
Chapter 1512: Battle of Cloudtop (Part 2)

It really is it... Everyone took a deep breath. It was hard to imagine that such a small body could peck through the sky. Moreover... they did not feel more than 300 million spiritual power on the other party!

"At most 290 million! How can the spiritual power gap be so big?" In an instant, the monk with extremely rich combat experience immediately determined the opponent's strength. With a flickering gaze, his breathing became rapid. Why do the feelings above and below the cloud top differ? This is not important. They only know that this is an opportunity.

Let this big formation last longer!

No one spoke, and the aura of killing surged into the sky, and the sound of quickly forming seals was heard. Wang Bufahu clasped his hands together, and when he opened them, countless sword lights soared into the sky, and a one-inch-sized sword lotus whistled in his hands. On the other side, a little spiritual light surged in Tu Su Fangrong's palm, and Master Baoxiang opened his mouth and spit out an inch-long golden Zen stick.

The woodpecker seemed to be unaware of all the people rushing out from under the sea. It had never heard of this and was still squeaking to find the cracks in the sky. If it weren't for the spiritual power comparable to Xu Yangyi's, it wouldn't look like a monster at all.

Silently, dozens of magic weapons quietly sank to the bottom of the sea, and rushed towards the woodpecker with the vortex under its feet. The treasure light flickered under the sea, swaying the light and shadow of nothingness.

Getting closer and closer, the woodpecker was unaware, one thousand meters, five hundred meters, one hundred meters!

However, the moment it entered the range of one hundred meters, the woodpecker suddenly stopped moving, its dark little eyes were wide open, and at this moment, all the holy magic formulas were crushed to death, and the roar of anger crossed the sky: "Explode!!"

Boom! ! With a loud bang, the terrifying spiritual energy instantly raised thousands of huge waves on the sea surface, and a circle of pure white shock waves exploded like a nuclear bomb, and the water of the Yellow Spring weighing more than ten thousand pounds turned into a rainstorm, splashing everywhere.

Dozens of saints attacked together, and the power was comparable to all the nuclear weapons kings on the earth!

However, at the same time, Xu Yangyi's pupils shrank suddenly. He looked up suddenly.

The spiritual energy tore everything apart, and dozens of eyes stared at the explosion center that almost became a vacuum. The old ancestor Yinfeng breathed a sigh of relief: "Dead?"

"No." Before the storm dissipated, Xu Yangyi's solemn voice came: "Above the head."

Everyone was stunned, and then suddenly looked up. Kalala... In the sky where thunder was running, a black and white figure walked between the lightning, and the eyes that could not see any emotion at all were staring at them.

"Squeak!!" With its scream, the sky seemed to respond, and thousands of thunders flashed from the dark place of the universe, but after the thunder, its figure suddenly disappeared.

"What's going on!? So fast! What speed is this?!"

Master Baoxiang's pupils suddenly locked. Fast... too fast! The eyes can't feel it, and the consciousness can't feel it! There was no time to react at all. He just subconsciously made a rustling sound in his robe, and the Buddhist scriptures covered with twelve gold foils surged out. Almost at the same time, the sound of rain hitting the pipa sounded from above within 0.1 second, and infinite golden light shone everywhere.

Whoosh! He didn't even scream, and a magnificent force came back to him. He only felt the blood surging in his chest and abdomen. There was only shock in his eyes.

Extreme speed...

Extreme speed that he had never felt before!

Within one second, the protective spiritual treasure Dead Man's Sutra was hit at the same time! There was no order at all!

Tu Su Fangrong said nothing, and his hands quickly pinched the seal. However, just as he pinched, a green eye suddenly opened between his eyebrows, and an indescribable majestic killing intent instantly stared at him to death!

Here it comes...

The god of death is staring...

This is the first picture that flashed through his mind. He has surpassed the instinct of defense and surrendered to this invisible huge fear.

"Daoyou, help me..." Before he finished speaking, he seemed to be standing at the mouth of a gusty valley, with the wind as sharp as a knife, and the protective robes were broken into pieces of cloth. The top of his head collapsed with a bang, and his hair and beard were all blown back. Zero point zero one second, as if it was eternal.

The sign of death.

His heart was cold, and the words "help me" were stuck in his throat forever. However, at this moment, pieces of blue-black light suddenly burst out in front of him, as if something blocked the blow. A shock wave swept across the sky with a loud bang. He was defenseless and spit out a mouthful of blood, screaming and flying backwards for a thousand meters.

But this was just the beginning.

Zero point one second.

Just zero point one second.

All the saints shouted in unison, and the protective spiritual treasures came out in full force, and flew backwards almost at the same time in the shining treasure light. Everyone's eyes were filled with boundless shock.

Can't see...

There is no time to defend!

If it weren't for the automatic protection of the spiritual treasure, they would have died by now. This completely exceeded the extreme reaction of biological beings!

"What kind of monster is this! What a speed... It makes my hair stand on end! I've never heard of it before! This speed is too terrifying!"

At this moment!

Boom! !

A loud noise suddenly sounded in the void, and a circle of green shock waves exploded in the air. A tsunami suddenly rose on the sea surface below, which was enough to guess how powerful the creature that took action was.

