
Chapter 1519: Heaven and earth are cruel, and all things are chess pieces (VI)

Compared to the entire sky, this thing is very small, only about ten meters. It seems... a butterfly soul made of spiritual lines? What is it sketching?

Xu Yangyi's words were hurried, but every word was very clear: "What it is constructing is very important, but for some reason it cannot be seen by the creatures that should see it, so I have an important thing to ask you."

"Just follow my orders!" Wuxu bowed solemnly. As the treasure keeper of Wuxiang Temple, he was born and died here, and he had already made all preparations.

"Okay." Xu Yangyi's voice was extremely solemn, and he said word by word in his mind: "There are still ten minutes to form this picture. No matter what, you must let the invisible death god notice it and see it clearly! This is the only way to defeat this deadlock!"

Wuxu suddenly raised his head, his pupils contracted, and stared at the sky. His body was trembling slightly.

"Is this the only way?" Wuxu asked in a floating voice.

Xu Yangyi said in a decisive voice: "Yes, everyone's life and death depends on this thought."


After the last word fell, his voice suddenly disappeared. Wuxu gritted his teeth, his face changing.

Is it simple?

It's very simple, this request sounds very simple. However, the sky is vast, and the rain is pouring. Ten meters... just ten meters, there is no other strange phenomenon, how can the invisible death god see it!

There is only one way to let the other party see it.

Use yourself as bait.

Bring that terrible existence to the top of the cloud step by step.

However, now the beast tide is coming, the situation is already turbulent, if this peak of Taixu is added... he can't imagine it!

After a long time, he gritted his teeth and looked determined: "Open the formation...draw the swords!"

"Let these prehistoric natives see the strength of the Three Sects Alliance!" With his order, thousands of treasures rose into the air, and auspicious spirits filled the air. He waved his hand and shouted with all his strength: "Full speed ahead! Don't wait for anyone! Set off immediately!"

Woo woo woo! The sound of the horn blew the earth, and the layers of clouds above slowly dispersed. The four saints and four spirits were ready for battle in an instant. The alien species outside were about to take action, but they all screamed and flew into the sky.

Thousands of treasures shone together, thousands of swords stood in a row, and the killing intent was infinite.

The two sides' murderous eyes intertwined silently in the air, as if they could hear the clanging sound of swords and swords.

Hundreds of thousands of troops drew their swords together, and anyone who dared to provoke would be counterattacked with all their strength!

In this silent stalemate, the army advanced towards the top of the cloud in an orderly and rapid manner. Under the pouring rain of the Yellow Spring, every moment there were foundation-building cultivators screaming and falling behind, however, their sects and friends could only grit their teeth and try their best to keep up with the team.

No one dared to stop.

No one could stop.

At the moment when the army started, Wuxu quietly sent out a divine consciousness and flew directly to the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

Buzz... The void shook slightly, and the Supreme Elder of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect of the Yizhong Sect, a burly nine-foot-tall man quietly opened his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Wuxu, what's the matter?"

"Demon Fairy Guide..." Wuxu almost said these words from the gap between his teeth, and his voice was like a roar: "Give me the Demon Fairy Guide! Immediately!"

The man looked at the void in astonishment. Demon Fairy Guide is the trump card of all beast-controlling sects. This is the name of a medicine. Every beast-controlling sect has its own unique formula. It has no other effect, the only one...

is to make the monsters crazy!

This is also the best way for all beast-controlling sects to capture monsters.

"You..." The big man pondered, "How much do you want?"

"Five hundred tons." Wuxu's gnashing teeth could be heard even in his consciousness. At the same time, there was a kind of resoluteness, a kind of desperate struggle, a kind of jade-shattering and shattering.

"Are you crazy!?" The big man's voice suddenly rose, and several Yuanying around him immediately looked over respectfully. He stood up suddenly, lowered his voice and gritted his teeth and said: "Five hundred tons... The prehistoric alien species here will go crazy! Now they are crazy! Do you want to add fuel to the fire?!"

Silence, half a second later, Wuxu's voice calmed down: "This is not for them."

"Then you..." After saying two words, the big man's eyes suddenly straightened.

Not for them...

Five hundred tons...

"You..." He took a breath, his eyes red: "Do you want to kill everyone!"

To attack the demon king...

How audacious!

"This is the instruction from Fellow Daoist Ben Lei!!" Wuxu's voice suddenly rose: "There is a terrifying existence above the cloud top! I don't know what he is going to do, but he said that this is the only way to crack it! Why did we invest so much?! Do you want to die in the first level!?"

"Can't you see how terrible this level is?! Not to mention us, even the prehistoric demon king will die under this world-destroying punishment!"

Without speaking, the big man's facial features were cramping, and his lips were trembling nervously, crazy... too crazy! What exactly is Fellow Daoist Benlei going to do? Provoking the Taixu Demon King... The beast tide is coming soon, this... is simply courting death!

After struggling in terror and anxiety for a full minute, the big man waved his hand and flew out a storage ring, lowered his head and ground his teeth, and spurted out cold air from his teeth, and never spoke again.

The storage ring flashed in the void and disappeared without a trace. In the center of the formation, Xuwu opened his eyes at the same time, and his eyeballs were all red.

