
Chapter 1530: Return to the old place (Part 2)

What is the most lacking in the most difficult world-destroying myth?

It is time!

It truly verifies the truth that time is life. The number of days of survival in each round is calculated in "days", and here there is a full day extra! It allows them to consider the next move! This is too precious for the roulette of life and death that races against time!

Fortunately, no one except him realizes this now. And he came here to think more.

For example... after a preliminary understanding of this game, how to untie this impossible knot-promote Taixu under the Wahuang Tiandao, and leave here after getting Zhao Ziqi's soul.

After taking several deep breaths, he closed his eyes and sat, and the elixir turned into a hot stream rolling into his throat and dispersing the meridians. He discovered another use of the godhood, the Desire Talisman, which can put himself in the desired state anytime and anywhere, worthy of being the Lord of Desire.

However, the first thing he did was not to meditate, but to look inward at his body immediately.

The first level caused too much damage. Unlimited use of the Guangyao Talisman seemed to be nothing, but in fact it was overdrawing his body. In addition to the burning of his life span, he expected that his body was on the verge of collapse. However, he did not expect that it would be shocking at first glance!

There were "loans" after overdrawing everywhere, and the meridians were only a little bit away from breaking, and the muscles were torn. He did not dare to cancel the Desire Talisman now, for fear that he would faint from the pain just after canceling it.

"Damn it..." He cursed with a bitter smile. He had tried his best to control it, but it was still the same. This serious injury, even if he tried his best to recuperate, would not be able to recover for more than a week, and this was the case when he brought countless A-level treasures to the Three Sects Alliance.

"I don't know the exact effect of the Enlightenment Fruit, and it can't make up for my loss..." He sighed, mobilized the Desire Talisman, restrained his smile, and suddenly his mind was clear, his spirit was empty,

Instantly entered a state of meditation, and dared not use the Guangyao Talisman again. Just as he began to meditate, he suddenly opened his eyes and touched the storage ring with surprise.

A book-shaped token appeared in the void, with a triangular eye on it, emitting a deep purple light. It flickered, as if calling.

"This is..." He took a deep breath: "The Sanctuary of True Knowledge!"

The storage ring separated the heaven and earth, and he didn't know how long the token had been flashing, but he didn't even notice it. As it was released, the spiritual energy flowed, and in an instant, a wave of purple light shot out from the eye atlas, covering a radius of 5,000 meters. These purple lights were like pens, quickly carving something in the space.

Those were the runes of the ultra-long-distance space transmission array.

The last reinforcements of the Three Sects Alliance, the Sanctuary of True Knowledge under the command of the God of True Knowledge Farakon, led the most elite judges, and were about to come!

Boom! As all the runes were carved, the entire void shook violently. The next second, hundreds of figures, with powerful spiritual power and a paranoid killing intent, appeared in the array like mercury pouring out of the ground.

Swish, swish, swish! The wind blew down, and the stars fell like rain. All the figures went from hazy to illusory, and from illusory to real. Ten minutes later, a full eight thousand figures suddenly appeared on the scene.

Each of them was wearing a white cloak, and their spiritual power felt like they were at the peak of the Nascent Soul, but Xu Yangyi's consciousness could not see their true appearance below. The cloak was embroidered with exquisite floating clouds and gold edges, and a triangular eye-shaped emblem on the chest proved their identity. Books in the left hand and sickles in the right hand, eight thousand people were as flexible as their arms. This kind of ultra-long-distance transmission did not shake their bodies at all, and no one groaned.

This is the horror of faith.

Even the imperial guards of the ten thousand-year-old family could not do this.

This is a strong army that has fought a hundred battles!

Xu Yangyi's eyes were like fire, and his breathing became rapid. He didn't know how strong the others were in the first stage, but he should have suffered less losses. And now with this army joining... Even if he faced the Ten Thousand Snakes Palace, the strongest of the five major forces, he dared to attack head-on!

In a moment, all eight thousand people gathered. With the same action, he raised his head gently. Two purple lights suddenly appeared in the depths of the cloak, like the eyes of the god of death. The bronze iron face below was faintly visible. Then, the five thousand people turned around without even looking at Xu Yangyi, and aimed at the center of the magic circle, lifted their white robes and knelt down in unison.

Boom! !

Four beams of light gushed out of the sky, and ninety-nine layers of circular runes connected the sky and the earth. Then, four figures appeared in it accompanied by brilliant white light.

"Ah... Yi. Ferres." Alpha was the first to walk out. He had a fanatical smile on his face, and even sniffed like a dog. His body trembled nervously, hugged himself with both hands, and moaned: "I smell it... I smell it!"

"The breath of Yahweh... the rich breath of Yahweh! Yi, you really led us to an extremely wonderful place!"

"Stop talking nonsense, Alpha." Before the voice fell, a plain female voice sounded. However, no matter how plain it was, it could not hide the trembling in her words, which was a precursor to excitement.

