
Chapter 1517: Heaven and earth are cruel, and all things are chess pieces (IV)

Boom boom boom... The wild pace of the beasts made the world tremble. Red eyes and countless crazy figures struggling on the edge of life and death formed a huge wave that was more terrifying than the Milky Way behind them. Under the rainstorm, thousands of figures trampled through the wilderness, set off a frenzy that connected the sky, the sea moved the three mountains, and the river was several feet high!

Deathly silence.

The mountains were as silent as death.

The pupils reflected a scene that made people's hair stand on end. This living wilderness... This sky that was boiling because of the great fear of life and death made the world of the rainstorm lose its sound. A few seconds later, a saint suddenly turned around, his eyes were about to burst, his body was covered with cold sweat, and he shouted with all his strength: "All troops are on alert!!!"

This sound seemed to awaken people's consciousness. All the saints trembled, and suddenly, countless divine consciousnesses covered the sky like lightning.

"The whole army advances at full speed!" Meng Lianhu's eyes were red, his face was ferocious like a ghost, and his hair stood on end as he shouted at the top of his lungs: "All Class A sects! Open all the sect-protecting spiritual treasures!"

"Prepare for battle! Prepare for battle!! Activate the magic array! The entire Luosheng Tiandao army will guard both wings!! Activate the mountain protection array! Tiansheng Dao Tiansheng Guards will cover the rear!! Those who retreat will be killed!!"

It was in chaos!

But in this chaos, it was like a huge war machine moving, and everyone was a part of it.

Woo woo woo! The desolate horn sounded through the mountain top, and with the transmission of divine consciousness, countless flags waved. Kakaka! Thousands of black-armored knights riding on ten-meter monsters in front held double guns in their hands, and thousands of long snakes formed an indestructible embankment to block the tide of death. Swish swish swish! Tens of thousands of immortal-destroying crossbows were set up at the same time in the back, and countless streamers flew into the sky.

On the faces that were young to Xu Yangyi, there was anxiety, fear, and the terror of facing a life-and-death battle, but... there was no retreat!

A last-ditch fight!

This was a fight for survival.

This was a life-and-death struggle, with no winner or loser.


Above the clouds.

Compared to the scorching heat below, with thousands of beasts running wildly and the sky turning upside down, there was a peaceful scene here.

A deadly peace.

It was like the sea before a storm. Under the sea, a crazy wave was brewing, and no one knew when it would break out.

Fifty divine consciousnesses communicated quickly in the void, and time seemed to be stretched into a steel wire. Forty-nine holy spirits surged in their bodies, but they suppressed it tightly, staring at the man and the bird in the center with red eyes. If the other party made any unusual movements, they would save Xu Yangyi at all costs.

Swish... the majestic demonic energy directly hit Xu Yangyi, like a mountain or a sea, enough to scare any saint. Xu Yangyi's heart was beating like a drum, his clothes and hair were all flying back, almost to 90 degrees, but he still had a smile on his face.

Can't be impatient...

Even if time has begun to be counted in seconds and the guillotine of the gods has been pressed on his neck, he must not be impatient.

"Is it this?" He tried his best to make himself look non-hostile, and used the talisman to suppress his physical reaction to facing Taixu, took out a saintly flying sword he got from somewhere, and asked with a smile.

In his body, the Guangyao talisman was always in the open state.

Boom! !

In response to him, there was a sky-high flame. The woodpecker in front of him went from being suspicious and intimate at the beginning to looking at him coldly now. This time, he answered directly with flames.

It has begun to get impatient...

All the saints took a step forward silently, pinched the magic formula with their hands, and their eyes wavered between the huge gourd above their heads and this roadblock.

"Isn't it?" Smiling, still smiling, Xu Yangyi nodded, and his consciousness reached into the storage ring again, but the smile on his face suddenly froze.

There are not many things in the storage ring...

He has always focused on himself in his practice, and rarely relies on external things. Even if he slows down, the things in the storage ring are almost there. However... this is not enough!

A layer of cold sweat oozes out of his forehead. If he gives another twenty minutes, the things in the red line can be engraved, but the remaining things in the storage ring can only support ten minutes at most! In other words... the remaining ten minutes are a window period, and this window period...

It is very likely that this Taixu monster will be completely killed!

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in his consciousness: "Dad! It's not good!"

"What's going on?" His nerves immediately tensed up. This is his ultimate move, and there must be no problems!

"This, this is the bottom of the Yellow Spring Water!" Hong Xian's voice was extremely anxious and urgent: "My power has been suppressed by eight layers! Now I can't carve the area you want!"

"How big can it be!" Xu Yangyi's eyes were a little red, and he asked hurriedly.

"Ten meters..." Hong Xian gritted his teeth and said, "At most ten meters! No more!"

"Moreover, your requirement is to make it visible to all creatures like the bright moon, which is impossible now! I can only carve it on the barrier below! Even light is not allowed! These Yellow Spring Waters are too weird!"

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth fiercely, and his fists were clenched.

"Squeak!!" The next second, a sharp hissing came from the opposite side, obviously with great anger. The alien species has no intelligence, but it is not incapable of feeling. It thinks that this human is playing tricks on it.

