
Chapter 1500: Game

Xu Yangyi was calm. Sure enough, in just half a second, the four pieces of light disappeared silently as suddenly as when they exploded.

There was a dead silence, and everyone seemed to be thinking about something. In the confrontation between vigilant eyes, Venerable Hanxue suddenly spoke: "Once you use your magical powers, you will be stared at by a terrifying existence, so... are we asked to turn the turntable here? Can only candidates turn it?"

No one answered, and no one took action. No one here was stupid, and no one wanted to be a guinea pig in the trial.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the five people were silent for half an hour like stone sculptures, like the most experienced hunters, with amazing patience. At this moment, a melodious sound came faintly. Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows slightly: "Flute? Sheng?"

"It's Xun." Liu Mianfeng's folding fan gently tapped the palm of his hand, but before he finished speaking, the sound of Xun suddenly rose, starting like a big river, magnificent, and the next second, the flash of swords and shadows, the wind and tide suddenly rose, and the waves were turbulent.

Rumble... At the moment when the sound of the Xun sounded, the void in all directions suddenly shook. The clouds and fog rolled, and the eyes of the five people suddenly paused, and they all looked around solemnly.

You can hear a pin drop. In this kind of depression that makes the heart silent, everyone heard... a rustling sound.

Not in the sky, not on the ground, not above, nor below, but outside the eight wastelands, the height of the nine heavens.

"What is this?" Xu Yangyi's eyes were also extremely cautious. The surrounding black fog seemed to be stirred by something and began to rotate slowly.

The hostility between each other was thrown behind their heads, and a layer of cold sweat oozes out of everyone's back. As the Xun music gets higher and higher, the clouds and fog rotate faster and faster! Bringing up a raging wind, blowing the five people's sleeves rustling, as if the glorious performance is about to come to the closing moment!

In the wind, there is a pungent smell.

"Beast, ancient dragon species." The spider-like Taichu suddenly spoke hoarsely: "It is breaking through something... maybe the restriction of this space. It is very large... It surrounds the entire space."

"Is this forcing us to turn the turntable?" Liu Mianfeng's eyes turned cold, and he gritted his teeth and stared at the turntable, but no one moved.

"Roar!" The next second, an angry roar came from the sky, and the space seemed to have experienced a magnitude 10 earthquake, and the space was shaking and roaring. The five people took a breath of cold air, and the Venerable Hanxue did not hesitate anymore, turned into a stream of light and flew straight to the turntable.

The distance of a thousand meters passed in an instant, and he fell in front of the turntable and turned it hard without saying anything. Kakaka... The stone wheel turntable made a heavy roar, faster and faster. After a few seconds, it had become a residual image, and the pointer pointing to the twelve o'clock direction did not move at all.

At the moment when the turntable turned, the weird, suffocating rustling sound around stopped. The stone wheel rotated for a full minute and finally stopped.

No one paid attention to the stone wheel, but looked around with great vigilance. Five minutes later, the rustling sound sounded again, like the death knell of the god of death!

"Five minutes interval!" Venerable Hanxue raised his head and shouted angrily: "What are you waiting for! Hurry! This Venerable does not want to die with you!"

Before he finished speaking, Liu Mianfeng, Di Ku Shangren, and Taichu turned into streams of light and flew away at the same time, and then flew away cautiously in the air. In the end, Liu Mianfeng took the lead and turned the turntable hard.

Swish... The ancient dragon species calmed down again. This time there was no hesitation. Taichu and Di Ku Shangren followed closely behind. Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment and also turned into streams of light and flew away.

It was confirmed that there was a terrifying monster outside this space looking at this place, perhaps the so-called servant of God. If it was delayed too long, no one dared to think about what would happen.

No one delayed. After four rotations, as the last dust settled, a roar from the years resounded throughout the void, and the surrounding rolling black fog completely returned to tranquility.

As if nothing had happened.

"Heh..." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads without making a sound. But they didn't have time to think. The next second, a voice that was neither male nor female appeared again indifferently in the Seven Realms.

"The decision has been made."

"This place is called the Choice Room. It is the only place that can communicate with the Seven Realms. One day later, the creation will be completed."

"Ten minutes later, the portal will open. Candidates can return to their respective bases at any time and choose a landing point randomly. They can also stay here. In addition, the time they can return here is one week apart."

Can we leave?

Everyone looked at each other silently, but no one left.

The crisis is gone. Who doesn't want to know where this is? What is the thing that you are turning? And... who is playing the xiao? What is that damn "ancient dragon species" outside?

The five people kept a certain distance vigilantly and carefully watched around the turntable that was dozens of meters large. Xu Yangyi lowered his head in silence, and a little golden light flashed faintly between his eyebrows. The Guangyao Talisman was activated, and his brain area was opened.

As far as the eye can see, the outermost circle is full of words "Deeds, Stories, Myths, Primordial Self, Starry Sky"... and so on.

The inner four circles are all patterns. But the last circle is exactly the same pattern.

It is a big tree.

"This is..." The situation was too urgent just now. Looking carefully at this moment, Venerable Hanxue was stunned for a moment, and then a flash of fury flashed in his eyes: "Game?!"

