
Chapter 1502: The Myth of the Ancient World (II)

Everyone's eyes flickered. No one questioned the authenticity of this sentence. There was no room for a joke at this time.

Xu Yangyi pondered and continued: "This god comes from the Realm of No Return, and the myth here is most likely related to the Realm of No Return. I want to send the most elite scout monks, first, to see if there are any humans here. Second, search Most of the myths about the terrain here have distinctive characteristics. For example, when Hou Yi shoots the sun, ten suns will appear in the sky. Another example is Gun Buxi, who will definitely see a huge flood. "

"Once similar traces are found, there is hope for this myth to be solved!"

He narrowed his eyes: "In other words... whoever discovers these traces first will be most likely to get out of this living hell."

"Pass my order and all the camps will be dispersed. Yuanying will lead the team and immediately enter the mountains behind."

Everyone took a deep breath and exchanged glances slightly, with a touch of vague admiration mixed with fear.

They have never fought together with Xu Yangyi, so they don't know the other party's methods. Being able to take their time in this kind of crisis now is enough to give them peace of mind.

No one objected, and paper cranes flew quietly to each camp. A total of 100,000 people took more than half an hour to complete the interrogation. Then he quietly packed up his things and entered the mountains behind him silently.

Perhaps because of the prehistoric times, everything here is very big. The mountains are huge, stretching hundreds of thousands of miles across, and the beasts are huge, each one no smaller than several hundred meters. And this mountain actually penetrates into the sky and clouds. Clouds and smoke were lingering, and the mountainside was covered with white snow. Two thousand meters below, there was a barren mountain and rocks. However, two thousand meters above, it turned into patches of green strangely.

It's as if the mountain has been dyed into two sections.

Xu Yangyi and several other leaders, such as Zun Sheng, took the lead and flew close to the ground. The huge mountains are endless, without any trees, and desolate rocks are everywhere. A strange rattan with a diameter of at least two to three hundred meters stretched out sparsely from the cracks in the rocks, as if a giant dragon of trees arched through the mountain.

I didn't feel anything at first, but as I went up, there were more and more huge vines. When I reached a distance of two thousand meters, it became a boiling ocean of dragons. There were no rocks or creatures, only endless vines like dragons, completely dyeing the mountains into dark green, and these vines... actually exuded a vague aura.

All the saints in front exchanged wary glances. Xu Yangyi raised his hand, and the army stopped in response. Several figures fell next to a vine. Zen Master Baoxiang frowned and looked at the dragon-like vines pouring from the top of the mountain. Downward, it looks like a green waterfall, full of powerful vitality.

"Prehistoric alien species?" He closed his eyes and felt it for a few minutes, then frowned deeply: "It's not a monster, it's just a simple plant. It's just... a little bigger."

The people around him smiled bitterly and shook their heads, raising their gazes, and then raising their necks to the limit. Are you sure this is just a little too big?

Just like the legendary ancient fusang tree!

"I have never heard of such a huge plant." Tu Su Fangrong also showed a look of solemnity on his face: "It... seems to be based on the mountains and rooted in the clouds. Even in all the records of the Tu Su family, including myths, there is absolutely no such thing. Plant.”

Zen Master Baoxiang said solemnly: "Not only that, our sect started with elixirs, and it is also a family that has been handed down for thousands of years. The research on heaven, material and earth treasures is not unreasonable. Looking at the annual rings of this thing, I can roughly estimate... I'm afraid it will live as long as heaven and earth! And its meridians and leaf patterns...are of a type that has never been recorded."

No one spoke, everyone squinted their eyes and looked above their heads. What kind of thing can turn mountains into mud and clouds and mist into rain? What is the scene like above the clouds?

Xu Yangyi looked carefully, this huge vine actually gave him the illusion of Jack and the Beanstalk. It seems that you can climb up to the Genting Temple by following it. However, at this moment, a melodious roar of beasts came from all directions at the foot of the mountain.

"Roar!!" "Silk..." The voice was like waves, and the uncontrolled huge spiritual power shook countless gravels falling. He took a deep breath and looked at the sky. The sun had already set in the west. The entire ancient land was covered with a layer of golden and red light, and this quiet mountain seemed to come to life.

"Don't delay." He shook his head. The prehistoric was an era that is unspeakable, with countless alien species and treasures all over the earth. Now is not the time to study these.

"We still have 100,000 people, so we should seize every moment to go up the mountain. Night... is not something we can handle."

One hundred thousand people were as silent as ants, running through the canyon made of vines like streams. With this layer of natural protective color, they were finally safe. When the sun completely set, they finally found a suitable place to camp.

Green dragon-like vines run through the mountains, and such wanton destruction has created countless huge caves. When darkness emerged, the 100,000-strong army was finally settled, and no one dared to light a fire. All the monks suppressed their racing hearts, leaned against the walls corroded by time, and meditated silently.

Their station is about one-twentieth of the mountain, on a cliff. A rock protrudes like a sword at the door. Looking far into the distance, you can see the true appearance of the prehistoric era.

