
Chapter 1528: Breaking the Chaos

Well... let me clarify, I suddenly encountered some urgent matters in the past few days, mainly moving, and my hometown is in the suburbs. I contacted my parents remotely to move things, and there was no Internet, so I only talked about it in the group.

I’ll make up for it tonight, a total of 6 updates in the past few days.


Under the zenith, the Phoenix was covered in scars and its feathers were torn in many places. Panting and screaming, she raised her wings and stared at the Nanhua butterfly mother opposite.

The opponent was also in a state of embarrassment, with torn wings and broken phoenix feathers, but he showed no sign of weakness and let out a crazy roar, turning into sound waves visible to the naked eye, tearing through the void.

"Roar!!" Both sides roared at the same time, but at the same time, the two demons were stunned. Phoenix blinked and suddenly looked above his head.

"Very good spiritual energy." There was a hint of caution in its eyes, and then it sneered: "The quantity is too weak, but the quality is still the saint. Even if the saint has one billion, do you think you can cut off the rules?"

It looked at the butterfly again, hiding the killing intent in its eyes: "There are only more than fifty seconds left. I am the only living creature left here. Even I can't break the rules in one minute."

"If you don't want to live if I give you a way to live, then...just die in peace."

The same goes for Nanhua Butterfly Mother. She lowered her head after just one glance. The monster in front of her was the real opponent. Although Tianwaitian's aura is strong, it is not worth paying too much attention to.

But right now!

boom! ! !

The whole world trembled suddenly, as if... a longevity pond was drained, and then... the oil below erupted. A wave they have never experienced before, extremely powerful, extremely lofty... No, it can't even be described! The unfathomable power descended upon the entire prehistoric world in an instant!

Yes, power.

It's spiritual energy, but it's even more pure, a power as vast as the vast ocean.

"Dong dong!" There was no scream. The two monsters fell to the ground within half a second. Both the phoenix and the butterfly mother, their foreheads touched the sea of ​​​​underworld, cold sweat suddenly fell from their bodies, their hearts beat wildly, and they worshiped the gods.

At this moment, below the barrier, countless beasts were approaching the 100,000-strong army. With every inch of survival and every inch of blood, countless of their people have died. They are still a hundred meters away from the zenith, but below... there are countless corpses.

"Roar!! Squeak!! Silk..." The deafening roar resounded through the sky, and all the saints shouted at the top of their lungs: "Hold on! Hold on! Never retreat! Wait...I'll be fine soon at the top of the zenith. Kill those who retreat! Who dares to retreat!

Clang, clang, clang! Thousands of black-armored monks behind them unsheathed their long swords, and the autumn water lingered as they were swung, and dozens of heads flew up. However, this could not stop the crowd from retreating.

The morale of the army has been lost... A sage said nothing more. He was the leader of the war supervising army, but he could no longer kill him.

In front of them were young, blood-stained faces, and ragged figures covered in injuries. Everyone was replaced from the front line. They have experienced a war that can be called hell. Not to mention them, even the masters of Class A forces and the Royal Guards have fallen countless times.

People are not without fear.

Now, this fear has accumulated to its peak and reached the critical point of explosion. The army is defeated like a mountain and can no longer be contained by beheading.

"Young Sect Master..." He looked down the mountain with a face full of tears. There was still a thin layer of the Four Saints and Four Spirits formation, but the beasts outside were already like mountains and seas! The countless beasts from behind have already caught up, with bloodshot eyes and greedy mouths dripping with human blood, like the continuous attack of the sea...

Manpower is sometimes poor.

"Young Sect Master..." The hand holding the sword trembled desperately, and he shouted with all his strength: "Open the formation! Fight with them!!"

"Woooo!" A sad horn sounded, but the number of people who could stand up... was less than 20,000!

The consciousnesses of all the saints are intertwined, and everyone feels the other's helplessness and despair. Why... why is it not over yet? Are Saint Lord Benlei and other adults...really still alive?

"The whole army obeys the order..." At the front of the formation, a Yin Zun with a bloody face raised a big flag: "Come out..."

Before the word "hit" is shouted out, the sky is blooming!

Magnificent rays of light were projected from the clouds, and all the desperate eyes that looked upon death were stunned, and then they looked desperately towards the sky.

"This is..." A female Yin Lord stretched out her hand tremblingly: "Rain... rain?! Rain!!!"

Her voice was hoarse and sharp, and everyone was stunned, but the next second, they all shouted excitedly. Even if there are mountains of corpses and seas of blood around, rivers of blood can't stop this hope of seeing the light of day!

"The rain has lightened up? The rain has really lightened up!?" Several sages ignored the underworld rain in their bags, weakened their protective auras, and continued to catch the rain like crazy. Even though their whole bodies were bleeding and bleeding, they still laughed like crazy. : "The rain is going to stop... it's going to stop! Hahaha!"

boom! !

Before he could finish speaking, a spiritual pressure as powerful as heaven suddenly broke through the clouds and illuminated the earth.

