
Chapter 1523: Driving the tiger to devour the wolf (IV)

No one shouted to defend against the enemy, but all the magic arrays lit up at the same time.

No one shouted to kill, but the spiritual energy of every cultivator surged to the peak.

Outside the formation, the Yuanxuejie Changshengwei, Yin Gui, Meng Family Knights, and all the top armies of the A-class forces all stared at the demon in the air, and even stopped breathing.

The killing intent was like mercury, and the terror was pervasive.

All the beasts around retreated silently like crazy at this moment. There was only the rustling sound of the rain washing away the blood between heaven and earth.

They were waiting for the king to eat.

"Roar!!!" Above the nine heavens, the mother butterfly showed her power, and the visible sound wave blew away the Yellow Spring Rain within a radius of ten thousand meters. The next second, it screamed and rushed down.

Boom boom boom... All the cultivators' faces were distorted and trembling. This feeling... was like facing the impact of the plane directly, and there was no escape at all.

"Kill..." Under the huge pressure, the skin on everyone's face undulated slightly like waves. A saint finally suppressed a trace of fear in his heart and shouted with all his strength: "Kill!!"

"Those who follow the will of heaven are mediocre, those who go against the will of heaven are powerful!!"

Swish! ! Countless magic weapons silently pointed at the sky. The teeth of the 100,000 troops were almost bleeding, and their pupils shrank into needles. However, at this moment, the falling Nanhua Butterfly Mother suddenly stopped. The speed was too fast, bringing up a raging wind, blowing the Four Saints and Four Spirits magic array flickering.

Dongdong... Heartbeats like drums, young and old monks desperately looked at the moon. The other party was also looking at them, as cold as the god of death. One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Time seemed to stop, and everyone saw that in the sky... a ten-meter-sized talisman was bursting with brilliant light. Project the pattern in the atlas on the entire mountain.

The ten-meter-long atlas, projected from the distant nine heavens, is a phantom of tens of thousands of meters.

These lights have no power, they are the fire of life of Wuxu.

Swish... The light is getting brighter and brighter. For a full twenty seconds, there was a dead silence like hell. The Butterfly Mother suddenly raised her head and burst into a deafening scream that was far beyond the previous one. Then, she stared at the top and flew straight into the sky at a speed that was countless times faster than before!

Entered the Supreme Heavenly Dao Righteous God's barrier.

Entered the Yellow Spring Sea.

Whether it was the cultivators or the creatures, they were all stunned.

They couldn't see it completely, so no one knew that what was printed on the entire mountain at this moment was a creature with a human body and a snake tail!

The hands were holding up the sky, and the tail was coiled on the ground. It was obviously just a pattern, but it brought people deep awe. Majesty is unparalleled.


Above the zenith, the fire was also boiling.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" With the roar of the woodpecker, the green light fell on the body, and with a loud bang, the raging sea of ​​fire rose up, and the entire Yellow Spring Sea within a radius of ten thousand miles instantly set off a thousand-foot-high wave of fire.

With a sizzling sound of burning, endless smoke and clouds covered the sea, forming a vast cloud cave at the top of the sky. It was so dark that you couldn't see your hand in front of you. It was like the courtyard of the gods.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi raised his hand solemnly, the smoke in front of him became thicker and thicker, and he could feel a strong resistance when he gently brushed his hand.

"Don't move!" He immediately sent out his spiritual sense, staring at the center of the cloud and smoke, gritting his teeth and saying, "These fires... are not simple."

"Indeed." Master Baoxiang gritted his teeth and said, "This is the cloud of the Yellow Spring Water that has evaporated. Everyone... We have been here for nearly three hours. Everyone should know what the Yellow Spring Water is."

No one spoke. The sea of ​​fog was vast. No one could have thought that the Yellow Spring Water would actually evaporate, but this was no longer important. In the thick sea of ​​fog, a heart-shaking aura was leaking out like mercury.

Fifty people stood back to back, and the invisible terror made people feel cold in their backs. Suddenly, the entire sea of ​​fog seemed to shrink, and then slowly opened up, circulating endlessly, as if... a living organ.

This is breathing...

Everyone looked at each other, with only incomparable solemnity in their eyes.

"What a monster... breathing actually makes the fog of the Yellow Spring Sea tremble!" The old ancestor Yinfeng gritted his teeth and said, "It... has evolved to the peak."

This is an affirmative sentence.

Even though they were separated by a thick sea of ​​fog, they could still feel the overwhelming spiritual power, which was like the spirit power of thousands of ghosts being released from their cages, at least more than 900 million!

No one answered. For a long time, Xu Yangyi's face was as gloomy as water. Every minute and every second of time was calculated in their hearts. There was only one hour and twenty minutes left. How to break this situation?

"Boom..." At this moment, a muffled thunder sounded in the sea of ​​fog. Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then their hearts suddenly chilled.

The barrier of the Supreme Heavenly Dao God began to collapse.

The great destruction of the world and the fall of the prehistoric world began. Although they could not see everything clearly through the thick sea of ​​fog, it was like the death knell of the god of death.

All eyes looked at Xu Yangyi, nervous, anxious, and anxious. The noose of the gods was finally tightened. The death sentence was neither slow nor fast, but it was irresistible. No one could calm down.

"You know what?" At this moment, a calm, somewhat strange voice resounded around: "This place, the first level is the most difficult."

"Because, this is a series of myths. And the first myth is the beginning of everything. As long as you understand what it is and follow the meridians, the hope of surviving the next few levels is not dead."

