
Chapter 1518: Heaven and earth are cruel, and all things are chess pieces (V)

Xu Yangyi's pupils flashed suddenly, and his body moved faster than his consciousness. The radiant talisman was fully opened, and the woodpecker pecked it all!

"Squeak." The woodpecker seemed to be stunned. He raised his head anxiously and looked around, and his eyes instantly locked on Xu Yangyi in mid-air.

"Do you want it?" Xu Yangyi's heart was also beating wildly, and it was difficult to get off the tiger. This was the real situation of riding a tiger and being unable to get off.

If you don't take this out, the woodpecker will probably go crazy. And when he took it out, the other party went crazy as well.

However, he had no choice.

Fifteen minutes... faster than I thought. In these last fifteen minutes... let everyone... bet on their lives.

Feed the wolf.

He has always been an opportunist, willing to gamble and fight. Feeding the wolf with his body, page after page of destiny codes... Let him personally use this hook to hang this monster!

"Squeak!" The woodpecker's voice lost its violence and was replaced by a kind of urgency. When it stretched its neck, there was another lightning that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Xu Yangyi's body was suddenly penetrated, and everyone screamed. Then, the other party's body disappeared like smoke.


A tamed beast with no killing intent, but a real phoenix trained. Even if the other person didn't want to kill him, he was still excited enough not to kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.

This is the absolute difference in power.

Dong Dong... When Xu Yangyi stepped out of the void, his face was already a little blue. He continued to use the Brilliance Talisman, and he didn't have much strength left. This was an overload of pressure. He took a few deep breaths, made a decisive decision, squeezed it with both hands, and turned the extremely precious Emperor Wa's rules into a ball of paper, and then suddenly threw it in a completely different direction from them.

It was so powerful that it became a shooting star.

"Red Line!!" He almost roared in his consciousness: " the people below immediately! You are on the barrier of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Zhengshen! You must contact them no matter what!"

"Okay!" Sensing the urgency of Xu Yangyi's voice, Hongxian said without any nonsense: "What should I do?"

"Let them..." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Try your best to attract the attention of the invisible god of death! You imitate my voice and consciousness. You are talented in illusion, you can do it!"

"Quick! No..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly stopped talking again. Hongxian didn't dare to ask at all. The god's guillotine was sharp and sharp. It was slow but never stopped and would not be stopped by anything. It was already... leaning on the back of their necks.

The speed of life and death.

Right in front of Xu Yangyi, the huge woodpecker seemed to have never left. It stood in front of Xu Yangyi again, holding a page of paper in its mouth.

The speed was too fast... Xu Yangyi suddenly realized that throwing it like this had no effect at all.

These actions may seem simple, but they are anything but. From the moment he starts acting to the time he throws the ball of paper, every action is immediate. There's no way to judge whether this is the best thing to do. Ninety-nine percent of ordinary monks and other humans cannot make such a decision. It is even more impossible to allow yourself to face a monster and always be in the center of the storm, but never be overwhelmed.

"Zhizhi?" The other party's murderous intention disappeared a lot, but his eyes became more urgent, and his huge head dangled in front of Xu Yangyi. Xu Yangyi pretended to be looking for it in the storage ring, his expression getting deeper and deeper.

Sometimes, people never know their potential unless they push themselves to the extreme.

He reached this point because he was pushed to the bottom line again and again, whether it was the Danxia Palace, the Tower of Babel, the War of All Realms, the Battle of the Abyss, the Pyramid of the Void... only then did he surpass himself again and again.

But now, he suddenly felt blessed.

All divine talismans have one usage and ten thousand uses.

"Do you want it?" His eyes flashed, he gritted his teeth and took out a large stack of destiny codes.

"Squeak...squeak!" Boom! This time, the woodpecker's excited emotions turned into ripples, and madness spread across the sea. However, taking advantage of this moment, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and shouted: "Go!!"

With this sound, all the destiny codes flew out with a swipe. At the same time, every piece of paper shone with golden light and was actually covered with brilliance talismans!

Unable to see, only the sound of sonic boom could be heard, and dozens of pieces of paper rushed in all directions at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. As soon as he finished speaking, the woodpecker screamed in anger but ecstasy and disappeared instantly.

The speed of light and the pursuit of light speed.

But... I have dozens of lights this time, it’s up to you to find them!

Of course, this is not over yet.

"Destroy." He breathed a long sigh of relief, and all the flying meteors disappeared at the same time. At this moment, they had scattered and flew tens of thousands of meters. However, with his voice, the radiant talisman disappeared again and fell into the bottom of the underworld.

At the speed of a woodpecker, it can be found before falling to the bottom of the water. However, as the radiant talisman disappeared, it was covered by the devouring talisman.

All the paper balls fell into the water completely disappearing.

Want it?

He heard a crazy scream coming from the space, but the woodpecker didn't come back. A smile finally appeared on his lips, and a huge stone fell to the ground in his heart.

If you want...then...just go to the underworld and look for a needle in a haystack!

