
Chapter 1507: Divine Punishment of Destruction (I)


He heaved a long sigh of relief. It seemed that he was lucky. The ground was full of boulders, but the cave was not destroyed. This was just a disaster for the innocent, indicating that the mad Nanhua Butterfly Mother did not find this place.

Around the boulders, countless monks who were still frightened were leaning against them to meditate. Hearing the sound, they opened their eyes like frightened birds. Seeing that it was him, everyone just opened their mouths and nodded slightly.

It was not disrespect.

But the great terror between life and death had emptied their hearts and minds, making them in no mood to kneel.

This place was the least affected, but the huge boulders still changed the terrain. Countless cracks spread from under the boulders like spider webs, and it seemed that there was an extra hill at the door. The ground was covered with blood. His eyes twitched, and he waved to an elder of Tianjian Villa. The other party forced himself to fly over and bowed his hands and said, "Young Sect Master."

"What are the casualties?" Xu Yangyi rubbed his temples, his voice hoarse, and he didn't have time to beat around the bush, so he asked directly.

The elder sighed: "More than three thousand...about three thousand three to five thousand. Although your reminder is very timely, but...there are always some Taoist friends who are not so lucky. Several boulders happened to fall into the crowd and there is no escape."

Three thousand...

It's acceptable. Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, surprised that he was so cold-blooded at this moment, or he has always been so cold-blooded, but he will show a unique tenderness to people he is familiar with.

Since you have decided to buy and leave, you must be prepared to pay all the price. Of course, I will also give you the corresponding reward in the end.

Everyone gets what they need, no complaints.

"How many days are left before the first team returns?"

The elder shook his head and said with a wry smile: "We have spent at least several days underground, and we don't know what day it is. However, it should be within a week."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Across the way... there are the bodies of twenty fellow Taoists. Go and collect them and return to the sect for a grand burial. Record the list of all relatives. Once this Saint Lord ascends the throne, he will definitely reward them generously."

Without waiting for the cultivator to answer, he waved his hand to let the other party leave. In a flash, he flew to the Jianlai Stone outside.

The sun was dazzling, but there was a pungent smell of blood in the air. Looking far away, even if he had been mentally prepared, he couldn't help but gasp at this moment.

The ground was full of wounds.

From here on, except for this mountain that was not affected, the mountain where the Queen Nuwa illusion was placed was completely gone! There were only countless huge rubbles around, and towering trees were everywhere. No branches or leaves existed. In the distance, the corpses of giant beasts as big as a hill lay on the ground, and even the heavy rain could not wash away the blood on the ground.

The whole prehistoric world seemed to have been slaughtered by the Nanhua Butterfly Mother, with smoke everywhere and blood everywhere. I don’t know how many creatures died in the past few days, and the forest was stained with a layer of blood red.

It is hard to imagine what a hell scene these days are.

"Heh..." He cheered up and sat cross-legged on the boulder. At this moment, he suddenly had some understanding of the cruelty of life.

It was hard to explain, but it was as if he had come into close contact with life for the first time. It was not life itself, but the prosperity, development, and destruction of life. He stared at the vast land in a trance, the blood-stained mountains and rivers, and he actually felt...

These blood, these pictures, were actually distorted, forming in his mind...

A hazy chain?

"The chain of rules?" He suddenly opened his eyes, never expecting that he would have a little understanding of the rules here.

"What is this rule?" He looked around in a daze. He didn't realize anything in this rule. It's just that the dead water state just now actually made him feel eager to try, but it came quickly and went even faster. Before he could comprehend it carefully, it had disappeared without a trace.

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "It is said that comprehending the rules is to find the part that is similar to oneself. What is similar to me... is life?"

"Destroying life is more like it... It has nothing to do with the same rules as this little submissive..."

"Sir." At this moment, a Yuanying's hurried voice came from behind, panting and saying: "Back, back..."


Xu Yangyi was stunned at first, then his eyes flashed, and he immediately rushed to the cave.

This cave is not a one-way passage, which is why they chose this place. The roots of the Qiu Zha tree sank into the stone wall, stretching the belly of the mountain to form seven or eight passages. He opened his consciousness to the other passages and saw nineteen teams, flying towards the mountain with haggard expressions.

Nineteen... He sighed secretly, it seems that one team has been buried in the prehistoric world.

"Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission." Wang Bufa walked in front, his hair was a little messy, his robe was also stained with the color of fireworks, and his eyes were bloodshot. The rest of the team finally breathed a sigh of relief, just nodded slightly, closed their eyes and rested.

Xu Yangyi waved his hand to let the others leave, leaving only the saint, and said solemnly: "Everyone, although now is not the time to talk about this, but... we don't have much time."

"Just say it." Master Baoxiang had a deep scar on his face. He forced himself to open his eyes and answered hoarsely: "Can the bad news be worse than the experience in the prehistoric world these days? Tell me, this place is too weird. It's a good thing to get out a moment earlier."

