
Chapter 1522: Driving the tiger to devour the wolf (Part 3)

The void on all sides was pressing madly and changing rapidly. Geng Jiu seemed to see the reincarnation of eternity, the bright moon on the spring river, and the rising tide of the blue sea.

Time seemed to stop at this moment. Her expression had become blurred. The Venerable Saint and the Treasure Master above her head seemed to be shouting something, but it didn't matter. Her heart became calm, and she even smiled in this life-and-death battle, reaching out to touch the surrounding skylight.

"Go!" Two thousand meters above her head, Wuxu bit his lip and turned his head fiercely. There is no hope... How can there be hope in fighting a monster of this level? Geng Jiu could only delay a little time at most. All they could do was cherish this opportunity and rush to the top of the head.

No one objected. The pressure brought by this monster was too great. Nine streams of light rushed straight into the sky. At the same time, a green light suddenly bloomed below them.

Boom! !

The green light was like a storm hitting the shore, and the illusions on all sides were shattered layer by layer. In the light, Geng Jiu was like a fairy with flying clothes, and a spiritual energy of the same Taixu burst out from his body.

The treasure in his hand makes Taixu!

The moon wheel in the void was slightly stunned. It didn't expect that the other party could do this. It didn't want to get entangled with this creature.

The smell above... It's so strong that it makes my heart beat...

"Squeak!!" With a sharp sound, the rain of Huangquan in all directions shook together, as if time stopped, and the huge demon body of Nanhua Butterfly Mother rushed towards the top of the head, but at the same time, Geng Jiu shouted loudly, and countless tree roots grew on the Changsheng Sword, dancing like a mad dragon out of the sea. In an instant, it actually formed a huge hollow sphere of vines in a radius of thousands of miles.

Swish... The setting sun and the white clouds flew together, and the autumn water was the same color as the sky and the earth. The Changsheng Sword shone with a thousand feet of green light in the light and fell into a white jade-like hand. The sleeves fluttered, the black hair flew, and thousands of golden runes appeared under the skin, as if a banished immortal had descended.

"Want to leave?" The tip of the sword pointed directly at the head of the South China Butterfly Mother, but the hand holding the Changsheng Sword was trembling slightly, and blue veins were showing.

During the period of the Venerable Saint, I only felt that the other party was terrible, and there was no word to describe it, just the word terrible. But when I arrived at Taixu, that clear pressure came back like a tidal wave, and I realized how terrible the other party was.

That was the grandeur and greatness that the ocean sighed. Even if she temporarily reached Taixu, it would be difficult to match it.

A lofty mountain to look up to.

"Then get past me first!" She used all her strength to shout to dispel the fear in her heart. Her figure soared into the sky, rising from the clouds. A flower bloomed among the trees, and then hundreds of flowers bloomed. Millions of flowers bloomed, swaying the world. She waved her long sword: "Domain... All things bloom!"

"Chiu!" With a clear cry, a vast typhoon suddenly blew up from the center of the sphere. The phantom of the blue phoenix rose with the wind, and the wind and smoke were clear. The mountains and rivers were the same color, and the wind was like a blade and the flowers were like knives. Infinite shadows passed by with the wind, and three thousand lights flashed, becoming the terrifying sun in the dark night, and the only sun.

The blue sun shone everywhere, standing on the top of the light. With this strike, she had already slashed out her highest level in the midst of fear.

Wood is the wind of death, and flowers are the sword of extinction.

At this moment, the bright moon turned around.

Just so calmly, indifferently, without a trace of fireworks, watching this gorgeous storm of falling leaves and flying flowers like watching a show. At the moment when the storm approached it, time seemed to stop for a second, and a hoarse voice came from the void: "Jin...Se...Miying..."

At the moment when the four words fell, all the branches and vines of the Eight Desolations and Six Directions collapsed at the same time, piercing into Geng Jiu's body like a sharp sword. Geng Jiu showed an incredible look in his eyes, and in the blink of an eye, his soul collapsed!

Boom! !

The huge red spider lily bloomed in the world in an instant. The Qingyang rising just now seemed like a joke, without any sign, and the connection between life and death was so natural. The layers of petals stretched out, like the blue clouds in the sea, like the feathers hanging from the sky. Layer after layer of falling fragrance was revealed, beautiful and magnificent.

"Damn it!" Wuxu and others above had red eyes and electric scalps. They never thought that a treasure master could not even take a move after becoming too empty, and was directly wiped out!

"Too strong..." Wuxu's eyes were red. From Geng Jiu's attack to his death, it seemed slow but actually fast. In fact, it was only five seconds, and they were only the last hundred meters away from the zenith atlas.

I couldn't hear anything.

I couldn't see anything.

He used all his strength and rushed forward. He felt that his legs didn't belong to him. The spiritual energy roared in his blood vessels as if it was boiling. His face aged rapidly, which was the appearance of excessive burning of life. However, the ten-meter-high zenith was the only thing left in his eyes.

At the same time, there was a loud noise, as if the sky was flowing backwards. Wuxu's beard, hair and robes flew straight up, and his twisted face suddenly froze.

Above his head, in the heavy rain, a bright moon stared at him like the god of death.

