
Chapter 1520: Driving the tiger to devour the wolf (I)

"Kill!!" Hundreds of thousands of shouts of killing were like thunder in the sky. This long-suppressed, patient battle between humans and beasts finally broke out. All the cultivators were eager to be the first.

"Shoot!" In front of the main body, a Yuanying opened his eyes wide and shouted with all his strength. His consciousness was like thunder, crossing the sky. However, what was more magnificent than the consciousness was that 30,000 immortal-destroying crossbows were launched at the same time! Arrows were like locusts, and the Milky Way rushed back! Thousands of silver lights rose from the ground, covering the new brilliance of the moon and the light of the stars. From a distance, only a silver light belt of tens of thousands of meters could be seen.

Puff! The fire rain meteors above and the Milky Way of Ten Thousand Arrows below collided instantly, and countless tiny ripples in the void emerged. The stars passing through the sky were like arrows, and the soul-spitting moon was like a bow!

In this life-and-death war, once they fought, there was no reservation. Endless brilliance shone in the sky, and the Milky Way and the fire meteors were annihilated at the same time.

"Roar!" Outside the formation, a huge figure in the black clouds in the sky pushed away the black fog, and opened his mouth like a demon god descending to the world and spit out a red ball. It grew against the wind, and in an instant it was ten meters, a hundred meters!

Five seconds later, it turned into a falling meteor with a radius of two hundred meters! It brought thunder and lightning to press down on the 100,000-strong army!

Demon pill!

The alien species didn't have any hidden magic. They were very strong... very strong, at the top of the food chain in the prehistoric world. Their bodies were extremely powerful, but they were facing humans with wisdom.

The densely packed magic weapons were waiting in formation, and they found it difficult to start. They were still hesitant and indecisive. However, this fragrance simply ignited the entire powder keg! It hooked their souls!

This demon pill seemed to have fired the first shot. In the void, Bifang's eyes were red, and with a resolute roar, his chest bulged three feet high. A golden-red demon pill, with flames all over the sky, burned the sky, and then pressed down.

But, you have Wu Gou, I have Tai A.

When the time comes, you need to be bold, and the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road!

Boom! !

The majestic spiritual pressure caused rocks to collapse and clouds to fall, and the waves to slap the table. In the four corners of the four saints and four spirits, the four saints' phantoms roared at the same time. Before the demon pills were exported, the consciousness of dozens of saints had already controlled the entire army.

Advance without retreat.

The only battle is!

In the Suzaku Saint Position, an old man in the middle stage of Yin Zun had his eyes about to burst. Facing the sky with a hundred suns shining together, his temples throbbing, his voice hoarse but orderly: "All the Yizhong sects! Open! Protect the sect's spiritual treasures!!"

The voice was like a yellow bell, and several talismans rose into the air. At the same time, in the center of the formation, ten saints who were armed to the teeth took a deep breath, and the voice of Wuxu, who was the leader, was trembling: "Ready..."

The ten monks squatted down together, like a charging cheetah, no one could see, and their beards and hair almost stood up.

Back like a bow, legs like strings, people like arrows.

Swish... Four talismans exploded in the void. In a sect ahead, an old man had a sharp gaze. When the talisman rose into the air, he waved his hand without hesitation: "Wuji Sect! Open the Three Corpses Soul-Fixing Coffin!"

"Yes!!" Right in front of him, three thousand monks half-knelt on the ground, with countless iron chains behind them pulling three hundred-meter coffins. With an order, the dark and gloomy aura spread like a mountain and a sea, and opened together. Three huge corpse puppets, with talismans all over their bodies, were tied to the coffins with chains, and opened their eyes at the same time.

In the southeast, a crane phantom soared into the sky, its wings spread like an autumn moon, and its arrow flew like a meteor to the ground. This world was instantly shrouded in a sea of ​​swords.

The Three Saints Sect's spiritual treasure, the Three Saints Crane Spirit.

Ten thousand swords returned to the sect, and the spiritual energy outside the body of all the demon pills trembled. Grade B is already a very high level in the Seven Realms. It is one of the trump cards of a sect. Facing more than a hundred saints, there is still room for strength.

If it can't do this, it doesn't deserve to be called a Class B sect.

In another sect, with thousands of people shouting in unison, a majestic golden sword, a hundred meters high, rushed into the sky. A shadow of a weapon spirit gathered in the air in the golden light and turned into a white-clothed swordsman with seven swords on his back. No moves were seen. All the virtual demon pills in the void were cut by seven swords, and then they shattered with a bang!

The Class B sect Seven Swords Sect, the spiritual treasure of the sect, the Seven Evils Immortal Sword.

In the northwest, an old woman waved her hand to unfold an ink painting, on which auspicious air penetrated the sky, auspicious clouds lingered, and thousands of golden lights burst out. She took a deep breath, and a flash of pain flashed on her face, and her face was extremely hideous: "Sacrifice the formation with blood!"

Puff puff puff! More than a dozen blood pillars in her sect rushed up instantly, without any hesitation, the scroll shone even brighter, and the impact of hundreds of demon pills was completely blocked by these sect-protecting spiritual treasures! A brilliant galaxy formed outside the formation, holding back hundreds of demon pills!

A rumbling sound resounded through the sky, and countless thunder and sky fires were exploding in the colorful galaxy every moment. As more and more sect-protecting spiritual treasures were opened, the spiritual energy became stronger and stronger. After a few seconds, there was a earth-shaking roar, and all the colors intertwined into a pure white sun, which exploded the sky with dozens of terrifying shock waves.

