
Chapter 1513: Battle of Cloudtop (Part 3)

"Such a strong spiritual pressure!" "This... is infinitely close to 300 million!" "The first person in the history... the title of the first saint in the seven realms is well deserved!"

Swish! The tsunami reached the sky, and the red line rushed up from Xu Yangyi's chest with a joyful cry. Xu Yangyi's eyes were full of murderous intent: "Don't let it go!"

The red line responded immediately after the divine consciousness came. Spreading its wings, in an instant, the rocks collapsed, and the tsunami seemed to have no end, with mountains upon mountains.

The world of illusion, endless nightmares.

Swish... In the layers of tsunamis, black fog rose up, and countless branches seemed like the tentacles of the devil in the most terrifying nightmare. The extremely ominous breath and the bloody smell of killing filled the whole place. The woodpecker squeaked uneasily, and even all the saints took a breath and stepped back several steps.

"Such a powerful domain..." Tu Su Fangrong took a breath, his eyes flickering: "The degree of completion is quite high... It's just missing the rules of Taixu. Is this... his trump card?"

"Very scary. The spiritual pressure of the domain itself is not strong, but it gives people a feeling of suffocation." Wang Bufa looked around deeply, his heart beating like a drum: "This is a domain born for killing."


A circle of blue-black shock waves swept across the sea, setting off a magnificent ripple. After the skylight went out, a terrifying piece of ice appeared in front of everyone.


In all directions, there were ice mirrors, reflecting each other, and Xu Yangyi's shadow inside was endless, and one look would make you dizzy.

"This is..." "What is this!" "Daozu... Is this... Phoenix?"

However, as soon as the domain appeared, everyone exclaimed. But it was not a shock to the domain.

Because something more terrifying appeared in the domain.

The woodpecker seemed to have a spirit, staring at the ice mirrors around it. However, it was not a woodpecker reflected in the mirror!

But... a real phoenix!

The whole body is burning with the fire of Nirvana, the feathers are golden and red, and thousands of phoenix feathers are hanging down, giving people a sense of terror without anger. However, it has its eyes closed, showing a sleeping appearance.

Is this the true appearance of the woodpecker?

Xu Yangyi was stunned, and everyone understood where the 1.1 billion detected before came from. The magnificent pressure is enough to make people palpitate even if it is an illusion.

"Not awakened? Or not evolved yet?" Xu Yangyi turned around, his whole body was full of golden light, and the implanted armor quickly covered his whole body, and the appearance completely changed with a click. His hands were like knives, his back had wings, and a set of terrible armor appeared on his body. At the same time, his figure slowly disappeared.

"But you let me confirm one thing..."

"You, there is no possibility of evolution."

Sand... His figure completely disappeared. There was only the silence of death in all directions.

You can hear a pin drop.

The invisible pressure is everywhere, and the suffocating murderous aura is like a shadow. The woodpecker obviously felt this horror and looked around vigilantly. At this moment, Xu Yangyi in all the ice mirrors slowly raised his hand and stabbed hard at the center.

Ten thousand knives came from the west, which was obviously an attack without any signs. The woodpecker's eyes suddenly widened, and then it screamed wildly.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!!" It rolled all over the sky like crazy, and the saints looked at each other in bewilderment.

What happened?

"Just now... did you feel the spiritual power?" Master Baoxiang asked the saint beside him in astonishment, and the other party shook his head blankly: "No... I dare to swear that there was no spiritual power fluctuation just now. Fellow Daoist Benlei did not make a move!"

Did not make a move?

Master Baoxiang looked at the woodpecker rolling around in surprise, and even the feathers fell to the ground, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

What's going on?

In the void, Xu Yangyi, who entered the mimicry, intertwined his long knives with both hands. There was a coldness in his eyes.

Real deception.

Since practicing, killing has been tempered countless times, from the beginning of simply hiding himself in the illusion to now moving his heart at will. The best defense is offense.

Killing has long been freed from the simple environment. It's not the sublimation of the domain, but the sublimation of his use of the domain.

He is waiting.

Waiting for a chance to kill with one blow. Waiting for the opportunity to unite his body and mind to ensure the strongest blow.

Since its true body is probably unparalleled, then... don't give the opponent a chance to awaken at all!

"Squeak!" Screams filled the sky, but the opponent never relaxed his defense. Yes, it has no intelligence, but which one that can survive in the prehistoric world is not a monster whose fighting instinct has been honed to the peak?

Swish! Pieces of feathers shot in all directions, and the spiritual power was so strong that the void glass broke layer by layer, and the protective magic circle of the saint outside roared. At the same time, all the ice mirrors were shattered!

Xu Yangyi was motionless. He just squatted down gently. The muscles of the lower limbs that were implanted in armor and evolved into two limbs were completely tense, like a sharp arrow aimed at the throat of the prey, ready to go.

"After all, you are just instinctive."

"In terms of combat wisdom, you are far behind."

The opportunity is coming soon.

The real deception lasts for five seconds at most. This is a "crisis," but the real killer is always hidden in the last darkness before the dawn when the "crisis" is about to disappear.

That is the time when the mind is most relaxed.

Three seconds, four seconds... five seconds!

At this moment, Xu Yangyi moved.

Without holding back, the Devouring Talisman is fully activated, walking in the void!

The Shining Talisman is fully activated, instantly reaching sub-light speed!

