
Chapter 1525: Battle of Tianwang Mountain

Swish, brush, brush! Xu Yangyi's figure immediately appeared in its eyes. Even if the opponent was traveling as fast as light at the moment, it was still very clear in his eyes.

Only it is the real master here and the spokesperson of heaven.

There is no escape under the heavens.

"Field..." As soon as these two words were spoken, the fire lotus burst out into boundless flames, igniting the wilderness and illuminating the eternal night along the entire equator.

Boom... Xu Yangyi's eyes were about to burst. The speed of light was so fast. He was already rushing onto the gourd vine. Because his spirit, energy and spirit were completely integrated, his expression was a little ferocious.

Kuafu chased the sun and ran with death. All he could see was the sky-reaching gourd vine under his feet.

However, he clearly felt that the opponent's move... was simply beyond imagination! With one blow, the entire sky will collapse!

"True Phoenix Nirvana!!"

boom! ! The sky dances and melts, every drop of water, every ignition of fire, instantly turns into a violent fire dragon, a ten thousand dragon divine fire shield, swallowing the sky and destroying the sun, burning crazily towards the gourd vine.

"Explode!!" Xu Yangyi tried his best, and veins sprouted on his neck. As he roared angrily, the fate codes that had been floating around him seemed to have heard the call, shrouded in radiant talismans, and rushed towards the phoenix like lightning.

"Damn ants!!" The violent shouts behind him formed a terrifying shock wave, sweeping across the three thousand worlds. This is the darling of heaven who has come into contact with Doppo. How powerful is the rage? As the surroundings wailed, all the monks, including Xu Yangyi, groaned and vomited blood.

Snap... His foot suddenly stepped into the void, and spider web patterns appeared, and then it shot straight into the sky like a cannonball.

half an hour……

And the last half hour!

Don't miss this opportunity!

Even if God stands in front of the door of hope, they will kill him as a warning to others!

"Charge!!" As he roared, more than forty rays of light shot straight into the sky, and immortals flew from all over the world.

The sea reaches the limitless sky as the shore, the mountain reaches the top, and I am the peak!

Phoenix gritted his teeth and looked back. Its spiritual control was so precise. However, the destiny codes were too fragile. They were not even magic weapons, just ordinary papers. Compared to these pieces of paper, those tiny humans are nothing. Anyway... they can't cut off the gourd vine.

The flame that had just unfolded was extinguished almost instantly, a strong wind blew up, and all the destiny codes returned to it, and it finally couldn't help but screamed in the sky. However, at this moment, it suddenly stopped.

An extremely powerful spiritual power, indistinguishable from him, was staring at it. At the same time, the entire sea trembled crazily.

Everyone who was charging forward suddenly paused, and even Xu Yangyi couldn't help but turn around at this moment.


His heart was beating wildly. All the reasons came from the last test of Nanhua Butterfly Mother.

It reacted extremely strongly to everything Emperor Wa said, and he came to an inference: Although this is the world built by Emperor Wa, everything follows their original trajectory, and even the divine punishment of annihilation is a replay of history.

He had been planning all of this from the moment he discovered that this was an invincible opponent.

The woodpecker's invincibility is an illusion. It is only "they," not "the great wilderness," who cannot defeat it.

There are equally powerful monsters in the wild! And what he has to do is...

Drive away the tiger and devour the wolf!

No matter who wins or loses, once these two monsters fight, the plane will be shaken and the earth will be shaken. It is impossible for anyone to notice them. This road to hope is completely opened.

"The most important thing is that you two reacted greatly to everything Emperor Wa did." He gasped and stood on the gourd vine, looking at his masterpiece. The sea surface suddenly stirred up a huge wave, and a thousand-meter black hole appeared. , majestic and boundless, no less spiritual power than the Phoenix venting into the sky, and the Phoenix... is holding all the destiny codes in its mouth at this moment!

"And you actually want the destiny code. Although I don't know why, the puzzle that broke the first level is completely completed at this moment."

He turned around, the remaining palpitations still lingering in his heart, and he clenched his fists with trembling fingers. It turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the top of the gourd vine at full speed: "When the butterfly mother finds out that it has been tricked again and finds that you are holding something belonging to Emperor Wa, then... what will it do?"

"wish you happiness."

boom! ! !

Just when he pointed his sword at the sky, this ancient wilderness finally ushered in a devastating collapse.

Huge blocks sank into the water and turned into boundless whirlpools. It is conceivable that the tide of evil below has surged into the sky, and the world has been destroyed by divine punishment. But in the largest whirlpool, a two-hundred-meter body suddenly rushed to the top of the sky with a scream that shook the sky.


With wings spread over a thousand meters, dragon horns and phoenix feathers, colorful, this prehistoric demon king, who is a mythical creature like the Son of God, finally revealed its nightmare-like appearance in front of everyone.

The butterfly mother spreads her power in the nine heavens, and the true phoenix is ​​Nirvana and the righteous god is enchanted. This suffocating first level finally came to a king versus king, a killing situation between generals.

Wow! As it roared, the waves surged, creating a vacuum of ten thousand meters. Then, its gaze immediately swept across the entire place. I saw the gourd vine, I saw Xu Yangyi, and I saw other monks with extremely nervous faces.

But just see.

