
Chapter 1503: The Myth of the Ancient World (Part 3)

Drip drip drip... Soft drizzle flew over the rocks, and Xu Yangyi and his party stood up. No one was in the mood to talk, and they all flew into the cave under the tree roots.

"The top game... Ha..." Tu Su Fangrong smiled bitterly: "Myth? What the hell is this myth!"

"Wait!" At this moment, Wang Bufa suddenly frowned and pointed to the bottom of the mountain: "Everyone... What do you think... What on earth is this?"

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, and their eyes flashed.

The colorful river...

Where the invisible death flew past, it was dyed with seven colors! It came from the valley, and the valley was already colorful and gorgeous!

It was like a walking paint bucket!

Looking at each other, no one could answer this question. A prehistoric alien species that covered the earth with colors while walking was simply unheard of!

Swish... the wind blew, and the colorful things seemed to move. Master Baoxiang frowned: "No... this... seems to be powder?"

"Which monster dropped the powder to dye this place into a rainbow?"

"Don't guess." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth with a cold face: "Can't drag it on!"

"It's too dangerous... crisis at every step is not enough to describe it. Starting tomorrow, we will form a team to detect, and we must not stay in this place for long!"


After a long night, the sky finally turned pale. The huge black shadows sank into the darkness again.

It was still the same world, still the same mountains and ridges. Nature swallowed up the traces of the night, as if nothing had happened.

Swish... the heavy rain poured on the ground, like a layer of hazy gauze. In the main formation, Xu Yangyi counted all the saints, a total of 100, including eight representatives of a major force. He divided everyone into ten teams and began to explore like a carpet.

Fortunately, there was no other vegetation on this mountain except for the huge vines. This represents a message: there are no predators here, and no monster can survive without food. Nine teams explored the surroundings of the mountain, and they went straight up.

Be prepared for the worst... If there is really no place around to pass, then we have to know what is on the top first. Where is the nest of the invisible predator king. If not here, this mountain is the highest peak around, and they must occupy the commanding heights.

This is already beyond the ability of Yuanying cultivators.

According to Xu Yangyi's setting, they will return to the camp to gather in two weeks. After everyone was armed to the teeth, they said take care, and hundreds of streams of light flew in all directions, and mercury poured down.

Swish... Xu Yangyi led the nine saints to the top of the mountain. The representatives of several major forces were the strongest and had been divided into various teams by him.

Silence all the way, no one dared to speak, and after two days, they did not find any creatures, but the higher they went, the thicker and denser the vines became. When the fourth day passed, they stood under the clouds, and here, the vines had grown to a crazy trend.

Boom! Fifty meters above the head, there is a huge and dense cloud layer, and thunder rolls past, and it is all blue and white. This place is at least 15,000 meters above the ground, and those towering mountains now seem to be no more than the size of a chessboard. The strong wind blows on people, as if invisible boulders are smashing down. The surroundings have long been covered in silver, and the only color here is the unmelted ice.

"Daoyou, do you still want to go up?" A Yin Zun hesitated. The unknown is the most terrifying. This land is full of wild and exotic species, and only here is quiet, like a paradise.

The clouds above the head are impenetrable, as if blocking the boundary between humans and gods, and like the gate of hell.

Xu Yangyi did not speak. It was obviously snow-white clouds, simple ice and snow, and thick vines, but at this moment it brought people an indescribable pressure. He felt it carefully, and there was no spiritual power fluctuation above.

"Go up." He said fiercely: "The commanding heights are our only advantage. If there are no monsters up there, we can even fully detect this continent. There is no reason not to go up!"

Several saints gritted their teeth and rushed up first. No matter what, they must ensure that Xu Yangyi is alive, otherwise the sect's investment and their sacrifice will be useless.

Nine ripples appeared on the sea of ​​clouds, and Xu Yangyi rushed in immediately, puff! Ten figures broke through the clouds with clouds all over the sky. At this moment, everyone's spiritual power was stretched to the extreme. When the vastness in front of them dissipated, a sound of gasping for air rang out.

"My God!" "What, what is this?!" "Unbelievable... There is such a thing above!"

Swish... There was no cloud cover, and the clouds were pouring down. The electric dragon was walking under his feet, and the whole sky flickered. It was as if he was stepping on the carpet of Thunder God. Just five thousand meters above their heads, this tall mountain finally saw the end.

The vines like a sea of ​​thousands of dragons grew into a huge plant, winding around the mountain and sinking into the clouds, like a green dragon circling the Cangshan Mountain. And right at the top of the cloud top... there was half a colorful gourd hanging!

The vines they saw on the mountain turned out to be the roots of the gourd!

With the hundred thousand mountains as its foundation, the heaven and earth as its nutrients, swallowing the clouds and drinking the dew, it was impossible to tell how big this gourd was. It floated above the higher sea of ​​clouds, revealing half of its body, and the upper half was hidden in the clouds, floating up and down. However... it has covered the entire sky!

