
Chapter 1504: Colorful (I)

Just as they were amazed, Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his hand and pointed to a place.

Everyone looked over immediately, but there was only a cloud there, nothing else.

"Wait." Xu Yangyi's voice was actually a little palpitating, and he said hoarsely: "Wait... lightning."

He suddenly seemed to understand the truth of this myth.


There is indeed such a myth, such a... horrible legend of the extinction of life!

When listening to it, I was only amazed by the gods in it, and I knew how deep the despair was when I was there.

In the blink of an eye just now, he remembered all the scenes, and he also saw... a desperate crack.

Karala! A few seconds later, another thunder flashed. Every Yin Zun stared with his eyes wide open, desperately looking at the place where Xu Yangyi pointed, and then they all exclaimed.

"This is..." "My God... Even... Even the natural formation can't resist it?" "How could this be... Is this... a precursor to the collapse of the sky?"


Countless small cracks appeared at the junction of the runes.

Even this natural formation could not withstand the impact of the rainstorm. This big net that protects the common people is already full of ant holes. Once it collapses...

The consequences are disastrous!

"How long has this rain been falling?" Xu Yangyi's voice was full of fatigue, and he spoke in a deep voice.

Standing in the endless rain curtain, there was only a continuous and chilling rustling sound in his ears. I don't know how long it took before someone answered like a puppet: "It never stopped..."

There was another dead silence. After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi took out a jade slip and recorded everything. With a "go." He flew down first, and the other nine people gritted their teeth and followed immediately.

It was too depressing. No one wanted to face the pressure brought by the world. It was a despair that could not see the end and could not resist.

Swish... The wind passed by his ears, and the red line felt his solemn mentality and flew to his shoulders to fan him. He whispered, "Dad, is this myth powerful?"

Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly, "Powerful?"

"No, not powerful." He sighed, his face solemn, "It's terrifying."

"A lot of people will die?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head and didn't answer.

The answer was too heavy.

If it was really that myth... there would definitely be tens of thousands of people who died in the first level! Even if there were forces that were completely wiped out, it wouldn't be surprising!

The death knell of the god of death had already sounded, and he was opening his blood-red eyes, waiting for the moment of the feast of the dead souls.


Although he had guessed what it might be, his deep eyes rekindled a flame from despair. He took several deep breaths, and his thoughts were completely calmed down under the blessing of the Guangyao Talisman.

Despair was of no help.

"Since you can't resist, then change your mind." He clenched his fists fiercely: "At least, I know before anyone else what kind of terrible myth we may face!"

"This... is the first opportunity!"

Winning in chaos, Tianyan 49, escape one, since there is always a way out, then he must find this way out from the thorns on the ground!

One by one, the possibility flashed through his mind, and while he was pondering, the scenery on both sides rushed up from his ears, and no one had the mind to observe. The two-day journey was shortened by a quarter, and it took a day and a half to return to the camp.

"Send a message paper crane immediately, let everyone return immediately!" He said immediately after returning to the cave. But immediately a Yuanying came up, bowed and said in embarrassment: "My lord... I can't do it. There are countless wild species around. Although they can't practice... but their consciousness is everywhere. Our paper cranes will be discovered if they fly out of the camp... Maybe... it will also affect our camp."

It is true.

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, and cursed in his heart. The first level of Wahuang seemed easy, but it was actually testing everyone's adaptability all the time. It can be said that there were crises everywhere and every step was thrilling.

Timing, environment, handling, and control of details. If you don't do these to the top, it is impossible to get out of this top killing myth.

He didn't speak, and said after a moment of silence: "You send a message to all the saints, let them go out immediately and collect all the tree samples within a radius of 100 miles. Remember, don't leave any behind!"

The Nascent Soul cultivator nodded and left, and issued orders one after another. Soon, the nine teams disappeared quietly at the foot of the mountain.

Xu Yangyi sat quietly in the cave, his fingers lightly touched his eyebrows, a ray of golden light flashed, and the Guangyao Talisman was fully operational. The thinking in his mind was instantly active, and the brain area was opened again. Countless information gathered, and his brain analyzed it carefully like the most sophisticated supercomputer.

First of all, it is necessary to confirm whether this is the myth he guessed. This is the basis of everything.

There was a cramp in his head, his temples were throbbing, but his mind was extremely clear. The scene of coming to the primitive land gradually gathered in his mind. Flying to his side like a rewind, he was like a traveler in the river of time, going back in time.