Holding a storage ring in his hand, he was already covered with cold sweat.

He did not speak, but looked up at the surrounding heavy rain and the vastness, and quickly moved towards the Yellow Springs and Milky Way spreading here, and said hoarsely: "The heaven and the earth are unkind, and treat all things like cud dogs."

When he lowered his head, his eyes were already filled with darkness, his consciousness spread rapidly, and he spoke hoarsely: "Everyone, the adults above are sending word that within ten minutes... we must attract the attention of the invisible demon king, and... lead it to the top of the sky. , Don’t ask me why, fellow Daoist Ben Lei just said to do this. I have already brought five hundred tons of demon nectar.”

Swishing, swishing, as soon as the spiritual consciousness was connected, all the saints' eyes flashed, and they gasped, and then, there was endless silence.

The words were brief, but the meaning behind them was chilling.

Five hundred tons of demon fairy bait... Facing a crazy Taixu peak demon king... This is simply feeding a tiger with one's body!

It takes ten minutes to reach the zenith. The army cannot do it, not to mention the dispatch and speed of 100,000 people, and there are hundreds of demon kings around. The only one who can do it... is the Saint!

One wrong step and your body and soul will be destroyed! And... under the pursuit of Taixu, not to mention the last five thousand meters, one thousand meters is as difficult as climbing to the sky!

"Are you...sure?" A voice spoke through grinding teeth, with extreme reluctance.

Everyone is waiting for the sweetness after Xu Yangyi ascends the throne. Who wants to taste the sweetness before the sweetness?

"I'm... sure!" Wuxu interlocked his teeth and said fiercely: "This envoy... will carry ten tons of demon immortal guide. Which fellow Taoist can participate in this grand event with me!"

No one spoke.

"That's all your loyalty to the sect?!" Wuxu shouted, his spiritual energy surged, and a voice suddenly rang out: "I'm just an envoy."

Meng Lianhu, the treasured envoy of a ten thousand-year-old family.

His expression was calm, and his emotions in his consciousness were indifferent: "We may not die. It's only five thousand meters. If we try our best, we still have a chance to survive."

Then, Ruo said meaningfully: "If you survive the catastrophe, this blessing...even if you don't do anything in the future, it will be enough."

"You can be considered an envoy." As soon as he finished speaking, a woman's voice answered with a long sigh.

After a few seconds of silence, there were no idiots here, and the interests were touching. After weighing them, several voices finally spoke up.

"I am considered one of you!" "I am willing to go."

After Wuxu calculated it, the ten sages nodded: "Okay."

"Come and gather in the center of the Four Saints and Four Spirits Formation. In two minutes... we will charge into the formation!!"

Time passed very quickly, two minutes flew by. In the center of the formation, ten Yin Lords looked as if they were dead, their chests rising and falling sharply, their eyes fixed on the sky.

Outside the Four-Ascension and Four-Spirit Formation, demonic aura soared into the sky, the horror of life and death, and the thorny hedgehog in front of them. The same anxiety, the same mentality of advancing without retreating are intertwined in the hearts of the ancient aliens. The world is unkind, and everything is a chess piece. The boundless terror has broken through the critical point of both sides. When they meet on a narrow road, the coward will die!

This fuse has reached its end and may explode at any time!

With the strong wind blowing across his ears, Wuxu took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said: "Open the formation."

"Sir..." The Nascent Souls around him had complicated expressions on their faces and hesitated to speak.

Once the formation is opened, this explosive barrel... will explode completely!

"Open the formation!!" Wuxu turned around suddenly, his anger could be bulging but not vented. He didn't know if he still had the courage after these few minutes.

"Yes..." Yuanying gritted his teeth and blew the horn ten meters behind him with all his strength. The war drums buzzed, the flags rolled angrily, and the murderous aura shot straight into the sky. He shouted with red eyes: "Open a mountain-protecting formation, and the entire army is on alert!"

"Power!" One person sang, thousands of people joined in, boom boom boom... A ray of light flashed in the void, and infinite talismans were rising and falling. In the eyes of the monk below who looked nervous and could not breathe, the four saints and four spirits formation roared and opened. .

Just a crack.

However, a strange fragrance suddenly came from this gap. In the sky and in the dark clouds, all the alien species hidden on the top of the mountain moved their noses. The next second, their eyes turned red.

Not far from the mountain, a bright moon suspended in the sky suddenly moved. A trace of dark pupils appeared, but he did not pursue him.

It was delicious.

But, it's not enough.

Boom boom boom... The gap is getting wider and wider, the fragrance is getting stronger and stronger, and the huge figure outside goes from uneasy, to commotion, to crazy, in just three seconds.

The heavy rain was mixed with chilling breaths, which became heavier and heavier. Finally, a nine-year-old baby screamed with its nine heads, and black clouds spread instantly. He grabbed toward the bottom like crazy.

"Roar!!" A Qiongqi's head shined with a single horn, and a flame protruded from its mouth. The sword of underworld and rain penetrated the sea of ​​fire, forming a bright world-destroying meteor shower. Fire rain fell in all directions in a radius of thousands of miles, and the scene was as beautiful as a dream.

What greeted them was an overwhelming sea of ​​silver light with no retreat, sword edge against sword edge!

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