Click... A tall woman came out. She was not pretty, a typical white woman, with a perfect face of an elf. However, she was wearing a black armor with countless bloodstains on it. Some places were a little torn. She held a flail in her left hand and a huge shield in her right hand. She was just like a female warrior from a myth.

"Great Sage, Cassiothea of ​​Slaughter. It's nice to meet you, friend of the True Seer, Yi. Ferrus."

"Are you teaching my apprentice a lesson?" Before she could finish speaking, an old voice sounded. Miravo, the star-singing star, walked out of the teleportation circle with spider-like steps and took a deep look at the killer: "No matter what It's your business, don't mess with me, idiot."

The word "idiot" is the most intolerable to those who have true knowledge. Cassia Oseya's golden pupils narrowed, and a very powerful spiritual power, at least 200 million... no, even very close to Xu Yangyi's, spurted out of her body. It's strange, the intertwining of purity and sin is indescribable.

"Want to duel? I'm not dead." She gently raised the flail, but before she could finish speaking, a majestic voice rang through the sky: "Okay."

The two of them looked at each other. This time, a distinctive figure appeared among them with its wings spread out.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, and he doubted his own eyes.


Dragon of the West.

Not a dragon, but a pure dragon, an old dragon.

It has a white beard on its chin, which is even braided. There is no robe on it, but there is a golden eye mark between its eyebrows. The difference is that there are three open hands around this mark.

"I have seen the great apostle of true knowledge, the sage of 'Eternal Nivia'."

"Don't argue. We are here to find true knowledge. Our enemies are not each other, but the devils on the road ahead." Old Dragon Nivia's voice was very calm, and he smiled and touched the heads of the two of them. As for Alpha, the other party Turn a blind eye.

Xu Yangyi did not speak. He did not believe that there were any good men and women among the true knowers. The calmer he was, the more terrifying the explosion was. This dragon... is probably the biggest psycho here.

However, only paranoia can reach the top. Isn't this another way of practice?

What really caught his attention was the dragon's spiritual power.

Very strong, even...more than him!

Three hundred million, and the quality is different!

"Taixu?" He tried to ask: "The land of three colors?"

"You actually know the dragon clan's home planet?" Old Long was slightly surprised, but immediately relieved: "But after reading the Hongmeng Contract Book, it's not surprising to know this... It's really enviable... I have spent such a long time. Didn’t get a glimpse of his real face.”

The two words "I" answered his question very cleverly.

Xu Yangyi smiled.

Strong support.

Real support!

Miravo, the Starsinger, is so hypocritical. The killer Cassio Seya is too hypocritical. And Eternal Nivia is the real Taixu! I don’t know what method was used to suppress the realm to get here.

Sure enough, he is the biggest lunatic... He knows clearly in his heart that if he is not crazy, who dares to explore the forbidden area of ​​​​the gods with the dignity of Taixu? You must know that there are only a handful of Taixu in the world who cannot stand alone, and that is the supreme being in one world.

"Are you satisfied with the sincerity of the true knower?" Nivia was not big, about three or four meters tall. He walked slowly in front of Xu Yangyi and said with a smile: "Nascent Soul Dzogchen is a backbone in countless worlds. It is impossible for a saint to go to the front lines in person, and our condemners are the ones who punish true criminals in countless universes all year round."

"They never back down from fighting. They have no worries about arrangements. They are the strongest and best warriors in the entire plane."

Xu Yangyi nodded deeply and licked his lips: "Very good, but now I hope to communicate with you more here."

He pointed to his temple and his eyes deepened: "Miravo once said that you couldn't find a way to break it. Now that it appears, does it mean that you have a way?"

"Of course." Old Long said meaningfully: "The true knower never fights an uncertain battle. And to be honest, we already know almost everything about this god. We arrived so late, and we have collected all the information about her. information."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows. Emperor Wa's name, the true name of a Yahweh, should be very unfamiliar to them. How do they know?

As if seeing his doubts, Nivia smiled faintly: "Actually, there is a gift that we want to give to you first. This is also what the nobles of the distant Tiragandis asked me to bring."

It stretched out its triangular nails and drew a rune in the void. The space suddenly became distorted, and a void vortex slowly appeared. Then, Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly shrank.

An ancient long sword appeared, and he personally touched every part of the sword. Over the long years, it has accompanied itself through crisis after crisis. I didn’t expect to see each other in advance!

Fish intestines!

Grabbing the long sword, an impulse surged into his heart. The dragon met the clouds and the tiger met the wind. While laughing loudly, he flicked the sword and rose up from the ground, sweeping the wasteland with the light of the sword in the void!

Boom! Half-moon-shaped streams of light cut through the void, and Yu Guang let out a leisurely laugh and sighed: "It has been so long, but your temper has not changed at all."

"Isn't that why you chose me?" Xu Yangyi sheathed his sword suddenly, with a demeanor comparable to that of a master, and rubbed the sword affectionately, his voice trembling slightly: "Senior, long time no see."

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