It flashed by.

Its gaze finally fell on Phoenix. The demon king's intuition and the dignity of an equal monk made the gazes of the two great prehistoric demons collide with each other like swords.

There is no hiding.

Clang! !

Ten thousand swords rang in the void, and the swords confronted each other in the wilderness.

Then, the mother butterfly looked at the destiny code in the other's beak.

For the first time, the phoenix's expression became solemn. It felt that the other's strength was not inferior to its own. The beak opened gently, and a ray of light took the destiny code to an unknown place. The two hundred-meter demon kings, two mythical creatures, were like two cloud-topped mountains, staring at each other on the sea of ​​​​Yellow Springs.

Needle and wheat spikes.

Everyone's eyes were surging with a complex emotion, that was the beast in the body roaring. It was the dignity of being the only one and dominating the world. It was the most instinctive territorial consciousness of every demon king. A butterfly and a phoenix, slowly moved their feet on the zenith array surrounded by the equator of the cloud layer.

It moved the clouds and blocked the rainstorm. It swallowed the starlight and shook the sky.

Sand... The butterfly wings were clear, and the body passed by, and the ground was full of flowers, as if the spring god had descended.

Swish... The phoenix tail pierces the sky, and the sky is blazing, as if Zhurong is alive.

The wind is silent, the sky is silent, and the underworld is silent. In front of these two terrifying creatures, no one dares to make a sound of war.

"Roar!!" "Squeak!!" At the same time, two earth-shaking roars broke out at the same time. Then, a circle of flames and colorful light shone in the void. The entire equator of the clouds and mist was cleared in an instant. The entire rain curtain seemed to be shaken, and time seemed to stop.

Rumble... The two prehistoric giant monsters did not retreat at all, did not use any magical powers, but adopted the most primitive and most demonic fighting method, like Mars hitting the earth, with a loud bang, they collided with each other with all their strength.

Flames and dreams are entangled, and bird feathers and butterfly wings are intertwined. The huge butterfly wings and the phoenix wings are like wrestling, and the four beastly eyes are fierce and staring at each other. The void is filled with a roar of kakaka, and endless cracks spread wildly from where they collided.

This is the battle of the Dragon and the Tiger, this is the battle of the throne of flames and dreams. In the confrontation that makes people's hearts stop beating, the phoenix screams and pecks at the belly of the mother butterfly with its sharp beak. The speed is so fast that it even forms an illusion and the void collapses layer by layer. However, what greets it is the thousand-foot phoenix feathers that rise up in the wind and turn into a gorgeous sea tide, tightly entangled with the neck of the phoenix.

"Squeak!!" "Roar!!" The violent and crazy screams rise at the same time, and the Yellow Spring Sea raises a thousand-foot sea tide, crushing the sky with a roar that makes the sky tremble. There are only each other's figures in the pupils of the four blood-red eyes. The moment it entangles the phoenix, the mother butterfly's mouth parts directly pierce the chest of the phoenix, but it is tightly grasped by a phoenix claw burning three thousand flames.

In the blink of an eye, the two battle groups can't see their figures at all, only the crazy aura of devouring each other. The seven colors cover the red, becoming the only sun on the collapsed heavenly barrier, the scorching sun in the rainstorm. Pecking, grabbing, biting, and entanglement... these are clearly the most primitive movements, but each move brings up a monstrous spiritual energy, just like Pangu opening the sky.

The heavy sword has no edge, and great skill is not elaborate.

It cannot be avoided, nor can it be avoided. This is pure spiritual power crushing, a head-on confrontation between 1.1 billion and 1.1 billion, the battlefield of the king, the supreme throne of the prehistoric world! There is no fancy at all. At this moment, anything below will be immediately torn into pieces by this tyrannical breath!

The throne of the prehistoric world cannot be interfered with by anyone!

A crazy roar came from behind, and the space was roaring and shaking, venting in all directions like the destruction of the world. The vast spiritual light penetrated the rainstorm, pierced through the night, and illuminated the three thousand worlds. Dozens of saints gritted their teeth, like a small boat in a storm, trying their best to keep their bodies indestructible, and trying their best to move forward between Huangquan and death.

This is their last sword, and it is also a sword that seals the throat.

No one can forgive themselves if they don't seize this opportunity!

In his eyes and in his heart, he could see nothing, and felt nothing. He could only see the end of the gourd vine under the endless black clouds. He could not feel his breath, and his heartbeat almost stopped.

30,000 meters, 20,000 meters... 10,000 meters, 5,000 meters, 1,000 meters!

500 meters, 100 meters!

Xu Yangyi was so fast that he took the lead and landed on the gourd vine first. Above his head was the vast black cloud. The roar of the terrifying beast below was getting smaller and smaller, and the majestic spiritual energy could not reach here. At this moment, there was actually a kind of heroic voice that would be on the top of the mountain and overlook all the mountains.

He almost wanted to roar to the sky.

He did it...

He couldn't help but close his eyes, covered his chest with his right hand, and wrinkled his clothes.

Turning his hand for clouds and turning his hand for rain, he found this possibility in the impossible. This... the only key to Noah's Ark!

The lingering sense of accomplishment, the excitement of life and death, swept his heart like a tsunami. Let that part be like a ball of fire, burning and jumping wildly.

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