
Chapter 1527: Noah's Ark (II)

"Break!!" "Break!" "Why not! Why not!!"

At eight minutes and thirty seconds, the god of death was approaching, and the endless sound of shattering sounded in the void in all directions. Every saint was completely crazy, trying their best, and all the magic weapons burst into light at the same time in the hoarse roar.

"Explode... Explode! Explode!" The eyes of the Yinfeng Patriarch were bloodshot, one minute and thirty seconds... the last one minute and thirty seconds! However... they didn't cut off any chains!

With a pinch of his right hand, the black bone sword turned into a point of light in the universe, and then suddenly expanded, setting off an overwhelming spiritual energy tide.

The natal spiritual treasure exploded!

Puff! He raised his head and spit out a mouthful of blood. The natal spiritual treasure was closely related to the Yuanshen. Although the connection had been cut off in advance, the injury at this moment was not light.

"Explode for me!!" "Explode... Explode!" "How dare you not break it?!"

However, he was only the first one. As this little light exploded, all the cultivators shouted and shocked the sky. One by one, the spiritual treasures rushed towards the chain of rules with their unswerving figures. Then countless explosions thundered on the ground, and a colorful and gorgeous light instantly shone in the void.

At this moment, the power above the cloud top was even comparable to the battle between the demon kings below. The sound seemed to disappear, and the stars dimmed. Hundreds of violent shock waves swept across the galaxy, blowing everyone out like paper.

Swish... The sky was full of light, swallowing the figure and covering the sound. Everyone spit out a mouthful of blood, and looked at the chain with their eyes wide open hundreds of meters away, but it was still the despair that made people fall into the abyss.

The light flickered, just like the beginning, forever unchanged.

Rumble... At this moment, there was a muffled sound in the void, and everyone looked up in astonishment. With the naked eye, it was visible that the void... collapsed.

Karala... It was like a house torn apart by an earthquake. There were terrifying cracks all over the galaxy, and countless suffocating lights spread out from behind the cracks, as if to lead them to a heaven where they could never return.


In the silent silence, in the far distance, the sky was slightly shaken, and the edge of the boundless galaxy suddenly turned into a piece of debris, rushing towards the center with the force of a sea tide.

"The last 120 seconds." The voice of the Queen of Wa was emotionless, and it appeared in the void with extreme coldness: "Act 1: The punishment of the world-destroying god is about to close."

With her voice, the whole world was like a beautiful and fragile crystal ball, with unspeakable horror, stepping on an unstoppable step, starting from the edge to shatter layer by layer, raising countless black fragments, like a strong wind blowing through a sea of ​​dandelions, beautiful and magnificent.

The noose of the gods was completely tightened at this moment, and tied into a knot.

It was a destruction of heaven and earth that could not be resisted by human power. It was the words of Yahweh, and in the darkness where light could not shine, it granted all creatures eternal sleep.

Deathly silence.

The sky was shaking, and no one spoke.

"One hundred and nineteen seconds." "One hundred and eighteen seconds." "One hundred and seventeen seconds..." The voice of the Queen of Wa was like telling the most ordinary things, accompanied by the collapse of the world, in an orderly manner.

"Damn... Damn!!" Three seconds later, there was a choking scream like a wounded beast. Wang Bufa, with his beard and hair messy, suddenly hammered into the void, his voice hoarse.

After all the hardships to get here, it turned out to be this situation?

"I'm not willing to accept this... I'm not willing to accept this!!" He stood up like crazy, pointed at the sky, and cursed loudly: "Heaven and earth are unkind! All things are chess pieces! Oh, God... Why don't you even give us a chance!!"

"We... are your people!!"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak. His bones ached all over, and the feeling of burning life made him feel empty all over. However, he tried his best to stand up.

The eight-minute recoil made their spiritual energy disordered. The law of eternal energy applies to the entire universe. They didn't cut off the rules, so they naturally had to face the sword of rules.

However, there was no despair in his eyes. He had experienced too much similar despair.

Until the last second, he was not willing to accept it!

Yahweh... can treat all things as straw dogs?

Tianyan forty-nine, and one of them escaped! Until the end, he didn't believe that there was not even this "one"!

"How could this be..." Master Baoxiang's eyes were about to burst, and he gritted his teeth and looked at the chain, and heard the countdown of the god of death in his ears. At this moment, he was completely confused.

"Cough... cough cough!" Tu Su Fangrong opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, staring straight at the chain of rules, his heart was almost dead.

"Heh... Hahaha!" He suddenly laughed wildly: "This is the world of great contention... Damn it... I... I am unwilling! I am unwilling!!"

He felt his eyelids gradually drooping, that was the boundless fatigue that came with the disappearance of hope, but at this moment, a brilliant light burst through the sky.

Three hundred million!

Three hundred and twenty million, thirty million, fifty million!

Everyone was stunned, and then suddenly looked at Xu Yangyi.

In his body, the spiritual power almost burned into substance, and the golden light was overwhelming, as if the gods had descended!