Boom! ! The wings of the hunter behind him, which were as thin as a cicada's wing, were fully opened. With the extreme speed and the layers of spiritual power, the double knives of the god of death were raised, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into a stream of light in the dark night.

Snap! At this moment, all the saints saw a moment that would be remembered forever.

Among all the fragments of the ice mirror that exploded, countless Xu Yangyi raised their double knives together, and then... the immortals from the sky!

One after another, the figures seemed to be real immortals descending, and they set off a storm in this storm. Suddenly, there was no moon, no rainstorms and strong winds, and no quiet and lonely sea surface.

Here, there was only light.

Too fast, too fast! Each figure turned into the only brilliance, with the truth of deception, leaving marks in the sky. A slender and sharp scratch appeared in the void, as if the void was an endless curtain of night, and these knife marks would tear it into pieces, revealing the true face of the day.

"Squeak!" The woodpecker made a very terrified sound. It felt that these were all fake, but... too many! Thousands of blades danced in the dense, endless, countless ice mirror fragments, and immortals flew from all realms. One after another, human figures blocked all its routes. It seemed to see...

God's kingdom.

God's kingdom of swords, the heaven of night.

Swish, swish, swish! The sword light was like waves, rising and falling, the tranquility of the last second, the sharpness of this second, it burst out circles of golden waves with all its might, but it could not break these phantoms at all. Each one passed through its body, and with it as the center, countless white marks appeared in the dark rain curtain, as if splitting the sky and splitting the earth.

All directions were completely stagnant, and all the saints looked at this scene with their eyes wide open. They were weighing in their hearts, weighing how long they could last in the opponent's domain.

The answer is... at most one minute!

Is this the gap of nearly 300 million spirits?

"Heh..." Master Baoxiang sighed. He remembered that he was ignorant and fearless when he challenged the world of great contention. He always thought that this was an eternal nightmare. Compared with those geniuses, he was nothing. But now it seems...


Fortunately, I didn't participate this time.

This kind of player... No wonder he was destined to be Ziwei, he was simply inhuman!

The woodpecker was already screaming in the endless flying fairy. Just when they were shocked, suddenly, the sky opened.

It was not really opened, but... They all felt that Xu Yangyi's spiritual power suddenly collapsed like the sky, and billions of star powers descended and poured down from the nine layers of the sky!

Sand... The invisible cold wind blew, and all the saints shrank together. This is the fear from the soul. Right above the woodpecker's head, it actually... The rain stopped.

The water of the Yellow Spring that destroyed the world bypassed the woodpecker at this moment. It was shrouded in a murderous intent that was more terrifying than the Yellow Spring. The next second, a brilliance like the creation of the world fell from the top of its head.

The sword of divine punishment!

Boom! ! !

In the world of light, everyone closed their eyes. This was also the divine punishment of light, the order of light, and the annihilation of light.

Perhaps it was not light, but the spiritual power was too strong, surpassing light.

That was the sub-light speed of the Guangyao Talisman, which was used to the extreme, and it was a knife slashed with all the spiritual power of Xu Yangyi.

Crash! ! The saints could not see it, but they could feel that the sea surface under their feet was empty in an instant. The violent shock wave shook the sky and trembled, completely swallowing the scream of the woodpecker.

Boom boom boom... The heart beat in the ears. After a few seconds, Tu Su Fangrong opened his eyes. He could not help but gasp when he could see things in front of him. Then, exclamations and gasps came from all directions.


The water of the Yellow Spring weighing more than ten thousand pounds, the density can be imagined, but... at this moment, a cross with a radius of 100 meters and a depth of five meters was printed!

The surrounding waves were surging, the turbid waves were surging, and the endless white marks in the sky cut through the night, lasting for a long time. I was still shocked by this blow. And in the center of the cross, the woodpecker was covered in blood and lay there wailing.

No one spoke.

Everyone's eyes were full of awe. This blow... really approached the void infinitely. The opponent was only a comprehension of the rules from the void.

The illusions on all sides had completely disappeared. Hong Xian flew to Xu Yangyi's shoulder and fanned the wind with his wings: "Dad, is it dead?"

Although they recognized that this was the precious Luotian Fantasy Butterfly, at this moment, strangely, no one had a trace of greed. It was not betrayal, but greed, pure greed.

There was not a trace.

This kind of thing belongs to this person, and it is what everyone expects.

"No." Xu Yangyi patted Hong Xian's head, and then suddenly punched it down: "But it's almost there."

The sky was actually pulled out by this terrible punch. A thin film visible to the naked eye was formed by the terrifying wind pressure being pressed by the fist. This punch was so heavy that it was enough to make the world wail.

"It's over." Tu Su Fang Rong shook his head and smiled bitterly. No one expected it to be so fast. They just wanted to be faster before, but they knew that they couldn't be faster against such an opponent. They had already prepared to spend two or three hours. Who would have thought that in twenty minutes... just twenty minutes, this monster that seemed invincible to him was killed by thunder.

Boom! ! The fist touched the sea surface. However, at this moment, Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly widened. The monks who had just relaxed raised their heads and looked at the fist in disbelief.

A spiritual power stronger than before was slowly rising in it.

Like a budding life, fragile but powerful. Along with the spiritual power, infinite fire waves rushed up to the fist wind and swallowed it up like a substance.

Swish! A circle of silver light suddenly exploded, extremely sacred.

“Is this… a territory?” Master Baoxiang looked at the cross on the sea in astonishment: “A monster’s territory!?”

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