
Chapter 1510: Divine Punishment of World Destruction (IV)

Shulala... Heavy rain poured down, and on the huge mountain, one hundred thousand monks, protected by the saints and magic weapons, slowly moved to the top of the clouds.

Hundreds of miles away, countless blood-red eyes stared at these uninvited guests, and scarlet tongues licked the furry lips, but they were afraid of those precious lights that did not conceal their murderous intent, and no one moved first.

It’s not oppressive to the extreme yet…

Zunsheng can still resist these heavy rains, and they don't think it is the end of the world. Although I was alert in my mind, I didn't pay enough attention to it.

The two sides are like taut bowstrings. If anyone pulls it into a full moon, it only takes a small spark to completely explode.

All the monks clenched the magic weapons in their hands, their nerves stretched to the extreme. Ten hours, fifteen hours...twenty hours...walking on the ocean at the top of the tsunami, the army has climbed to one-third of the distance from the top of the clouds.

There is no way to speed up, there are too many lower four realms, if it were not for the spiritual power of the sage, and if it were not for the protection of countless magic weapons, the road would have been littered with corpses. But the saint is also a human being, and it is impossible to take care of every corner. You will also get tired.

Every ten minutes, several soft "plop" sounds were heard in the team, which was the sound of the monks in the Lower Fourth Realm who could no longer support themselves and fell unconscious. Some were immediately pulled into the team, and many more... never stood up again.

However, no one cares about it.

The ambition to charge forward, never retreat.

Now that you have embarked on this path, there is no reason to look forward or backward.

"Woooooo." The horn sounded again, and on the twenty-fifth hour, the spiritual consciousness of the major saints spread over the entire army: "Rest where you are, the saints will take turns, and we will set off again in an hour."

There was a silent sigh of relief, and the spring that was pressed to the extreme finally relaxed a little. Looking around the vast world from the mountainside, it is clear that the sky is high and the sea is vast, but it is like walking on a tightrope on the top of the cliff, like walking on thin ice.

The increasingly uneasy auras of the ferocious beasts in the far distance went from being vague at first to becoming increasingly restless and restless. Their bloodthirsty gazes were like sharp swords nailed to the mountain peak. No one needs to remind me, even though I am thousands of miles away, I can feel the chill of the approaching rain.

The air smelled of blood.

No one dared to delay, so they all took out the elixirs and started adjusting their breath. The ghosts and ghosts are passing by, heavy rains are coming, and the black clouds turning overhead are like evil dragons turning over the sea, converging into a heart-stopping shape. However, in the center of the formation, Xu Yangyi and all the representatives of the Class A forces did not take a break. Instead, they forced themselves to fight with exhaustion and stared at the map in front of them.

A Nascent Soul monk stood respectfully aside, his face pale. A pin drop could be heard at the scene. It took a long time before Xu Yangyi spoke hoarsely: "When did it happen? Who else knows?"

"No one knows." Monk Nascent Soul replied nervously: "I just discovered the changes that happened two hours ago. Lord Minghuo immediately asked this junior to come and report it. Your Excellency has blocked this news."


The eyes of the several sages were fixed on an open map in the center. The green dots in the center represented them. In the vast wilderness of all directions, red dots like a sea tide had gathered, each one huge. At this moment, there is no distinction between each other, forming a crowded tide.

The prelude to the beast tide.

Moreover, this is not the lower four realms. The only ones who can survive now and gather together are the saints! This is... countless saintly alien species! Every monster can only be seen in legends! The prehistoric overlord!

This tsunami has reached its peak, and it only breaks out in a blink of an eye!

Seeing countless red dots makes people’s scalp numb, but what makes people even more numb is...near the junction of mountains and hundreds of miles, hundreds of red dots suddenly appeared!

"Alien beasts may not have intelligence, but they have intuition." Zen Master Baoxiang gritted his teeth and said: "Our actions are the fuse/cord that ignites their intuition. They may just feel uneasy and fearful in their hearts. Our actions... But it really made them feel bad.”

"They can't tell why, they just instinctively want to cut off us 'alien...'" He gently passed his hand across the hundreds of red dots separated from the large army: "And...there are already alien species that can't be restrained. Once they lead the group... …The outbreak of the beast tide will probably accelerate!”

"How long will it take?" Xu Yangyi's face was silent and he asked without any meaning in his voice.

"Within five hours." Tu Su Fangrong said hoarsely: "These vanguard troops are already trying to approach the mountains. Once they move... the entire beast wave will completely explode."

No one spoke.

The distance of thousands of miles and the restricted area of ​​​​100 miles can only take a few hours for the sacred monster. And they simply can't abandon the monks in the lower four realms - without soldiers, they will only die if they encounter other forces! Moreover, without cannon fodder, who will cut down the gourd?

A dilemma.

What's even more chilling is that there are two huge red dots on this map! Far superior to all saints! The sun surrounds them. Just like the earth and the moon revolve and rotate, they are inseparable!

This is the Nanhua butterfly mother, and an unknown existence. The peak of Taixu, the prehistoric demon king!

They did not move, as if they were observing when it would be better to bite. Like the Sword of Damocles above their heads, the pressure they brought to people far exceeded all the alien species.

too close……

Although they couldn't see it, they were sure that within ten minutes, these two demon kings would be enough to launch a fatal attack on them! Not moving now is not only using long-term hunting intuition to evaluate their combat effectiveness, but also fearing the opponent's existence.