The entire station was silent, but all the saints did not rest. A huge sense of crisis followed them, and they walked out of the cave together. The setting sun is like blood, and darkness begins to gradually cover the earth. This world that does not belong to humans has begun to slowly wake up. One after another, extremely powerful roars broke through the sound waves and reached the ears, as if declaring their territorial rights.

"Actually, I didn't really believe in the so-called gods at first." The strong wind hit their faces with the smell of foreign species, blowing their beards and hair. Looking around the night where countless huge black shadows roared, Tu Su Fangrong suddenly said: "The records of the Tu Su family for countless years have never recorded a single thing about the gods."

He looked young, about thirty years old, with three long beards. He suddenly smiled and said, "But now I believe it."

"If it weren't for gods, how could we move hundreds of thousands of people here? How could we create a prehistoric world?"

A huge moon seemed to be clinging to the mountain and coming out from behind the mountain. No one spoke. For a long time, Zen Master Baoxiang put his hands together and said without sadness or joy, "I hope I can go back alive."

"Haha, this is the Jedi. Aren't other forces the same? Why bother to impress others?" Wang Bufa smiled.

"Yes." Tu Su Fangrong raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the huge moon thousands of meters away. He sighed with emotion: "If it is correct, this myth should be about Chang'e flying to the moon? Or Chang Xi flying to the moon?"

Under the moonlight, several figures almost reaching the sky stood up roaringly in the distance. Wherever he looked, a rough and wild feeling came to him. Xu Yangyi stepped on the rock with a bow and said with a smile: "You also know this?"

"Fellow Taoist, maybe you have too little regard for the heritage of the Ten Thousand Years Family?" Tu Su Fangrong replied with a smile: "The matter of not returning to the world has many sources, which are difficult to describe. Although the Taixu do not allow ordinary monks to know, the family obviously does not It belongs to the ordinary category. It's a pity that our scouts don't dare to go far, could lead to trouble."

At this moment, the voices froze at the same time, and cold sweat suddenly flowed from the foreheads of several people who were chatting and laughing, like stone sculptures. In an instant, the only sound on the huge stone was the roar of the wind.

Dead silence.

Then, all the saints squatted down quietly without making a sound, and then lay down on the stone as quietly as death.

"Dong dong..." The violent heartbeat resounded throughout the space. Right in front of them, the moon actually showed a trace of black line and became... a huge vertical pupil!

Shalala... everything around seemed to be covered with a veil, as if there was an invisible giant walking in the world. Another mountain peak was touched by this giant, and it fell down with a rumble, and gravel flew everywhere. Those giant dragon-like vines seemed to be worried about something, and their vertical pupils turned. As if they had used force, a large mountain peak was pulled down along with the vines, and rolled down with a rumble.

Predator of the night.

Everyone was covered in cold sweat. They were more than a thousand meters below this vertical pupil, and they fully understood it at this moment. This is not a moon at all, nor is it a mythical omen at all. These are... the eyes of a prehistoric alien species!

A primitive alien species that can mimic and blend its whole body into the night!

Although they couldn't see it, they could imagine that the terrifying and huge body was sliding against the boulder in front of them. If he wasn't so close, he wouldn't be able to feel Taixu's strength at all.

Amidst the humming, the moon gradually faded away. However, no one spoke, and it wasn't until the moon was already tens of thousands of meters away that someone softly said "Huh...".

"This is the Great Desolation..." Yinfeng Ancestor stretched himself up a little without thinking, "What kind of monster is this..."

"Shh..." Xu Yangyi raised his finger and pointed forward. Everyone looked over immediately. It was shocking to find that this invisible monster was walking towards the battlefield where Bi Fang and the snake turned during the day.

"It's a flying type." Even though they were tens of thousands of meters away, no one dared to speak louder. Xu Yangyi whispered: "Otherwise with such a huge volume, the buzzing on the ground would have been discovered long ago."

"What is it going to do?" Wang Bufa held his breath, clenched his fists tightly, and spoke hoarsely.

"What can I do?" Zen Master Baoxiang smiled bitterly: "At night, of course... I am hungry... Amitabha..."

This is a hunting ground for monsters, and the power of manpower will undoubtedly shake the tree. The ground is full of terrifying primitive alien species. In full view of everyone, the invisible monster measuring tens of thousands of meters had already flown into the sky above Bifang and Huashe. The monstrous sea of ​​​​fire burning by Bi Fang turned the surrounding area into a deadly enemy. In the refraction of the light, the two monsters who were still confronting suddenly stopped their confrontation and looked around cautiously.

The god of death has arrived, and even the uncivilized monsters feel the cold murderous aura.

The next second, there was an earth-shaking loud noise, and countless things like phoenix feathers hung down from the sky. The transformed snake burst out with a scream of extreme fear. Bifang flapped his wings and flew away without hesitation, but it was too late.

No one saw clearly how they moved. With lightning and flint, the two huge aliens were instantly torn into many pieces, and were pulled into the air with a heavy rain of blood.

"Dao Ancestor, sir..." Wang Bufa gasped, and everyone turned pale.

Crisis is everywhere, and death follows everywhere.

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