
Chapter 1509: Divine Punishment of World Destruction (Part 3)

"Where is it?" Ancestor Yinfeng stepped forward and said in a trembling voice: "We have used various secret techniques and collected all possible materials. Is there anything missing?"

"Yes." Xu Yangyi looked up at his head and said in a deep voice: "Remember the jade slip I showed you!"

Everyone followed his gaze and was silent for a second. Master Baoxiang exclaimed: "You... are you talking about the huge gourd vine!?"

"Impossible! It is simply not human power that can cut it down!" "I tried it, and we can't cut those branches at all!" "I'm afraid Taixu can't do it! Don't you see that the vines are not damaged by the heavy rain?"

"Yes, 'the heavy rain is like a tide, and the vines are not damaged.'" Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes deeply: "What does this... mean?"

Dead silence.

Sudden dead silence.

Everyone seemed to have a flash of inspiration in their minds, and their whole bodies trembled with excitement.

Yes...that's right! the only thing in the water of Huangquan that was not broken by the heavy rain!

Whether it was stones or beasts, they were all turned into powder under the water of the Yellow Spring, except for this Tongtian Gourd! It stood at the forefront of the rainstorm from beginning to end, but never fell!

This door of despair finally opened a crack, revealing a ray of light.

"Use... gourd to make Noah's Ark?" Tu Su Fangrong took a breath of cold air in disbelief: "So the Noah's Ark in the world of no return is made of gourd vines?"

"Gourd vines?" The golden lines on Xu Yangyi's eyebrows slowly faded, and a violent dizziness surged into his mind, but he gritted his teeth and said: "No... It's not a gourd vine."

"And, I don't know if you have ever paid attention to the gourd plant."

He said with a burning gaze: "Where the vine and the gourd are connected... is its softest part! It's also the thinnest part!"

There has been silence here for countless times, and this time the silence is the longest.

Everyone looked at Xu Yangyi with a ghostly look. After reading the jade slip, who among them didn't know how big this gourd was?

It rises from the sky and covers the earth. It is probably born and raised by nature. It is the first gourd in the world since the beginning of time.

Wang Bufa took a breath: "You... mean... Noah's Ark... is..."

"That gourd?!"

"The gourd is Noah's Ark!?" Tu Su Fangrong exclaimed in shock. This idea was too amazing. They never thought that the so-called Noah's Ark was a gourd!

Xu Yangyi did not speak. His mind became clearer and clearer. Many clues appeared in his mind.

Flood, gourd, and repairing the sky... Why are they strung together as a line, and even appear on the back of the empty master?

If the so-called Noah's Ark is a gourd, then this line is all connected together!

No one has ever said what Noah's Ark is made of, not even one!

It's just its name in history books, called "Noah's Ark."

Even in the Bu Tian Pond, he only saw the part that was exposed above the water. And the most important thing is that from the conditions, environment, and time of the first level of the Great Struggle, only this inference is feasible!

They don't have the time to build Noah's Ark. This is the game of Queen Wa. To please her, they have to follow her script. How can such a huge ark be built in a short time when the Skynet has been broken? Even if they don't delay and start making it right away, they can't do it at all!

Secondly, their range cannot leave the radius of 100 miles. And within this radius of 100 miles, there is nothing that can float in the water of the Yellow Spring.

Finally, it is the characteristics of the gourd.

The has the property of floating!

Sometimes, it doesn't take real evidence to infer something, all the conditions are enough to point to a target.

"It is it." Xu Yangyi said decisively, word by word: "It can only be it!"

"The real road is actually right in front of us from the beginning. We are just blinded by a leaf!"

Everyone's eyes showed a thoughtful look, and their breathing became more and more rapid in silence. One condition after another emerged in their minds and combined. A few minutes later, they all raised their heads, their eyes burning like fire, and said in unison: "It's feasible!"

"It's not feasible... It's the most reliable way regardless of whether it's feasible or not!" The face of the old ancestor Yinfeng was flushed, and his breathing was frighteningly heavy.

"The gourd... What a big lie, I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain... So that's it... So that's it! Amitabha..." Master Baoxiang clasped his hands together and spoke excitedly.

"No, there is another most critical point, that is time!" Tu Su Fangrong's eyes were shining, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Even if the prehistoric alien species have not yet opened their spiritual intelligence, they have intuition. The first wave of beast tide has already erupted. All those below the Nascent Soul died, why didn't the saint move?"

The door of despair was finally opened, and the true face of this terrifying myth of world destruction was fully revealed. Under such heavy pressure, everyone's thoughts were completely blooming in the spark of hope. Xu Yangyi stared and said, "Because... the prehistoric species of the Venerable Saint level can still hold on, they naively thought that this heavy rain would stop in a month at most, just like before."

Bao Xiang Zen Master took a step forward, excited and spoke quickly: "When they find out that this is not the case at all... when the sky net is completely broken... this land will usher in a moment when all beasts will run wildly, countless Venerable Saints, and even Taixu species will be in panic."

