
Chapter 1521: Driving the tiger to devour the wolf (Part 2)

The violent shock wave made everyone in the formation unstable. However, before they could rest, the second wave of attacks from the frantic beast tide arrived in an instant. One after another, the innate magical powers condensed outside the alien body, but in an instant, a splendid sea of ​​magical powers had formed around it.


But it was powerful enough to break ten skills with one force.

"Start the formation! Block it!" "Stand up! Do you want to die!" "Try your best! Block the next attack! All cultivators open the sect's spiritual treasures!"

The loud shouts that came one after another hit everyone like whips. At this moment, a terrified voice rang out: "My lord... My lord!"

"The White Tiger Formation... has cracks..."

A moment of dead silence.

All the saints had unbelievable looks on their faces. They suddenly realized that even if they had overestimated the prehistoric alien species enough, it was still not enough for the crisis brought by the terror of life and death.

That's a monster from mythology... It's the master of the prehistoric world that has dominated for several epochs and survived under the law of the jungle where the strong prey on the weak...

"No matter what! Even if it costs my life! We must hold on to this wave!" An elder of Tianjian Villa shouted with eyes wide open: "We must not be dispersed by them! Hold on to this wave, we still have the strength to fight!"

"How long will it take?" Just as the voice fell, a cold voice appeared in his consciousness. He didn't even think about it and immediately answered: "Twenty seconds!"

"Our previous estimate was wrong! But now it only takes twenty seconds! This old man..." He gritted his teeth and looked at the sky: "Let them see what the Three Sects Alliance is!"

As soon as the voice fell, he was stunned. Who is this? However, before he could react, a red cloud gushed out from among the 100,000 cultivators. Several alien species in the front were stunned for a moment, and then they let out a painful roar.

Like smoke, like clouds, but with bloodthirsty madness. Red clouds are like rain, and life will fall after the rain. After it passed, a hundred-meter-long alien species suddenly turned into skin and bones, falling to the ground silently.

Everyone was stunned. At this moment, there was a buzzing sound of wings flapping, and the red cloud suddenly turned into countless bats, spreading across the void like a tornado. A voice came from the cloud, extremely cold: "Your blood... is really disgusting and makes people vomit..."


Thousands of high-level vampires wearing black robes and pale faces were reflected in the void, standing proudly in the void, with abnormal red light flashing in their eyes, and huge spiritual energy covering the sky.

The leader was a female vampire, with red light in her eyes at this moment, and her canine teeth had extended beyond her lips. Thousands of vampires lay on the ground like predatory beasts. The female vampire licked her lips and looked at the mountain-like black shadows in all directions without fear: "You should really be grateful that you can let the top forces of the seven realms take action."

Class A forces, the source blood realm longevity guards! Blood ancestor guards!

Boom! !

Before they could finish, 100,000 monks separated, like Moses splitting water, thousands of monsters roared to the sky, and a row of black torrents of steel guards stepped on the clouds. Their faces could not be seen, only the bloody light flashing on their spears. Facing the saints who were as big as mountains and seas, the fighting spirit rushed to the sky.

Uniform and murderous. Like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

Sha... The leading iron cavalry raised the spear in his right hand and swept it in front of him in a rebellious manner, with a hoarse voice: "A-level forces, ten thousand years of change, the iron tiger Liancheng army of the Meng family, a family handed down from generation to generation. Who will die?"

"Awe!!" Thousands of people behind him were like one person, shaking the sky, fighting in all directions at night.

"The top army that built an iron bucket for the Meng family back then?!" The eyes of all the saints lit up at the same time, yes... they still have A-level forces! These are all the imperial guards of a dynasty! What is there to be afraid of? !

"Repair the position immediately!" Orders were immediately delivered quickly, seizing every moment.

However, this is not the end.

The Three Sects Alliance can gain a place on the top stage of the Seven Realms. Even if its strength is not as strong as that of the Ten Thousand Snakes Palace, it is still extraordinary!

"Dang..." With the sound of a bowl, a uniform "Amitabha" sound, three thousand monks with golden skin stepped on the flying clouds and flew into the air, their faces calm, facing killing and greed, but they were neither happy nor sad, fearless and fearless.

A-level force, ten thousand years of change, the three thousand Wuxiang bronze men of the Wuxiang Temple, a family handed down from generation to generation.

A gloomy wind lingered, as if ghosts came out of the world, in a moment, thousands of ghost-like figures, holding soul-calling flags, soul-calling bells in their left hands, and other armies formed a line of dams, defending the 100,000 troops.

A-level force, six thousand Yin ghosts of the Wuxiang Yinhuo Dao.

There were more and more streams of light. In just one minute, all the Class A forces of the three sects alliances took action, representing the peak of the seven realms, representing the glory and splendor of the ten thousand year family. Most of the killing machines that could only be heard in legends showed their true appearance in the Yellow Spring Sea.

Tiger versus dragon.

Eagle versus sky snake!

The majestic killing intent purple air dry star, twenty seconds passed in a flash during the confrontation, and the just dimmed big formation burst into brilliant light again. At the same time, hundreds of sect guardian spiritual treasures were completely unsealed.

