
Chapter 1505: Colorful (II)

Divine consciousness quietly reached the ears of every Nascent Soul, and they nodded silently. Ten minutes later, after the arrangement was completed, a Nascent Soul gritted his teeth: "Sir... this... is too dangerous!"

Another elderly Nascent Soul also spoke hoarsely: "Sir, you are a bargaining chip for hundreds of cases. If you have anything to do, just let the juniors do it for you. Never risk your life!"

"It's okay." Xu Yangyi stopped them: "Even if it's Taixu, you may not be able to capture this Holy Lord, so just go ahead and go."

Before he finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared, activated the swallowing talisman, and walked in the void.

In the realm of nothingness, eyes have been fixed on the colorful valley bottom. If you guessed correctly, these things are the decisive evidence to prove this myth!

Only he could think of it, and only he could recognize the evidence!

The plum rain had turned into heavy rain in a few days, and twenty people watched Xu Yangyi suddenly disappear with anxious eyes. They exchanged glances and sighed helplessly.

"You can't feel it with your spiritual sense, and your methods are really... mysterious." The old Nascent Soul sighed, opened his mouth and spit out a row of small paper umbrellas.

"This umbrella is called Swallowing Shape, and it can cover all traces." He stretched out his hand to grab one, and his figure and umbrella gradually became illusory. He took a deep breath and said, "Let's go!"

Brushing, swishing, swishing... It was pouring rain, and twenty figures holding paper umbrellas were flying across the void in an invisible and formless manner.

The rain was pouring down, and they seemed to be swallowed up by heaven and earth, submerged in the torrent of rain.

It seemed that the only thing left in this world was the thumping of the heartbeat, and at the same time, Xu Yangyi had fallen to the bottom of the valley as fast as possible. Without saying anything, without caring about whether it was dirty or not, I grabbed the dirt.

There was a piece of yellow mud soup in the hand, but it was emitting colorful light spots, and the pupils suddenly turned into infinite reality, and I could clearly see...

In this mud, little things smaller than the tip of a needle and finer than sand are densely attached to it. It is they who dye this place into colorful light.

That's some phosphorus powder.

"Damn..." Even though he was extremely brilliant, his face was already livid, his infinite truth was fully activated, and his gaze penetrated everything. Saw it... He saw the countless talismans in it, and at the same time, his photographic memory was fully activated, looking for the gene sequence he wanted.

Five minutes, ten minutes... Eleven minutes later, his eyes flashed suddenly. Grinding his teeth hard.

is it...

It really is it!

Exactly as I guessed, this... is that terrifying myth!

These colorful powders are the final ironclad evidence!

"Damn..." The fists clenched and the spiritual power circulated, and countless colorful yellow mud was absorbed into it. After taking a deep breath, he heard from his spiritual consciousness: "How is it? Have you finished the drawing?"

"Come back to my lord, everything is ready." Twenty voices answered immediately.

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly, and just when he was about to fly upward, he suddenly stopped.

There was a heavy rain between heaven and earth, and all the sounds and scenery were hazy in this continuous rainstorm. Just now, he seemed to hear a soft thud.

"Sir?" Yuanying's consciousness asked respectfully.

Boom! !

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi's ears twitched slightly. This time, he was sure he heard it right!

Thump... sand... the strange sound spread like a wave. He looked around with great vigilance: "Get down. Block all spiritual consciousness. No matter what happens, don't make a sound."

"grown ups?"

"This Holy Lord tells you to get down!" Xu Yangyi shouted angrily in his consciousness. The moment the last word fell, there was a loud bang. This time, the distance was only two meters away! The puddles accumulated on the ground trembled!

Swipe... A tsunami-like spiritual power suddenly rushed into everyone's consciousness. Just like the mist rising in the daytime, it is invisible and formless.

A terrible premonition appeared in his mind. He kept his consciousness open and did not speak again. Like a cat, he quietly and slowly approached the wall and held his breath.

"This is..." On the mountain range above them, the twenty monks were stunned for only a second, but as soon as they uttered half a word, they immediately held their mouths tightly.

Boom... The deep and endless valley showed a kind of quiet poetry in the haze of heavy rain. A dull voice suddenly sounded, and the earth trembled. There are even countless rocks falling down around.

Like the hand of death brushing across the mountains, in the rainy depths, a huge moon suddenly rises with boundless spiritual pressure!

Everyone felt trapped in boundless hell at this moment. It was not a pressure that Nascent Soul could withstand. Brutal, majestic, like a mountain like the sea, at this moment it is higher than this mountain peak that reaches into the clouds! More magnificent than this rainstorm!

It was the bone-chilling coldness of approaching death.

"Ha..." A Nascent Soul shadow guard was trembling all over, his body shrinking under this terrifying majesty. He felt so small, so small that he could only worship. So, he obeyed his heart and fell to the ground, lying on the ground like paper, not daring to speak.

Everyone else, like him, shivered and trembled, their joints seemed to have lost their function, and they lay on the ground with their hearts beating wildly.

At this moment, they can't even think of loyalty. There is only one thought in my heart, and that is worship.

Worship to the Supreme Being.