It clearly feels that this human has something it needs, but the other party just doesn't take it out. It has to be said that the instinct of the beast is extremely sharp.

Not to mention the monster.

Boom! ! As it no longer concealed its tyranny, this roar set off a thousand-foot sea tide, and a strong wind suddenly rose. Xu Yangyi struggled to resist this overwhelming pressure. Even though he had seen Yawei alive, he was sweating all over at this moment.

Too strong...

Zunsheng and Taixu are not creatures of the same level at all. Not to mention, this is obviously not a normal Taixu.

His hesitation, uneasiness, and hidden tension, the other party responded with the same emotion.

"Boom..." After ten minutes, the woodpecker finally raised its claws in an extremely unkind manner and took a step forward, and the nearby sea surface rumbled. The eyes of the forty-nine saints flashed, and the magical powers in their hands were about to blast out!

"Stop!" Xu Yangyi's shout immediately rang in everyone's consciousness, and he took a deep breath and said, "We can't start a war..."

"We...are not the opponent of this monster."

"Even if it is, we can't fight!"

He looked at the sky with a veiled look: "Once it regards us as an enemy, it stops us here, and we will win. We...don't have time!"

"Bear...believe me, I'm fine. This Saint has seen too many big scenes!"

He put on a smile on his face again, as if he suddenly realized something, and immediately searched in the storage ring. The woodpecker's eyes were already extremely gloomy, staring at him.

One minute is one minute.

"Is it?" With his heart beating wildly, he didn't know what he took out. However, this time, what came towards him was a fierce pillar of fire!

The other party couldn't stand this provocation!

"Squeak!!" With the roar of the woodpecker, a speed that could not be seen by the eyes, pierced Xu Yangyi like lightning. At the same time, Xu Yangyi's figure suddenly changed, and the two of them moved almost at the same time and disappeared at the same time.

"You are looking for death!!" Tu Su Fangrong shouted loudly, like a horn of attack. With a rumble, the gates under his feet slowly opened, and the cavalry of the Yin spirits stepped on the long river of death, carrying the black fog of the underworld and rushing out. Ten thousand guns were raised, and the golden swords and iron horses rushed in all directions.

"Three flowers appear at the same time, and the golden lotus spits out pearls!" Master Baoxiang was also full of souls. With a wave of his long sleeves, the whole void was rootless and lotuses bloomed, blooming the divine light of the Buddha Kingdom and waving the sky.

Countless sea tides, flames, frost, trees... Forty-nine holy domains opened at the same time, rushing towards the place where Xu Yangyi disappeared like crazy.

They could not catch the opponent's movements at all, so they could only take this kind of surface defense. However, just after they appeared, countless domains were rumbling, like two invisible blue dragons fighting the sea, and the violent spiritual energy exploded instantly.


The sky was full of light, but there was no trace. Just when they were anxious, Xu Yangyi's figure suddenly appeared, as if he was in the eye of a storm, his clothes and hair flew all over, and there was a rustling sound. And almost at the same moment he appeared, the huge figure of the woodpecker behind him appeared at the same time.

It seemed to wrap him in the galaxy.

"Squeak!!" With an angry scream, its huge beak rushed directly towards Xu Yangyi's head!

It was too fast, and there was no way to react. Both reached sub-light speed, and all the saints suddenly opened their mouths, their eyes were about to burst, but even the sound was blocked in their throats.

However, the expected scene of blood and flesh flying did not appear.

Shua la la... A slight sound echoed in the space, drowned in the rain. Xu Yangyi was like mending the sky, his chest was panting sharply, his right hand was raised high, and in his hand was a page of paper.

At the moment this page appeared, countless golden words on it seemed to flow across the sea. The woodpecker's eyes suddenly lit up and burst into an earth-shaking roar. Behind Xu Yangyi, his wings spread out, and the starry sky was shining.

Destiny Code!

It was indeed it!

"Heh..." Xu Yangyi was sweating coldly. Yes, his speed was as fast as this monster, but... his spiritual power was insufficient.

He activated the Guangyao Talisman with all his strength, but his spiritual power was not enough to support it. In just thirty seconds, his meridians were already in danger. With a flash of inspiration, he suddenly remembered that the Destiny Code... was not "one" item.

It was a stack.

The woodpecker behind him was jubilant, but his consciousness did not dare to relax at all, and immediately said to Hongxian: "Is it not enough!"

"No... No... Dad, I can't do it..." Hongxian's voice choked up. It knew that Dad had told it that this blow was the real decisive blow, but it failed the other party's hope.

"Don't worry!" The situation was extremely urgent, and Xu Yangyi had already shouted in a low voice: "Right now, go... Fuck!!"

He didn't finish his words, because as the woodpecker screamed with joy, its neck stretched and retracted, and it stabbed Xu Yangyi at an unimaginable speed.

This was not a kill.

It was that the other party had no hands, and if he wanted to take this thing away, he had to skewer it with his beak. However, this ordinary idea was a disaster for the Venerable Saint.

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