Zhenren's eyes.

Following one after another, his anger and murderous intent finally reached their peak.

"Fellow Taoist..." He smiled thoughtfully as he spoke. The wilder the anger in his heart, the calmer his smile became: "Leave a thin line in everything so that we can meet again in the future."

"I have no intention of meeting fellow Taoist Taoist Master in the future." Master Ju Ling laughed loudly: "Stop talking nonsense, this is an auction house, and the rule is that the one with more money is the king. Seven-eyed insect eggs, Taoist Fellow Yue, you dare Don’t dare to answer!”

Let’s get started!

No one dared to say another word.

No one expected that Master Yue and Master Ju Ling would actually get angry!

Everyone held their breath, but with extremely fiery eyes, they looked at the two ancestors in the sky who were increasingly misaligned.

Yue Zhenren took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

When it opened again, the giant golden hand slowly turned in mid-air, and with the sound of "rustling", countless leaves flew up without the wind.

Then, dozens of ruby-like flowers appeared at the bottom of the leaves!

"This is..." A foundation-building monk said in astonishment: "This is... the flower of the sacred tree?"

A young leaf is close to S-level, and a mature leaf is close to SS! So, what is the order of the flowers blooming on this tree?

The golden giant fingers were bent, and everyone was holding their breath waiting for the moment when the flowers fell. They had no idea that in the attic, Zhenren Yue's face was as deep as water!

Twenty-seven flowers...

How many times does he count every day!

Now...this reckless man! How about targeting yourself like this!

Just kill the foundation-building monks. It’s not in the country, so what’s the point? Besides, it wasn’t him who did it! Why should it be blamed on him?

He didn't want to drop the flower.

However, the flower did not fall, but the name of his master Yue fell!

The giant spirit master was slapping him in the face with the spirit stone!

The anger in his heart has not been so hot for a long time, but at this moment, the laughter of Master Juling sounded again: "What? Dare not? Don't want to? Don't you want to compare your wealth with this master! Let me tell you, Fellow Daoist Yue, I am here today, and this Dan Dao is not named Yue!"

In mid-air, the giant golden hand suddenly stopped.

Silence, sudden silence, as if time has stopped here.

"Sand..." The wind started again, but this time it got bigger and bigger! That giant golden hand is even slowly retracting! Threads are scattered!

"No!" At the same time, an angry shout broke out in the sky, but it was too late!

Countless flying aura petals, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, seem to be covered with a layer of rainbow in the sky, extremely magnificent. Appear suddenly. No sign!

"Not good!" Everyone below was shocked. These seemingly small leaves were covered with heart-shaking murderous aura and spiritual pressure!

"Since fellow Taoist giant spirit is so unyielding, I will also give you a small gift." Master Yue's voice is still calm, but the murderous intention in it has chilled everyone present to the bone: "The hall is full of flowers and three thousand guests are drunk. "

The murderous aura came too suddenly. Before anyone could react, the thousands of aura petals suddenly shot towards the attic of the giant spirit master!

"How dare you!" The roar of Ju Ling Zhenren resounded throughout the venue. He had never thought that Yue Zhenren was so confused about good and evil! He actually dared to take action here!

"Dance of Gan Qi!" As he roared, a huge phantom figure that was hundreds of meters long appeared outside Ju Ling Zhenren's attic! \u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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