
Chapter 1526: Noah's Ark (I)

Step... At the same time, dozens of figures stopped beside him, followed by a long sound of relief. Feeling relieved and still frightened, everyone wiped cold sweat as if they had lost their souls. No one spoke, and they all looked down.

Hundreds of thousands of meters away, auras of light were flying wildly, tsunamis were rising into the sky, and a radius of hundreds of thousands of meters was in chaos. The terrifying cracks in the void spread everywhere, but they could not be healed for a long time under the power of the majestic Taixu. Either the west wind overwhelms the east wind, or the east wind overwhelms the west wind. The flaming phoenix feathers and colorful butterfly wings become fragments and fly all over the sky.

The lotus platform of flames swept across the world, misty illusions spread in all directions, the underworld was intertwined with the flames, the wind danced with the seven colors, and the violent roars that kept ringing turned the place into... hell.

The battle between Taixu Peak and Taixu Peak, the decisive battle between more than 1.1 billion demon kings, the terrifying spiritual energy makes people unable to breathe even from such a distance. Every sage was soaked in sweat and his clothes were wet with sweat. His heart was still pounding in his ears, and his blood was so hot that it even wanted to see through his skin.

Until now, they had felt an unreal sense of security. And a dream-like disbelief.

"You...had expected this?" In the dead silence, Ancestor Yinfeng bit his lips and looked at Xu Yangyi, with even a hint of awe in his voice. Unlike before, Xu Yangyi was standing next to them, and now no one dared to approach.

Not centrifugal.

But awe.

What kind of monster is this?

Finding a glimmer of possibility in the impossible, when the existence that broke through the "creation world" and claimed to be the Son of God arrived, everyone was despairing. The woodpecker's territory has been completely opened, and the phoenix has been reborn twice, which has already made people despair.

"I didn't make a mistake..." Wang Bufa's eyes were also red. Although he was still in a critical situation, his heart felt heavy and he was filled with respect.

He closed his eyes, his temples were beating wildly, and muttered to himself: "Everyone said that this elder made a mistake in betting. He should obviously bet on Ten Thousand Snakes Palace. I rejected all opinions and defeated Tianjian Villa! But now I believe that this is the only way. Only one person can compete with others, but I am the only one who can survive!”

Zen Master Baoxiang clasped his hands together. Even if his Buddha nature is like him, he still feels blood rushing to his head at this moment. Everything just now was like a dream.

"Amitabha..." Finally, he recited in a deep voice. Like a stone Buddha, no one can see it, and the clasped hands are trembling.

Driving tigers and swallowing wolves, playing with the two demon kings in the palm of your hand, what kind of mentality is this!

Xu Yangyi ignored this and took a few deep breaths. He felt like the sea was vast enough for fish to leap, and the sky was high enough for birds to fly. He gritted his teeth and looked up at the dark clouds above his head: "Let's go."

"It's just the last step."

"Let's... go and end everything!"

"Let's go!!" "Rush!!" "Haha! The winner of the first level is us!!"

Dozens of rays of light shot through the sky wantonly and disappeared above the clouds in an instant. At this moment, the Phoenix below suddenly narrowed its eyes.

boom! ! The flames all over its body surged, and the lotus platform spurted out twelve layers of monstrous fire waves. It tried its best to raise its head and look into the sky.

"Very good..." Its voice was almost gritting its teeth: "You can actually do this!!"

"Roar!!" Before it could finish its thought, the Nanhua butterfly mother's wings on the opposite side spread out sharply, and thousands of phoenix feathers rose up in a tsunami, fanning the dream, and with suffocating pressure, they stabbed towards it like a poisonous snake. For a moment, he was distracted, and Phoenix had to concentrate all his strength on the powerful opponent opposite him.

"But... so what!!" It was frightened and angry, its eyes were a little red, the flames became more fierce, and a feeling of being teased emerged spontaneously.

Never had……

As the son of a god, he was in control of the situation, but he was actually broken open by a mere human, cutting out a great avenue to the sky! It was like a slap in the face!


Absolute disgrace! This shame cannot be erased unless the other party's blood is used!

"You still can't cut off the gourd vine! That is... a masterpiece of heaven!"

"You will come down! There are only the last ten minutes! You can't do can't be done!"

"You will kneel in front of me humbly, like ants, and beg for my help! Regret that you attracted this monster for me!"

"I...wait for you!"

"Squeak!!" Fury and murderous intent were completely poured into the Nanhua Butterfly Mother. A circle of flames lit up the heavens, and the entire collapsed barrier of the Supreme Heavenly Dao and Righteous God was burning.

No one knew what it was thinking. At this moment, with a loud roar, dozens of streams of light penetrated the clouds and fog, and finally came to the entire prehistoric world.

"This is..." "Oh my God!" "This is Noah's Ark?!" "It's unbelievable... What has this plane experienced?!"

The sky is full of light.

At this moment, they are surrounded by the endless universe. You can even see the distant sun and the moon on the other side.

Looking from here, a circular plane covering the sea of ​​​​underworld is crazily collapsing inwards, and the entire plane of divine punishment is unfolding. However, all this was nothing compared to what was in front of them.

Just in front of them, among the stars, the huge gourd finally showed its true appearance. The lower half was a gourd, and the upper half... was a ship!

As if cut in half by a sword, there are all the pavilions and pavilions above, misty in the sea of ​​clouds and wandering under the starlight. The entire ship is more than a million meters in size! It is really from the hand of God, a miraculous workmanship, and a masterpiece of creation!