"Silk..." A slight sound of mouth rubbing sounded as if it sounded from hell. As the mountains on both sides continued to collapse, the bright moon felt nothing and moved forward with its invisible body destroying everything. Although it was huge, it was frighteningly fast. In just an instant, it was 10,000 meters away from Xu Yangyi!

The red thread had already flown out, covering its mouth tightly, its wings trembling, trying its best to create the illusion of a stone. Xu Yangyi clung to the wall. This valley was extremely smooth. It was obvious that this monster came in and out every day, and there was not even a hole left for him!

"What the fuck..."

"The peak of could it come out at this time! It's noon now, and there's no time for it to move!"

The vest was already covered in cold sweat, and the moon was swaying from side to side, obviously glancing carelessly and not looking down. But this distance...he didn't dare to run at all! Don't even dare to move!

Can't attract the slightest attention from this monster...

The world seemed to have become quiet, except for the sound of the invisible god of death walking on the ground, getting closer and closer, and the tremors were getting louder and louder, as if they were about to knock a person's heart out of his chest. At the end of the valley, another new round of colorful fog began to slowly spread.


Closer, closer... three thousand meters... two thousand meters! One thousand meters!

The huge pressure was like a mountain and the sea, facing the heavy pressure of a Taixu peak, making his bones scream. As more and more bodies of the alien species squeezed into the valley, a new round of fragmentation began on both sides. Even if he didn't move, if he was run over by such a huge demon body, he would still end up dead without a whole body.

Five hundred meters, four hundred meters... Xu Yangyi's pupils had shrunk to pinpoints, and he was completely holding his breath.

One hundred meters, fifty meters!

At this moment, he quietly activated the Devouring Talisman.

Walking in the void.

The next second, the rocks on both sides of him shattered and were stained with colorful colors. The pupils of several monks on the top of the mountain suddenly tightened. The loyalty instilled by the sect for hundreds of years finally overcame the fear in their hearts. With a cry of surprise, they stood up suddenly.

"Sir!!" "Young Master!!" "How are you!"

"Idiot!!" Just as he uttered his voice, his consciousness shouted angrily, and Xu Yangyi's gnashing of teeth sounded, but it turned into a long sigh: "Go in peace..."

"This Holy Lord will take good care of your relatives and friends."

These words were like cold water poured on blazing fire. In an instant, the hearts of the eighteen people who stood up were completely ice-cold. It was as quiet as if the world had abandoned it. Half a second later, a female cultivator's teeth couldn't help but chatter, and together with everyone else, she looked over her head tremblingly.

A huge bright moon is right in front of you, only a few dozen meters away. After a slight rotation, a trace of black, like the sickle of death, lay across the center, turning into a vertical pupil, clearly reflecting the figures of the seven people standing up.

The devil is watching, hell is watching.

They almost forgot to breathe and everything else. Everyone's teeth were chattering like crazy. One Nascent Soul opened his mouth sluggishly, with pale and trembling lips: "Spare..."

Before the word "Fate" fell, something blew by. Maybe it was the wind, maybe it was something else, and the void around him shook. The seven people had only fourteen legs left, their upper bodies were missing, and pillars of blood spurted into the sky.

Yes, yes... The thirteen people clinging to the ground felt blood and rain falling on them. Some people's legs even landed next to their faces with a thud, but they did not dare to make a sound at all.

Death is only half a step away.

"If you don't want to die, activate the magic circle immediately!" Xu Yangyi shouted angrily, damn... Nascent Soul really couldn't resist the pressure of this monster. Even though he was struggling, no one expected that it would not act according to the rules today. We can never keep up with the changes. All we can do now is to find a way out of death.

Simply...find it all out right here!

no response.

The remaining Nascent Soul Shadow Guards on the top of the mountain, their loyalty to the sect had been suppressed to the freezing point in the face of the great terror between life and death. This terror even broke through their habits and awakened their instinct for terror. The last two shadow guards were trembling, their minds going blank.

"Damn..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and spiritual power suddenly poured into his consciousness, and thunder sounded in their ears: "Wake up!!"

In the void, the huge moon wheel seemed to sense something and suddenly looked towards a certain place in the void. But the swallowing talisman is so mysterious that it is difficult for monsters without spiritual intelligence to detect it, even if it is a prehistoric alien species.

Thunder was heard in silence, and this earth-shattering sound immediately awakened the two of them. The two Yuanying monks felt that the fog in front of them had dispersed, and they saw the bright moon looking left and right dozens of meters away.

"Young Sect Master..." A shadow guard gritted his teeth and stood up suddenly: "Junior is gone!"

He clasped his hands together suddenly. At the same time, the bright moon turned in the sky and nailed him tightly. Silently, death had arrived! A series of explosions sounded in the air, and the silent scythe cut him off.


Blood rushed to the sky, and as the blood rain fell, there was a soft sound, and something seemed to be crushed in this area. The next second, spiritual patterns spread from the ground, forming a huge catalog of nearly 100 meters.

Swish, brush, brush... the light became brighter and brighter, and after half a second, it rotated rapidly, and boundless clouds and mist emerged. There were thousands of fairy lights, and a huge shadow appeared in the shape of flying into the sky, rising from the clouds and mist.

Human body, snake tail. Holding the stone in both hands, he flew to the sky.

Emperor Wa’s shadow!

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