No sound.

The head-on killing moves of both sides were so loud that they were almost silent. One could only feel that the world was shaking, and the Yellow Spring water weighing more than ten thousand pounds was blown away from here in an instant, forming a terrifying vacuum zone.

All creatures closed their eyes, it was too strong, too brilliant, and too magnificent. This has exceeded the limit of what the cultivators can accept. But at this moment, the ten saints in the center of the formation turned into flowing light and charged forward!


"Roar!!" Outside the formation, more than a hundred angry roars resounded through the sky, and all the demon cores were shaken back, and their brilliance dimmed. The prehistoric alien species were still used to fighting alone, and they could not break in at all under the concerted efforts of the 100,000 troops!

The light was fleeting, and after opening their eyes, they did not continue to take action, but looked at the monks below in horror.

From the dim sum below, they felt a... scene of unity and unity.

Moose flock in groups, but tigers and leopards avoid them. The birds are flying in a row, but the eagles and eagles are not attacking!

Right now!

A fragrance far superior to the previous one soars into the sky! The smell was so strong that they immediately gave up this idea, their breathing suddenly became rapid, and hundreds of eyes stared at the surrounding scenery. The light dissipates, but the clouds remain. Surrounding them into a river of jade belts and clouds, the moment they looked over, plop! Ten figures chased the stars and the moon, breaking through the cloud river in the blink of an eye, and rushing into the sky with wisps of clouds and smoke.

He was stunned for only a second.

Intoxicated by this rich aroma, all the alien species took a deep breath. When they opened their eyes the next second, all reason disappeared from their eyes, and their blood-red eyes stared at the sky.

"Roar!!" Qiongqi roared crazily, his wings shook, and there was only a white mist in front of his eyes. Just behind it, there were snakes, winged birds, tengu... countless flying alien species, with desperate screams, all their spiritual power came out, and they rushed upward like crazy!

"Kill!!!" How can we let them catch up? Within the large formation, dozens of saints activated their spiritual consciousness together, their spiritual energy was like a tide, their precious light was like clouds, their crossbows were like blue waves swallowing the sun, and their arrows were flying like lightning and flying in the wind. He firmly blocked the more than a hundred alien species below and did not take a step beyond the thunder pool.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!!" Their actions were like touching dragon scales, and countless alien eyes turned green. Are they still in the mood to "take care" of these 100,000 troops? The stimulation of the instincts in their lives by Yaoxianyin has reached the extreme! No one wants to break through this obstacle and catch up with the little snacks in front.

Desire, rage, murderous intent, and fury can all be clearly felt even through the light curtain. Inside and outside the formation, there is a thin line between them. However, at this moment, the monk at the front was stunned, his lips trembling: "Sir, sir..."

Before he could finish speaking, a strong wind blew behind him, and the sage holding the formation suddenly rushed in front of him, pushing aside the crowd and staring straight ahead.

"How could it be like this..." He was sluggish, and then his body began to tremble, which was the coldness spreading from his bones. After a few seconds, he suddenly turned around and shouted with all his strength: "The highest level of security in the entire army!! The entire army is on alert! The entire army is on alert!!"

Just ahead, a black cloud, endless, rushed over crazily with the fear of being expelled by death.

The roar penetrated the depths of the night. The wings cut through the dead silence of Huangquan, like the gate of hell opening, a hundred ghosts walking at night, the second wave of beasts... has arrived!

"Dede, dede..." I don't know which golden elixir it was, and the teeth made a clicking sound. In all directions, there are red, forest green, and pale eyes like the silent god of death, looking out in the dark night. As the thunder rumbled and flashed, the electric dragon swam away, reflecting its body as big as a hill, and the continuous Huangquan Falls like the death's sickle behind it.

At least four to five hundred...a suffocating number.

"Hold...Hold." The voice of the saint in front trembled slightly, and he suddenly turned around and shouted: "Hold the line!! The whole army retreats!!!"

"Go to Genting at full speed! The formation must not be broken up! All..."

What responded to him was a moment of silence.

The loud voice was heard. At this moment, all the voices were wiped out. Greed completely tore the battle line of reason. More than 400 ancient alien species took action at the same time. Along with the crazy roar, whoever stops me will die, hundreds of magical powers suddenly fell on Si Sheng. Above the Four Spirit Formation, a colorful shock wave rushed out from the mountainside like ripples, passing tens of thousands of meters in an instant.

boom! !

The formation let out a continuous wail, and the ground trembled like a magnitude 10 earthquake. All shouts were drowned by this terrifying shock. Countless monks shouted angrily and tried their best to resist. With roaring mouths, ferocious faces, and veins beating on the foreheads, all the saints tried their best to convey their spiritual consciousness to all directions.

Boom...boom boom! Twelve consecutive layers of shock waves suddenly appeared, turning this mountain into a holy mountain of darkness and the top of light. Hundreds of roars shook the torrential rain. However, after the brilliance stopped, the formation shakily shone brightly again.

Not broken!

The formation is not broken!

Under the large formation, at least thousands of people vomited blood and tens of thousands of people were lying crookedly. However, everyone tried their best to inject spiritual power into the large formation crazily. Their faces were red and their chests were heaving like bellows. More than 400 ancient alien species joined forces to attack, and they have surpassed Taixu!

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