
Main text Chapter 152: Jindan takes action (VI)

"Who." Tianzai Zhenren's voice sounded, with deep displeasure. Among Zhenren, in such an occasion, under the eyes of countless people, who can afford to lose face?

"Reply to fellow Taoists." Gusong Zhenren, who rarely spoke, slowly opened his mouth: "In order to ensure your safety, this Zhenren just protected the clan leaders and some important people just in case. This technique is called substitute shadow, which can save the other party from death once..."

"Daoist, you'death?'" Anxiang Patriarch's voice sounded without any emotion.

"Yes." Gusong Zhenren smiled and said: "It can only resist the magical power that will die, or will die in the future. However, this Zhenren did not manipulate it, and I have no idea where this attack came from."

Fuyun Zhenren secretly breathed a sigh of relief. But he found that he had not had cold sweat for decades.

Tightening and loosening... Gusong Zhenren warned him, and then said he didn't know. Sure enough, there was no need for him to turn against him.

But the next sentence made his eyes flash!

"But... the target of the attack is Xu Xiaoyou, why not ask him?" Gusong Zhenren said with a half-smile: "This Zhenren also wants to know, who attacked such an important person today? Why don't you want to see the alchemy path reappear?"

He has done his best to achieve this step. Benefits move people's hearts. What Xu Yangyi said to him that day really made him unable to accept it. He naturally knew who attacked, but Xu Yangyi couldn't know, so he just made up the story and let it go.

Fuyun Zhenren's eyes were extremely cold, and he squinted at Xu Yangyi. Suddenly, he found that he was a little... nervous in his heart?

Nervous? He confirmed it again, yes, nervous!

I... the Golden Core Master, actually felt nervous in a Qigong cultivator?

"He..." He opened his mouth and said something, and he felt his lips slightly dry: "He... discovered me?"

At the moment when the shadow snake attacked, he knew very well that Xu Yangyi saw it!

The attention of the people.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi was still elegant. He clasped his hands, and could almost feel the hundreds of spiritual consciousness on his body!

Facing everyone's gaze, he bowed respectfully as a Qi training cultivator: "It's Fuyun Ancestor."

Without the slightest hesitation.

Without the slightest concern!

"Swish, swish, swish!" The eyes of everyone in the audience were all focused on the attic of Fuyun Zhenren!

"Junior!!!" Fuyun's anger suddenly burst out from his heart! He never thought that he would be so angry at this moment!

How dare he! How dare he! !

How dare he ignore his Zhenren's power! How dare he ignore the black killing order on his body!

He... was sold out by a Qi training cultivator in front of all the golden elixirs in China!

"You are defiling my reputation! Who gave you the guts!"

"Boom!" In the sky, the clouds changed color. Above Xu Yangyi's head, an old bronze door suddenly appeared. The door split open at lightning speed, and a huge sword shining with terrifying spiritual energy immediately stabbed down!

If he didn't nail this man to death on the spot, it would be difficult to relieve his hatred! Today's humiliation!

No one dared to say anything about him, but that look made him feel more uncomfortable than being tortured to death!

"I...grant you a death!" In the attic, his eyes twitched slightly, and without hesitation, he pressed down with his veiny hands: "Spring and Autumn Law!!"

"Snap!!!" The sword was moving at a speed that people couldn't see clearly. On the ground, two shadow hands were also moving at a speed that people couldn't see clearly! They held the sword tightly.

"Muddy shadows are in love with each other.""Boom!" The attic of Gusong Zhenren opened with a bang, and an old man in a long robe, with a Taoist bun, holding a dustpan, stood in the middle of the field in just a blink of an eye.

"This is..." Below, countless people gasped.

That name was on the tip of their tongue, but they couldn't say it because they were too excited.

He was very old, with chicken skin and white hair. His eyebrows were almost a foot long, and his white beard reached his waist. He looked like an immortal, but no one dared to underestimate the terrifying spiritual pressure on his body!

Especially... his seven orifices, in his sleeves, black light flashed, like a shadow hell!

The real body of the golden elixir!

"Swish... swish... swish..." One person half-knelt on the ground, two people half-knelt on the ground... In an instant, all the people below half-knelt on the ground, and then shouted like thunder: "Meet the old ancestor Gusong!!!"

He is the King of the Northwest, the prisoner of light, and the real Gusong!

The sleeves of Gusong moved without wind, and he took a deep look at Xu Yangyi who seemed respectful.

"I don't know what others are like..." A gleam of brilliance flashed through his somewhat turbid eyes: "But you are definitely not kneeling willingly..."

"You even dare to sell out fellow Daoist Fuyun, I really don't know...what else are you afraid of!"

"When did such a brave and courageous younger generation appear in the Yulin Guards? How could I not know?"

These thoughts were hidden deep in his heart. He glanced at Xu Yangyi's figure again. He was so small, but he remembered it carefully in his heart. Just when he was about to turn his head, he suddenly saw that the other party's hand on the ground was using a very strange gesture.

Six fingers...

At the same time, the other party's lips moved silently, and his eyes looked at him very obscurely. Coincidentally, the two of them looked at each other.

"Six/four split?" At this moment, the black shadow suddenly surged in the seven orifices of Gusong Zhenren, and then, he suppressed all the emotions in his heart as if no one was around.

