
Main text Chapter 154: Jindan takes action (end)

"Boom boom boom!" Countless weapons, under the illumination of the golden light circle, were all turned into powder. ☆→, However, when the golden light circle disappeared, the scene... those originally shattered shadows actually merged into a huge shadow dragon!

"Roar!!!" The dragon's mouth was facing Master Fuyun, and with this roar, the whole scene seemed to be swept by a tornado! Everything was in chaos!

"Daoyou..." Master Fuyun's voice was as cold as ice, staring at Master Gusong's figure: "Today, are you going to stand up for this ant?"

Master Gusong sneered: "You attacked my partner agent, why can't I attack you?"

"Hahaha!" After a few seconds, Fuyun's voice laughed up to the sky, but the laughter stopped abruptly.

"Partner?" Fuyun's voice was filled with endless hatred: "You said... Xu Xiaoyou is your partner?"

"Partner agent." Gusong Zhenren bowed slightly to the four directions: "Dear Taoist friends, the alchemist has cooperated with Yulin Guard. Xu Xiaoyou is responsible for all matters related to the alchemist. Sixty-fourths of the bill."

So that's it!

Fuyun Zhenren's old eyes suddenly opened, but then quietly closed, shaking slightly.

He had guessed that Xu Yangyi made a big promise to Gusong Laogui. But now, he found that he had obviously underestimated the other party! The other party's promise was beyond his imagination! He actually threw out the agent of Dandao directly! Yulin Guard is the agent!

Yes... He clenched his wrinkled fists lightly. Only such a huge benefit could make Gusong Laogui not give him face in person!

Those who achieve great things are not particular about trivial matters. In order to ensure stability and safety. Xu Yangyi only let Chu Zhaonan take two words.


Just these two words made Gu Song stand here today, ensuring absolute safety. Not only did he dispel the spirits with one hand, but he also attacked brazenly and fought with Master Fuyun.

The sword of Damocles above Xu Yangyi's head was now full of cracks!

Master Gu Song also looked at Xu Yangyi deeply.

50-50, it's not worth him and Fuyun turning against each other.

Until just now, Xu Yangyi resolutely hinted to him six/four, and he received it with his heart.

Six/four, he could even imagine... when the first batch of pills came out, the rolling spirit stones! Yu Linwei can get rid of the current situation of being stretched to the limit in one fell swoop!

And he, as the ancestor of Yu Linwei, is bound to get the biggest piece of the pie!

Wealth, law, companions, and land, the four treasures of cultivation, wealth is the first! Without resources, what kind of business is there? What fate is there to go against?

For this six/four... Isn't it just for turning over?

In the black fog, he looked at Xu Yangyi again. 6/4, is this the bottom line of the alchemist? This kid, in this situation, was so determined to take out a 6/4 share. He must have sacrificed his own 10%. He would not take a penny, and would give Fuyun Laogui a heavy blow even if he lost profits.

"Talent... ruthless, bold, and accurate in grasping the timing..." He said softly in an inaudible voice, and then did not speak again.

Since you are so sincere, this real person will give you a ride!

"This real person solemnly declares..." He glanced at Fuyun Zhenren meaningfully, and then, looking at everyone present, he said word by word: "Anyone who attacks him is equivalent to provoking the entire Yulin Guard."

"And, this old man!"


At this moment, Xu Yangyi seemed to hear the sound of the sword above his head shattering!

Below, countless gasps came. A real person, in front of the other eleven real people, in front of all the first-class families in China, protects a cultivator! After the Sun is destroyed, there will be no one who will receive this kind of treatment!

Now, the second cultivator has appeared.

In the attic of Master Fuyun, his eyes suddenly widened, and then closed with a trace of pain.

Everything is connected. It must be Chu Tianyi's grandson, the traitor, who told the other party about the Black Killing Order. Then, the other party immediately chose to retreat for two years until he got this trump card and appeared again, and as soon as he appeared... he immediately joined forces with Gu Song Laogui! His own Black Killing Order is a joke!

The cultivator who received the Black Killing Order did not dare to offend himself, so how could he dare to offend another real person?

At first, he thought that he could crush the ant with his fingers, but Gu Song's words completely made the other party evolve to the final form!

The heart, which had not been for too long, seemed to be bitten by thousands of ants. The pain made the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes twitch.

"The mind is almost evil... It's impeccable... This time, this real person admits defeat! Next time..."

He suddenly stopped talking and did not continue.

Next time?

Next time... the other party has teamed up with Gusong Laogui! How could Gusong Laogui watch this kid get into trouble!

The other party... is the link of the alchemy!

The Yulin Guards, who have never been rich, caught this great god of wealth. Gusong Laogui... how could he bear to let the other party get into trouble!

"Bastard..." He finally cursed and breathed a sigh of relief.

Chess players play chess, and there is no regret after making a move. He has the upper hand and only waits for time to pass to kill the dragon, but he capsized in a place he didn't expect.

"Top-grade spirit stones... 10,000 pieces." Just when the scene was dead silent, Fuyun Zhenren finally spoke.

Below, everyone's eyes widened!

Fuyun Zhenren... admitted defeat?

