
Chapter 1501: The Myth of the Ancient World (I)

At this moment, ripples appeared in the void, and a five-meter-high teleportation array opened in the air.

Everyone exchanged glances without making a sound. Liu Mianfeng opened his folding fan with a swish and smiled faintly: "Then... everyone, let's say goodbye."

"The next time we meet, it will be real/live ammunition... Pray that you don't bury yourself in the mouth of that ancient dragon, hehe..."

A golden light flashed, and his figure disappeared from the space. This place is too weird, no one wants to stay here any longer.

With a few light sounds, everyone disappeared quickly. Only Xu Yangyi was left here.

He didn't leave, but sat cross-legged in the void quietly. He understood much more clearly than others. Yawei was not willing to use these little tricks.

He had already said that it was over, and that was the real end. No matter how long he stayed here, the monster would not come in.

Time passed by minute by minute, and all kinds of sounds rang out in the space, including birds, beasts, and even human voices.

There was a strong wind blowing, a gurgling stream, and a heavy rain. For some reason, the more he listened, the stronger the ominous premonition in his heart became.

However, nothing happened.

This is an eternal and unchanging space, boring and dead. One hour... two hours... six hours... twelve hours are about to arrive, and he sighed and stood up.

There is no gain.

And he no longer dares to stay here.

Just when he wanted to leave, suddenly, he was stunned, then turned his head and looked around.


Various voices paused, is this... the end of creation?

At this moment! That voice that is neither male nor female sounded again, saying a conversation that made him shudder!

"The world is built."

"Elements: mythology, and it meets the five conditions of primitive, ancient gods, legends, ancient times, and destruction."



"The hexagram shows... the survival rate... is rare."

"The creation ends, the world opens. Locate the edge of the dream, all candidates and their forces, prepare to enter the surface world."

It is true!

Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly contracted. Sure enough... Sure enough... The gods would not care about the thoughts of mortals at all. He had gained a lot from staying here for twelve hours to get this confirmation!

Rustle... A series of snow-white light suddenly pierced the darkness, extremely bright and gorgeous. Xu Yangyi closed his eyes immediately. At the same time, his body became lighter and lighter involuntarily, and his will began to become hazy, as if he was floating in the sky like a wandering soul.

And at the moment he lost consciousness, he heard...

A very slight snoring!

That was... the appearance of a creature completely asleep and entering a deep sleep.

"Heh..." The next second, he suddenly opened his eyes. There was no dizziness at all from the transmission of the Queen of Wa. He just opened his eyes and was stimulated to close them immediately.

Such a strong sunlight...

Has he entered the world of the Queen of Wa...

He closed his eyes for three seconds before opening them. He was shocked to find that he was actually in a huge tent.

This is a magic weapon for cultivation. He knew it with a quick glance. There were countless talismans engraved on the tent. Beside him, Wang Bufa, the deputy leader of Potianxian Sect, Yinfeng Laozu, the supreme elder of Wuxiang Yinhuo Dao, and Baoxiang Zen Master, the supreme elder of Wuxiang Temple, were sitting cross-legged in the tent anxiously. Seeing him wake up, the three of them showed joy.

"Where is this?" Xu Yangyi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger. Primordial, ancient gods, legends, ancient times, annihilation... the most difficult... one in ten thousand, plus the weird snoring...

Before he could think about it, Baoxiang Zen Master put his hands together and said: "Amitabha... Daoyou finally woke up. Just half an hour ago, we were all teleported here by an irresistible force. We just took down the camp and you teleported here."

Xu Yangyi shook his head and said immediately: "Three, immediately raise the alert of the entire army to the highest level!"

However, everyone looked at each other.

"What?" Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, and his voice turned slightly cold: "Everyone... Is this Saint's words no longer effective?"

"Daoyou misunderstood." The Yinfeng Patriarch was a bald and skinny old man, like a skeleton. He quietly stepped forward with a rare nervousness on his face: "Didn't you notice... it's very quiet here?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly flashed, and after carefully feeling it, there was silence in all directions.

This is impossible... As the other party said, the camp was set up half an hour ago, and now is the most chaotic time. The spiritual light, shouts, and roars of puppet beasts should be endless, but... now the whole world is as quiet as death! Occasionally heard footsteps... Yes, footsteps, not flying, but cautious, step-by-step footsteps on the ground!

"To be honest with you." The Yinfeng Patriarch sighed: "When we just landed in the camp, we had already reached the highest level."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed out of the tent, and then immediately pressed the cloud head.

Just this one glance, he gasped and looked around in shock.

