
Chapter 1532: Prison of Will

Xu Yangyi took a sip of tea, and the slightly bitter tea stirred his heart even more complicated. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Relativity, the double-edged sword of the universe, has never spared any creature.

Putting aside these complicated emotions, he knew that the other party said it so clearly, just to let him remember and understand it completely, and he must not swallow it whole at this time. He thought about it and said solemnly: "So... is the Queen Wa in this dream now?"

"Not only that." Suddenly, an abrupt voice sounded, and Yuchang's spirit suddenly flew out. It turned out to be a young form, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, handsome and unrestrained, but it was a pity that it was a spirit.

He looked at Xu Yangyi and said deeply: "I told them everything about Queen Wa. And... we came to a very scary conclusion."

"Queen Wa... I'm afraid she's going crazy."

"It took the initiative to ask the first generation of Yahweh to imprison it. This first generation is probably Haotian or Chaos. And what's more terrifying..." He looked around, his voice trembling: "It's very likely... the seven realms are all fake."

"What?!" Xu Yangyi stood up suddenly. No matter how well prepared he was, he couldn't accept this shock. He looked around in shock: "The Seven Realms... are fake? Dreams? This is impossible!"

"Don't worry." Nivia pressed his shoulder: "It has not been confirmed yet. The most suspicious point is that any Yahweh has a domain. What is the domain of Queen Nuwa?"

"You may not want to hear it, but Lord Faracon has a guess." It took a deep breath and said: "What if... a god's domain is creation?"

"Do you know the trick of Eternal Night? This is a supreme magical power, which is close to the unique skills of the first generation of Yahweh. However, Eternal Night was created by this Yahweh known as Queen Nuwa. What if... her own domain is 'creation'?"

Xu Yangyi's heart was cold.

It's not impossible...

Nuwa created humans... this is the greatest creation. But... he felt it was too unscientific. The Seven Realms... were just a dream?

"I said, this is a guess. But this guess comes from Yahweh." Miravo also looked around and sighed: "Lord Farakon also used the word "one in a million". For the God of True Knowledge, this is absolutely rare. It means that even he doesn't believe it."

"Back to the topic." Nivia snapped his fingers to focus everyone's attention: "The first thing we did was to confirm that the Queen Nuwa was on the verge of madness, and to find other Yahwehs to lock herself in the prison of will. Regardless of whether the seven realms are dreams, it is undeniable that the Queen Nuwa is sleeping in a dream."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. Indeed, the Yuanshen living in the bridge between heaven and earth is the best evidence.

It grinded its white teeth, and its pupils turned into a black dot: "Since it is a dream, it can be awakened..."

Wake up the Queen Nuwa?

"Looking for death?" Xu Yangyi frowned deeply: "If it is such a stupid idea, there is no need to say it."

"It is because she is sleeping and Mammon cannot enter her world that the situation of Yahweh, which is actually Taixu, will appear. But you dare to wake it up..." He took a sip of tea: "Then, everyone is done."

"No!" Unexpectedly, the three true knowers spoke in unison: "On the contrary! The moment she wakes up, it is time for you to take action!"

Nivia waved his hand, and all the papers flew in front of him, converging into a shining light curtain. There were no words on it, but countless twisting pictures.

Xu Yangyi and Yuchang looked carefully. Above the light curtain was a deep universe with shining stars. But in the center of the universe, there was a ball of aura like fire. Its brilliance surpassed all the stars, and these flames outlined a huge brain. I'm afraid... it is light years huge!

Even across the light curtain, you can feel the huge aura that makes people feel creepy. Xu Yangyi's hair stood up, and Yuchang took a breath of cold air: "Ya... Wei?"

"It's Lord Farakon, the God of True Knowledge." Miravo replied respectfully: "Look carefully, every bit... Don't miss a single bit. This is the scene of Lord Farakon entering the first prison of will, and our turning point lies in it!"

No one spoke, only the sound of burning breathing. As far as the eye could see, the light image of the brain was absorbing rapidly, and circles of golden energy gushed out from it, like the center of the universe. Then...

The universe dimmed.

The stars flickered one by one, whether they were burning stars or refracting planets...As the light spread, it was like the city called "universe" had a power outage, returning to darkness bit by bit, layer by layer, very rhythmically.

Swish... I don't know how long it took, the entire universe entered the purest darkness, and then, the brain emitted the last piece of golden light and quietly sank into the abyss.

Xu Yangyi stared at the screen and suddenly asked, "How big is the divine body?"

The three true seers looked over at the same time, with an extremely admiring look in their eyes. Alpha smiled and said, "My lords, I have said long ago that he is the most perceptive existence I have ever seen among the non-true seers. It seems that he has understood the trick."