The sky was bright, and the treasure refining was across the sky.

A phantom of Tathagata covered thousands of miles, and another six-armed Asura flew into the air, and there was a sword box, bursting out millions of cold rays. In an instant, the sky was covered with silver flowers, the star bridge iron lock opened, and the jade bucket was angrily hit and the clear snow was turned over, and the golden wheel was bravely stepped on to thunder. A long river of precious light formed on the hillside, the undefeated Great Wall!

"You are just a flat-haired beast, how dare you bully the Three Sects Alliance!" "Haha, our sect's spiritual treasure has not drunk blood for tens of thousands of years, and today I'm going to kill you." "I'm curious, have you ever fought against the unsealed treasure!"

The brave wins when two meet on a narrow road! Since all the sects of the Three Sects Alliance have revealed their trump cards, how can we stop?

The killing has begun, so let's kill until the mountains and rivers change color and the sun and moon lose their light!

The hot breaths of both sides made this rainy night of killing boil, and the eyes of humans and beasts faced each other from a distance. Three seconds, five seconds, ten seconds later, with the roars of both sides shaking the sky, humans and alien species finally started a life-and-death battle on this vast land.

"Roar!!" Hundreds of beasts ran wildly, stomping on the sky and shaking the earth. What greeted them was the "Kill!" sound that shook the sky and shocked the four fields.

Boom! ! Blood and spiritual light suddenly turned into a sea tide, and the top of light exploded with fire and silver flowers. It was hard to tell whether it was a human or an animal, or an animal or a human. Every moment, a large amount of blood fell with the rainstorm, sank into the soil, and turned into the underworld.

"Damn it!" At the front, ten monks with heavy responsibilities heard the shouts and killings below, and the terrifying spiritual power raised a sea tide. Everyone's face was hideous.

However, they did not look back.

Knowing that the blood behind them had flowed like a river, they could not do it. They were afraid, afraid that this look would make them loosen their breath, afraid that this look would make them feel timid.

"How is it?! Did it move!" Wuxu shouted with all his strength to cover up his cowardice with a loud shout.

"No!" The nine saints looked around vigilantly, but the moon was still the moon. It was on the other side of the mountain, looking elegantly at the flesh and blood mill between heaven and earth.

"How could this happen?" Wuxu gritted his teeth. Now he was only two kilometers away from the cloud-top talisman. The opponent's atlas was basically formed and blurry, but the invisible death god was motionless!

"Is it not enough?" The woman treasure master suddenly had an idea and shouted, "Who still has the demon fairy guide?!"

"Me!" Wuxu's eyes turned red, and his heart was full of mixed feelings. As a treasure master, he was the least likely to die, because only they could exert the power of Taixu for a moment. He didn't want to die, but now he knew that he had to be the bait!

"Protect me." He took a deep breath, tried to calm down, and suddenly crushed the storage ring.

Five hundred tons of demon fairy guide, each of them only used ten tons, and he still had... a full four hundred tons!

This was to prevent too many obstacles when rushing out, and to leave a glimmer of hope for himself to survive, but now there was no reservation.

Time, fate, momentum, and luck.

Swish! A hazy white mist enveloped the whole body, and the unique smell of the demon fairy was so strong that it made the space difficult to breathe. At this time, the "moon," who had been interested in it, suddenly shrank into a needle-like pupil. The next second, a terrifying and unimaginable spiritual pressure spread across the sky.

It's coming.

The heartbeats of the ten saints seemed to stop. Like dead leaves in a storm, they couldn't even keep their bodies stable!

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Everyone burst into a hoarse cry. The great terror between life and death completely broke the nerves called reason. They all burned their lifespans and rushed up madly.

"Protect me!" Wuxu's voice was hoarse, staring at the sky, where the red line was drawing the last stroke.

He vaguely saw that it seemed to be a snake.

"Roar!!!" A roar that shook the world suddenly resounded through the world. This sound was so huge that it was simply the only sound that surpassed everything. It was so majestic, like the sound of a bell, and the sky was overturned.


A gust of wind blew past their ears, and before they could see clearly, a huge spiritual power came on the cloud, as if opening the gate of hell from the side. Their clothes and hair were blown up, and the bright moon appeared on their right in an instant at an extremely fast speed!

"Go!" At this desperate speed, the woman let out a long whistle and flew towards the huge bright moon.

During the flight, she stretched out her hand and wiped it, and a green crack appeared in the void, and a long sword with an ancient shape and made entirely of trees appeared in her hand. The moment she caught it, her face became younger and younger, and finally became a young girl in her prime.

"Virtual treasure, longevity sword." With her sleeves fluttering, she pointed her long sword at Mingyue. The huge spiritual pressure and fear made her body tremble slightly, but she still gritted her teeth and said, "Mandala Potianxian Sect, the treasure holder Geng Jiu greets you!"


Mingyue stopped.

As if surprised that such a saint raised a sword to it. But she did not hesitate, because the intense fragrance in front of her had already aroused every nerve in her.

"Reincarnation...Illusion..." In the void, a gust of wind suddenly hung, as if an invisible hand grabbed it, and a vague syllable shook the whole field.

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