There was barely any hesitation, and even less need for consideration. He glanced at Fuyun coldly, such a high price... In this case, fellow Taoist Fuyun, I have wronged you today...

With a hard squeeze, the two shadow hands and the sharp sword collapsed.

"Fellow Taoist." Brother Fuyun's words already contained a strong warning: "What do you mean?"

Before Master Gu Song could speak, suddenly, Liang Jiugong's attic opened quietly!

A figure wearing the official uniform of the Qing Dynasty stepped lightly and came into the air. His whole body was enveloped in a layer of green fire, and his appearance could not be seen clearly.

"This is..." He stepped in the air as if he were stepping on tangible stairs, walked straight to Xu Yangyi who was kneeling on one knee, and gently picked up a jade bottle that Xu Yangyi had taken out at some point.

Inside, there are three Chen Dan!

"If you seniors don't believe it, you can check the traces of the technique. If there is such a magical power, it is derived from the ceiling." He said sincerely: "In order to thank the seniors for saving this junior's life, this junior is willing to give the gift from his friends. Three elixirs of submission for juniors.”

Liang Jiugong seemed to be stunned, and Xu Yangyi could feel a cold spiritual consciousness lingering on his body for a long time. After a moment, Master Liang laughed twice meaningfully: "If... I have a fight with that Ancestor Fuyun, can you give these three pieces to me?"

Everyone was stunned at this moment!

Two peaches kill three men!

Although different, they serve the same purpose!

Xu Yangyi lowered his head, his eyes filled with murderous intent!

He took out these three pills at this moment, and what he wanted was this effect!

Now, he can't move Patriarch Fuyun at all. However, just because he can't move, it doesn't mean that others can't move!

Everyone at the scene understood the meaning of this bottle of elixir. The Qi practitioner who was half-kneeling on the ground had an unruly heart under his respectful appearance. He wants to take revenge. However, what made everyone vomit blood was that Xu Yangyi said: "Maybe this junior has seen it wrong."

"Jie Jie Jie..." Liang Zhenren's laughter was like a night owl. A white bone Yaksha, more than ten meters tall, took shape in an instant behind him. He waved his hand back without looking at it: "That must be wrong."

"Boom!" A huge bone hand, filled with boundless death energy! It’s seven or eight meters in size! Solidify out of thin air! Take a real shot at Patriarch Fuyun’s attic! Even the void cracks several feet long were pulled out in the air!

"How dare you!!!" Ancestor Fuyun shouted angrily, his heart already bleeding!

It's so embarrassing...

Today, here, for the sake of a qi-training monk, an unknown Jindan Patriarch actually did something to him!

I was so high up there that I was bitten by a tiny ant and was in agony!

"Explode!" The anger hit his heart. Likewise, in front of his attic, an ancient bronze door opened, and a giant white aura hand suddenly clapped together with the giant white bone hand!

"Boom!" A circle of white-green ripples visible to the naked eye suddenly exploded!

Golden elixir monk, the second head-to-head confrontation!

All because of one person!

Tianzai, at this moment, also looked deeply at Xu Yangyi, but said nothing. He just waved his hand, and all the exploding spiritual power was isolated in the air.

"Presumptuous... Presumptuous!" Patriarch Fuyun's voice finally rose for the first time, and the anger in his heart was so humiliating that it could burn the sky! He said coldly: "Zhenren Liang, are you sure you want to fight with me just for the sake of this mere ant?"

The last syllable of this sentence suddenly rose in pitch, because, at the same time, the shadows all around, wherever there was light, and any shadow below, unknowingly gathered into countless weapons exuding black aura! All the sharp points are aimed at him!

The whole audience could hear a pin drop!

And the ancestor of Jindan took action against Master Fuyun!

"Gu Song!!" The anger was so intense that Master Fuyun didn't even shout out the honorific. He turned around in disbelief and looked at Master Gu Song, who was standing silently with his hands behind his back: "What are you doing!"

Eighty-two points...

Master Gu Song smiled slightly, his whole body shrouded in black mist, like a giant in the night. There was no answer, only the sound of spiritual stones beating in his chest, and he squeezed gently with his left hand: "Ten Thousand Shadows Heavenly Punishment."

"Swish, swish, swish!" Countless shadow weapons, swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes and hooks from all directions, with extremely harsh sounds, all rushed towards the floating cloud pavilion in the center!


"How dare you!!!" Master Fuyun's roar shocked the entire audience. Immediately afterwards, a huge golden Buddha statue with a height of more than 30 meters suddenly flashed outside his attic!

"This is...Fudo Myoto?" In the Black Mountain Master's room, the huge eye closed: "Old ghost Fuyun, was forced out of the real fire..."

"Fudo Myooh Curse..." Following Fuyun Zhenren's words, the time at the scene, including breathing and heartbeat, seemed to slow down, and all the weapons that were extremely fast just now slowed down for a beat.

In the attic, Patriarch Fuyun's eyes were a little red!

Just ants...just ants! !

How dare you provoke a fight between golden elixirs!

Why? Why would Honka target him?

However, he had no time to think about it. Outside the attic, the golden Buddha statue clasped its hands together, and countless golden haloes of light flew out from the place where the hands were clasped together like mercury pouring out!

It seemed like... where the hands were folded, there was a huge white hole, spraying stars desperately out!

"The Fudo Ming King's mantra destroys the six desires!!!"

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