Yes, it is a game.

At this moment, the pointer pointing to twelve o'clock stood still, and the five elements were connected together. In the outermost circle, the two big words "Mythology" were clearly visible.

The second circle was butterflies.

The third circle was a pattern of a giant, running with thunder all over his body, and stepping on a gourd.

The fourth circle is ten suns. The last circle is an identical giant tree.

A cold light flashed across Liu Mianfeng's eyes: "If the world of great contention is a door, this is the 'key' that determines what kind of world is behind this door."

The Earth Crying Master glanced at the roulette wheel, and said coldly with hidden anger: "One ring has twelve, and each ring can only be turned by one candidate. It should represent a 'condition.' When the five 'conditions' are gathered, it may be possible to achieve the 'prerequisite' for the opening of the world of great contention. 'This premise determines its 'difficulty.'"

What is this?

This is the typical game rule! World sandbox! It couldn't be more obvious!

Sandbox deduction, self-generation of conditions. The top five people in the seven realms are actually standing on a chessboard of a game!

"What a big guts." Liu Mianfeng looked around coldly: "Do you really think you are a god? There is no god in the world. Even the supreme Dubu dare not boast like this."

Xu Yangyi's expression was as calm as a lake, but a sneer flashed in his lowered eyes.

The brain area is infinitely developed, and the speed of thinking has exceeded the speed of light. Even the most advanced computer can hardly match his brain at this moment.

At this moment, he suddenly understood what "the world of great contention" means.

"Dad..." Hong Xian's voice sounded timidly: "Is this...really a game?"

"A game that creates the world? too awesome?"

Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes and looked around, as if he saw the truth through the vast universe, gritted his teeth and sneered: "Yes...this is a game. Yahweh...the mentality of this kind of creature is best not to be judged by ordinary people. Many times, talking to them is only a matter of life and death."

"Remember the unknown Yahweh in the wolf chief plane?"

Hong Xian nodded ignorantly.

Xu Yangyi continued to talk to himself: "Similarly, this kind of creature is truly supreme and forgetful in its long life. Endless life brings extreme boredom. They even set up the bridge between humans and gods in their spare time. Why?" "Why?" Hong Xian was completely attracted and asked while flapping his wings. Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly: "For a moment of 'accident', whether it is surprise or joy."

"Their stagnant lives need this kind of stimulation. For this kind of accident, they are even willing to open their own treasure house and take those things that they think are extremely boring but mortals flock to as rewards. They won't even give you a reason to refuse."

"The reward is just to make him feel a moment of 'pleasure'."

Hong Xian nodded as if he understood: "Then...what does this have to do with us? If it's a game, go play it! You don't even play games with me!"

Xu Yangyi sighed faintly: "Their 'game' is completely different from ours. If their game is table tennis, the sun plays table tennis, can ordinary people afford it?"

"Their game will kill people...many, many people will die."

He closed his eyes, his mind was completely divergent, and he peeled off the thoughts of the cold god who claimed to be the common mother of mankind bit by bit.

It is not surprising that Wahuang, who risked the world's disapproval and offended the two first-generation Yawehs, was trapped in the Seven Realms and made such a thing.

But... as he said, this revealed an extremely terrifying idea! It can even change the hidden line of the current situation!

The purpose of the game is to make Wahuang reach a "happy" state of mind, in other words...

Satisfy the gods.

Satisfy the gods with mortal bodies.

But can the fights of mortals satisfy the gods?

It can't be done.

Then, the answer is logical. Since humans can't do it, they can only extend it to external objects, so... their "stage" is probably extremely huge, and the world of great struggle... must be very dangerous!

The opponents are not just these few people...

He converged his eyes, and a sharp pain came over his mind. The light was open for too long. He wiped the faint blood from the seven orifices, and the golden light between his eyebrows disappeared, and he said nothing.

The real opponent is probably the World of Great Struggle itself...

"Watch your mouth, human, I don't want to die with you because of offending the gods." Taichu, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke, his voice extremely hoarse: "The gods cannot be blasphemed, and... this time, the gods have also relaxed the conditions enough. It is very likely... this is the simplest time in all the Worlds of Great Struggle."

"Oh?" The Master of Earth Crying said calmly.

"It's very simple. Since the five rings and twelve grids represent 'elements', there were at least thirty people in the World of Great Struggle in the past, and they would have turned out more than thirty 'elements'! And we only have five people, and the number of elements has decreased, which will be much simpler."

It's a very straightforward and reliable inference.

If the mentality of the gods is excluded.

Xu Yangyi sneered in his heart. On the contrary, they... are probably the most difficult time!

The degree of "pleasure" of a creature will not change. The gods don't care how many people there are. What thirty people can do, they want five people to do! It seems to be an accurate inference, but it is completely wrong to put the mentality of the gods on it!

From the beginning, there was a difference in vigilance among the five people.

Others might be wary, but they would never be like Xu Yangyi, who first turned his attention away from his opponent and looked at the real opponent, the Great World of Contention.

The balance of victory and defeat has quietly tilted here.

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