
Chapter 1511: Battle of Cloudtop (I)

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but made a gesture of silence. Everyone suppressed their anxiety and listened attentively, but their eyes suddenly focused.

Knock knock knock... a strange sound was heard incessantly. As if... something was hitting something.

Knock knock knock... the sound was endless and fleeting. Xu Yangyi frowned more and more. For some reason, this sound brought him an extreme sense of danger. It seemed to poke the sky.

A very familiar sound...

This sound has also been heard on Earth...

It's a pity that there is too much information. He has a photographic memory and is desperately searching for it, but he can't find out what it is immediately.

Knock knock knock, knock knock knock... The sound became more and more rapid, and his heart beat wildly for no reason. After a few minutes, the sound suddenly disappeared. His face was completely pale, and his heart seemed to be squeezed by a giant hand. A terrifying premonition of the next second instantly hit his heart.

"The whole army attacks..." He breathed rapidly and covered his heart. He didn't know how long he hadn't felt this extreme silent terror.

"All troops attack! Leave 20 saints to take care of the whole army! All troops, follow this saint to rush to the top of the cloud immediately!!"

Before he finished speaking, he had already followed his instinct and turned into a stream of light and rushed out. Master Baoxiang and others hesitated for half a second, gritted their teeth, and 50 saints shone in the sky, turning into sky-breaking swords and piercing the top of the cloud!

"Roar!!!" The prehistoric alien species thousands of miles away seemed to have felt something. At this moment, this oppressive sea was finally close to boiling, all beasts were anxious, dark clouds were pressing down on the city, and murderous aura was rushing to the sky.

At this moment!

Fifty saints pointed their swords at the sky and just rushed out. The next second, a picture of despair instantly filled the eyes of all creatures.

There was silence in the distance.

Every prehistoric alien species seemed to understand, and understood what the anxiety in their hearts was.

The monks were silent.

They also understood where the panic that made them extremely uneasy came from.


With a thunderous bang, a huge object suddenly pierced through the top of the cloud. The sky flashed without thunder, and the natural formation covering the sky flickered in the loud noise. Then... a huge crack covered the sky. A yellow, hard triangular object stretched out from the crack in the clouds. Then it retracted with unsatisfied intention.

It was a beak.

The beak of a bird.

Time seemed to stop at this moment. The fifty saints below opened their mouths wide, as if shouting "no". Xu Yangyi, who was in the lead, opened his lips slightly, his eyes trembled, and blood rushed to his head.

Da... The photographic memory finally stopped.

The name of an animal appeared in his mind, and he finally found what it was.


That was the sound of the woodpecker...

It... was looking for the weakest point of the formation, and it pecked the sky open!

Boom! ! In the cracked giant mouth, a column of water from the Yellow Spring rushed down from the sky and poured down on the earth.

It was magnificent and indescribable.

It was majestic and indescribable.

The water of the Yellow Spring came from the sky. This water column was a hundred meters in radius. One could imagine how huge the woodpecker was. The vast rain curtain was taken away by the water column falling from the sky. Everyone stared at it in a daze, watching the ground below the Yellow Spring water being smashed open, everything turned into dust, a silent terror, suppressing breathing to the point of being inaudible.

This is the punishment of the world-destroying God...

There is no escape, everything turns to ashes.

"Kill!" Xu Yangyi roared, the infinite truth, the glorious talisman was fully deployed, and without delaying a second, he rushed towards the zenith with all his strength.

The forty-nine saints behind were awakened by this shout and rushed up like crazy. One order after another was fully deployed with their impact.

"All troops, follow at all costs! There is no time to wait for others! Move the treasure! Protect the whole army with the virtual treasure! Taiyin Sect of Life and Death, open the three soul-killing coffins! Luosha Sect, open the spiritual treasure of the sect, the Thousand Buddha Fan!"

In just a moment, everyone knew how tense the situation was!

That demon not stopping them, but it is more terrifying than stopping them! prying open this sky curtain! It is the terminator and the opener of this world-destroying myth.

The divine punishment is coming, I am afraid...all the prehistoric beasts, even if they did not understand the fear in their hearts before, will fully understand what they are afraid of after seeing this huge water column.

It is the great terror between life and death.

"All troops on alert!!" Just as the fifty saints flew up to the sky, the remaining fifty saints tried their best to protect the entire army. All the monks had red eyes and rushed to the top of the cloud desperately. The two treasure masters burst out all their spiritual power. One was a woman, with a snow-white body, like a zombie, holding a phantom of a pagoda in her hand, emitting terrifying spiritual power, looming.

One was a man, with an old man's mentality, holding a twelve-grade golden lotus in his hand, with lotuses growing in the lotus, spreading endlessly to form a giant lotus umbrella, covering the sky for thousands of meters.

Just as they flew out, all the saints in all directions exclaimed, "Nine thousand eight hundred miles south! The beast tide collapsed! Ten thousand miles west! Ten thousand beasts are attacking! Move nine thousand seven hundred miles, at least five hundred prehistoric species are all dispatched!!"

One by one, the information was conveyed to everyone's mind through the divine consciousness. Every monk clenched the magic weapon in his hand and welcomed the tsunami in the storm!