Xu Yangyi was also stunned. This ship... is almost exactly the same as the Nanhua Butterfly Mother's ship. Photographic memory will never make a mistake, but... whose handiwork is it?

Haotian? Or Chaos?

However, now is not the time to think about this at all. Everyone's eyes are focused on a certain part of the rattan, where a colorful thing is connected to the gourd mouth. Just cut it off and everything will be over!

"How much longer?" Xu Yangyi asked with hot breath.

"Twelve minutes!" Zen Master Baoxiang shouted, and dozens of figures rushed past at full speed as fast as lightning.

When the Glory Talisman was activated, Xu Yangyi arrived first and was the first to stand next to the rattan. However, as soon as he took a look, he couldn't help but gasp.

This is... not a gourd vine at all!

Instead... countless entangled chains, with a diameter of a hundred meters, tightly connected the gourd and the rattan.

Swishing, swishing, the distance was not far away. At this moment, all the figures came to the side of the gourd vine. Wang Bufa was stunned, feeling cold all over his body, and tremblingly said: "Gui...chain of rules?"

Rules are something that only Taixu can touch. In other words, it is impossible for Zunsheng to cut off the rules.

Moreover, there is not one rule here, but... at least thousands of them! This gourd... this Noah's Ark that saves the earth seems to be an innate treasure, created by gathering billions of rules. Not to mention the saint, I'm afraid even Taixu can't do anything about it!

"No wonder..." Ancestor Yinfeng whined like a wild beast in his throat: "No wonder that monster said it was impossible for us to..."

However, before he could finish speaking, a vast spiritual energy shot straight into the sky!

One hundred million, two hundred million, fifty million, seventy million, eighty million!

Rumble... The void was wailing slightly. Xu Yangyi's body turned slightly sideways in the spotlight. Thousands of spiritual powers gathered in his right hand and he said hoarsely: "It's difficult, but it doesn't mean it can't be done."

"You have come this far, do you want to perish here?"

"I don't want to die..." The spiritual power of the whole body gathered in one punch, and the essence, energy and spirit were completely unified, and then struck with all the strength: "Just give me your full strength!!"


boom! ! The spiritual light flickered and penetrated the starry sky. The monk, whose fighting spirit had dissipated just now, now turned red again.

Why do we need a home to bury our bones? There are green hills everywhere in life?

We have all come this far, we have come this far! Who can be willing to fight through thorns and thorns, be tempted in the heavy rain, and play games on the top of the clouds? Who wants to stop? !

Zen Master Baoxiang let out a loud roar, and a golden glazed bead shot out of the clouds. There seemed to be three thousand worlds and one hundred thousand Buddha gates in the bead. He shouted fiercely and pressed down hard.

The ancestor of Yinfeng opened his mouth and spit out a black bone sword. The Yin energy was lingering and the soul was possessed. A sword flower stabbed down with all its strength. A nine-color petal flew out of Tu Su Fangrong's dantian, surrounded by blue clouds, and wrapped around the chain crazily. The treasure light flashed in the sky, and all the saints took out their trump cards from the box and aimed at the chain.

Boom, the all-out attack of dozens of saints caused the sky to shake violently, and a bright and dazzling brilliance burst out. But the next second, there was a cry of exclamation, and dozens of people, including Xu Yangyi, were all knocked backwards a hundred meters by a terrifying backlash!


The brilliance was like a tide, and the chain of rules flashed crazily, but in just half a second, it returned to its original state.

It was indeed in its original state, without a trace of scars, as if the majestic spiritual power just now had never appeared. It's like the earthworm shaking the tree silently mocking them.

"Come again!!" Xu Yangyi didn't stop at all. His spiritual power gathered again, and a ball of white-gold flames suddenly wrapped around his body, burning his longevity.

What's the use of longevity when your life is about to be gone?

"Kill!!" Boom boom boom! ! This was the last fight. All the monks' eyes were red and they were shouting hoarsely. Balls of white-gold light rose into the sky. All the monks burned their longevity, their spirit treasures danced, and the sky changed color. They tried their best to move towards the rule. Cut off the chain.



Above the nine heavens, spiritual light surges like a tide, again and again! again! In just a few minutes, they had tried countless times, but... all the results were exactly the same!

"Broken!!" "Broken for me!!" "Damn...damn! Broken!!"

Amidst the angry shouts, the ferocious faces fell from the sky, burning their longevity, using the greatest strength, if the thunder god came, the heavenly sword fell.

In one minute, everyone's popularity surged.

In two minutes, everyone was united.

Three minutes, four minutes, five minutes!

For five minutes, the chain of rules remained motionless. Finally, someone's face showed a trace of despair. However, he did not give up and continued to attack the chain frantically.

Seven minutes, eight minutes, too strong a spiritual power burst, regardless of the consequences, burning longevity, has broken through their boundaries, the spiritual power like a violent storm has declined visibly with the naked eye, everyone... their lips trembled slightly, and the corners of their eyes All cramped.

"Damn it! Damn it!!" Wang Bufa's hair was completely gray, and he looked like he was crazy. The spiritual light of the soul-calling flag in his hand was dim, and he slashed downwards like a madman.

"Impossible...impossible!" Tu Su Fangrong roared to the sky, his heart was filled with darkness, but his body had already formed muscle memory, roaring and mobilizing his life treasure to attack with all his strength.

The gathering of the hundred-meter chain of rules was like an endless wall, blocking their last hope.

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