Hua La La! !

The Milky Way fell from the sky, and the sound of the waterfall running through the world gradually came from far away. There was also a loud rumble of something falling heavily into the water. A huge black shadow, like a hill, hundreds of meters high, appeared at the end of the fog.

"Who are you?" Xu Yangyi asked in a deep voice.

"Hehe... We are the sons of the Heavenly Dao, the place loved by all the rules of the Seven Realms... But it doesn't matter. I have a suggestion, I hope you will consider it carefully."

Swish! As the voice fell, the entire sea of ​​fog exploded, and this sea of ​​fog on the top of the sky suddenly became a circle... the equator!

It was the equator, surrounding the entire prehistoric world, forming a jade belt of clouds and rain on the Supreme Heavenly Dao God barrier. I don't know how high it is, I don't know how big it is, I can only feel the vastness and solemnity of the majestic universe.

"My... God..." Wang Bufa took a breath, not only him, but everyone looked around in disbelief.

At this moment, they clearly knew what the so-called world destruction was.

The prehistoric world, the barrier of the Supreme God of Heaven, and the Yellow Spring Sea, the three are like eggshells, egg whites, and egg yolks, wrapped layer by layer. The barrier withstood the crushing of the Yellow Spring rainstorm, but... the barrier could not be eliminated. More and more Yellow Spring rain formed the Yellow Spring Sea, and the woodpecker pecked the sky. The world at this moment...

The barrier was covered with terrible cracks, countless golden runes shone on the seabed, and a thousand-meter-high glow shone from the turbid Yellow Spring Sea. It was flickering all the time. These cracks were like bottomless gullies in the sea, and countless Yellow Spring Seas invaded with a bang. With the collapse of the barrier, these gullies became more and more numerous and larger! At every moment, a large area was completely swallowed by the gullies, sinking with a bang, stirring up a tsunami of thousands of feet, and turning into huge black holes one after another.

It seemed that... the world was made up of pieces of puzzles, and now all the puzzles were gradually disappearing.

Tsunamis, storms, heavy rains, and a collapsing world, everything is breathtaking.

"Squeak!" At this moment, the phoenix in the sky rang, and thousands of dark yellow lights fell on the world, like a bright sun rising in a rainstorm, and the suffocating spiritual energy fell from the sky, like a surging sea tide and the collapse of Mount Tai. With the majestic majesty of the lofty heights, it overwhelmed the heavens.

Boom! ! All the spiritual powers of the cultivators burst out, not their own actions, but their instinctive reactions to the strongest.

If there is a god in the sky, it is the god of heaven.

How dare a firefly compete with the bright moon?

How can a mortal transcend the boundary between gods and humans?

The phoenix rang loudly, and then two huge bird claws penetrated the layers of fog, accompanied by the wild dance of flames, and the god of heaven descended!

The claws tore through the sea of ​​clouds, penetrated the sky, and spread out the kingdom of God in flames. In the center of the flames, a huge figure of 300 meters with suffocating spiritual power, golden feathers, phoenix feathers like colorful clouds, nine buds of spiritual auspiciousness, and five colors into articles. Stepping on the flying clouds, the terrible spiritual energy made the surrounding void distorted.

"Squeak!" The real phoenix spread its wings and roared to the sky. A circle of black shock waves swept across the sky, shaking off the glory of the heavens, and laughing proudly on the barrier of the nine states of the gods. The terrifying pressure was like a mountain and a sea, swallowing up the underworld.

Boom! Everyone flew back a hundred meters, and the blood in their chests surged. Master Baoxiang put his hands together, his eyes were red, and this piece of spiritual energy made him breathe unsmoothly. He even felt like kneeling on the ground and worshiping. Both legs were trembling slightly.

"Eleven hundred million...True Phoenix Spirits..." Wang Bufa's beard and hair stood upside down as if electrified, gritted his teeth and looked at the sky, clouds cleared the turbid waves, angry flames crossed the sky, red flames followed the wind and clouds, the world was a furnace, and all things were firewood.

Swish! Xu Yangyi's clothes and hair fluttered wildly, so strong... Really strong to be terrible! Strong to despair!

But... I still have a chance!

His consciousness was not on the other party, but spread out in full, carefully looking for something. At the same time, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, the swallowing talisman wiped out the pain of the body, the desire talisman suppressed the fear in his heart, and the shining talisman accelerated the expansion of the brain. Facing this monster that was impossible to defeat, all his trump cards had been revealed.

Some... There was still a glimmer of hope, as long as the people below did it, they would definitely have the ability to open the sky with one blow!

Even if it was a god, I would slaughter it for you to see!

Once you set foot on this road, there would be no retreat.

"Are you a Taoist?" Everyone took him as the leader, and he had no choice but to ask in a deep voice.

"That's right." Zhen Feng's voice was so powerful that it was as if he was listening to the sound of heaven, like the sound of the nine heavens. He answered slowly.

Xu Yangyi's thoughts were churning in his mind. He was waiting, waiting for the opportunity for all the back-up plans he had laid to fully explode. Without thinking, he immediately asked: "Children of Queen Wa? I have never heard of her having children."

"That's because you are ignorant." Zhen Feng said slowly: "Mother had a total of twelve children. After Mother left, the records of her in the Unreturning Realm were vague and many details were unknown. The only thing that can be left is probably the indelible part of Queen Wa mending the sky."

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