It is the starry sky!

"Daozu is above..." Xu Yangyi said this sentence from the heart for the first time. The classic word "fuck" could no longer describe the shock at this moment.

It is not something that can be described as a prehistoric alien species. He even felt that this gourd... was more terrifying than the prehistoric three-carriage flower on Jin Chanzi's head!

No one spoke. Everyone was shocked by the incredible scene in front of them and could not speak. A female cultivator beside him opened her cracked lips, but could not utter a word. Ten eyes all stared at the sky in a daze, extremely shocked.

At this moment!

A cultivator's body flashed with brilliance, and the thick protective aura shield disappeared instantly. He raised his eyebrows in astonishment and looked at his hands in surprise. There was a blank look in his eyes.

"This is..." Before he could finish, a dull "dong dong" sound suddenly rang out where he was standing! As dense as a gust of wind and as fast as a torrential rain, he did not even scream. He was like being hit by an invisible giant fist and fell like a meteor.

"What's going on!?" "Is there something attacking us?" "I can't see... There is no spiritual power fluctuation!"

A continuous treasure light flashed, and the others did not save the fallen cultivator, but approached Xu Yangyi like lightning, protecting him firmly in the center.

A magic weapon shone through the sky below. After all, it was a saint. The monk exclaimed and immediately used the magic weapon to fly up. Covering his red eyebrows, he looked around with great vigilance while breathing rapidly.

Lonely mountain peaks.

Misty sea of ​​clouds.

Colorful gourds as big as the sky and the earth.

Heavy rain.

They were very sure that there were no creatures here except them. But they were attacked!

Shoulder to shoulder, back to back, even the saints who fought out of life and death felt a chill in their spines. A woman looked around solemnly and said in a low voice: "Daoyou, let's go."

"This place is too evil."

"It's best to run away." Another old Yin Zun also said very cautiously: "It's too weird... I didn't feel any trace of spiritual energy fluctuations just now. But the protective spiritual energy shield was broken just like that, without any expectation."

Xu Yangyi's eyes were like stars, as if he wanted to see the unknown monster through the rain curtain. After a few seconds, his eyes lit up and pushed everyone away. The protective aura became weaker and weaker, and finally only a few centimeters away from his body. Then, he slowly stretched out his hand. Penetrating the protective aura.

Boom! !

Almost at the same time, a muffled sound came from the air, his pupils shrank, and his hand sank suddenly. He immediately retracted it and spread out his palm.

"Nothing?" The woman looked at her empty palm in astonishment, and then looked around. At this moment, she only felt her back numb and her hair stood on end.

Something had hit Xu Yangyi's hand just now...

I clearly heard the sound of an object hitting...

But there was nothing when I opened it.

It's too weird... Could it really be an invisible ghost?

"Daoyou! Let's go!" "You can't get into trouble!" "This place is not something we can explore! Leave here immediately! You must be responsible for yourself!"

The wind was howling, Xu Yangyi turned a deaf ear and stared at his palm. After a few seconds, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said word by word: "No."


"Look." He shook his palm, and everyone looked carefully and found that the palm actually reflected a trace of light.

"This is..." A middle-aged Yin Zun took a breath of cold air, and the feeling of electricity went from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. He looked around in disbelief: "Rain?"

"This... is rain?!"

Just now... was it rain that broke the protective aura?

So... almost everyone trembled, looking at the heavy rain with a cold heart.

How heavy is this rain?

Boom! The electric dragon under his feet swam again, and everyone's eyes were stern at the same time, and they all exclaimed "This is..." "Magic Array!? Zenith Array?!" "No... Not just that... This, this is a natural array pattern!!"

"Fuck..." Xu Yangyi's eyes were also twitching. It couldn't be seen under the clouds, but it was clear above the clouds. After the thunder flashed, endless runes appeared on the thick and boundless sea of ​​clouds with a moment of light! And then disappeared in the darkness of thunder.

One by one, one by one, woven into a vast sea-like sky-reaching formation!

Kara!! Thunder exploded, the earth and the sky were furious, in this magnificent sound wave, they were like the enemies of this world, ten figures were extremely lonely.

Even if they had the most magnificent dreams when they were young, they could never imagine such a scene.

A young-looking Yin Zun gritted his teeth and said: "Tiansheng Daowen... This method formation has existed here since the beginning of this world! No wonder... No wonder there is no prehistoric alien species on it. They can't bear the impact of these raindrops at all!"

The old Yin Zun said solemnly: "This heavenly magic formation exists on the top of the cloud, and the raindrops pass through it and become normal heavy rain. It protects this land, so that's it... Heavenly Dao has feelings, and Heavenly Dao is ruthless."

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