The spiritual pressure was everywhere, and the killing intent was following him. He suddenly felt like a rabbit standing in front of a prehistoric monster. The terrifying spiritual pressure from all directions almost suffocated him.

"Ha..." He covered his chest, shivering as if he was about to kneel down. At this moment, all thoughts disappeared, leaving only fear, pure fear.

Fear led to panic, and panic led to worship.

Am I... going to die?

He knelt down in the void with a thud, but at this moment! A loud shout like thunder and lightning suddenly pierced his chaotic mind.

"Charge!!" "What are you waiting for, fellow Daoist!!" "One hundred thousand lives, the throne of the Five Kings! Are they going to be handed over to you!?" "Don't let me down... Kill!!"

Thunderbolt filled his ears, and he trembled all over, with a little gleam in his eyes. He tried his best, roared meaninglessly, danced like a puppet, and rushed madly to the last hundred meters.


He didn't see that at this moment, Meng Lianhu and the three Yin Zuns looked up to the sky and roared, and rushed towards Mingyue without hesitation.

Sometimes, you know you don't want to do it. The blood in your heart rushed straight to your head.

There are things you should do and things you shouldn't do. This is not Xu Yangyi's patent. In the life of a cultivator, there are always many choices that you can't think of. Brilliant as summer flowers, dazzling as autumn leaves.

"Xu Xiang Bao... Zhenling Fan! Open!!" Meng Lianhu's eyes were red, and he shouted hoarsely to attract the attention of the Butterfly Mother. Layers of talismans spread in the void, and were constructed into runes in the colorful shock wave. More black talismans emerged from under his skin, and his spiritual power rose steadily. Venerable Saint Late Stage, Great Perfection, Half Step Taixu... Early Taixu!

He grabbed the fan, his face was so ferocious that he dared not look at it, and he fanned it fiercely towards the eight wastelands and six directions!

He fanned the moon's gaze and took away his only chance to escape.


The wind blew the mountains and rivers!

Wuxu could not see or hear all this. The extreme fear and immense pressure made him have only one goal in his mind. He seemed to hear the screams below, and seemed to feel the explosion of spiritual energy in this space. He didn't know when his hand had touched the sky.

It was touching the atlas.

"Heh..." A feeling of returning to the soul came, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and his five senses finally slowly recovered their functions, his heart was still beating wildly, at this moment, he suddenly paused.

"Slurp..." A sound of swallowing saliva like thunder came from behind him, and he stood there with his right hand raised as if he had been electrocuted.

Other... people?

He couldn't feel it, and his spiritual sense passed through, only his spiritual energy.

The air was full of blood, he couldn't believe it, what kind of monster was this? Spiritual power of 1.1 billion? 1.2 billion? All the treasures that have been transformed into the Great Void cannot last more than three seconds?

The feeling called despair filled his heart.

Perhaps the river of life and death has reached its end, and time seems to have slowed down. He saw his hands again. Originally in his prime, his hands were full of muscles, but now they were full of wrinkles, black and dazzling age spots were everywhere, and he was as thin as a stick.

Brush... The breeze blew his pale hair, and his eyes froze, and then he smiled.

He used all his strength to suddenly inject the remaining spiritual power into the atlas above his head.

The atlas flashed lightly, as if it was brewing, and it became brighter little by little. Sprinkling strands of brilliance.

Under the radiant light, he saw... Behind him, a huge figure like a butterfly was spreading the wings of the god of death under the spiritual light.

"Roar!!" A roar shocked the void, with the ecstasy of delicious food in his mouth. At the same time, the monks below were completely sluggish, and everyone looked up at the same time, looking at... a full ten red spider lilies in the air in amazement.

From low to high, the petals slowly opened, and the breath of the fallen saint was extremely clear.

No one survived.

"Heh..." In the dead silence, a saint closed his eyes, stretched out his hands painfully and sank into his hair: "Daozu..."

The last treasure keeper of the Three Sects Alliance trembled his lips, opened slightly, stepped back several steps, and looked at the huge monster flying in the air: "Two treasure keeper, eight saints... all fell in this short five thousand meters... Is this... a world of great struggle? Or the abyss of death?"

Several elders of Tianjian Villa stared at the sky, too shocked, one flower per second, ten red spider lilies formed a road to the sky, blooming the splendor of death. These lights projected on their faces, reflecting only boundless despair.

Swish... Silently, shining in the wilderness, ten red spider lilies opened together, the bright light passed through the rainstorm, through the Yellow Spring Waterfall, but could not light the fire of hope.

The beasts were blocking the way all around, and the death god was coming overhead. The difficulty beyond imagination had almost made them lose control of their emotions.

"Young Sect Master... we did what you wanted with all our strength..." The elder closed his eyes: "What are you doing? Can you really... lead us out of the first level?"

Countless eyes stared at the sky above their heads, praying desperately in their hearts. Above the cloud top was their last hope.

Just as the 100,000 troops looked at the sky in despair, suddenly, everyone's pupils jumped, and a bright moon suddenly appeared in their vision.

No words were spoken.

The huge fear made them know that speaking was useless.

Young and tender hands clenched the magic weapons in their hands, and the faces of men and women were covered with blood, but they gritted their teeth in the endless terror.

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