In front of so many people, a Jindan Zhenren admitted defeat?

This... is compensation?

"Ancestor..." In the attic, several secretaries approached nervously: "We..."

"Get lost..." Fuyun Patriarch opened his eyes: "Now, stay away from me."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but left immediately.

The murderous aura... the murderous aura that soared into the sky, at this moment, almost became real in Fuyun Patriarch.

So many people were watching...

There were also more than a dozen Jindan Patriarchs...

But the person he wanted was unharmed, and the two Jindan Patriarchs turned against him!

"Daoyou Liang?" He turned to Liang Jiugong, suppressed the rage in his heart, and asked calmly.

"Hehehe..." Liang Jiugong smiled: "This real person only wants these three pills and a small promise from the alchemist. Why don't you take a palm from me, and we can talk about it together, how about it?"


Fuyun's Adam's apple was a little painful, the fist on his knee, the veins on the back of his hand bulged, and he said coldly: "The same 10,000 high-grade spirit stones, this matter will not be mentioned."

"Hehe..." The dry laughter of Juling Zhenren and Yue Zhenren came at the same time.

Everyone understood that Fuyun Patriarch had indeed attacked just now, but he didn't want to say the reason. He took a big step back and swallowed his anger in front of countless people. He was already warning everyone that if they continued to ask, don't blame me for turning against you on the spot!

No one wanted to really make enemies with a Jindan Patriarch. Everyone knew the principle of knowing when to stop. No one asked any more questions.

"Daoyou Juling, Daoyou Yue, it's a misunderstanding. Five thousand high-grade spirit stones. I don't want this small misunderstanding to affect everyone's friendship."

The two real people would naturally not refuse five thousand high-grade spirit stones for free. He hummed in a dispensable way.

Finally, he looked down, and after an unknown amount of time, he spoke dryly: "Xu Xiaoyou."

He wanted to slap the other person to death now!

Right in front of him... this bastard was right in front of him! As long as he stretched out a little finger, he could crush the other person to ashes!

But... no, can't, dare not!

Countless eyes were looking at him. Not only could he not catch anyone, but... he also had to make a statement to the other party in a disgusting way!

This statement was not for Xu Yangyi, but for Gu Song, Tian Zai, and all the younger generations below!

Otherwise... he couldn't bear the stigma of being a dictator. As a latecomer, his foundation was not rich, and the power of the sect was definitely not something that a Jindan ancestor could build.

Without power, would he have to beg for spiritual stones everywhere?

After taking several deep breaths, he gritted his teeth and said, "Five thousand high-grade spiritual stones."

After saying that, he didn't look at anyone anymore. Every glance made his old face a little hot. He said without emotion, "I have something important to do. Excuse me."

As soon as the voice fell, the attic emitted a misty white light and disappeared out of thin air!

Ran away?

Fuyun Patriarch ran away?

Attending the auction... didn't buy a single pill, but spent 40,000 high-grade spiritual stones! Then... left like flying?

Countless cultivators below were dumbfounded at this moment, and they simply couldn't believe what they saw.

Five Jindan took action, three Jindan fought, and in the end, it was Fuyun Zhenren who secretly attacked this little Qi training cultivator! And the old ancestor Gusong tried his best to protect the other party?

And... in the end, it was the old ancestor Jindan who made a forced apology to this little Qi training cultivator?

Sorry, the plot is too sci-fi, let me sort it out for three minutes.

The patriarchs of each first-class family and the people they brought with them all had flashing eyes, and in the invisible handover, they told tangible words, but now, no one dared to speak.

The older generation didn't say anything, but the younger generations who brought a few were as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood!

What is bull?

This is bull!

Let alone the old ancestor Jindan, the foundation-building cultivator beat their group of newcomers half to death, and they dared to say a word?

Dare not! But now, the young man who was silent on the side of the main stage was attacked by the old ancestor Jindan, but the result ended with the old ancestor Jindan apologizing!

"I can't even imagine it!" A newly promoted female cultivator's eyes sparkled: "From today on, he is my new idol! So handsome!"

"That's the Golden Core Patriarch..." A young man, with a face full of admiration, pulled his clan leader's clothes and said: "How did he do it?! He only said two or three sentences in total!"

"Learn from him..." The clan leader looked at Xu Yangyi with a fiery look in his eyes: "Don't think that only strength is everything. Just like a technique, even if you enter the foundation-building stage, the various magical powers It is not exquisite, and it is also a loss when it meets the same realm. "

"Not many words, but it hits the point, that is the icing on the cake!"

"What is the situation? A cultivator, no matter how talented he is, if he only knows how to practice hard behind closed doors, he will die." On the other side, an old man also said to the younger generation around him with emotion: "Knowing how to use every bit of your own strengths is called situation, one force can defeat ten skills, and four ounces can move a thousand pounds..."

"Chief, this big brother is four ounces to move a thousand pounds?" asked the cultivator next to him.

The chief smiled bitterly and shook his head: "No... He is one ounce to move ten thousand pounds."

"That... But the old ancestor Fuyun..." He looked deeply at the sky: "Remember, the big fist dominates everything, that's just a play... This situation is impossible in any world with normal development. "

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