Everyone, every one, their expressions of ecstasy suddenly distorted, and then... tens of thousands of people worshiped.

The moment I came into contact with this spiritual pressure, I had only one thought, which was to worship.

"Roar!!" The backs of all the ancient alien species tensed up at this second, and then, without any hesitation, they fell to the ground, trembling all over.

This is the power of God.

Beyond the majesty of heaven.

The God of Chaos shines upon the earth.

Above the zenith is the source of all light.

All the cultivators in all directions were stunned. Their minds were completely cleared and they were shocked beyond measure.

Xu Yangyi was not shocked, but used his photographic memory to experience this feeling. Meridians... muscles... bones... one by one, even every pore trembled. It was like a big river rushing in the body. And on his chest, a dazzling divine light was blooming. Brighter than the sun and the moon, more brilliant than the stars.

This light gathered into countless runes, along his meridians, spread to his right hand, and finally... formed a crystal-like, emerald green, supreme emerald green transparent crystal thorn!

"Long time no see." Xu Yangyi was very emotional. Even he felt choked at this moment.

The most difficult roulette.

The world of Queen Wa...

At this moment, there is finally a key to break it!

He held the crystal thorn with his backhand. At the moment of holding it, the sighs of the gods rang in everyone's ears. There was wind, singing, and the call of all spirits, as if they were intoxicated in Valhalla, the abode of the gods.

This is... the legacy of Chaos.

The thorn of chaos!

The treasure of Yahweh that once killed the gods in the void pyramid!

As he held it, a spiritual power that did not belong to him rushed into his body, just like the one that struck the crack of the Tianchi on the Yan Guilai that day. There was no sign, no reason. At this moment, the gods took over the mortal body.

"My... God..." Tu Su Fangrong looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment, Kakakaka! In all directions, the fragments of the collapsed world that were flying like snow were actually held by countless elves at this moment, floating piece by piece, flying backwards, like fireflies surrounding this green light. The next second, countless lights burst out, covering the whole world in a green vortex.

It took ten full seconds for everyone to open their eyes. Then, he opened his eyes and mouth wide, watching the miraculous scene in front of him.


The world around Xu Yangyi was shimmering like a group of stars surrounding the moon, and the fragments turned into countless silver-white light spots, surrounding him with cheers and screams, and then... all the stars flashed together, rushing madly into his right hand. The terrifying aura filled the surrounding millions of miles, like a misty ribbon wrapped around his hand, the gorgeous scene was simply indescribable.

The light was radiant, the nebula was vast, and in these brilliant light bands like the aurora, billions of lives were fluctuating, and a supreme kingdom of God was unfolding in the void.

"What...what is this!? Daozu above...what did I see?! My God! Is this a miracle?! Even Du Bu can't do it?! Unimaginable...unbelievable!!"

Bao Xiang's eyes almost popped out, his lips were dry, and his Adam's apple moved several times before he said hoarsely: "Ah...Ah...Amitabha..."

Tu Su Fangrong took out a spiritual power statistics magic weapon like a wooden chicken, took a look, his body softened, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

"Kneel down...Kneel down!" He shouted like crazy: "This is a god...This is a true immortal coming to the world!"

Ding ding ding! The spiritual power statistics magic weapon screamed desperately, 5 billion, 10 billion! 15 billion! 20 billion...40 billion...50 billion!

In the end, it stopped at 67.2 billion, a number that couldn't even be counted.

"Dong...Dongdongdong..." All the monks knelt together, and the terrifying pressure had made them have no idea of ​​standing up at all.

This is a god...

This is a true immortal...They lowered their heads, not even daring to look, not daring to sweat, and were as silent as a cicada.

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and raised his hand. It had become a holy silver-white, as if countless stars were shining in it, and the specific appearance could not be seen at all, as if it was cast by light. And...this was not his own will, an extremely strong consciousness existed in this hand.

And it was aimed at the chain of order.

The rain was still pouring, but the voice of the Queen Wa had stopped at some point. The wind exploded, and a momentum of "I am the king of all heavens and worlds" arose spontaneously, and then this hand flicked lightly.

The chain of rules that they could not break was twisted wildly, and a black singularity vortex formed in the center of the chain of rules. With a clang, all the chains of rules were cut off.

Swish... Noah's Ark made a thunderous sound, and the thousands of chains of rules turned into countless butterflies flying at the moment of being cut off. The next second, its huge body shook slightly, and with a bang, it broke through the clouds and fell straight to the Yellow Spring Sea below.

At the same time, countless people and creatures in this primitive land, different and the same five primitive lands, suddenly raised their heads and looked around.

"This is..." In the same primitive plane, Liu Mianfeng looked around in shock. Just a moment ago, a kind of pressure that did not belong to this world at all, like thunder, crushed the void.

"Candidate Benlei, break the plane barrier, break through the first level, and punish the world with divine punishment."

"The primitive plane belonging to the Three Sects Alliance will be closed in ten seconds. Those who cut off the chain of rules will be rewarded with an enlightenment fruit."

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