"Where on earth am I?"

Rumble... Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and electric snakes moved. The entire camp was on a mountain, and it was fortunate that it was a mountain that could hide 100,000 people. And outside the camp, there was no defensive magic circle! Instead, a concealment magic circle was used!

Because... not far away, a huge figure rushed to the other side with a shocking bird cry.

It was a bird, about hundreds of meters in size, but with only one foot, a fiery red head, a green body, wings, head, and long beak burning with flames, even the void was melting!

Just one look, the photographic memory in his mind immediately started to work, and he found the most similar creature almost instantly.


In the Zhang'e Mountain, there is a bird, which looks like a crane, with one foot, red text, green body and white beak, named Bifang.

This is... a strange beast in the Classic of Mountains and Seas! It only exists in legends!

And opposite it, a thousand-meter-long white snake with a purple prismatic mark on its head was roaring at Bifang without showing any weakness! The roar shook the surrounding mountains and made them buzz!

"This is..." He sighed and took two steps back: "Transformed into a snake..."

It is also a strange beast in the Classic of Mountains and Seas!

"Roar!!" At the same time, a roar sounded overhead, and he looked up in astonishment. In the clouds, several figures that were hundreds of meters long, with no shape at all, but definitely different from birds, screamed and tangled together, and ten-meter-long feathers fell like snowflakes, weighing down the treetops. In the distance, huge black shadows walked between the mountains and rivers, and the ground trembled.

One by one, all of them were primitive alien species! Humans in such a place... I'm afraid there is no room for survival!

At this moment, he suddenly understood what the "myth" of the first ring meant.

Primordial myth!

The truth of this world when humans were just formed, or before they were formed. The truth of this earth that is still ruled by countless primitive alien species!

"It's really fucking worthy of the highest level..." He gritted his teeth and returned to the tent. Tu Su Fangrong, the twelfth son of the Tu Su family, the deputy leader of the Vajra Dao, the Kumei Zen Master, the supreme elder of the Ku Gu Temple, Feng Yihang, and the Yin Feng Patriarch, the Bao Xiang Zen Master, etc. were already waiting for him there.

There was a square table in the center, and behind it was a huge map. Except for the ten miles around them, the rest of the place was all foggy, with huge red dots shining on it. It was shocking to look at.

Without saying anything, he sat down in the main seat unceremoniously, tapping the table lightly with his hands, and said hoarsely after a long time: "What I know is that we have now entered a 'myth'."


Xu Yangyi repeated what happened just now. When they heard the words "highest level" and "one in a million", everyone's face turned pale.

"Amitabha." In the silence, Master Kumei was the calmest, and he put his hands together and said: "Why are you pessimistic? When we came in, weren't we ready to bury our bones here?"

"The most important thing now is to know which myth this is."

Speaking of this, even if he was as calm as a Buddha, his eyebrows trembled, and he said with lingering fear: "Myths... are beautiful, but if you look deeper, their backgrounds are absolutely cruel. Any one of them is a situation where humans cannot survive, such as now..."

Roar! ! As if in response, the roars of the beasts outside continued, shaking the ground and making a buzzing sound. The whole camp fell silent in an instant.

Damn it... Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth fiercely. He didn't know the myths of the seven realms, but the myths of the earth were absolutely terrifying!

Nuwa mended the sky, Kuafu chased the sun, Kunpeng Yinglong, Xihe controlled the sun... Shouldn't he be thankful that at least this was not Pangu creating the sky, nor was it the battle of the gods?

If it were these two... they would turn into ashes and not cause any waves.

No one spoke, and all eyes were on him. After weighing the pros and cons several times in his mind, he said hoarsely: "Have you... heard of the No Return Realm?"

"Of course." Unexpectedly, everyone nodded. Tu Su Fang Rong frowned and said: "Taixu will preside over the No Return Realm's Ten Thousand World War, but... there were some problems in the No Return Realm last time. The people who went there at that time were the Third Princess, Xia Hou, and Master Shen. They suggested closing the passage to the No Return Realm."

"The Saint also knows a lot. You mean..." The old ancestor Yin Feng twisted his beard under his chin and said thoughtfully: "This is the legend of the No Return Realm."

Xu Yangyi was silent for a long time, and he had made a decision in his heart.

Once he ascended the throne, these people would not be able to stir up any waves.

If he didn't do it, then... I'm afraid he would wander the universe and would not return to the Seven Realms until he reached Yahweh.

So... it doesn't matter what they know.

"There lives a god here." He paused and said word by word: "The real god."

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