
Chapter 1506: Colorful (Part 3)

The shadow of Emperor Wa is lifelike. With an indescribable majesty. The beard and hair were clearly distinguishable, the treasures were solemn, and the snake's tail was like a dragon turning over the sea of ​​clouds. But at the same time, the terrifying god of death... stopped.

brush! At the same time, the walk in the void ended, and Xu Yangyi appeared on the opposite mountain peak. There was an invisible behemoth separated by two tens of thousands of meters in the valley. However, the other party turned a blind eye and stared blankly at the phantom of Emperor Wa across the sky.

bring it on……

On the other side, Xu Yangyi's eyes were blazing, his fists were tightly clenched, and his eyes were filled with determination.

Now that it has been discovered and there is no way to retreat, then... let's end it now!

At this moment, he was 90% sure that this was the terrible myth. However, there was still one final step left. He had to see it with his own eyes before he could believe it!

In a place like this, one wrong step may lead to a big collapse in the end!

"Here... there is a big gift from me hidden inside..." He licked his lips: "If you are really 'it,' you should like it..."

No one spoke, and there was only the rumble of the torrential rain between heaven and earth.

Like the most experienced hunter, he stared at the moon. The more silent it became, the more terrifying pressure grew, and the pores all over his body shrank.

"Silk..." Mingyue finally let out a neighing sound from the underground city, and then...for the first time, Xu Yangyi heard it scream at the top of its lungs. He was so happy, as if he had seen his master.

"Zhichzhizhi!!!" The violent cry shook the world and turned into huge sound waves that shocked the void. Boulders as big as houses flew around, and countless trees rose from the ground. It was more terrifying than a Category 10 typhoon. His pupils shrank, his facial features were even a little ferocious, his temples bulged high, and his veins were beating wildly. From the ears and the corners of the mouth, streaks of blood flowed out.

The bones in the body were rattling, and the internal organs were whining. He grinded his teeth. He was still careless. He had already guessed what it was, but he ignored it and saw Emperor Wa's mood.

"Yes..." He trembled his lips, wiped away the blood, and laughed hoarsely: "You who have been imprisoned for countless can you not be happy when you accidentally see Emperor Wa..."

The other party flew up. The stars circle around the moon very quickly. Ignoring the appearance of him and the existence of another shadow guard who was already sluggish.

"Then..." Xu Yangyi said with a ferocious smile: "Just show yourself to me!!"

burst! !

His fists suddenly closed,

With his hand, he gently made a spell, and Emperor Wa's phantom shook violently. In the next moment, a huge wave of blood suddenly erupted from the ground! At the same time, he activated Walking in the Void and flew backwards at full speed.

Red Crane's blood is three thousand pounds.

This is his gift to this invisible god of death!

This second is like slow motion.

Blood rose into the sky, and three thousand kilograms of red crane blood poured down, staining the valley with a splash. He finally saw... a huge figure was rendered in the sea of ​​blood.

Unicorn horns, hundreds of phoenix feathers, seven-color butterfly wings faintly visible under the blood, eyes as big as the two moons above the head.

This is...a butterfly.

"As expected..." He suddenly turned around, opened the Brilliant Talisman in full, walked in the void at sub-light speed, and rushed towards the cave crazily: "As expected, it's you!"

This butterfly is so familiar.

It appeared when he broke through Wangxian City, and now lives in Butianchi. He has seen its human form several times.

"Nanhua Butterfly Mother!"

This was the last ironclad evidence. At this moment, the last trace of uncertainty disappeared. Two pieces of evidence confirmed the name of this myth.

The divine punishment of destruction!

Gonggong's anger touched Mount Buzhou, and the waters of Huangquan flooded the three realms. This is... Nuwa patching up the sky!

"How could this be a myth!"

It can be called one of the most terrifying myths in Chinese history! The origin of mankind!


Now that the evidence is in hand... the whole world will tremble at the fury of an apex predator like the Nanhua Butterfly Mother! He didn't waste a second!

"Roar!!" The radiant talisman flew thousands of miles away, and almost at the same time, an earth-shattering roar came from behind. This sound was so loud that it made even the alien species thousands of miles away tremble.

boom! ! The two sounds seemed to explode at the same time, and a terrifying shock wave overwhelmed the sky, sweeping across thousands of miles like a tsunami. The rage at the peak of Taixu was enough to change the color of heaven and earth. Waves of majestic explosions exploded like a torrential rain. He didn't dare to look back at all. Veins popped up on his forehead. The Glory Talisman had been activated to the extreme.

At this moment, endless boulders, the smallest of which were as big as houses, were blown away by the terrifying shock wave, spraying out in all directions like raindrops. There was no time to react at all. He only felt a shock in his back and a severe pain that left all his limbs in limbo. He groaned softly and stared at the cave. How fast is sublight speed? But in an instant, he was less than ten thousand meters away from the cave.

However, right behind him, a terrifying shock wave was overwhelming! It's actually faster than him!

brush! Hair and clothes all dance forward, and the whirlpool of world destruction is coming in an instant. He took a deep breath, swallowed the talisman and covered his whole body, letting go of all resistance. The next second, stars appeared in front of his eyes, and the leaves were blown away like leaves in a storm.