This is like a shoulder pole, the goods on both ends are equally heavy, but... the person carrying the shoulder pole in the middle is not strong enough. When this person shows signs of fatigue, the two demon kings will definitely attack!

Behind, there are wolves surrounding them, and tigers on the left and right. The sharp teeth that are as cold as bones are everywhere, and they are already against their throats.

Swish! Xu Yangyi suddenly closed the scroll, his eyes were cold, and his voice was as cold as a knife: "Speed ​​up."

"No matter what, we must reach the top of the cloud in advance."

The lips of the Yuanying cultivator who delivered the order trembled, but he bit them tightly and dared not make a sound.

In ancient times, there were three kingdoms. Liu Yuzhou led 400,000 people to transfer, and refused to let go of any of them. He was almost killed by Cao's army in Dangyang.

However, Xu Yangyi is not Liu Yuzhou.

Once the speed is increased... the foundation is built... it is basically equivalent to abandonment. Although they are doing logistics work, the golden elixir can barely keep up, and only the Yuanying can ensure safety.

One general's success is the result of thousands of bones.

But, this is the best decision.

No one in the audience, even the representatives of the powerful Class A forces, refuted.

"Open all magic weapons, and the Saints are fully prepared for war! Once you reach the top of the cloud, the two treasure masters will be dispatched, and the virtual treasure will be in the battle! If there are any treasures in the bottom of the box, don't keep them. No matter what, do your best to stop the beast tide. All the monks above the late stage of the Saint, follow me to cut down the gourd with all your strength!"

Looking around with a fiery look: "If this Saint King ascends to the throne, I will never forget the friendship of helping you in times of trouble."

No one said that there would be no beast tide, and no one naively proposed this suggestion. In this case, it is only a matter of time before this human-beast war breaks out. Master Baoxiang and others looked at each other with a flicker of their eyes, and nodded with determination.

Since it cannot be avoided, then... let's fight!

Look at my top strength in the seven realms, Class A sect, 100,000 monks, facing your prehistoric iron hoof and world-destroying heavenly punishment, who can hold on until Noah's Ark lands!

Either... die together!

Or... everyone board Noah's Ark!

"Set off immediately and collect the names of all the fallen monks." Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and the scroll flew back to the hands of the Yuanying monk. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly raised his head and looked around.

At this moment, not only him, but all the saints raised their heads. They looked at the dark void with great solemnity, and their ears moved slightly.

"Roar!" Thousands of miles away, a huge Zheng Yangtian roared, and the spiritual light of the body was flickering, staring at the sky.

"Silk!" A hook snake with a length of 100 meters raised its head and roared uneasy at the top of the cloud. In the distance, the nine heads of the Nine Infants roared wildly. In an instant, the roars of this primitive alien species rose and fell one after another, turning into a magnificent sea tide.

All the figures like small mountains stood up, and the beasts roared together, and the unrestrained spiritual power formed ripples in the air. However, all eyes were fixed on the sky, as if... they felt the call of the god of death.

"This is..." Wang Bufa took a breath of cold air and shuddered: "What a strong spiritual energy!"

"Above our heads? Why didn't we notice it at first?!" Master Baoxiang looked at the sky in shock. Not only him, but all the saints' consciousness was fully deployed. He took in tens of thousands of miles in the sky.

Tap, tap, tap... In the boring and dense rain, a different sound appeared for the first time.

It was not the sound of thunder, but it sounded like... it came from above the clouds, the wind blew and the ghosts were shocked, the rain started and the dragons and snakes danced.

Just above their heads, endless clouds gathered quickly, black clouds filled the sky, and an unparalleled spiritual pressure intimidated the entire sky!

"My Lord!" The Nascent Soul cultivator exclaimed, and the scroll just closed and opened again. Everyone looked over, and then their pupils suddenly contracted and their heartbeats almost stopped.

On the scroll, the red dot, which was originally calm, became completely agitated at this moment. But no one paid attention to it, but looked at the green dot representing them. A huge sun was gathering at an unimaginable speed!

Rows of numbers flashed above, "700 million spirits, 800 million spirits, 1 billion spirits... 1.5 billion... 1.1 billion..."

Ancestor Yinfeng took a breath of cold air, pulled the scroll, and his lips trembled slightly.

"The third demon king?!" His eyes were about to burst, and he gritted his teeth and growled: "How is this possible!!"

Everyone hoped that they were wrong, but no, as the 1.2 billion spirit power index settled, everyone felt cold in their hearts.

The elves of the clouds, the devils of the rain, the clouds and rain took shape, and the sky was murderous.

"How could this be..." Wang Bufa's face was ashen, with a tiger in front and a pursuer behind, should they advance or retreat?

They were actually stuck in the middle of the mountain!

They couldn't advance, retreat, go up, or go down.

Hanging in the air waiting to die!

No matter in front or behind, let alone up or down, there were all the prehistoric demon kings at the peak level of Taixu blocking the way!

The top game, the primitive world of Queen Wa, reveals endless murderous intent bit by bit.

The world is the furnace, and all things are the firewood.

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