At the same moment, all the saints moved together.

Even if everyone was not clear at first, they now fully understand what the rush means.

They knew that with the woodpecker's speed and strange magical powers, it would not be difficult to pick up all the paper.

But...before that, the road to hope finally gave way!

Without any nonsense, fifty figures turned into streams of light and rushed madly towards the gourd vine. The black clouds in the universe are still 200,000 meters away from the barrier of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Zhengshen. It can be said that it is beyond the sky. Even if you are a saint, it will take you 20 minutes.

One hundred and fifty thousand... one hundred and forty thousand... one hundred and thirty thousand!

120,000, 110,000, 100,000!

The distance is getting closer and closer, and everyone's heart is beating faster and faster. Zen Master Baoxiang has a ferocious face, wearing a cloak and rain, and prays desperately in his heart: "Buddha is above... Never let that monster come back again!"

"God opens his eyes, give us twenty minutes...just twenty minutes!" Tu Su Fangrong's sword was like a rainbow, speeding like lightning, and his eyes were red as he stared at the sky.

"Wait for me for twenty minutes, and I will worship you for ten thousand years in the future!!" Wang Bufa's beard and hair flew straight into the sky. The prayers echoed in everyone's hearts.

Ten minutes passed silently, and the group of people climbed up the magic vine like ants. At this moment, they had reached half the distance. However, at this moment, there was a sudden flicker in the sky. During the heavy rain, a long comet broke through the sky, like a tourist from the universe, heading straight towards this world.

"It's you..." Among the comets, the woodpecker wrapped in a cloak, after its appearance shattered, turned into a green light spirit body. He glanced at Xu Yangyi solemnly and said solemnly: "You can actually wake up my soul... little guy ...You really surprised me..."

"This is..." Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly, and the next second, the comet was incredibly fast and hit a certain place in the void with a bang. Immediately afterwards, a huge figure appeared in surprise.


It was hit by a comet!

"Zhizhi..." It wrapped its wings around its body, as if it was trembling, and the flames on its body became more and more intense. The next second, he suddenly opened his wings, his eyes glowed with light for tens of meters, and he roared towards the sky.


It's not like a bird at all, but... it's like a giant beast awakening from the long river of history!

boom! ! Endless flames engulfed the void, and the monstrous sea of ​​fire burned the entire sea of ​​underworld. The strong wind is blowing thousands of meters of waves, the sea of ​​fire is churning, and in the vast blue light, a huge figure is releasing extremely terrifying spiritual power, far more than the previous woodpecker!

"I really didn't expect that you could actually find the correct way to crack it..."

"It's a pity, let's stop here, mortal."


In the center of the Four Saints' formation, facing the mountain-like sea of ​​beasts outside, the middle-aged man's palm talisman's eyes were red, and he spit out a tiger talisman. The two tiger faces merged into one, and a bright golden light bloomed. This light is so vast that everyone can see it clearly.

"All sects listen to the order..." His voice echoed throughout the entire formation, like thunder: "Fellow Daoist Ben Lei is waiting for us on top of the clouds."

"The elders of our respective sects are waiting for us on top of the clouds."

"We are here... for the throne! For the five kings and two queens!!" He waved his hand fiercely, thousands of flags rolled up angrily, and he roared: "How can you be afraid in front of a group of beasts!"

"The ambition to stay in battle is to advance without retreating!!"

After a few seconds of silence, a Nascent Soul shouted: "Fight them!!"

"Fight! Either they retreat, or we attack!!" "Death for the five kings!" "Death for the sect!"

In three seconds, this mess of voices converged into a monstrous tide: "The ambition to stay in the enemy's battle is to advance without retreating!!"

One hundred thousand people roared in unison. This sound was like a shot in the arm. Although everyone's faces were still frightened and nervous, but with one hundred thousand people united, even sheep can become tigers!

Underneath the frightened face, the trembling hands were filled with bloodthirsty ferocity.

The middle-aged man took a deep breath. As long as we work together, we may not be able to overcome this beast wave. Just when he was about to say something. Suddenly, a powerful spiritual consciousness suddenly sounded in his mind.

"The treasure envoy of Wuxiang Temple, fellow Taoist Wuxu." He was stunned. This consciousness... was the Holy Lord Ben Lei! ?

Before he could speak, the other party's voice was very urgent: "We have received your request for help, but the situation above is by no means what you imagined, and is even more critical than below!"

Wuxu was stunned for a moment.

More dangerous than a million beasts? What happened above?

"I am not my own consciousness. It is conveyed through something. Look at the top of my head."

Although the situation was like a raging fire cooking oil, Xu Yangyi's voice still remained calm. Wuxu raised his head and saw a vast rain curtain above his head. The blue water was falling, and only the continuous heavy rain hit the formation, causing countless ripples.

have what?

He frowned deeply. It was dark and empty.

"Fellow Taoist, this..." Before he could finish his words, there was a sudden loud bang, thunder running away, and his pupils suddenly became sharp.

Saw it...

There is indeed something!

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