
Chapter 1508: God’s Punishment for Destruction (Part 2)

No one spoke.

For a long time, the faces of the four Class A forces and the sages of the Ten Thousand Years Family have turned livid: "I'm afraid it's not just that..."

"Noah's Ark, the flood destroyed the world... This is one of the most classic myths of the World of No Return. I remember that my family had Zai. In order to save the world, the World of No Return built a huge ship, carrying one male and one female of all living creatures. …”

Wang Bufa's scalp was numb: "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple." Xu Yangyi looked into the air and murmured: "We... want to get on the boat with these monsters..."

Following these words, the sages looked towards the vast wilderness with a chill in their hearts.

From the first moment of entering the wilderness, this tsunami of death has been piling up. Little by little, but never stop.

"That's not a tide of beasts." Xu Yangyi lowered his head, looked at everyone and said solemnly: "But... these ancient alien species sensed that the catastrophe was coming... and started looking for the location of Noah's Ark!"

Zen Master Baoxiang gasped, clasped his hands, and his voice trembled slightly: "They didn't find it... because... we haven't started building it yet. So... they subconsciously... started to look for the highest mountain... which is here. "

"Damn it..." Tu Su Fangrong dug his hands into his black hair and scratched his scalp deeply. His eyes were filled with tears. The situation below was simply hell!

What happens once they are found?

Do you expect aliens to be reasonable? Queuing to board the boat?

No...impossible. By the time they build Noah's Ark, the world-destroying flood may have fully erupted. It was a race of life and death! When the time comes... Jindan Yuanying might be trampled into a pulp by the crazy beasts! Even if you are a saint, you may not be able to avoid it!

The sound of deep breathing resounded in the cave. The situation was like a raging fire cooking oil, and no one could sit down anymore. Wang Bufa stood up immediately: "Then what are you waiting for!"

"Hurry up and take out all the things you collected! Fellow Daoist Xu, where are you doing the experiment?"

Xu Yangyi turned into a flying light and flew away: "Follow me."

No one dares to delay. This is the real destruction of the world. Their heads are under the guillotine of the dragon anytime and anywhere. When the time comes, they will be killed immediately!

Several rays of light flew straight behind the mountain and stopped in a mountain recess.

It has been raining heavily for two weeks, and the place has been filled with water due to such heavy rain. It is more than ten meters long and wide and several meters deep. Xu Yangyi didn't need to say anything, all the saints waved their hands, and countless trees piled up into a hill. With a slight wave of his fingers, each piece of wood was immediately cut off into a half-meter-long section as thick as an arm, and dozens of pieces of wood flew into the water.

"Have all the collection sites been marked?" One after another stared at the water. Xu Yangyi asked in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, these are all varieties within a hundred miles, and there are no omissions." A sage replied hoarsely.

As for hundreds of miles away...

That is not territory for humans to set foot on.

In other words, if the material is not in it, they will...only die.

Gudong... Gudong... A bubble appeared under the wood. Under the blazing gaze of more than a dozen pairs of eyes, they all sank to the bottom of the water three seconds later. And it’s crunchy and deformed. In less than a minute, they turned into powder at the same time.

What a strong water pressure!

Everyone's pupils were shrunk. This was terrifying. The pressure in a pond just a few meters deep was so terrifying. If a person sinks...

Ancestor Yinfeng licked his chapped lips, and with a wave of his hand, another piece of wood flew towards him.

He forced himself not to think about the consequences.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes... a full thirty minutes later, there were no branches around them, and everyone's faces were ashen.


Not really!

Within a hundred miles, not a piece of wood can float on the surface of the water of Huangquan! This is tantamount to directly blocking their way of survival!

Come on, thousands of beasts are about to surge in. Retreat, there is no wood available within a hundred miles!

The best outcome is to wait on the mountain to be trampled to pieces by crazy aliens!

"No... how is that possible!" Wang Bufa felt his scalp was electrified, and his voice became higher: "How could this be possible!!"

Not only him, but also everyone else, all looking at Xu Yangyi. The birth and destruction of hope is like climbing a mountain to watch the sun and then falling into the abyss.

Xu Yangyi stared at the pond, puzzled. Do you want them to break into the beast tide? Not to mention whether there is a one in 10,000 possibility, even if it is possible, there is simply not enough time! There is absolutely no way to survive!

There must be... there must be materials that can build Noah's Ark within a hundred miles. If there is no way to survive in a time of great strife, what else can we do? It's impossible for anyone to come out alive!

Thoughts raced in his mind. This time, without waiting for his order, the Brilliant Talisman opened automatically. Countless pieces of information are combined quickly. However, at this moment, everyone's eyes flashed at the same time, and they all looked into the sky.

Rumble... Thousands of drums thundered, and thousands of flags fired into the wind. The dark clouds in the sky were spinning like cloud holes, and the thunder became more and more dense, illuminating the entire sky.

It was completely different from the previous thunder. This time the thunder... was bigger and more violent, as if the god of death was knocking on the door, and every sound rang in people's hearts.

"This is..." Zen Master Baoxiang's color suddenly changed, and a terrifying guess appeared in his mind. He looked at the sky in astonishment, his lips trembling slightly: "Could it be..."