Everyone's eyes met, and no one spoke.

It was a matter of life and death.

"The formation of heaven and earth has begun to collapse, in two weeks at most." Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "At that time, if Noah's Ark is not built, and in accordance with the 'end' of this story, we... will be completely wiped out."

No one answered, only a look of solemnity in his eyes.

If you advance, it will open the sky and there is hope for getting out of this world-destroying nightmare.

Retreat, there will be no life for ten deaths! It can only turn into mud in the wilderness.

There is no choice and no need to choose.

"Everyone." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and raised his hands to everyone: "The outcome of life and death lies in this fight!"

"Work together."

"Work together!" Everyone cupped their hands together, and when their eyes intertwined, they turned into auras and flew in all directions.

"Woooooooo..." After a moment, a low horn sounded through the cave. The spiritual consciousness of dozens of saints spread in all directions: "Start immediately, the whole army marches to the top of the mountain! A team of ten people, a team of a hundred people, a division of a thousand people, each division is led by a saint. All defensive magic weapons are opened!"

"Where is the treasure keeper!"

"Yes." Three figures in the golden light flew out. Tu Su Fangrong and Zen Master Baoxiang felt pain in their hearts. They gritted their teeth and said: "Once the invisible god of death appears, no matter what, you must fight to the death to intercept it! Even if the virtual phase is turned on No expense is spared!”

"Swear to die for the Tu Su family!" "Swear to die for the Wuxiang Temple!"

"Remember..." Zen Master Baoxiang's spiritual consciousness was in pain, but he still said firmly from between his teeth: "Raise an army for a thousand days, and use it for a while. If you fall...your family, I will definitely compensate you with all my strength!" "

"You died for the throne of the Five Kings, and your death will be an honor!"

"Yes!!" This time, not only the three palm masters, but also all the monks half-knelt on the ground and shouted in unison.

"The Grade-A Spiritual Treasure Magic Divine Bell is open!" "The Grade-A Spiritual Treasure Dongwang Mie Jade Armor is ready to be opened, spiritual power is being transferred, and the talisman is untied!" "The Grade-A Spiritual Treasure Three Talents Sword is being opened, and spiritual power is being transferred..." " The Formless Yin Fire Dao Xu Xiang Bao Yin Fire Ten Thousand Soul Banner is opened...the talisman is unlocked."

Pieces of spiritual light shone across the mountains. Suddenly, all the saints raised their gazes at the same time. This time without concealment, they gathered into an overwhelming tide that swept across the entire prehistoric world!

boom! ! What greeted them was another piece of continuous consciousness that was stronger than them, even much more powerful, boundless, but divided into separate forces.

That is the prying consciousness conveyed by the great demons of the ancient times, feeling their spiritual power.

Boom! ! Ripples bloomed in the void, and the consciousness of both sides seemed to be tangible. One party formed a formation on its own, and the other party used its arms and fingers, and they actually fought evenly!

The various alien species, which were filled with murderous intent and already agitated by the continuous rainstorm, and the ancient ferocious beasts that were kept awake at night by the unknown terror in their intuition, seemed to have found an outlet. "Roar!" body of.

Zhu Yan, Tengu, Zheng, Fei Yi, Gu Diao, Nine Tails, Spin Turtle... The majestic demonic energy was overwhelming, and their fiery eyes were fixed on the mountains, but no one moved.

The other party is not easy to mess with...

In their little consciousness, they feel the belief that the opponent will die if they stop me, and they will kill if they advance without retreating. They want to protect many Yuanying Golden Pills to reach the top of the clouds. The general situation cannot be concealed, so tell all living things that even a battle and a river of blood cannot stop their pace!

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

In a huge valley, a huge butterfly opened its eyes. There were numerous bones and mountains of corpses all around.

A bright moon rises slowly.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi and the others were also on the mountain and felt another powerful aura that did not belong to the Nanhua Butterfly Mother!

Two demon kings!

"Let's go!!" At the foot of the mountain, all the saints shouted, and the whole army started to move.

Like hedgehogs, each piece of terrifying spiritual treasure exudes an aura that chills the hearts of alien species. The treasure light rises, auspicious energy penetrates the sky, and the swords of a hundred thousand monks point at the top of the clouds! It instantly turned into a backward Milky Way, extremely bright.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, Friend Daoist Li, Friend Daoist Xu, Friend Daoist Chen... and Friend Daoist Zhao, you and other eight thousand-man teams will guard the Bafang Duanhou! Once any strange movement of the monster is found, report it immediately!"

Their speed is not fast, after all, there are too many Nascent Soul Golden Pills, and these people are the main force in cutting down the fairy vines. Xu Yangyi looked at Yunding. Even if he didn't cover up this time, it would take at least two days.

He looked at the distant prehistoric world and gritted his teeth.

These monsters...can they give themselves two days?

he does not know.

All he knows is that whoever dares to stop him must first ask a hundred thousand monks to hold the sword in their hands!

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