It's coming.

It's finally here.

The woodpecker's peck finally broke the seemingly balanced steel wire. In their eyes, from all directions, in the eight wastelands, terrifying auras shot straight into the sky! Countless prehistoric alien species, who were usually enemies of life and death, rushed towards the highest mountain crazily under the call of survival and destruction. The terrifying and mottled spiritual energy connected in a line, and even the heaven and earth were shaking!

"Roar!!" The endless roar shook the wilderness, the sky was overturning, the earth was trembling, and those figures as big as hills roared, roared, and ran wildly, forming patches of black waves, rising up on the clouds, and rushing towards the mountain peaks!

As far as the eye could see, from where they looked, everything within a radius of thousands of miles was filled with black water. It was hard to was unclear. There were eyes red with fear everywhere, and every inch was filled with screams at the top of their lungs. There are no magical powers, no moves, just a body of flesh and blood, breaking through the boundaries of life and death, bursting out the purest, most primitive, most powerful, and vastest power of life!

It’s stuck! Pieces of towering trees were trampled down, mud and water splashed all over the ground, and various colored lights formed hills. Some of the aliens that were running slowly and were in front of them just raised their heads and screamed, and were trampled by countless iron hooves and turned into pulp in the heavy rain. In less than ten minutes, the entire wilderness flowed into rivers of blood, and the ground turned a bloody color.

"Damn it..." Even the palm wielder's hair stood on end at this moment. It's too grand... too majestic... The ground buzzes, and every time it seems to step on the human heart, that kind of visual impact can simply destroy the monk's soul. The timid monks screamed, and some trembled after losing their magic weapons. However, what greeted them was a long knife falling and blood splattering in the sky.

"Kill those who are afraid of war!!" A voice full of murderous intent rushed out of the monks' team, and two thousand monks in blood-red armor soared into the sky, blood flowing from the long knives in their hands. His gaze swept across everyone like ice, finally calming them down.

"Let's go!!" All the saints shouted in unison, and without leaving any remaining strength, the army of 100,000 people rushed towards the clouds at full speed. Countless monks were left behind, whether they were alive or dead.

The two palm treasure envoys behind the palace looked at the mountains and seas of beasts around them, and there was only ice in their hearts.

One hour……

In an hour, they... will be overtaken by a tide of beasts driven mad by fear!



At the same time, Xu Yangyi and other fifty saints disappeared into the clouds. However, what greeted them was not freedom, but huge pressure everywhere.

"Gudu Gudu..." The monk who was in a body of water opened his eyes wide. No one thought that the clouds... had actually become the bottom of the sea!

Xu Yangyi's eyes were intense, staring at the sky above his head. The clouds were just below their feet, but they were like the bottom of the sea. They were in the sea, and as the thunder rushed above them, streaks of blue-white light penetrated into the water.

At this moment, he seemed to realize something. Remembered something.

Yes... Calculating the time, this should be the barrier of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Zhengshen. It was the same as what he had thought and heard. It... was indeed the real thing.

Therefore, when a woodpecker pecks at it, it makes a buzzing sound.

And the water from the underworld obviously flew from the stars, landed on real objects, and was attracted by gravity. What would happen?

The present prehistoric world must look like a huge water polo from the outside.

"This is not the time to think about this!" He shook his head and his eyes became clear. The zenith formation was a barrier. It was already dilapidated and full of ant nests. Once the woodpeckers pecked out a few more holes...

The sky is overturned, right before our eyes!

All around, all the saints calmed down. This is the water of the underworld. How high is the pressure at a depth of tens of meters? Their body-protecting spiritual energy made a kak-ka sound, and with an angry roar, dozens of magic weapons shot out, protecting them outside their bodies. Almost all of them were spiritual treasures. In an instant, the shadows of old women, old men, young people, and children surrounded the water, and all kinds of magic shone together.

Wow! A few seconds later, a muffled sound erupted from the water, turning into fifty water dragons breaking through the water. Right in front of them, there was a small woodpecker, only about ten meters long. It was completely different from what they expected, a black and white flower-backed bird. , with red heads, as if they hadn't seen them, were strolling on the cloud top array, their small heads swaying left and right, their necks stretching and shrinking nervously, their slender beaks like needles, searching for loopholes in the sky from time to time. .

what happened?

Everyone was stunned. The huge beak that was 100 meters long, enough to pierce the sky, was actually pecked out by such a small woodpecker?

It is true that ten meters is not too small, but which of the ancient alien species is not hundreds of meters or even hundreds of meters? Ten meters... How could it peck through the sky?

Xu Yangyi had a doubt in his heart.

They have not encountered other forces' world-destroying torrential rains so far. They are the highest mountain here. When they find that the sky is overturned, the other forces should also take action.

but none.

There is no trace, just like... they were placed in different worlds, parallel planes.

However, now is not the time to think about this. Just when they were pondering and uncertain, the woodpecker's neck snapped, followed by a shocking loud noise, boom... A terrifying whirlpool instantly appeared on the huge sea surface! Endless sea water poured in desperately!

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