
Chapter 1531: Lonely as Snow

On the ground, Nivia's pupils shrank slightly, and he asked casually: "Spiritual power count, how many spirits did he burst out just now?"

"Two hundred and eighty-seven million, sir." Cassiosiya answered respectfully.

Nivia touched his beard and nodded: "Very good, maybe... he can really realize the escape plan we tailored for him, and become an unprecedented creature that can escape from the hands of two Yahwehs, one of whom is Yahweh, known as the oldest demon."

"Without strong strength, everything is a tree without roots and water without a source."

It glanced at the two people: "After all, I don't want the Sanctuary of True Knowledge to expose a scandal like the death of the great sage due to failure to complete the contract...Milavo, you are too careless."

The old Miravo smiled and bowed, not daring to talk back.

After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi landed on the ground and carefully carried Yuchang on his back. Nivia raised his scaly fingers, and immediately, all the convicts respectfully retreated to a distance of 10,000 meters and stood guard.

"I can feel that the flow of time here is abnormal." Miravo hunched his back and looked around deeply. His cane moved in the void little by little, bringing countless silver-white brilliance: "Such a strong power of time and space... Is this a Yahweh's barrier?"

"This Yahweh's strength is even higher than Lord Farakon... and much higher." When it comes to business, all the true seers have completely different attitudes and all of them are solemn. Cassiosiya stood up, waved his hand to draw a dozen complicated marks, and quickly analyzed it with the void as the plane.

"This is within our expectations." Nivia was not panicked. He twisted his beard and said hoarsely: "Yahweh, who can make one of the seven most ancient demons come in person, must have had a pivotal position in the past. Otherwise, a 'God's Messenger' is enough to make most Yahweh give it a face."

Xu Yangyi looked at their actions calmly. This is what he likes most about the true seers. They never slack off on secrets and can dig deeper than himself.

They are the best teachers and the sharpest blades.

Ten minutes later, Cassiosya turned around and said, "The time flow here has been vacated for one day. And it has a regular cycle, a very sophisticated method."

Alpha was recording like a student. Countless formulas were written on the parchment in his hand, which was one meter long.

"Smart, you came here specially for an extra day? Yi, it seems that your time is very tight. No need to be polite, let's talk about the situation here first. Then, we will tell you what to do." Nivia said.

Xu Yangyi nodded, and it took him a full half an hour to explain everything clearly. During this time, there was only the rustling sound of Alpha's pen and ink. The expressions of others became more and more solemn.

Half an hour later, Nivia took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "It's worse than I thought... Fortunately, there is this extra day."

It fell silent, as if organizing words. Xu Yangyi did not interrupt. He himself had no way to deal with this terrible predicament. The True Seer and the other Yahweh behind them were his last hope.

The difficulty is not in the level, but in the end, when Mammon comes in person and Wahuang wakes up... not accepting the other party's Tiandao to be promoted to the real Taixu, and getting Zhao Ziqi's soul.

This is simply an impossible task!

Ten minutes later, Nivia raised his head in his expectant eyes, and his hands quickly pinched the seal, and then a green light exploded. Like the rising sun.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes. With the contract of Farakon, he was not worried that these people would betray him. After opening his eyes, he suddenly found that he was in a gorgeous hall.

This is a stone hall, not too big, about 20 meters in radius, with the relief of elves and world trees above the head, the dragon statues around, the red soft carpet under the feet, and a huge crystal chandelier. All of them show the luxury here. And he is actually sitting on a ten-meter-sized stone table at this moment.

The stone table is hexagonal, meticulously carved, and can be called a work of art. He and the four true knowers are sitting on the four sides of the stone table. There was even a pot of spiritual tea in front of each person, with smoke and clouds.

"I don't think it's time for a tea party now." Xu Yangyi said calmly.

"Of course not. This is just a little kindness from the sages. The eight-ring magic 'Prisoner of Silence.' is a magic that only the true knower can cast." Miravo picked up the teacup and said hoarsely: "It's not your body that came here, but your consciousness. Every place here is under the surveillance of Yahweh. If you want to have a safe conversation, you can only have a place like this."

"Allow me to praise you again for choosing this day very wisely. When fighting with Yahweh, every second must be calculated to the extreme." Nivia sipped the tea comfortably, his expression solemn: "Then... let's get started."

He snapped his fingers, and a thick stack of papers flew out of the Alpha storage ring, each of which was engraved with the eyes of true knower. It placed the first few sheets in front of Xu Yangyi solemnly, stood up and said: "This... is the plan we made for you."

"But before executing it, you must know why you do this. The first point is... first of all, you must be clear about what Yahweh is. What is their mentality."

