
Chapter 1516: Heaven and earth are cruel, and all things are chess pieces (Part 3)

Rumble...the huge vibration was like thunder, and the surrounding area felt like an earthquake. A total of 30,000 Immortal-Destroying Crossbows were aimed at the air. Tens of thousands of black-armored cavalry armed to the teeth were like silent gods of death, holding spears in their hands, forming a torrent of steel. More monks muttered words and tried their best to convey spiritual power to the central formation. Right there, a middle-aged man held a black and yellow pagoda in his hand, his expression extremely solemn.

The other party's appearance is very ordinary, but the rich power of Taixu that permeates his body shows that no matter how ordinary he is, he is still the Supreme Taixu, inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people!

Palm treasure envoy!

Three thousand monks were floating in the air around him, and runes spread from his pagoda. Along with the three thousand green lotuses in the hands of the monks, three thousand magic weapons bloomed on the lotus, and the magic weapons built three thousand avenues. These runes rippled into the void like water waves, the clouds and mist above became denser and denser, and the shadows of the four holy beasts became more majestic.

"Advance at full speed!" His mood was extremely anxious, but his voice was unusually calm, and he commanded in an orderly manner: "The Taiyin/Sect Black Killing Army, recruit the Flame Dao Dragon Slaying Guards, both armies are on alert! All B-level sects and sect-protecting spirit treasures have entered Start now!"


Woohoo! The horn sounded, and paper cranes flew into the air. At the same time, a woman's figure slowly fell next to the middle-aged man: "How are you?"

"You can still hold on." The middle-aged man said hoarsely: "Seize every opportunity and strive to reach the top of the clouds as quickly as possible."

"Otherwise..." He looked down: "Even if we both come together, we will only end up turning into ashes."

"Don't forget, we...are not really Taixu..."

Wherever he looked, the army was already surrounded by hundreds of prehistoric aliens who had arrived first. Their auras and magical powers were like pulling out a red cloud on the mountainside, desperately trying to open their magic circle. But that's not the scariest thing. Farther away... about five thousand miles away, there... there is only madness and violence.

The wild beasts all over the mountains and plains are heading towards the mountains like crazy. Looking around, it seems that the endless mountains are alive, and there are countless black mountains. Forming a torrent of beasts with no end in sight. Yinglong, Baize, Xuangui... names that can only be heard in myths, bring about a boundless tide of beasts, with no end in sight!

The earth has completely collapsed under their trampling. In the torrential rain, countless alien species stepped on hundreds of meters of muddy waves, and the sound was comparable to thunder. Even though they were so far apart, the terrifying spiritual energy made it difficult to breathe. Every shock is like stepping on one's heart. I can't even imagine... when this wave of beasts arrives, what a scene it will be like when the world is overturned.

They've gone crazy.

Now on the ground, the water is a foot deep, and the underworld is overturned. Their instinct for survival tells them that if they don't go to the highest place, there is only a dead end!

A man and a woman didn't speak, they just stared at the tide of beasts in the distance. According to their speed, in the last ten thousand meters, they... would confront each other head-on!

"The best way is to make way and let these monsters pass." The woman looked directly at the beasts and said solemnly.

"Impossible." The man said hoarsely: "So many alien species are about to rush into the sky. How can our army of 100,000 give way? How can we stop them?"

There is only one way, which is to split up, divide into several armies, and get out of the way. However, in this way, there is no possibility of resisting several alien species at the same time. Could these crazy aliens care about their lives?

If they get out of the way, they will be trampled to pieces by countless beasts! Even if the other party is not in the mood to devour them!

There is no way out.

We can only resist with all our strength, race against all beasts, and dance with time.

"What else do you want?" The middle-aged man turned to look at the wooden-faced woman: "Your task is to supervise all the sects to open the sect-protecting spiritual treasures. Young Sect Master Ben Lei is at Yunding. Do you want all of us to go up? Are there a few hundred left?”

The wooden-faced woman moved her lips, and finally said: "Ten minutes ago, the demon king closest to us moved."

boom! !

There was a thunder in the sky, and there was silence between the two. It reflected the livid face of the man in the picture.

"Anyone can give the order to open the Protector Spirit Treasure. But the actual attack requires the joint order of you and me. I just sent a signal for help to Lord Ben Lei." The woman opened her mouth and spat out the half-square tiger talisman. Without saying anything, she looked directly at middle-aged man.

The other party took several deep breaths, feeling numb in his heart.

What on earth is it doing above...?

Why didn't anyone come to pick them up? Or has the situation gotten so bad?

Those are fifty saints... a full fifty! There is also a super saint like Ben Lei Shengjun with 270 million, who can't solve this?

Suddenly, his eyebrows moved, he looked at the woman in shock, looked up and down, and gasped: "You...unlocked the Xu Xiangbao?"

"You... don't want to live anymore!"

The woman's face was expressionless: "As a member of the Tusu family, dying as a Tusu family ghost, isn't this the fate of you and me? Why should we be afraid?"