"Damn..." He gritted his teeth to prevent himself from fainting, desperately resisting the violent shock wave, but in the blink of an eye, he was rushed to the top of the cave. Using his last strength, he rushed forward suddenly, before falling into the cave like a meteorite.

There was a buzzing sound in his ears, and he didn't know who pulled him up. He shook his head vigorously, took out a pill with trembling hands and swallowed it, and then he heard loud rumbling sounds from all directions. It was like the end of the world, and a rain of boulders fell from the sky. Countless screams were heard around the cave, and the ground was smashed by meteors and cracked countless times.

It was a mess. Countless monks screamed in horror, "What's going on! What happened! Such a terrible spiritual energy... Is this, is this a war between different species!?"

"Quiet!!" Xu Yangyi forced himself to be alert, and everything was shaking, as if the sky was falling and the earth was collapsing. With a loud shout, he found that his seven orifices were shaken by the shock wave just now, and blood had already flowed out, and even his chest was stained red with blood. He looked like a demon god descending to the world, his murderous aura was not concealed at all, and he quickly transmitted his spiritual consciousness: "Open all the hidden magic arrays!"

"Everyone hold your breath! Do not use any magical powers! Any magic weapon!"

"Those who can enter the state of suspended animation should enter it immediately! Do not step out of the camp!"

No one answered. He was about to speak with red eyes, when suddenly there was a loud bang, and a huge rock smashed into the cave, right into the crowd. In an instant, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and hundreds of people turned into meat paste in an instant!

In the night sky, meteorites like a rainstorm were spraying towards the Eight Wastelands without any distinction. The shock waves of the storm were earth-shattering, and the furious roar shocked the prehistoric world. The whole land paid the price for the anger of the Nanhua Butterfly Mother.

"What are you looking at!!" He turned around suddenly, his eyes were red, his voice was hoarse, and he shouted angrily: "Do it if you don't want to die!!"

After a punch, a big hole appeared in the ground. He jumped over directly, without time to see how others were doing, and covered himself with mud.

When the last mud fell, his heart finally slowed down. The violent thumping sound in his ears still lingered, and his blood vessels could feel the beating. In a life-or-death situation, he actually broke out in a cold sweat. After calming down, he felt extremely sticky.

Rumble... Even underground, he could feel the vibrations around him. It hadn't been calm for several hours, but it was getting farther and farther away. He didn't even have the mood to think about other things at this moment. All his five senses were focused on the outside world, trying his best to receive all the information.

"Roar!" After an unknown amount of time, countless beast roars came from a far distance, and his heartbeat finally calmed down completely. He breathed a long sigh of relief.

His temples were swollen and painful.

"Dad..." Feeling his violent emotional fluctuations, the red line quietly extended its tentacles from his dantian: "Is it safe?"

"Almost safe..." Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and slowly adjusted his breath. The feeling of exhaustion made his limbs a little sore. He began to recall everything in his mind.

At first, he saw the water in the sky, the strange weight, and finally remembered what it was.

This was not the first time he felt it, and he had already felt it once in the Seven Realms Chain Lantian Sea.

That was... the Yellow Spring Water.

It only appeared once in Earth mythology, and it was the only time. It was the world-destroying divine punishment, the Eastern Nuwa mending the sky, and the Western God's wrathful tide.

At that time, he was five-fold sure, after all, this feature was too obvious. However, he could not be sure that the myths on the turntable were limited to Earth mythology. He dared not guarantee that there was no Yellow Spring Water in the myths of other systems and planes.

However, when the Guangyao Talisman was opened and he recalled all the details, he remembered the Seven-Colored Valley. Suddenly he realized something.

When the world-destroying divine punishment appeared, there was a sign.

The biggest sign... was the messenger of God! Or called...


The Angel of Divine Punishment, Xila.

Also called Nanhua Butterfly Mother, or Ju Mang, or Spring God, or... God's Servant.

How could the Seven-Colored Valley become seven colors? What can dye everything without merging?

Coincidentally, among the insects on Earth, there is something that can.


If it is a big enough butterfly, it would not be surprising to dye the valley, let alone the prehistoric world!

This idea is very abrupt, but it is the only feasible explanation. With this idea, he risked a great risk to explore the Seven-Colored Valley again. When he found phosphorus powder in the soil, when the infinite truth compared the genetic talismans of both parties to confirm that it was a butterfly, everything was actually obvious.

"Damn it..." He sighed and closed his eyes, trying his best to regulate his breath.

Any myth, if brought into reality, is enough to make anyone despair.

God's punishment to destroy the world is the best among them! I'm afraid it's second only to Pangu opening the sky!

It is worthy of being the top of the roulette.

His mind gradually fell into darkness, and he didn't know how long it had been. It might be a day, it might be a few days, and he opened his eyes again.

His injuries were almost healed, but he didn't rush out. He listened for three hours, then gently broke the ground and walked up cautiously.

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