
Chapter 1524: Driving the tiger to devour the wolf (V)

It is really the child of Nuwa... No wonder nothing can hit it. It is invincible here where the heaven favors it... This is not an opponent that can be solved by strength... Xu Yangyi's every nerve is beating on the tip of a knife now, and he immediately asked: "What's the proposal?"

"Only I can cut off the connection between Noah's Ark and the Kaitian Gourd Vine. You can't do it at all." Zhenfeng did not answer immediately, but slowly raised his head and looked at the floods in all directions and the barrier that was desperately falling. His voice was calm: "Do you know... This roulette is the most difficult level."

"The top difficulty... It is the first time that the seven realms have been opened in 100,000 years. You are very unfortunate. But I can tell you that the elements of the four roulettes are combined into a complete myth. The first level... As long as you understand what this myth is, you will at least be mentally prepared for the rest."

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly shone.

In other words... What they are facing are not four different myths of world destruction? But... The myth line that continues to spread along the world destruction?

So what is the next one?

Nuwa mends the sky? Fuxi creates hexagrams? Or... a war between the three realms?

Just as he thought of this, he was already extremely alert, his body was completely tense, and his spiritual power filled every muscle.

There is no love without reason.

This message is absolutely worth a thousand gold! There are countless Chinese myths, and time is life. Their range of choices has been reduced by 90% in an instant. But the other party is not kind.

It is self-confidence.

Confidence that they will never escape from their palms, and confidence that as the children of the Queen of Wa, everything is under their control. Moreover, not telling yourself directly is to test your psychology, suggesting that it has more control.

The way of heaven serves it. Do you want to be too empty, or do you want to persist unyieldingly?

"Why do you need it?" Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and his brain almost became the most sophisticated computer, and then asked.

"What is fellow Benlei doing?!" Behind him, Master Baoxiang, Ancestor Yinfeng and others looked extremely nervous. The opponent was too powerful, and a strong charge would only lead to death. But... there is only eighty minutes left!

After eighty minutes, everything fell with the destruction of this world. He... actually has time to argue with this monster? !

"I don't know..." The old man Yinfeng also gritted his teeth and stared at Xu Yangyi with red eyes: "But I know that he will never do meaningless things. I have a hunch... he has... he has a card to turn the tables!"

"Since we can't do it, then... believe in him!"

He paused, closed his eyes tremblingly, and said through his teeth: "Regardless of everything, believe in him wholeheartedly. We must do this, and... can only do this!"

"This is not what you should know." Zhenfeng glanced at Xu Yangyi, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "Human... are you stalling for time?"

Xu Yangyi took a step back and looked directly into the other's eyes. Just now, his consciousness had felt that the bottom of the Yellow Spring Sea had slightly fluctuated.

Originally, the consciousness could not feel this place, and the Yellow Spring Sea isolated most of the consciousness, but... the red line was there.

"Dad... Dad!" Hong Xian's consciousness was connected to his soul, and at this moment, he was extremely urgent: "Here she comes... She's coming!"

At the bottom of the Yellow Springs, Hong Xian covered her mouth tightly, staring at the Supreme Heavenly Dao Righteous God barrier in front of her with wide eyes. Kara... Kara... A piece of ground over 200 meters was arching up with a bang, and the already shattered Supreme Heavenly Dao Righteous God barrier made a wail of being overwhelmed, and the endless Yellow Spring water poured in with the cracks. Forming a piece of small waterfall.

Is it coming...

Xu Yangyi's heart beat wildly for no reason, his breathing was a little rapid, and a layer of goose skin appeared on his skin. He clenched his fists.

Finally coming!

This move is his killer move!

"Hide..." His heart was beating violently, and he spoke hoarsely in his consciousness: "Don't be discovered by this monster... But I guess she is not in the mood to take care of you."

"Okay..." Before the voice fell, Hong Xian almost exclaimed. The common consciousness of the two people shook violently, and the barrier of the Supreme Heavenly Dao God in front of it collapsed! The violent Yellow Spring Sea turned into a huge whirlpool, pouring into the sky hole frantically. At the same time, a giant monster with dragon horns and phoenix tails, carrying the spiritual energy that was no less than that of the True Phoenix, suddenly rushed up from the gap!

Rumble... The water of the Yellow Spring had almost no obstacles to it, and even formed a recoil waterfall. The vast spiritual power pressured the nine heavens, and the red line bit the tips of its two wings and trembled on the side. Fortunately, the monster didn't even look at it, and rushed straight to the sea like a meteor.

Above the zenith, the consciousness of the red line disappeared instantly. Xu Yangyi pursed his lips tightly, raised his head and looked directly into the eyes of the True Phoenix, quietly mobilized the swallowing talisman, and those fate codes that sank to the bottom of the sea were ready to move again.

"What do you want?" Without waiting for the True Phoenix to speak, he immediately asked, distracting the other party's attention.

"Destiny Code, this is the first. The second..." The flames on the Phoenix rose, and the surrounding seawater roared. It seemed to have endured for too long, and said hoarsely: "The second half of the Hongmeng Contract Book."

Is it also eternal refined gold?

Xu Yangyi licked his lips. Now it was not only him, but others also felt it vaguely and began to look around uneasily.

So strong... so scary...