"So... so fast..." The strong wind blew his clothes and fluttered wildly. If the wind and fire came together, Tu Su Fangrong opened his mouth slightly and his face was livid: "I just got a clue of this so-called 'highest' roulette, can't I …Give me two more days…”

No one heard their words. The gods never listen to people's pleas, always treat them with bitterness, and reward them with undeserved happiness after death.

At this moment, the sky seemed to be quiet, like the ocean surface condensed by a storm. The next second, there was a loud bang, and thousands of thunder snakes ran. Those zenith formations that had never been seen before were looming in the thunder! The layers of runes opened like a spider web, flickering rapidly several times, and then...

The river and the sea condensed light, and the runes covering the sky suddenly shrank. The next second, a torrential rain poured down!




The cold rain was like fire, brutal like a knife. If it was a rain curtain before, this moment made people feel that the sky was overturned! Boom, boom, boom... Thousands of drums were galloping between the universe, and gravel was flying around them. These torrential rains were like billions of drumsticks beating the world, trying to smash this primitive world into pieces. There were no raindrops at all, but silver lines that ran through the sky and the earth.

The zenith formation was broken!

Without any reminder, auras suddenly rose up. In an instant, the surface of their protective auras was covered with endless ripples, flickering.

You could hear the drop of a needle, and the invisible steel knife was added to the body. The ubiquitous oppression gathered into a desperate suffocation, a silent urging, telling all creatures in the entire prehistoric land that the cleansing of the gods... was coming.

At this moment, a continuous roar sounded from the prehistoric forest, and everyone looked over immediately with a dazed look. The next second, I felt my back cold and my heart pounding.

Rumble... There was no smoke and dust under the heavy rain, but... at the edge of the sight, countless trees shook, as if they were alive. Then... countless trees were violently knocked open, one, ten... hundreds, tens of millions! Endless prehistoric alien species, all of which were in the realm of the lower four realms, rushed out of the woods like crazy.

Too many... Under this rain of death, a dark line formed, roaring, madly rushing out of the forest. The ground was shaking with the beasts running wildly!

"Beast tide?" Master Baoxiang suppressed his cold heart and said hoarsely: "No beast tide in the lower four realms is higher than the saint... This is..."

"What else can it be!" Tu Su Fangrong bit his teeth and pressed, his face desperate: "Even if it is a dog... It wants to live..."

"Heaven and earth are cruel, of course they feel this murderous intent! Who wants to wait for death?"

"Roar!!" The roar of the tide shocked the night sky, with the desire for life, with instinctive hope, with extreme madness, thousands of beasts passed through, and countless trees fell down. These aliens had red eyes, and they didn't care that their bodies were smashed by the rain and the sky was full of blood. They screamed, roared, and rushed in one direction with red eyes. However, they fell down as if they were shot just after running a few hundred meters. The beasts behind rushed up and trampled them into a pulp.

It was visible to the naked eye that from all directions, this mountain was like an isolated island in the sea, and the terrifying endless black tide swarmed in. One after another, one after another. Wang Bufa trembled and said, "Is this direction... aimed at us?"

No one saw that Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Then, he looked at the top of the cave thoughtfully.

Ten thousand beasts were galloping, and the earth was shaking. However, for the vast world, this beast tide was too small and too weak. In just over ten minutes, the surging black tide became weaker and weaker. When the last wave crest passed, all the aliens fell to the ground.

"Roar... Squeak! Squeak!!" The dying roar echoed endlessly, resounding through the prehistoric world. I don't even know how many aliens who were not completely dead dragged their seriously injured bodies and desperately ran forward a few steps, maintaining the running form and falling to the ground.

"Heh..." Master Baoxiang closed his eyes. This scene conveyed a feeling, that is, despair. In the wilderness where the world was a battlefield, there was endless despair.

No one could escape from it...

No one could ascend to heaven in the hands of God...

With the desire for life, it was extinguished by the cold and emotionless rainstorm. Even their bodies were quickly beaten into meat paste by the rainstorm after death. The bright red snow water mixed with the rainstorm into the wilderness, forming a dazzling blood river at the edge of the forest. Mocking their presumption, it highlighted the high and inviolable status of Yahweh.

"I know." Just when everything was silent and the god of death was patrolling the killing field, Xu Yangyi's hoarse voice came from behind. Everyone was stunned, and suddenly turned around, but exclaimed, "Daoyou! What's wrong with you? Master Benlei! You must take good care of yourself! What happened to you?"

Just behind them, Xu Yangyi's hair and beard were all flying, and the blood that flowed out actually formed a series of talismans, turning from red to gold, densely condensed on the center of his eyebrows, and his face looked extremely sacred.

"It's okay! Listen to me!" Xu Yangyi waved his hand to interrupt them, and the pain in his mind continued to attack, but... it seemed that something was broken, and the speed of the Guangyao talisman suddenly increased by one third!

It's like a thin catheter that can only pass a hundred kilograms of things, but now it suddenly stuffed in a hundred and thirty kilograms, which made his brain nerves gradually expand. He didn't have time to care whether it was good or bad, but only knew that his eyes were now... almost omniscient.

It's still far from God, but he has reached a state of mind that makes him feel incredible and omnipotent.

"We did miss something." He panted, pressed his forehead and said, "One hundred miles, this is the limit of what we can do. Within this hundred miles, there are indeed materials for building Noah's Ark..."

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