Yahweh could not give an unsolvable puzzle. A hundred miles away was a world belonging to alien species. This also told him in disguise that if there was a clue, it must be within a hundred miles!

Where is it?

He frowned deeply, recalling the past like a carpet. Alien species all over the ground, invisible killing gods, gourds that reach the sky... everything looks so ordinary, no... wait!

His eyes suddenly lit up. He suddenly looked at a picture in the river of memories.

That's right... that's it!

The invisible god of death... what's next is the colorful valley!

A possibility that he had never thought of suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Is it 'you'..." A trace of blood flowed from his seven orifices, he gently brushed it away, and the fire in his eyes became even stronger: "If it is really 'you', the key to this myth has been placed in front of us from the beginning. It's just that no one dared to think about it!"

It was like the light of the sky coming out from behind the layers of dark clouds, and all the worlds were transparent. Following this line of thought, the Guangyao Talisman unfolded rapidly, and countless possibilities and consequences appeared in his mind. After several minutes, he closed his bloodshot eyes: "The timing is too bad."

"Now all the saints are out to confirm this base point in the territory of the invisible god of death. One person can't do it at all. The safest way is to wait, wait for all the saints to return. But..."

Is this a test of the coach's character? Courage?

He didn't know, but he knew that from the moment he analyzed all the possibilities, he had no choice to wait.

Perhaps the head coach should not risk his life, but... every minute, the sickle of the god of death fell silently.

No one can wait, and no one dares to wait.

"No one can do it... I can do it myself!"

"Let me... uncover the truth of the god of death! See if it is that 'old acquaintance.'"

Ten birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in the hand.

The truth is the golden crow in his hand.

His thoughts settled, and only a firmness remained in his eyes, but his consciousness spread in all directions. When he was sure that everyone had left. His sleeves danced without wind, and suddenly, dozens of paper cranes flew to all directions of the camp.

Like a rock, ten minutes later, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the cave, leaving only an incarnation of resting spirit.

All the saints went out, and no one could see his existence. When he appeared in a hidden place outside the cave, a group of Yuanying were already there. Everyone wore the mark of the Heavenly Sword on their chest, but their mark was rare gold.

Any young master or Daozi has his own power, and the shadow guards who protect him secretly are the trump cards that Tianjian Villa has placed beside Xu Yangyi. Don't look at them as saints. When they activate the secret technique that can only be used once in a lifetime, each of them can obtain the power of saints for a short time. Other sects also have this power.

Their loyalty is beyond doubt, and their strength is at the top of the four realms. It can be said that they are the most powerful barrier for the sect to protect the next generation of the master.

"Meet the young master." A full twenty half-step saints half-knelt on the ground. They said in unison.

They would not ask, nor would they disobey. At most, they would dissuade, and then execute, and do their best to protect Xu Yangyi's safety. This is the meaning of their existence.

"Follow me." Xu Yangyi did not explain too much, and flew to the other side with eleven people.

This vast mountain formed many valleys, and tens of thousands of meters away from here was the main peak of another mountain range.

Twenty-one people, like foxes, quietly landed on the top of the mountain. Xu Yangyi took the lead, and everyone behind him fell at the same time. He waved his hand, made a silent gesture, and pointed down. Twenty people flew up silently, and lay on the top of the mountain silently to look down. Wherever they looked, they all gasped.

The colorful valley...

Swish... The sky was raining heavily, and it seemed like scattered paint. The colorful colors that should have been gorgeous were now scattered here and there, submerged in the mud, extremely mottled.

This world was silent, with only the rustling sound of the rain. Xu Yangyi did not pay attention to the valley. His spiritual sense was fully opened. He flicked his finger, and a very slight "sand" sound was heard in the rain curtain. A paper folded eagle flew out with a whoosh.

The void hummed and shook, and the eagle turned into a real object and flew, circling in the rain curtain for half an hour. He frowned slightly.

It was too quiet.

This mountain... no, including the area around this mountain, there is actually no alien species? Observations in the evening a few days ago showed that those alien species were also tens of thousands of meters away.


His mind raced, and after a few seconds, a palpitating smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There was only one answer.

Here, this mountain, was probably the lair of the invisible god of death. This was its "territory," and just like an adult male lion, any alien species entering would be regarded as a provocation to it.

Similarly, all creatures in this territory were its food.

Including them.

"Do you see the mountain opposite?" Xu Yangyi looked down cautiously and whispered, "Do as I say below, and don't make any mistakes..."

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