A palpitating feeling was arising from the bottom of their hearts. They didn't know what it was, but just a premonition was enough to make their hearts tighten.

"What if not?" Xu Yangyi's eyes were as bright as a sword, coming... coming! In this battle of Tianwang Mountain, only the last gear is missing!

"Then... just die." Phoenix obviously had a premonition, but the mighty sea water obscured everyone's consciousness. Unless they can see it with their eyes and have the same soul, they can't grasp it at all.

It has a premonition, it understands, but it doesn't care.

This is the playground of heaven, and it, the son of the gods, has nothing to fear.

"Okay." Xu Yangyi suppressed his hot breath, lowered his head, and layers of fine current traveled throughout his body. The dance on the tip of the knife, the tightrope between the cliffs, now...the unveiling begins!

There is no rush...

Even if your heart is groaning, any emotion may be leaked under the suppression of the desire talisman.

The most sophisticated thinking machine.

brush! As he held his hands, there was a slight sound of water, and dozens of paper balls were suspended in the void tens of thousands of meters away. The Phoenix's eyes flashed, and the light of desire was fleeting. However, Xu Yangyi did not let them fly immediately, but stayed where they were.

It's almost... He knew the time when the monster came up for the first time, saw the speed of Nanhua Butterfly Mother, and had a photographic memory to recall the thickness of the sea of ​​​​underworld and the distance increased during this time... Countless data in his mind combined, the radiant talisman Make full use of it and methodically calculate the exact time for the opponent to come up.

Ten seconds.

Even if there is the obstacle of the Sea of ​​Underworld, ten seconds later... it will be the real peak battle!

The butterfly mother fights the real phoenix!

Butterflies and woodpeckers, God’s messengers and God’s Son’s Heavenly King Mountain!

Who wins or loses is none of his business... Who can stop this door blocked by the Son of God at that time? !

Now...six seconds to go. It only takes half a second for his radiant talisman to be used to make all the destiny codes fall to Phoenix.

Rumble... At this moment, the entire sea surface was buzzing, and the tide was shocking. Just five thousand meters to their side, a vast vortex suddenly formed, with the center being a thousand meters wide and the periphery covering thousands of miles in radius. The tide squeezes, roars, and spins into the chasm of hell.

brush! !

A spiritual pressure that was still obscured by the sea of ​​underworld, but extremely powerful, suddenly filled the entire sky!

The formation at the top of the sky, the barrier of the supreme heavenly righteous god, the demon king is majestic!

"Roar..." A deep voice came from under the sea. This time, even Phoenix was stunned and looked at the water with extremely solemn eyes. At the same time, I was also extremely confused.

Even across such a dense sea of ​​​​underworld, it can feel the power of the other party. Is there something that can threaten itself in this primitive land?

"This is..." It stared at it for three seconds, then suddenly turned around and stared at Xu Yangyi, its eyes bursting with fierce light: "What good thing did you do?"

no answer.

Only Xu Yangyi's gaze was like a long sword unsheathed, clashing with the opponent in mid-air, clanging and buzzing.

With one eternal glance, everyone could read the murderous intent that had materialized in the other's eyes.

It was at this moment that Phoenix confirmed and affirmed that this ordinary human being, a mere saint, actually dared to draw his sword against a son of heaven.

"You're fine." Its voice was very calm, so calm that it was cold, and so cold that it had endless killing intent.

The next second, without any warning, a sea of ​​​​fire rose from the ground. Its movement could not be seen. Only the left wing seemed to move, and a suffocating pressure suddenly came towards Xu Yangyi. At the same time, Xu Yangyi suddenly shrank and disappeared into the air almost simultaneously.


The sound shook the sky, but before it spread, a flame came from the sky, more violent than the rainstorm, and swallowed everything in an instant.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down, and countless saints could be seen stunned for a moment, then turned their heads in slow motion and yelled "Go away" with all their strength, their ferocious faces.

The sky is still the same and the rain is still raining, but the world is no longer that world.

boom! !

It is impossible to describe the majesty of this blow, and the sea of ​​​​underworld boiled instantly. Thousand-foot waves rose from the ground, and the underworld water weighing more than ten thousand kilograms flew backwards like pieces of paper under this terrifying shock wave. Those were evaporated into layers of clouds in the air, spewing into the sky.

The world is shaking.

The wilderness is wailing.

A shock wave of crimson flames overturned the sea surface and overwhelmed the sky. At least three or four saints who were slow to react were annihilated without any resistance in this attack. Not even an exclamation. However, Phoenix just narrowed his eyes and suddenly looked at the gourd vine on one side.

As an ant...

As a mere ant, how dare you stand still under the attack of the Son of Heaven?

As a creature of my mother, how dare I, the lord of all worlds, with a body of ten thousand gold, dare to suffer unsafe death?

"You... are looking for death!!" The violent anger rose infinitely. It roared into the sky, its wings spread out, and hundreds of phoenix feathers behind it were like bright feather fans. Thousands of feathers ignited thousands of fires, and thousands of fires gathered into the golden lotus. As the void shook, the "equator" of this circle of clouds and mist trembled crazily. A hundred-layered fire lotus, a full three thousand meters in size, swallowed the phoenix flames and illuminated the heavens.

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