Its finger was placed on the paper, and did not let Xu Yangyi look at it immediately, but continued: "Yahweh... transcends the rules, creates the rules, and is the spokesperson for the great will of the universe. Their lives are extremely long, and even have no end. The form of existence is not limited to the flesh and the race. It is the top of all cultivation methods. Whether it is magic, physical skills, or spiritual energy, or magic energy, in the end, they all end up in the same place."

"In other words, they are living creatures, creatures that have been honed by millions of years to become extremely intelligent. Therefore, they also have seven emotions and six desires."

"And all Yahwehs have a common enemy." It raised a finger and said word by word: "Loneliness."

Xu Yangyi thoughtfully said: "As far as I know, Yawei is very lonely. I also have doubts. They have countless planes under their control. They can take care of several planes and guarantee that they will not be bored. Why does this mood appear?"

"You are wrong." This time Cassio Seya denied him, shook his head and said: "To Yahweh... we are all ants. They have already stood at the top of the entire universe. They are 'human beings,' do you think, How long will 'people' observe ants?"

Xu Yangyi suddenly realized.

Observing ants is just a hobby, not a serious matter. There is nothing serious about Yahweh, and people can only "talk" to people. Of course, they will be as lonely as snow for a long time.

"It's not that there is no Yahweh who handles things for mankind. On the contrary, many new Yahwehs are happy to do so. Spreading glory on countless planes and letting its name resound throughout the heavens and worlds. However... the era of living things is of great significance to It is still too short. It is only a few hundred thousand years old. According to records, each of the oldest Yahwehs lived for hundreds of millions of years.”

Nivea waved his hand and the teapot flew up by itself, filled it for Xu Yangyi, looked directly into his eyes and said: "And in the long loneliness, even Yahweh will have a mental breakdown. Do you think that a person doesn't care about anything anymore and just wants to Seeking attention and not being lonely, what will he... do?”

Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly shrank.

Very simple...

Either perish or go crazy!

There are too many examples of this on the earth. Some autistic people have not adjusted and openly shoot other people. Why?

Maybe for nothing, just for that moment of attention. This is just a dozen or even decades of loneliness, but for a creature like Yahweh who lives forever in a prison of loneliness, this feeling... just thinking about it makes his hair stand on end.

"You seem to have thought of it." Miravo's expression was extremely solemn: "For your mission this time, we specially asked Lord Farrakon for instructions. According to him, a long time ago... about the time when the first generation of Yahweh came into being. Thousands of years later, Yahweh was finally driven crazy by loneliness and began... to kill."

An electric current passed through Xu Yangyi's back. These four words were very simple, but they made him happy that Haotian and Kaos were so awake.

A Yahweh goes on a killing spree... It's not as simple as killing tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people...

That was...the genocide of the race, the collapse of the galaxy belt.

Perhaps...only in blood and fire can he find the meaning of his existence and recall the years of hard work when he was small.

Prove one's "existence" in another way.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Nivia's scales stood up, and she spoke with rapid breathing: "So... there is an unwritten rule among Yahweh."

"The prison of will." The three great sages spoke word by word. Even if I say these four words, I feel out of place.

Xu Yangyi looked at the three of them in astonishment. He actually...heard the thumping sound of the other person's violently beating heart.

As soon as he moved his mouth, Nivia made a hissing sound, cold sweat broke out from under his scales, and said hoarsely: "Stop talking, listen carefully..."

"Every word that follows is related to your life and death. This is also calculated by hundreds of great sages at a huge cost after we signed your fatal contract... The only one, you Ways to survive!"

"In order to deal with that contract, we mobilized all the great sages, 732 in total, and searched for 34,680 true knowledge libraries. We mobilized 4.27 million true knowledge scholars. , it took a month to find the only way." Miravo also said harshly: "Damn it... I swear, this is the fifth major move since the establishment of the Sanctuary of True Knowledge! Yahweh! You should be so damn honored!”

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly and he nodded solemnly.

These numbers are enough to prove how difficult the answer is, and the true knower, who claims to be omniscient and omnipotent, has fully mobilized and even contacted a real, living Yahweh to listen to the other party's oracle.

This is no longer Mammon and Emperor's like a fight between three Yahwehs in the air!

Nivia took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Any Yahweh, when he is about to go crazy, will ask the first Yahweh for instructions. Don't ask me what this is. Even Lord Farakon didn't say it, but we infer that, All the first Yahwehs formed a union.”

"This Yahweh who feels that he cannot resist his inner demon will hope that the first generation of Yahweh can... seal it!"

"Create a dream for him, a long dream, an interesting dream. Until... it survives this mental tribulation and wakes up on its own initiative. Yahweh's life has been alternating between being sealed and awake."

He paused and spoke complicatedly: "Endless life is also endless sorrow."

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