"You... have you burned too much life?" The old ancestor Yin Feng trembled.

The light fluctuated, and Xu Yangyi's face had become more mature and resolute, and there were also strands of gray on his hair. The life span of the saint was one thousand six hundred years, and he still had at least three hundred years before. At this moment, the crazy burning instantly took away hundreds of years. If he couldn't make it through the world of great strife, he would be dead anyway. He had a life span far exceeding that of the saint, so what was there to be afraid of?

He was determined to burn his boats and leave himself only fifty years. At this moment, he was suddenly stunned.

As life span decreases, the body feels more depleted. However, at this moment, he did not feel the fatigue of entering the final years of a monk. Instead...

The fire of life is getting stronger and stronger!

"What's going on?" He looked at his body in astonishment. Just in his Dantian, the form of his soul became more and more dry, from youth, to prime age, to senility, and finally turned into a face full of wrinkles and gray hair. of the elderly. Before he could react, he turned into ashes with a bang.

His nerves suddenly tightened, and his soul turned to ashes. No matter how strong the monk was, he would perish. However... he didn't have the slightest feeling that his life would come to an end. Another kind of more majestic and richer vitality was in his soul. God's place arises spontaneously!

"This is..." Although time was running out, the desire talisman suppressed all the emotions that shouldn't be had, his thinking was extremely clear, and his brain was spinning rapidly. In just five seconds, his eyes flashed: "The truth of infinity..."

"Infinite Truth is a top-notch technique that starts with basic talismans. Although I use it now as Jeet Kune Do,... its real use is to devour other life forms! Make up for the flaws of the original body, thereby achieving perfection like a god!"

"The human body's lifespan is about to collapse, and next is the demon body, the demon body... If these are all over, and the lifespan continues to burn... what will it burn to?"

At this moment, Fu Zhi's heart suddenly flashed with lightning, and he suddenly had the idea of ​​playing with fire.

Yes... there is another thing in his body that also has its own life, even... consciousness!

Seed of Khaos!

After burning the spiritual power of the three major bodies, if it continues to burn, it will threaten the survival of the seed of Chaos. It... will definitely take action!

At this moment, he suddenly understood how to awaken the Seed of Chaos, although this trick could only be used once.

As a human being, calling on the power of gods once in a lifetime is a luxury.

"One hundred seconds." These thoughts were fast and complicated, but within only three or four seconds, Emperor Wa's voice became more and more loud: "Ninety-nine seconds." "Ninety-eight seconds, ninety-seven seconds..."

Just like the accompaniment of this passionate and singing scene, the entire sky is cracking, and the brilliance of destruction is overwhelming and covering the plane. The next second, Xu Yangyi roared into the sky, and the longevity energy in his body burned at an unimaginable speed! Totally reckless!

"Fellow Daoist!!" "Holy Lord Ben Lei! What are you doing! Stop it!" Many people screamed with their voices hoarse and their eyes blood red: "No matter what! Nothing can happen to you!!" "Stay here. Qingshan is here, don’t worry! Stop! You, you have been burning for four hundred years! No! Two hundred? Thousands! Oh my god...three thousand?"

The voice suddenly became sharp at the end. All the saints jumped up as if they were pricked with needles. Everyone couldn't believe it. The saint's lifespan was only one thousand and six years old, but he actually burned for a full three thousand years!'s not over yet!

When the four-thousand-year-old life energy was burning, the spiritual energy all over his body shook. A feeling infinitely close to Taixu came silently. The majestic spiritual power broke through everyone's psychological defenses, and rushed them out of the hundreds like a tsunami. rice!

"Four hundred million..." Wang Bufa stared at the roaring figure, speechless and incoherent.

"Still rising... Still burning... He, did he take the elixir? How could he have such a long life!" Zen Master Baoxiang opened his mouth wide and looked at Xu Yangyi as if he was a ghost, but in everyone's hearts, Boundless hope arose once again.

Hope in despair, light in the dark night.

Just look at the opponent's attack!

"Ahhhh!" Xu Yangyi shouted, his spiritual power fully released, the demon soul in his dantian collapsed, the Wolfsbane Soul appeared, and this time, the leaves of the Wolfsbane Soul began to wither and turn yellow.

felt it……

The lifespan is crazy/leaked, and the seed of Chaos finally moved at the moment when the leaves of Wolfsbane withered and turned yellow. A completely different, equally vast, but like river water and sea water, the density is not at the same level as the aura clouds and Dantian.

He breathed a silent sigh of relief. If the Seed of Chaos did not move, he would stop burning at the last moment of Wolfsbane's lifespan.

boom! !

The void shook violently, and a sea of ​​black spiritual energy leaked to the ground. Emperor Wa's voice was calm and distant: "Sixty-three seconds, sixty-two seconds...fifty-seven seconds..."

"Five hundred million... five hundred million..." All the monks have been completely petrified. Xu Yangyi has burned more than 6,000 years of life at this moment, and his spiritual power has exceeded 500 million! Comparable to Taixu!

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