"Someone took action?" The eyes of the Yinfeng Ancestor were wide open, and his mind was full of incredible things. The mood that had just relaxed a little suddenly tensed up, because... As far as the eye could see, there was nothing in the void.


Before he could finish thinking, the loud noise broke out for the second time. This time, the continuous explosion sounded like the tide. The void was wailing, and the torrential rain was shaken by these terrible spiritual energy and flew everywhere.

All the saints looked blankly at the sky where the rain was pouring. The roaring collision of spiritual energy was deafening, like the roar of a thunder god. know clearly that someone is doing something in the air, but you can't see it at all! The consciousness and eyes look fake!

Zen Master Baoxiang clasped his hands together, his eyes glowed red with patches of golden light. He stared for three seconds and suddenly closed his eyes: "Beyond the speed of spiritual consciousness...beyond the speed of this...the speed of light?"

"Oh my god..." Wang Bufa stared at this scene with his mouth wide open: "Is this... really the level of a saint?!"

"It's unbelievable...I can't even see it with my formless eyes...this...what speed is this...who...who has such terrifying speed? Who can fight this 300 million monster?!"

There was a moment of commotion, and then everyone felt a chill in their hearts. They all looked somewhere, and then their pupils all shrank.

If anyone can do it, there is probably only one person who can do it...

Known as the most powerful saint in the history of the Seven Realms, he is also the person they choose to be loyal to...

Holy Lord Ben Lei!

Sure enough, there was no one around where he stood. With his spiritual consciousness spread out, no trace of him could be found in the audience!

Not disappearing, but reaching a level beyond the saints and walking with the light!

A sense of trance suddenly rushed into their minds.

Lost in this untouchable power.

I was in a daze...I was really in contact with this powerful fear.

They were in a happy mood, maybe they were already familiar with it, and they didn't expect that... the total explosion of 270 million was so... that they were lucky not to be enemies with it.

Swish, lala... In the dark night and day, the terrifying spiritual power erupts like a celestial spectacle. The underworld rain scatters in all directions, and the shock wave tears the void into layers of ripples visible to the naked eye. The underworld water weighs more than ten thousand kilograms. It was actually crushed by these ripples and turned into a vacuum zone of tens of meters.

The invisible confrontation between the gods of death in the dark night, without a word, only punches until the flesh is torn by the rain, and the night is shattered. Zen Master Baoxiang took a deep breath and firmly grasped the robe around his heart.


At this moment, they suddenly felt that this person could ascend the throne!

Before, it was a bet, now, it is a confirmation.

Wow! There was a violent explosion, far greater than before, and a figure finally appeared in the void. Xu Yangyi stepped out in one step. Almost all of his shirt and robes were shredded, and his strong muscles were vaguely visible.

On the other side, the woodpecker screamed, its feathers fluttered, and the two faced each other from north to south on the sea. The aftermath of the spiritual energy suddenly set off a tsunami all over the sky. The wind rises with the rain, the dragon rolls over the waves, and it takes a long time to hit the sea, and the waves crash on the shore.

No one spoke.

In the invisible fight just now, they confirmed to each other that this opponent... couldn't be solved without using their trump cards.

"It has been a long time since a creature of the same realm has been able to hurt this holy king." Xu Yangyi suddenly spoke quietly and glanced at the stunned saints around him: "Block it and don't interfere."

"This opponent... you can't handle it."

That's sublight speed.

The speed that is impossible to exist in Zun Sheng's body is very small even if it is Taixu.

Only he can catch the moment when the opponent takes action.

But, just catch it.

This small monster is very sharp, and if you want to kill it, you have to kill it with one blow.

At this moment, he was like a king giving an order, and no one said a word to persuade him. Even the representatives of the Class A forces did not say a word and could only obey. The forty-nine saints separated in silence and tacit understanding, surrounding them in the center of a 10,000-meter radius.

"Fellow Taoist." After taking precautions, Zen Master Baoxiang finally said, "Be careful!"

The scene was completely silent, but murderous intent was everywhere and surging.

Xu Yangyi was silent for two seconds, then suddenly said to the woodpecker: "We are going up. As long as you don't peck the sky, we will be fine."

"Squeak!!" The woodpecker screamed, its anger self-evident.

"That's right." Xu Yangyi nodded slightly and said calmly: "You are very lucky."

"My trump card, the people I've seen are dead or alive. It's been... a long time, a long time."

The faces of all the saints became solemn. This was going to be serious, and they couldn't imagine how terrifying the next battle would be. But they know. Their time... is running out!

Even if the woodpeckers don't open the sky, the heavy rain will still pour down, and the cracks in the zenith array will get bigger and bigger! The noose is still around their necks and has never been taken off.

Chronic death. Although slow, it is irresistible.

Noah's Ark stayed on the gallows for a day.

Faster...faster! This is the common sentiment of all the saints, but they dare not shout it out in this supreme battlefield of saints. I'm afraid that even the slightest distraction or anxiety will disrupt Ben Lei's mind.

"Kill." At this moment, a voice like a yellow bell shook the void, and then, a breath that made people's hair stand on end filled the sky.

Cruel, bloodthirsty, no room left!

But brave, determined and fearless!

boom! ! Following his words, huge waves erupted from beneath his feet, and the entire sea trembled crazily.

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