"Since the master recognizes fellow Taoist Ben Lei as the master, we are only going to fight to the death, so there is no reason to be timid and cherish our lives. Or..."

She glanced at the middle-aged man lightly: "Are you afraid?"

Boom! !

Like thunder, the clouds above them trembled crazily several times. The three thousand monks groaned, and the runes shook several times before returning to shining.

"Hahaha!" The middle-aged man looked up to the sky and smiled, lowering his head: "Afraid? That's ridiculous! I..."

Just when he was about to say something, the two of them froze at the same time, suddenly raised their heads and looked up at the sky.


A slight cracking sound came from the rainstorm, seemingly slight, but it resounded directly in everyone's heart.

One second.

Just one second.

A premonition that the god of death was coming suddenly spread in his heart. No reason. No reason. His teeth couldn't help but touch, and his beard and hair stood upside down as if he was electrocuted. His breathing suddenly became rapid.

"This..." The wooden-faced woman changed color for the first time, and a layer of goose skin appeared on her body. She shuddered and took a breath of cold air: "This... What does it feel like..."

Swish! At this moment, all the saints, no matter where they were in the formation, all raised their heads and looked around in shock and inexplicable.

Terror has arrived.

An invisible, lingering horror that grew without roots in the torrential rain.

That was the coldness of the god of death looking back.

It was the despair of the universe overturning.

Unspeakable, indescribable, bone-chilling cold, as if the prehistoric world had opened a crack, pouring out the terrifying emotions.

In the north of the Four Saints Formation, a man wearing a golden mask and golden armor opened his eyes for the first time. Meng Lianhu, the treasure keeper of the Meng family, was stunned for just a second, and suddenly turned into golden light and rushed into the sky.

"What a terrible feeling..." He took a deep breath, and there was a rainstorm and a dark night. Nothing.

"This is..." A saint suddenly had an extremely ominous premonition in his heart, his body trembled slightly, and his five fingers quickly tried to make a fortune, but he couldn't do it.

"Heavenly Dao is blocking..." He stared at his hands blankly, opened his mouth, and shook his head nervously and looked into the distance: "Something is about to appear..."

Whoosh! The figure broke through the clouds and rose into the void, the second, fifth, tenth, twenty, and thirty! In less than twenty seconds, all the saints flew into the air together, and the monks below were stagnant, completely unaware of what was going on.

Under the Four Saints Cloud Summit Formation, the faces of the fifty saints were extremely solemn. Meng Lianhu's eyes shone with golden light several meters long, penetrating the formation, and everything in the outside world was clear.

Just this one look, his pupils shrank fiercely. If his heartbeat was accelerated just now, now it was like a drum beating! Rush to the throat.


The beasts were running wildly, and the beast tide was connected to the sky, but it stopped at this moment!

Qiongqi, Bifang, Yingzhao, Yinglong... Under the heavy rain, these famous prehistoric alien species were just like them, at a loss, looking around in horror. The body shrank back, and whinnied like a dog.

Any alien species can survive here by relying on intuition. Their intuition is much more acute than that of humans.

So, they were the first to feel... this great terror that is everywhere, engraved in people's hearts, and deep into the bone marrow.

One hundred thousand creatures, millions of beasts, greeted the torrential rain, as if standing in a tomb to the sky.

A hundred-year-old owl becomes a wood spirit, and a mountain spirit makes people feel cold when eating.

In this dead silence, Kaka... an extremely slight sound filled the sky, and then it became louder and clearer. All creatures were stunned, and then they all looked up at the sky.

At the end of the world, thousands of miles away from them, the sky... opened.

Amid the sound of Kaka, terrifying cracks covered the sky, and the next second...


The earth and the sky trembled, and the endless sea of ​​​​Yellow Springs rushed down along the cracks!

The sky overturned!

The barrier of the Supreme Heavenly Dao God finally ushered in the moment of breaking, and the world finally became a waterfall, without beginning and end. The water of the Yellow Spring came from the sky, starting from a very far distance, and this sky was not slow or slow. It can no longer be described by ten thousand pounds or a million pounds! This is simply hundreds of millions of tons of power crashing down to the earth!


It was visible to the naked eye that the raging flood had raised a thousand-meter-high wave, like a man-eating beast, approaching rapidly as the sky collapsed. At the end of the sky, there was already a yellow earth and sky, but in an instant, rows of waves turned into a prelude to the destruction of the world, and the world roared.

God's punishment has arrived!

The world seemed to be silent. Three seconds later, the beast tide thousands of miles away turned around and roared at the mountain. If it was still a test before, and I was still hesitating whether to rush into those seemingly powerful biological battle formations, at this moment, all doubts disappeared, leaving only the fear of life and death.

"Roar!!!" The deafening roar of the beast rushed into the sky, and then all the beasts ran wildly, and the cracks in the sky chased behind, like the sickle of the god of death, and all things were sheep and dogs. The dark beasts screamed with horror, stepped on the earth and trembled, and rushed towards the mountain like crazy.

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