Nivea did not respond to Alpha's words, but said to Xu Yangyi, "Any Yahweh has an extremely large divine body. The larger the divine body, the stronger the divine energy stored. Lord Farakon's real body is 0.32735 light years. Since Lord Wahuang is so much stronger than him, then it must be at least more than 0.5 light years."

"Do you really understand?" Cassiosya didn't believe it at all. Only they knew. This picture was the "key" given to them by Faracon. When they prayed to the oracle, they hoped to crack it, and these pictures were sent. However... it was these pictures that hundreds of great sages studied for three whole days before they understood the key.

Xu Yangyi nodded. Under the Guangyao Talisman, there was almost no dead angle in thinking, unless this person was mentally retarded.

"You... tell me?" Miravo also looked at the other party in shock.

Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "Time difference."

Damn it!

The three true seers gritted their teeth together. As expected, as great sages and spokespersons of God, they actually felt a sense of being compared.

Being compared by someone who is not a true seer! This is simply... They don't want to believe it.

The three of them looked at each other, and Nivia moved his lips, twisting his beard and speaking awkwardly: "Yes, this is the only chance you can do it."

"The transmission of force has a speed. The advantage of Yahweh's huge body is that it is impossible to be fatally injured. Even if the heart is placed in front of the opponent, a plane may not be able to catch up with the opponent's regeneration speed even if it is bombarded for decades. But the disadvantage is... speed."

"They don't have exquisite little spells, and any magical power is the existence of destroying galaxies. Because their smallest magical power requires more than half an hour to pinch the seal. Imagine that a body that is light years big, from the brain issuing commands to the fingers running, even if it exceeds the speed of light, the time is unimaginable. However, no creature other than Yahweh can cause damage to the time Yahweh pinches the seal."

Its voice Yin was already excited: "That's why most of the Yawes walk the world in their incarnations. After all, their real bodies are too huge, and even the galaxy storms caused by their divine bodies walking in the universe are enough to destroy a civilization. The most important thing is that during the period when they just woke up, there will be a window period for the rules here!"

Milavo said hoarsely: "This is like the main brain of the technological plane, which has been using its will to regularly maintain the operation of the world..."

"Suppose." Nivia said with a twinkling eye: "Suppose, an unknown variable appears in the smooth operation of this main brain. It causes the main brain to be paralyzed, and the Queen Wa is suddenly awakened, then. There will be a precious "restart" time. What you have to do..."

"Suddenly" awakened?

Xu Yangyi remembered this point, which may be the key point of this sentence. However, he did not think deeply about it. Since the true knower dared to come, he must have taken everything into consideration. He only needs to steer this plan.

He spoke in a deep voice: "What I have to do... is to take Zi Qi's soul from Mammon when Queen Wa wakes up. You all activate the teleportation array at the same time, and send everyone away at the right time!"

So that's it!

As soon as the words fell, Yu Chang's eyes flashed. He secretly admired him in his heart.

Drawing the sword against the god... and it is the legendary mother of mankind, an ancient god that can be touched with one's own hands, just thinking about it makes people crazy!

Moreover, these people not only thought about it, but also put it into action, and even found a seemingly feasible method!

"It's feasible!" He gritted his teeth, his eyes burning: "At that time, we will only face Mammon! And Mammon dare not come to the world of Wahuang in real body! It... is only in the realm of Taixu!"

As long as it is Taixu, the old dragon in front of him...

"What did you do wrong?" As soon as Yuchang's eyes fell on Nivia, the other party's voice became cold: "Don't expect me to face a monster known as the 'oldest'... Its strength is at least more than twice that of Wahuang! I don't doubt it at all!"

Xu Yangyi shook his head at Yuchang. The true knower will definitely not face Mammon directly. They are crazy, not fools.

Now is not the time to consider Mammon. Compared with awakening Wahuang, Mammon's incarnation, and the Sun Wolf Pigfelt are simply scabies. The most important thing now is to clear out this idea like digging fossils, clean it up, and turn it from an idea into reality.

"First question, how long do you think it will take for Queen Nuwa to wake up?"

"Not sure. First of all, we need to know how long she has been asleep. The longer she sleeps, the longer she will take to wake up. This is not just a matter of nerve conduction, but also a matter of willpower."

Xu Yangyi answered affirmatively: "More than 100,000 years, within 150,000 years."

"Such a short time?" Milavo frowned deeply, and countless runes flashed in the eyes of the three people. After a few seconds, they all said: "Within 11 to 13 minutes. She must be fully awake!"

That is to say... within eleven minutes, Zhao Ziqi's soul must be obtained from the hands of the Sun Wolf?

A crazy idea arose in Xu Yangyi's mind. His lifespan has not reached the limit. If... it burns to the critical point again...

The last time he burned with all his strength, he now... has only three years left to live. What if he only has ten days left for himself?

He picked up the teacup and thought: "Then, the most critical question is here."

"How to wake up Queen Nuwa 'suddenly'?"

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