Xu Yangyi nodded gently and said in a calm voice: "There is a good news and a bad news. Which one do you want to hear?"

"Hehe." Tu Su Fangrong laughed: "Friend Xu, this game is not fun. Let's talk about the bad news first. I think we can still bear it."

A fierce light flashed in his eyes: "No matter how bad we are, we still have the best trump card. Do you really think that this is the foundation of the Wannian Family? If this is the only way, why are we going to fight for the world?"

Although everyone looked depressed, they raised their heads one after another, and an invisible sense of pride arose spontaneously. This is the self-confidence accumulated over thousands of years. Even in ancient times, they will never accept their fate!

Whenever you come to Zunsheng, as long as it is not a parallel import, who does not have a blood that defies heaven in his heart?

Xu Yangyi's eyes brightened slightly, and he threw out a jade slip, which was burned on the top of the mountain. Everyone started to watch carefully, and a few minutes later, everyone looked shocked when they saw the huge gourd covering the sky.

Xu Yangyi then said in a deep voice: "The bad news is that this myth is called the Divine Punishment of World Destruction. I don't know when the huge flood will submerge everything. Don't expect to fly. This is the water of the underworld. The density is terrifying every time." Each one weighs thousands of pounds, and if it is contaminated, there will be no chance of survival. "

He tried to say it as casually as possible, but everyone just thought about it carefully and gasped. Gently close the jade slip.

"Rain?" Master Ku Gu Guan Huan Zhen's pupils shrank and he stared at the sky: "Heaven and earth are furnaces, living beings are carbon... There is no escape from this kind of destruction."

"That's why you asked us to collect wood?" Wang Bufa said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Xu Yangyi looked completely cautious: "This myth is called Nuwa Mending the Sky. The first ring on the turntable is water, which implies the underworld. This is the title of the first level in the age of great conflict!"

No one spoke, but everyone listened carefully.

He talked eloquently: "This is a situation of annihilation that no one can reverse. I think that the only way to crack this level is to follow the myth. In this myth, someone built a huge ark named Noah…”

At this moment, Tu Su Fangrong, Zen Master Baoxiang of Wuxiang Temple, Wang Bufa, and Patriarch Yinfeng all glanced at Xu Yangyi, with a look of shock flashing in their eyes.

Have you guessed it...

Xu Yangyi's expression remained unchanged. These people supported him. It was obvious that his details had been found out clearly, and they knew that he was listed as Feiliuhaifeisheng. Let me ask, the news of not returning to the realm is top secret in the seven realms, and it can only be mastered by those who are above level A or the Wannian family. Xu Feng, a monk from Feiliuhai, how could He De know this?

Since I didn't hear it from someone's mouth, there is only one possibility.

He... is the monk who never returns to the world!

When he first told the legend of No Return, these members of the Wannian Family might have had some suspicions, but now that he has told it in such detail, it has basically been confirmed.

"Fellow Taoist..." Tu Su Fangrong licked his lips: "It's really hard for you to hide it from the Seven Realms..."

If there is no explanation, those who understand will naturally understand, and those who do not understand will naturally not understand either.

"However, this is a good opportunity to clear the name." Ancestor Yinfeng said with a smile: "Two major ten thousand-year-old families, several Class A forces gathered together, and ascended to the position of queen. Let everything be bygones."

Xu Yang Yifeng raised his eyebrows. He was smart and got on this boat. There is no point in getting off the boat now. This was the trump card he dared to reveal in secret.

What connects people, besides feelings, is interests.

Without taking up the topic, he continued: "Everyone, our time... is running out."

"This heavy rain has been falling for two whole weeks. I am afraid that the zenith formation is about to break. Once the sky topples, the ark is not ready. Everyone... will die!"

There was silence.

Everyone ponders the possibilities. Ancestor Yinfeng suddenly said: "I'm afraid it's not just the sky that is broken..."

"This world-destroying catastrophe has probably already begun."

"What do you mean?" Wang Bufa frowned.

Ancestor Yinfeng stood up, looked solemnly at the boundless rain outside, and said bitterly: "We are respected saints, so we naturally travel much further. This time, our team has arrived 30,000 kilometers away."

"Why did you turn back?" Ancestor Yinfeng turned around and said word by word: "Tide of beasts."

"A tide of beasts?!" Everyone suddenly stood up, and even Xu Yangyi felt a cold sweat running down his back.

This is no ordinary beast tide...

This is a beast tide caused by countless saints and even the Taixu King Beast!


There is only one answer. That's the nature of the beast.

Beasts have a terrifying instinct for danger, and after two weeks of heavy rain, this instinct completely exploded! Tell them...this world is about to be destroyed, and they instinctively rush to the highest place!

Where is the highest place?

Everyone felt a chill down their spines, and they all raised their heads and looked at the cave full of roots.

Right at their feet.

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